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ARTICLES: Fill in the where necessary. 1) _____ Great Wall of China is said to be _____ only man-made structure seen from ____space. 2) _____ Princess of WaIes visited a shelter for _____ homeless yesterday. 3) _____ Quins are holding a ball in _____ Sherbrooke Castle Hotel on _____ fifth of June. 4) James went to _____ hospital to pick up his wife who is a surgeon there. 5) It's interesting to look at _____ old maps of _____ world and see how _____ borders have changed. 6) As soon as John got home from _____ school he went straight to _____ bed because he felt as if he had _____ flu. 7) Margaret Thatcher, who was _____ Prime Minister of _____ Great Britain for 12 years, is now known as _____ Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven. 8) In _____ office where I work _____ most people have a degree in _____ English, but my boss, who is _____ nicest person I've ever worked for, has a PhD _____ astronomy. 9) If you have _____ good weather, _____ summer in _____ Scotland is beautiful. _____ most people, however, prefer _____ guaranteed sunshine of _____ Mediterranean. 10) Many people enjoy _____ snowboarding and _____ hiking in _____ Alps and _____ Pyrenees. Fill in a / an or the where necessary. Dear Debbie, Thank you for 1) _____ letter you sent me. I've just returned home after spending 2) _____ fabulous few weeks in 3) _____ Paris. I was staying with 4) _____ friend I told you about - Pascal. Do you remember 5) _____ French boy I told you I met on holiday in 6) _____ Greece? He has 7) _____ wonderful flat with 8) _____ good view of 9) _____Eiffel Tower. Pascal borrowed his friend's car because I wasn't happy riding on 10) _____ back of his motorbike. It was 11) _____ amazing orange Citroen. He drove me around, me some 12) _____ places of interest, like 13) _____ Louvre, 14) _____ Pompidou Centre and 15) _____ Museum of Modern Art. I had 16) _____ really wonderful time there. Meeting lots of 17) _____ French and 18) _____ Italian friends Pascal has, and not being able to talk to them has made me anxious to start learning 19) _____ French Language. Hopefully, I'll be able to afford 20) _____ private tutor for 21) _____ French when I return home. Maybe I'll be able to take 22) _____ college night course in 23) _____ Italian at the start of term as well. l've invited Pascal and some of his friends to come over for 24) _____ holiday whenever they have 25) _____ time. You really have to meet them. Please phone me when you get this letter- we can arrange to spend 26) _____ afternoon in 27) _____ town if you like! Lots of love, Claire

GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES A) Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold. 1) Going swimming after eating is dangerous. (go) Its dangerous ________________________________________________________ . 2) Could you turn the volume up? (minD) Do _________________________________________________________________ ? 3) She prefers walking to riding a bicycle. (walk) Shed rather __________________________________________________________. 4) Kevin doesnt work as hard as he did in the past. (useD) Kevin ________________________________________________________________. 5) Why dont we have a party at the beginning of the term? said Emma. (suggesteD) Emma________________________________________________________________. B) Choose the best answer. 1) As Jane is new in the office, she doesn't know whom _____ , but she is anxious _____ amongst her new colleagues. A) trusted / being accepted B) to trust / to be accepted C) to be trusted / to accept D) being trusted / accepted 2) The doctor risked _____ with the virus as well when she refused _____ out of the hospital. A) being infected / to move B) having been infected / being moved C) to infect / moving D) to have infected / to be moved 3) Isabel heard Lawrence _____ the glass bottle, but he denies ______ it on the floor. A) smash / having thrown B) to have smashed / to have thrown C) smash / to throw D) having smashed / throwing 4) Caner didn't expect his suitcase _____ so thoroughly as he went through customs. A) being searched B) to have searched C) to be searched D) to be searching 5) _____ up to 80 pages a day, Georges Simenon succeeded _____ a great many books in his lifetime. A) Having written / published B) Without writing / being published C) Upon writing / for publishing D) By writing / in publishing 6) It is difficult for Asian countries _____ for the World Cup, as only four or five countries from the continent are allowed _____ part in it. A) to qualify / to take B) qualifying / to be taken C) to have qualified / to have taken D) being qualified / being taken 7) _____ in the principal's speech was a great honour for me, but I recall _____ at the time. A) To have been mentioned / having blushed B) To mention / to have blushed C) Having been mentioned / to blush D) Being mentioned / blushed 8) Zachary prefers _____ a pool _____ in the open sea, especially when the latter is slightly rough. A) to have used / swim B) using / to swimming C) use / having swum D) to use / to have swum

9) The motorbike you liked is likely _____ by the time you make up your mind, as that model seems _____ popular among motorbike lovers. A) to be sold / being B) being sold / to have been C) to sell / having been D) to have been sold / to be 10) Two Japanese sisters are accused of _____ billions of yen in cardboard boxes in order to avoid _____ tax. A) hiding / to pay B) having hidden / paying C) to be hidden / to be paid D) having been hidden / being paid 11) Brigit spent the whole of her summer holiday _____ specimens that she proceeded _____ when her university opened again. A) to collect / studying B) having collected / to be studied C) collecting / to study D) to be collected / having been studied 12) The boss had the report _____, as the word processor had failed _____the spelling the first time. A) retype / to be corrected B) retyped / to correct C) being retyped / having been corrected D) retyping / to have corrected 13) Nigel pretended _____ in a huge fight, but actually a young boy with a football had caused him _____ off of his bicycle. A) to be wounded / fallen B) being wounded / falling C) having wounded / to have fallen D) to have been wounded / to fall 14) As it is clearly suitable for securely _____ people, this cave is considered _____ at some point in its history. A) sheltering / to have been inhabited B) being sheltered / to be inhabited C) to be sheltered / being inhabited D) to shelter / to inhabit 15) Patrick was reluctant _____ with his girlfriend's name, but he had promised _____ his eternal love for her this way. A) to be tattooed / to express B) being tattooed / to be expressed C) to tattoo / expressing D) to have tattooed / to have expressed 16) Sandra advised me not _____ off the coach by his manner of speaking, as he was keen on _____ me for the team. A) being put / to have hired B) putting / having hired C) to put / to hire D) to be put / hiring 17) This job involves _____ a lot of people, so if you decide _____ it down, I'll understand. A) to meet / turning B) being met / to be turning C) meeting / to turn D) to meeting / to have been turned 18) This knife isn't sharp enough _____ as the murder weapon, so keep _____ the lake until you find another one. A) being used / to search B) having used / to be searching C) to use / being searched D) to be used / searching

19) The film was beginning _____ me when the electricity to the building was cut off . A) to have interested B) interesting C) having interested D) to interest 20) You seem _____very hard since the morning-how about _____ a drink on the porch for a break? A) to have been working / having B) having worked / to have C) working / to have had D) to be working / to be having 21) I was about _____ a new project when suddenly I was made _____ another project. A) starting / joined B) being started / join C) to start / to join D) to be starting / having joined 22) In golf, _____ a hole in one is extremely difficult, but an 11-year-old American boy managed _____ one on just his third ever game. A) to get / hitting B) getting / to hit C) got / having hit D) having got / being hit 23) Owing to falling house prices in certain countries, this is a bad time _____ a house on the market in those places. A) putting B) put C) to be put D) to put 24) My worst fear is _____ alone in a locked room full of spiders, as I'm terrified of _____ by them. A) to be left / being touched B) leaving / to be touched C) to leave / touching D) left / having been touched 25) Owen is very fortunate not _____ out of the university for what he did. A) to throw B) having thrown C) to have been thrown D) being thrown 26) Esther is forbidden _____ the new family car, even though it was her brother who was responsible _____ the old one. A) being driven / being crashed B) from driving / with crashing C) for driving / to have crashed D) to drive / for crashing 27) It's not worth _____ a complaint about the service, even though the restaurant made no effort _____ us well. A) making / to treat B) to make / to be treated C) to be made / treating D) being made / to have treated 28) Alexander Conze was the first archaeologist _____ photographs, which he did in the publication of his report of his excavations. A) to have been included B) included C) to include D) having included 29) The judge should have let this evidence _____ in the courtroom instead of _____ that it was irrelevant to the case. A) displaying / being claimed B) be displayed / claiming C) being displayed / having claimed D) having displayed / to be claimed 30) Dewey recommended that we _____ to a different room in the hotel, as he minded _____ awake by the noise of nightclub every night. A) were moved / to have kept B) having moved / having kept

C) to move / to be kept

D) be moved I being kept

31) Eric is looking forward _____ from prison, although he'll be shocked _____ the changes that have occurred in the outside world. A) to be released / being seen B) to release / seeing C) to being released / to see D) for releasing / seeing 32) The manager postponed ______ Gretchen for so long that in the end he forgot _____ an appointment for her. A) to have interviewed / being made B) to interview / making C) to be interviewed / to have been made D) interviewing / to make 33) It is normal for the truck _____ with so many goods, as it is capable of _____ an enormous amount of weight. A) to be loaded / holding B) being loaded / being held C) loading / having held D) to have loaded / to hold 34) Edna Q'Brien said that Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man made her _____ that she wanted to pursue literature for the rest of her life. A) realizing B) to have realized C) realize D) to be realized 35) Philip is busy _____ with some customers' complaints, so I don't think he'd like _____ at the moment. A) dealing / to be interrupted B) dealt / interrupting C) being dealt / to interrupt D) to be dealt / interrupted 36) Damien is still too upset _____ that his failure _____ was entirely his own fault. A) to be told / to have been elected B) having been told / to elect C) telling / being elected D) to tell / having been elected 37) Reese detests _____ by his nickname, so I caution you not _____ it in his presence. A) called / saying B) being called / to say C) to be called / to saying D) calling / being said 38) In his eagerness _____ in the press the next day, the athlete endeavoured _____ the finish line in a record time . A) to be praised / to reach B) being praised / having reached C) to have praised / to have reached D) having been praised / to be reached 39) This passport is required _____ after five years, but there's no need for your _____ here before then. A) being renewed / to return B) to be renewed / returning C) renewing / to be returned D) to renew / being returned 40) The politician appeared on the TV news _____ forward his version of events, but he wasn't prepared _____ such difficult questions. A) being put / to ask B) to put / to be asked C) putting / asking D) to be put / asked

C) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. Laurie forgot _______________ (pay) the electric bill and now the power is turned off. 2. Raul tried _______________ (roll) down the window in his car but the handle was broken. 3. Salvador regretted _______________ (arrivE) late at work because his boss got mad. 4. My dog loves _______________ (go) to the beach. 5. Before getting in her car, Elizabeth remembered _______________ (lock) the door to the house. 6. The little boy started _______________ (cry) when his mother left the room. 7. Harold tried _______________ (reinstall) the operating system but the computer still wouldn't work. 8. The doctor regretted _______________ (tell) the patient that he was very ill. 9. Steve forgot _______________ (takE) the videos back yesterday but he did it this morning. 10. Most students hate _______________ (leavE) the Multimedia Classroom.

MODALS: A) Complete the sentences using the words listed in the box below. Some gaps may have more than one correct answer. Be careful with the negative forms.



have to




1) Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He__________ be exhausted after such a long flight. He__________ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest. 2) If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you__________walk downtown and explore the waterfront. 3) Hiking the trail to the peak__________be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes. You__________research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent. 4) When you have a small child in the house, you__________leave small objects lying around. Such objects__________be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death. 5) Dave:__________you hold your breath for more than a minute? Nathan: No, I can't. 6) Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water, they __________die. 7) I__________speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I__________just say a few things in the language. 8) The book is optional. My professor said we__________read it if we needed extra credit. But we__________read it if we don't want to. 9) Leo: Where is the spatula? It__________be in this drawer but it's not here. Nancy: I just did a load of dishes last night and they're still in the dish washer. It __________be in there. That's the only other place it __________be. 10) You__________take your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the news said there's a storm north of here and it__________rain later on this afternoon. 11) __________we pull over at the next rest stop? I really __________use the bathroom and I don't know if I__________hold it until we get to Chicago. 12) Ned:__________I borrow your lighter for a minute? Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you__________keep it if you want to. I've given up smoking.

B) Rewrite the sentences using the words in the brackets.

1) Its forbidden to feed the animals. (must) You ________________________________________________________________. 2) It isnt necessary to cut the grass; it is still quite short. (havE) You ________________________________________________________________. 3) Its prohibited to take dogs into the restaurant. (not) You ________________________________________________________________. 4) It isnt necessary to dust the furniture; Ill do it later. (neeD) You ________________________________________________________________ . 5) Children arent allowed to run in the corridor. (not) Children _____________________________________________________________ .

COMPARISON: A) Rewrite the sentences using the words in the brackets.

1) My sisters work is better than mine. ( A) My work ____________________________________________________________ . B) I __________________________________________________________________ . 2) Russian is not as difficult as I thought. (than) Russian _____________________________________________________________ . 3) The laboratory at Iztech has more equipment than the one at Ege University. (as) The laboratory at Ege University __________________________________________ . 4) The house is too small for us to live in. (so) The house ___________________________________________________________ . (such) The house ___________________________________________________________ . 5) Eagles are stronger than sparrows. (as) Sparrows ____________________________________________________________ . 6) She weighs as much as her elder sister. (samE) She is ______________________________________________________________ . 7) It isnt warm enough to go out with your friends. (colD) It __________________________________________________________________ . 8) The Chinese drank more tea than any other people. (as) No _________________________________________________________________ . 9) The only one who came to her wedding was Ruth. (except) No one ______________________________________________________________ .

10) This salad is too oily. (much) There is_____________________________________________________________ .


A) Rewrite the sentences below using the word(s) in brackets.
1) She started taking ballet lessons ten years ago. 2) How long ago did he move to Canada? 3) Ive never driven such a fast car. 4) We havent been abroad for two years. 5) She didnt go out until after Philip had called. 6) We last went to the cinema a long time ago. 7) Its months since I saw Jane. 8) Its a long time since I last rode a bicycle. (been) (since) (the) (time) (before) (havent) (for) (havent) _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

B) Choose the correct answer.

1) Payphones ______ from less than 500 to nearly 7000 covering virtually all urban, rural and market centres for the last two months. A) increased B) have increased C) was increasing D) had increased 2) Did you hear the news that _____today on BBC at 8 o'clock? It was really devastating for me. A) have broadcast B) were broadcast C) will be broadcast D) was broadcast 3) Political history has always shown that when the military_____ control in a country, democracy can not be mentioned any longer. A) had been taken B) have taken C) had taken D) takes 4) The issue of global warming _____ heated debate recently. Is the burning of fossil fuels and increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the air a serious threat or just a lot of hot air?

A) was given rise to C) has given rise to

B) is giving rise to D) had been giving rise to

5) I feel so exhausted. I _____ the garden for two hours and I ______ for single moment. A) have been weeding / haven't rested B) have weeded / had rested C) was weeding / didn't rest D) will weed / haven' rested 6) Taking into account what he _____ twice previously _____ at the board meeting, the committee _____ to make a remarkable increase in our salaries. A) had / proposed / decided B) is / proposing / has decided C) was / proposing / decides D) will / propose / will decide 7) Ever since Queen Elizabeth I ____ it in 1592, Trinity College ____ a major role in Dublins life. A) was founded / has been playing B) founded / has played C) found / played D) was founding / plays 8) At the time Titanic was launched from the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, it was the largest moving object ____ built. A) ever B) always C) so far D) since 9) For a hundred years or so some critics _____ that poetry is dying, and all that time poets _____ poems that later generations recognize as great. A) have maintained / have been writing B) maintained / wrote C) had maintained / were writing D) maintain / are writing 10) It's an undeniable fact that since he _____ the university, his life _____ much more interesting than ever before. A) enters / become B) entered / has become C) will enter / will become D) has entered / became


UNIT 4 Narrative Tenses

A) Put the verb in brackets into the correct form in the gap AFTER the verb. Where no verb is given, put the following linking words into the gaps. While / finally / and / although / however / as soon as / then / before / when
The Unlucky Burglar One evening Paul 1) (watch) _______________ TV a) __________________ he 2) (eat) ______________ his supper b) ____________ the door suddenly 3) (open) _______________ and a burglar 4) (come) ____________ in. He 5) (wear) ________________ a mask and 6) (carry) _________________ a sack. c) _______________ doing anything else he 7) (tie) _______________ Paul to the chair. d) ______________ he went upstairs to look for money. e) _______________ he 8) (not find) ________________ any money he 9) (find) ________________ a lot of jewellery, which he 10) (put) _______________ into his sack. In his rush to get downstairs he 11) (not see) ________________ the dog lying at the bottom of the stairs, and he 12) (fall) ____________ over it, losing his glasses. f) ____________ the burglar 13) (look for) ____________ them, Paul 14) (try) ____________ to free himself. g) ____________ Paul 15) (manage) ____________ to escape, he 16) (phone) ____________ the police. h) ____________ the burglar 17) (find) ____________ his glasses he 18) (run) ____________ out of the house. i) ____________ unfortunately for him, the police 19) (wait) ____________ for him at the end of the garden.

B) Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. Be careful with actives and passives.
Charles Dickens Charles Dickens 1) ___________ (born) in 1812 in Portsmouth. The family 2) ____________ (move) to London in 1823. When he was twelve he 3) ____________ (work) in a blacking factory. He worked by a window facing the street and passersby used to 4) ____________ (pause) and watch him at work. Every day he 5) ____________ (trudge) through the London streets from Camden Town to Southwark. His family 6) ____________ (be) very poor. His mother 7) ____________ (hope) to open a small school. While she 8) ____________ (try) to do this, her husband 9) ____________ (send) to prison for being 40 in debt. When Charles 10) ____________ (be) twenty-four, his first work, sketches by Boz, 11) ____________ (publish). This 12) ____________ (follow) by Pickwick Papers with which he 13) ____________ (achieve) financial security and popularity. For the rest of his life, work simply 14) ____________ (pour) from his pen. He 15) ____________ (die) of a stroke in 1870.


C) Fill the gaps with a suitable form of the verb in brackets. Most of these are past simple or past perfect, some are passive and a few are other tenses.
In Nigeria, a three-year-old British girl 1) ____________ (reunite) with her parents after being freed by kidnappers in southern Nigeria who 2) ____________ (hold) her for four days. Margaret Hill's parents, Mike and Oluchi Hill, said she was in good health but "covered in mosquito bites". The kidnappers 3) ____________ (threaten) to kill the girl unless a ransom 4) ____________ (pay) or Briton Mr Hill 5) ____________ (take) her place. Mr Hill, an oil worker, 6) ____________ (say) no ransom 7) ____________ (pay). He told Sky News that his daughter ____________ (return) "in a little bit of a trance", but soon began coming back to life and talking to her mother. The child ____________ (hold) "in the bush... in some sort of hut", he said. "I don't think she had much to eat because she is hungry now." Margaret ____________ (snatch) on Thursday morning when gunmen ____________ (smash) the window of a car driving her to school in Port Harcourt as it stood in traffic. The car's driver ____________ (stab) as he tried to protect the girl. Her Nigerian mother, Oluchi Hill, later ____________ (say) the abductors ____________ (contact) her and ____________ (demand) an unspecified ransom for Margaret's release. The kidnappers ____________ (vow) to kill the girl unless her father, a British expatriate oil worker originally from Murton in County Durham, took her place. Our correspondent says more than 200 hostages ____________ (take) by armed groups in the last 18 months in Nigeria, but none has ever been killed.

D) Choose the best answer.

1) Though the oyster catcher is an endangered species of bird, _____ . A) very few of them are ever seen and their population is constantly decreasing B) they can be seen in large numbers along the shores of the Knysna Lagoon C) their main source of food, oysters, are liked by humans as well D) it is now against the law to hunt for them in their natural habitat 2) _____, it is still one of the most expensive things in the world. A) Since there is no reason that anyone would want to purchase a brand new Cadillac B) Though the price of gold has fallen by over fifty percent in the last twenty years C) Because the prices in London are at least 60 percent higher than those in New York D) Although I cant think of anything that costs more per gram than the metal, platinum 3) Besides working five days a week, _____ . A) he was also attempting to be a full-time student B) his studies will inevitably be neglected C) the lectures were also taking up a lot of his time


D) he had been ill recently and didnt have much energy 4) _____, so it isnt necessary to pay for it. A) Parking at the shopping center is free of charge B) Im glad you found your engagement ring C) Breakfast and dinner are included in the price D) Drinks, as well as the food, come free with the flight 5) She had to abandon her university career _____ . A) so she didnt have enough money to continue B) as her parents simply refused to support her any longer C) when she realises that there is no future in it anyway D) by the time her parents have found out about it 6) Unaware of the dangers of a bad diet, _____ . A) a steady diet of hamburgers and french fries cannot be called healthy B) heart disease often results from years of bad eating habits C) you can, however, easily avoid this by using a little common sense D) many young people are destroying their health by eating nothing but fast food 7) The recently fallen snow had completely changed the landscape _____ . A) if they had covered the ground to a depth of nearly half a metre B) where teh mountains ended, it only resulted in heavy rain C) and it looked as if someone had painted the whole world white D) unless the wintry weather continues for a few more days 8) _____ , where the fresh air and quiet helped him recover quickly. A) Jerry is soon leaving to start his work in Tokyo, one of the worlds most crowded cities B) My parents used to travel to the mountains by train and then by car C) At the doctors suggestion, Nick spent the summer in the country D) Larry is sure to spend all day trying to persuade his parents 9) _____, it has produced a remarkable number of fine poets, playwrights and novelists. A) While in Oxford, I was impressed by the beautiful architecture of the old colleges B) As a student, I visited Ireland several times and always enjoyed myself C) Because there is still controversy over just who wrote Shakespeares plays D) Although Ireland is a small country whose population has traditionally been largely rural 10) Having once been the most important industry in the Midlands and parts of the North of England, _____ . A) Coal mining has declined to the point where it now employs very few people B) most of the people who worked in coal mining became unemployed C) the character of that part of the country has changed with the decline of the mining industry D) I enjoyed going down into a coal mine that is now a museum


A) Fill in: who, which, whose, when, where or why. 1993 was the year 1) __________ I took my first holiday abroad. We were students at the time, with very little money, which is the reason 2) __________ we decided to go to Spain. We booked through the local travel agent, 3) __________ went to a lot of trouble to find us a resort 4) __________ was quiet by day but 5) __________ had a lively night life. I went with my friend Cynthia, 6) __________ has been my friend for nearly six years now. The flight to Malaga, 7) __________ took over five hours, was very comfortable. Cynthia, 8) __________ was a little nervous, was comforted by an air stewardess 9) __________ was very courteous and helpful. The hotel 10) __________ we stayed was just a 10-minute walk from the centre. It had a swimming pool and a gym 11) __________ we used every morning. We spent the first day of our holiday on the beach, 12) __________ was beautiful. Unfortunately, when we got back to the hotel that night my friend, 13) __________ skin is very pale realised that she had got badly burned. The suncream 14 ) __________ she had applied wassslimply not strong enough. I explained the situation to the hotel manager, 15) __________ was very helpful. He telephoned the local doctor 16) __________ arrived shortly afterwards. He advised my friend to stay in bed for at least three days. After these three days, my friend, 17) __________ had fully recovered, was ready to go out for the evening. We found a lovely restaurant 18) __________ we tried some local dishes. We had a great time for the rest of our holiday. We found some very good discos 19) __________ we spent many of our evenings. We also went to some places 20) __________ had live Spanish music. We made some good friends 21) __________ we are still in contact with. Cynthia has learned her lesson, too. Whenever we go on holiday in a country 22) __________ climate is hotter than ours, she remembers to bring a high factor suncream with her.

B) Fill in the relative pronoun, adding commas where necessary. Write D for defining, ND for non-defining and whether the realive can be omitted or not.
1) The woman _________ bought the house next door is very friendly. 2) Ann _________ is a generous person took us all on holiday. 3) The hospital _________ he was treated is a very good one. 4) People _________ don't eat meat are called vegetarians. 5) The house _________ they live is very small. 6) The book _________ I am reading at the moment is very interesting. 7) The hotel _________ is opposite the museum is very expensive. 8) People _________ speak two languages equally well are called bilingual. 9) Dublin _________ has a population of one million is a very beautiful city. 10) People _________ mug other people should be punished. 11) My best friend _________ name is Sarah is living in Poland now. 12) Greece _________ has many beautiful islands is a great place for holidays. 13) People _________ drink and drive should be heavily fined. 14) Women _________ are pregnant should not smoke. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


15) The flat _________ she lives in is very cold. _____ 16) Majorca was the first place_________ we went on holiday together. _____ 17) The man _________ the police arrested last night was charged _____ with murder. 18) The newspaper _________ I buy is always full of interesting articles. _____ 19) The velvet dress _________ she wore to the party was very expensive. _____ 20) The students _________ were involved in the march were arrested. ______

C) Combine the following sentences using relatives.

1) This is the house. Shakespeare lived here . _______________________________________________________________________ 2) She bought a new dress. She wore it to my party. _______________________________________________________________________ 3) That's the woman. She won the lottery last week. _______________________________________________________________________ 4) This is the vase. He bought it at an auction. _______________________________________________________________________ 5) My friend has a new cat. Its name is Riley. _______________________________________________________________________ 6) This is the cinema. It was built in 1945. _______________________________________________________________________ 7) This is Mary. I'm sharing a flat with her. _______________________________________________________________________ 8) The cheque only arrived today. He posted it last week. _______________________________________________________________________ 9) I'm reading Wuthering Heights. It was written by Emily Bronte . _______________________________________________________________________ 10) Paul's new car has broken down. This car cost him 10,000. _______________________________________________________________________ 11) Here's a photograph of the hotel. We stayed there last summer. _______________________________________________________________________


D) Read the passage below and choose the option A, B, C or D that best completes the numbered spaces. Give one answer to each question.
To get a sense of (1) _____ it feels to be homeless, I decided to telephone 32year old Paul Larson, (2) _____ makes backpacking equipment in Seattle but slept in in Central Park during the summer of 1986. He is happy to talk. "I found (3) _____ with six dollars in my pocket, and I didn't know (4) _____, he says. It was Tuesday night and raining, and I went into the park. In one week your self-esteem is gone. Stress and fear compound whatever got you there. One night I was in a deep sleep and suddenly jumped up. (5) _____ was about to smash a baseball bat on me. He just lowered it and walked away. Larson never slept in the park again. Margarita Lopez, who works for Project Reachout, a program of Goddard Riverside Community Centre, drives me through the park in a van. Her prime mission is to help the parks homeless who are mentally ill. She says she loves to work with people who "have (6) _____, and after nearly 15 years shows (7) _____ sign of burnout. " (8) _____ do you relax?" I ask, ''I'm active in a group that builds low- income housing, she says. When I insist (9) _____ she must do something to get (10) _____, she admits that twice a year she treats herself to the opera. Margarita weaves the van (11) _____trees with the finesse of an eye surgeon. (12) _____ she sees a potential "client," she gets (13) _____ the van, approaches to about 20 feet, and offers a sandwich. Such distancing is partly a precaution. People have threatened her with knives. Mostly, (14) _____ , she acts out of respect. "If you're sitting on a bench, that's your home, she says. "Would you like it (15) _____ I walked into your home and said, Here's a sandwich'? I may approach the same person on the same bench for two years before he lets me in. 1) A) what 2) A) whom 3) A) himself 4) A) anyone 5) A) Someone 6) A) anything 7) A) no 8) A) However 9) A) of 10) A) up 11) A) between 12) A) Which 13) A) out of 14) A) whomever 15) A) unless B) which B) that B) herself B) someone B) Anyone B) nothing B) not B) Whatever B) on B) rid of B) in B) That B) in B) however B) if only C) when C) who C) ourselves C) nobody C) all C) none C) How C) upon C) in C) on C) How C) into C) therefore C) only if D) how D) which D) myself D) no one D) none D) both D) Who D) that D) away D) above D) When D) on D) otherwise D) if

C) Something D) Nobody


E) Choose the best answer.

1) Can you tell me ______ to travel from here to Kouyolu? A) what B) how C) whose D) which

2) Damascus is a city ______ you will find Muslims living in relative harmony with a large Christian minority. A) which B) whose C) where D) that 3) One of the fiercest of fishes is the barracuda, ______ in warm waters around the world. A) found B) having found C) to have found D) finding 4) Catherine Parr Traill, a nature writer, was one of the first ______ the beauties of the Canadian landscape. A) praise B) to be praised C) being praised D) to praise 5) Psychologists have an ongoing debate about intelligence and creativity,______ may be part of either the same mental process, or different processes altogether. A) who B) which C) where D) that 6) If you get an e-mail attachment ______ source you don't know, it is best not to open it. A) which B) whom C) whose D) that 7) A search engine is a website ______ can help you look for information on the Internet. A) what B) where C) how D) that 8) Anyone ______ a laptop computer has a great number of options and varieties to choose from. A) buying B) being bought C) having bought D) to be bought 9) The case ______ by everyone in those days concerned a young woman ______ had done terrible things with an axe. A) to discuss / which B) being discussed / who C) discussed / whom D) to be discussed / what 10) In the early 16th century, Britain began trading in the Spice Islands, ______ the Dutch and the Portuguese had already been active for some time. A) where B) whose C) which D) that 11) The people of the ancient Harrapan civilization in ______is now Pakistan seem to have had a written language, but no one has learned ______ to read it. A) where / what B) which / when C) what / how D) whom / why 12) The tall man, ______ what time it was, scratched his head in confusion. A) wondering B) to be wondered C) being wondered D) wondered 13) Several climbers, all of ______ have now been found, were earlier reported missing on the northern slopes of Mount Everest. A) that B) whose C) what D) whom 14) Franz Kafka, few of ______ works were published during his lifetime, is regarded as a great writer today. A) which B) whose C) whom D) that


15) Aristotle is termed "the First Teacher" in Christian and Islamic philosophy, both of ______ reached their high point in the Middle Ages. A) whom B) which C) them D) those 16) Terence just loves extreme sports, ______ he does every weekend if he has the chance. A) which B) where C) what D) whose 17) In music, the exact reason ______ one song becomes popular while another doesn't remains a mystery. A) what B) why C) where D) which 18) Garcilaso de la Vega, ______ as El Inca, was the first historian in the Americas ______ of mixed Spanish and Inca blood. A) to know / being B) known / to be C) having known / been D) being known / had been 19) An alumni association is an organization _____ of people ______ have graduated from the same university.
A) composing / whose C) composed / who B) to compose / whom D) to be composing / which

20) When she received a letter from Lord Danforth, ______ she believed to have been killed in the recent battle, Eloise fainted from surprise and delight. A) who B) how C) whose D) what 21) Sugar cane cultivation is an ancient art, originating in New Guinea, ______. A) when the cane fields are burned to make them easier to cut B) so it came to Europe via the Arab conquest of the southern Mediterranean C) which did not reach Europe until the 8th century AD D) that everyone likes sweet things 22) Philip Glass is a contemporary classical composer ______. A) that he wrote the original music for B) to have composed a number of well- known works C) what he writes is not always easily understood D) whose music has sometimes been called pop 23) _______, which is why I dont want to go there. A) Ive had an excellent time at university B) There are two places that we can go C) The party will be quite crowded D) I dont know what Burmas capital is .

24) So that he can concentrate on his writing, Scott wants to have a life ______ A) which is free of financial worries B) who is supporting his first novel C) that is not the real reason D) when he finally sold one of his books 25) ______, where he would live for the rest of his life. A) Like many idealistic young men of the time B) A.R. Ammons is planning to move back to North Carolina from New York City C) Percy Shelley's "The Triumph of Life" was his last poem D) In 1916, Wallace Stevens moved to Hartford


A) Match the questions with the replies. a. Are you free on Saturday night? _____ b. What are your plans for the winter holidays? _____ c. What are the arrangements for the trip tomorrow? _____ d. Where is Lisa going? I must talk to her. _____ e. Are you going to be at the II party on Sunday? _____ f. Do you still go out with Helen? _____ 1. Yes, I'm seeing her tomorrow. 2. No, I'm leaving on Friday morning. 3. Not really. I need to study for the test. 4. She'll be back in a minute. 5. I'm going to visit my friends. 6. We're leaving at 8 a.m. B) Put the verb into the correct form: present simple, present continuous, going to or will. GOING TO (planns and predictions based on evidencE) PRESENT SIMPLE (timetables) PRESENT CONTINUOUS (planns or confirmed intentions) WILL (predictions, offers, promises) 1) I ____________________ (go) to the cinema this evening at 6 and I have bought the tickets earlier. 2) Look at those clouds! It ______________________ (rain). 3) I'm too tired to walk home. I think I ________________________ (take) a taxi. 4) __________________________ (the film / begin) at 3.30 or 4.30? 5) He___________________________ (not / use) the car this evening, so you can have it. 6) Right now, I am watching TV. Tomorrow at this time, I _________________ (watch) TV as well. 7) Tomorrow after school, I ___________________________ (go) to the beach. 8) I am going on a dream vacation to Tahiti. While you __________________ (do) paperwork and __________________ (talk) to annoying customers on the phone, I ________________________ (lie) on a sunny, tropical beach. Are you jealous? 9) We ___________________ (hide) when Tony _______________ (arrive) at his surprise party. As soon as he opens the door, we _________________(jump) out and _______________________ (scream) , "Surprise!" 10) We work out at the fitness center every day after work. If you _____________ (come) over while we ______________________ (work) out, we will not be able to let you into the house. Just to be safe, we _________________ (leave) a key under the welcome mat so you will not have to wait outside. 11) While you ____________________ (study) at home, Magda _____________ (be) in class. 12) When I ______________ (get) to the party, Sally and Doug _____________ (dance), John _____________ (make) drinks, Sue and Frank (discuss) something controversial, and Mary ________________ (complain) about something unimportant. They are always doing the same things. They are so predictable. 13) When you _____________ (get) off the plane, I ______________ (wait) for you. 14) I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we ________________ (wake) up tomorrow morning, the sun ______________________ (shine) . 15) If you ________________ (need) to contact me sometime next week, I _______________ (stay) at the Sheraton in San Francisco.



A) Join the sentences using the linking words in brackets.
1) Claire is reliable. She is conscientious too. (in addition to) _____________________________________________________________________ 2) Many famous people supported the cause. Princess Diana and Michael Jackson did, for example. (such as) _______________________________________________________________________ 3) My nephew likes to wear a watch. He can't tell the time yet though. (even though) _______________________________________________________________________ 4) I would like to make an appointment with the bank manager. It's about my application for a loan. (concerning) _______________________________________________________________________ 5) The film was good. The ending was a bit of a disappointment, though. (except for) ______________________________________________________________________ 6) The firefighter rushed into the blazing building. He didnt think of the danger. (regardless of) _______________________________________________________________________ 7) The elderly woman walked very slowly and hesitantly. She was probably in great pain. (as if) _______________________________________________________________________ 8) I always have a hot chocolate before I go to bed. It helps me to sleep. (in order to)

_______________________________________________________________________ 9) Yesterday I found a wallet. It contained over a hundred pounds. (which) _______________________________________________________________________ 10) My brother isnt here. My sister isnt here, either. (neither) _______________________________________________________________________


B) Find the word which should not be in the sentence.

1) He was promoted as because of his exceptional performance at work. 2) As a result of his being waking up late, he missed the meeting. 3) The woman who greeting the crowd is the Duchess of Kent. 4) The star hired a bodyguard for fear of she might be kidnapped. 5) A pen is used for to writing. 6) Despite of being pressed for time, he listened to her complaints 7) Brilliant though his proposals as were, they were not accepted. 8) Those whose houses were damaged by the flood they will be compensated. 9) I'll collect the tickets before I will go to the office. 10) Nobody knows the reason for his being absence. 11) She crossed the street to avoid from meeting him. 12) How so considerate of you to give us a call! 13) The man that arrested for arson will appear in court today. 14) When they will finish rehearsing, they are planning to give a press conference. 15) They introduced new measures in order that to control the situation. 16) She has got so little of information that she can't possibly help us. 17) They're planning to record the match in case they will miss it. 18) Theirs was such a nice furniture that we all admired it. 19) What an awful weather! 20) This is the fireman who he risked his life to save the girl. 21) We were running out of time so that we had to make haste. 22) He decided to visit the place where Monet spent his life there.

C) Choose the correct answer.

1) Former Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto was killed in a suicide attack _______she was leaving a political rally in the city of Rawalpindi. A) in spite of B) later C) as D) afterwards 2) A recent treaty signalled the first peace agreement between the two parties in more than seven years._______, many fear that settlement expansions will cause tension amid new peace agreements. A) Once B) Therefore C) In that D) However 3) Dutch scientists have stated that burning your food may lead to certain types of cancer, particularly in women. Scientists _______ say that more research is needed to make a definite determination . A) besides B) in addition to C) as well D) also


4) _____ such furniture as tables, chairs and cupboards can be made of metals or plastics, most people prefer the look of wood. A) Besides B) Thus C) Whereas D) Although 5) Each chemical element has its own individual pattern of dark lines _____ the spectrum can reveal what elements the star includes. A) so B) also C) as D) due to 6) To pay the salaries of government employees, Mr. Fayyaad has been relying on tax revenues which the Israelis collect on the Palestinian Authority's behalf, _____ these backdated payments will soon dry up. A) so B) while C) nonetheless D) but 7) ______living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and other human activities. A) Due to B) Though C) Nevertheless D) In case 8) Lakes and ponds are basins of water surrounded by land, _______rivers and streams are the arteries that move freshwater from land, such as mountain peaks, to the oceans. A) whereas B) though C) or D) which 9) Real hackers start their own IRC networks ____they can't be traced by the FBI. A) because B) due to C) so that D) in case 10) The major effector of coffee is caffeine which has been shown to increase blood pressure and decreases insulin sensitivity._____, coffee consists of a number of other compounds which may have a protective effect in the cardiovascular system. A) Therefore B) Nevertheless C) Moreover D) Whereas


A) Make sentences using the present or past forms of "be supposed to / be not supposed to", using the verbs given in parentheses . 1- In the exam, instead of filling in the official answer sheet. You just circled the right choice. The teacher says: (fill in) You were supposed to fill in the official answer sheet. 2- You are doing an exam and you are circling the correct answer. but there is an official answer sheet to fill in. The teacher says: (fill. in) , You are supposed to fill in the official answer sheet 3- You get to work and discover that the secretary went home and didn't turn the answer machine on the night before. You say to her: (turn) You ......................................................................... . 4- You asked your husband to collect some parsley from the greengrocer's, but he forgot. You say: (collect) You 5- You had agreed to call a customer before you left work for your boss in case they hadn't received their order, but you forgot. Your boss says: (phone / leavE) (Make two sentences: one positive. one negativE) You.. You ............................................................................................................... 6-You remember that today is the day your rent is due. but you haven't paid the landlord yet You say: (pay) I. 7- Your colleague is in the office because he hasn't gone to an appointment with a customer. She says: (bE) (Make two sentences: one positive. one negativE) I.......................................................................................................................... I..........................................................................................................................


8- Your colleague is making a personal phone call from the office. which isn't allowed, so you say: (make) You......................................................................................................................... 9- Your friend at university promised to bring a course book for you to borrow. You rang him and reminded him! but he still forgot it. You say to him: (bring): . You ........................ 10- You want to go sledging with your friends, but you have been absent from school because of a cold. Your father reminds you to recover from your illness completely before going outside in the snow. You say to him (stay) You .............................................. ...................................................................................... . B) Use any form of must, may / might / could, can't / couldn't, must not, may not / might not. 1- 'A: There is a red car in the car park with its lights on. Is it yours? B:It (not, be) mine as mine has a warning buzzer which indicates when the lights have been left on. . A: It (belong) Samantha then. She drives a red Ford, but I'm not sure if she is here today. 2- A: We want to get some fresh, air and exercise at the weekend. B: What are you going to do? A: We are not sure. We (go) ...................hiking or we (cycle) ...........along the coast. 3- A: What are the cleaners doing at the moment? B: Well, they (wash) .............................. up or they (clean)..................the windows but they definitely (not ,vacuum) ...........................because I can't hear that dreadful sound of the vacuum cleaner. 4- A: Where's Paul? B: I don't know but he (not, leave) to go to the customer because I haven't given him the proposal which we prepared for them yet. 5- We (use) .............................a lot of electricity these days. Our bill has just arrived and it is over 200 pounds. 6- A: Jeremy got all the answers right. B: That's impossible! He (copy) another student. A: Well, he (study) ....................................for once.


B: Yes, but you (agree) ...........................that it is not very likely. 7- A: I can't find the file for ABC Ltd. B: I'm not surprised. Mr Smith had it last. He (put) .it anywhere. He never replaces things. 8- A: The name of the previous chairman isn't on the list. B: He (not, want) be re-elected then. A: That's a shame. He has done a really good job. 9- I think we (get) ...................... some traffic lights at that dangerous junction soon. The council approved the plans this afternoon. 10- This (be) ............................a good film. It stars Julie Wallets and Richard Gere, but of course you can't be sure without watching it first. 11- A: I wanted the students to explain the effects of pollution as well as solutions to it. but most of them concentrated on how we can solve the solve pollution problems. B: Well. they (not, understand) ......................... you. A: Yes, you (be) ...............................right. Perhaps my explanation wasn't sufficiently clear. 12- A: We know he is innocent and he has given an alibi, but the police are still questioning him. B) Well, they (not. believe) B: How do you know that? A:I saw her in Marks and Spencer buying sunglasses, sun cream and a bikini. 14- A: I have a stomach ache. B) It (be) ...................... from something you ate. A) It (not, be) I only eaten plain food today. B) Oh well, it (be) ..................................that you are nervous about your exam tomorrow. 15-A:I can't find my blue cardigan anywhere. Jane (take) ....................... it; otherwise it would be here. B: She (not, take) as she didn't even come home last night and I'm sure I saw it somewhere in the house this morning. .................... him; 13-A :Julie (go) ...............................on holidays soon.


TEST YOURSELF 1 1- You ... your own canoe in order to join the canoe club. They cost a lot of money. You . Mine whenever you want to go canoeing. A) mustn't buy / had borrowed B) won't have bought / should borrow C) needn't buy / can borrow D) might not buy / would borrow E) can't buy / used to borrow 2- He is so poor now it's hard to believe that when he was young, he .down the street in his Rolls Royce or sometimes his Jaguar car. A) has been driving B) would drive C) should have driven D) has driven E) may be driving 3- Just as my daughter was about to leave the house on her wedding day, my son spilt some tea on her dress. Fortunately, we.. the stain with some special soap before the wedding took place. A) were able to remove B) must have removed C) might be removing D) could remove E) used to remove 4- A: Is Julian not visiting Aunt May with us today? B: Well, he's been called out to an emergency, but he. us there if he finishes early. A) has joined B) could have joined C) was joining D) might join E) would be joining 5- A: What were you doing at the bank yesterday'? B: I ............. my bank manager for a loan to repair our house, and luckily managed to get it. A) must have asked B) used to ask C) had to ask D) should have asked E) ought to ask 6- A: I can't believe Jane isn't here to collect her award. B: She ................ the invitation. We definitely should have checked that she had got it. A) would rather not receive B) had better not receive C) isn't supposed to receive D) needn't have received E) can not have received 7- A: Did you speak to Sam about the plans for the cake sale to raise money for charity? B: Yes, I did and she . bake some biscuits and cakes if she has time. A) might be able to B) was able to C) used to D) had better E) has had to 8- Our Cairo hours ago; but we haven't even taken off from Heathrow yet. A) was supposed to land B) must have landed C) ought to be landing D) will have landed E) might be landing 9- This steak is a little undercooked for my taste. .......... putting it back under the grill for


another five minutes? A) Why don't you C) Would you like

B) Would you mind D) Do you prefer E) Do you mind if I 10- A: I wonder why Mary didn't want to come shopping in Oxford street with us. B: I don't know. She ....... short of money these days because her new kitchen cost her a lot of money. A) will be B) can be C) has been D) would be E) could be 11- I .. ........ to the office to send e-mail any longer. The company has bought me a lap top computer and a mobile phone which can be used for electronic mail and the Internet. A) didn't use to return B) may not return C) needn't have returned D) don't have to return E) must not have returned 12- You ............. so envious of your brother. He is so successful because, unlike you, he works extremely hard. A) haven't been B) won't be C) weren't D) shouldn't be E) may not be 13- Oh dear, we seem to have run out of salt. I ...... to the corner shop before dinner. A) am able to go B) needed to go C) could have gone D) must have gone E) will have to go 14- I can't understand why Dad is now so careful with his money. He .......... such a generous person. A) would be B) has been C) used to be D) will be E) must be 15- Trade is so poor these days! We just two cars since I started working here a month ago. A) have been able to sell B) used to sell C) had to sell D) will have sold E) are supposed to sell 16- A: . we drive to Sultan Ahmet in our new car? B: Well, I ......... take the ferry to avoid the traffic A) May / must B) Can / would like C) Must / prefer D) Shall / would sooner E) Would / had better 17- I was going to write my essay about the British nuclear tests in the Australian desert, but I.the topic when I ...... much information about them. A) have changed / wasn't able to find B) had to change / couldn't find C) must change / haven't found D) might have changed / don't find E) used to change / might not find 18- do me a favour please? you please ask Mrs Green if the interview room is available? A) Might / May B) May / Could C) Would / Do D) Shall / Might E) Could / Would 19- I was falling asleep while I was typing my speech last night. The only way I...


awake was by drinking lots of strong coffee. A) ought to stay B) would rather stay C) have stayed D) may stay

E) could stay

20- ............ you hold this shelf here while I go and get my hammer? A) May B) Must C) Should D) Will E) Shall 21- The tyres of my car .............. thin already. I only replaced them in January. I'll have to buy better quality ones next time. A) shouldn't have worn B) needn't have worn C) didn't wear D) aren't supposed to wear E) haven't worn 22- According to their letter, we .............. them with a copy of our company's accounts before we can order any cars on contract hire. A) have supplied B) have to supply C) may have supplied D) used to supply E) had supplied 23- I suppose I ............... to type his report for him, but, at the time, I didn't know how important it was. A) have had to offer B) may have offered C) could have offered D) would rather offer E) was able to offer 24- A: Why is Mum still in hospital? She ......... home today. B: They wanted to do some more tests. A) must have come B) was supposed to come C) had better come D) used to come E) may have come 25- I'd like to have some people for dinner tonight, but it is too late to ask anyone because they. their plans already. A) had better make B) used to make C) are making D) may have made E) can make 26- George.better in the tennis tournament than I thought he.because he got through to the finals. A) must have played / could B) will have played / ought to C) should be playing / did D) ought to play / can E) had better play / should 27- Ever since he took on this part-time job, he.. enough time on his studies. A) can't spend B) isn't able to spend C) hasn't been able to spend D) wasn't able to spend E) couldn't spend 28- Now that they have raised the prices at the gym, I.going there, or I'll have difficulty paying it. A) must have stopped B) used to stop C) had better stop D) might have stopped E) had stopped 29- My brother's eyesight is perfect, but I ....... glasses since I was seven years old. A) ought to wear B) must have worn


C) have to wear

D) had better wear E) have had to wear

30- Would you mind if l ................ these trade magazines home to read'? I never get time to read them in the office. A) to take B) took C) am taking D) taking E) have taken 31- I am really surprised that Robby hasn't signed up yet for the skiing holiday this year. He. the first to book every year. A) will be B) may have been C) would be D) could be E) used to be 32- Your mother ........... a restaurant. She is such a wonderful cook. If she opened a restaurant, I'm sure it would be full every night. A) must have opened B) used to open C) should open D) would open E) was able to open 33- We ............. offices soon. I saw the boss this morning viewing the new office block next to the station. A) would rather be moving B) had better move C) would have moved D) may be moving E) have been moving 34- A: Peter in the accounts department retired yesterday. B: He.permanently yesterday. I saw him at his desk only this morning. A: Oh, well, he had his retirement presentation yesterday, but perhaps that was because the Chairman was here. Maybe he is leaving on Friday. A) can't have left B) ought not to leave C) hasn't left D) needn't have left E) had better not leave 35- A: Did you have a busy day at the shop? if you did, you ..rushed off your feet without me there. B: No, I wasn't. It was quite a quiet day. A) l must have been B) have been C) used to be D) would rather be E) might be 36- I was just about to buy a new pair when the police rang to say my handbag had been found with my glasses still inside, so I . a new pair after all. A) needn't have bought B) mustn't buy C) wasn't supposed to buy D) shouldn't have bought E) didn't need to buy 37- A: Why is she still perspiring'? She..too hot - I've taken her jumper off. B: In that case, she.a fever. You'd better take her temperature. A) can't be / must have B) isn't / would rather have C) wouldn't be / is having D) needn't be / ought to have E) shouldn't be / had 38- Please Mum,..I watch the film tonight'? I have finished all my homework. A) would B) may C) do D) should E) must


39- I really miss Istanbul, where I lived when I was younger. On summer evenings, we.. along the coast by the Sea of Marmara when the Sun was setting behind Knalada. A) ought to walk B) have walked C) would walk D) had walked E) might walk 40- A: Julester looks so slim. B: Has she been dieting? A: Not that I'm aware of. B: Well, she.very hard then. She goes horse-riding, doesn't she? A) must have been exercising B) was exercising C) had better exercise D) was able to exercise E) will have been exercising 41- You.. a tie on Friday. They don't let men into the restaurant unless they are wearing a tie. A) would wear B) must wear C) can wear D) may wear E) could wear 42- Jennifer.the promotion that she is expecting as she hasn't reached her sales target yet. A) shouldn't have got B) hadn't got C) didn't use to get D) wasn't getting E) may not get 43- Mum, according to what the doctor instructed you to do, you.any salt on your food, you know! If you insist on eating that much salt, you're bound to have another heart attack! A) needn't have put B) didn't use to put C) haven't put D) don't have to put E) aren't supposed to put 44- Alfred ........ his ankle badly as we ......... in the mountains last Saturday. A) used to sprain / hiked B) has sprained / could be hiking C) must have sprained / have hiked D) sprained / were hiking E) may sprain / have been hiking 45- I look after Katie for a couple of hours' so that you and Kevin can go to the cinema? A) Would B) Do C) Let D) Did E) Shall 46- During the strike of the railway workers, many commuters .. a taxi to and from work by coming three or four people together so that they could afford it. A) have been hiring B) had to hire C) ought to hire D) will be hiring E) might hire 47- the river, but unfortunately, the riverside car park was full. A) should be parking B) had parked C) had better park D) were going to park E) are supposed to park 48- You.some more appointments to get some more business. You're never going to achieve your sales target at this rate. A) used to make B) were making C) should make D) have made E) would make 49- You haven't got time to do the gardening. I think you ..a gardener, don't you


think so? A) ought to employ C) are employing E) employed

B) have employed D) must have employed

A) Change the active to the passive 1- People assume that she turned down the offer. It the offer. She ..the offer. 2- People say that he knows more than anyone about genetic science. Itmore than anyone about genetic science. He.more than anyone about genetic science. 3- People suspect that he resigned because of the scandal. It because of the scandal. He ...because of the scandal. 4- They believe that West Bromwich is unsafe at night. Itat night. West night. 5- They claim that the company has plenty of jobs available. It.. The company.plenty of jobs available. 6- They expect that the company will sell twenty percent of its shares. It .twenty percent of its shares. The company.twenty percent of its shares. 7- People observed that children in the Sudan were suffering from malnutrition. Itfrom malnutrition. Children in the Sudanfrom malnutrition. 8- They report that fighting has broken out again in Indonesia. Itagain in Indonesia. Fightingagain in Indonesia. 9- We understand that the government has introduced a new tax on parking. It..a new tax on parking. The government...a new tax on parking. 10- They expect that 50,000 people will lose their jobs as a result of the factory's closure. a result of the factory's closure. 50,000 peopleas a result of the factory'closure.


TEST YOURSELF 1 1- The statistics.that education levels in the the areas of mathematics and English in recent months. A) are shown / are improved B) show / have been improving C) will be shown / will be improved D) had been showing / have improved E) were shown / might improve 2- Due to the pressure which..on schools to improve their results in mathematics and English, arts and crafts.. A) is placing / were neglected B) will place / were neglecting C) was placed / have been neglected D) had been placed / are neglecting E) placed / will have neglected 3- Understandably, his colleagues.when John left his job just after he. A) are shocked / was promoting B) have been shocked / is promoted C) were shocked / had been promoted D) had been shocked / has promoted E) are being shocked / is promoting 4- The sentence..out by the judge when the court reassembles after lunch. A) was read B) had been read C) should read D) will be read E) will have read 5- For today's writing test, write a composition of at least four paragraphs. A) have required B) require C) required D) will have required E) are required 6- In my opinion, all the debts of the Third World the USA and the EU. A) should be cancelled B) are cancelling C) could be cancelling D) ought to have cancelled E) have been cancelling 7- International relations is a 20th-century subject, though foreign policy.out between countries for many centuries. A) is being carried B) was carrying C) has been carried D) had been carrying E) will have carried 8- To achieve the unique coral red of the Ottoman tiles in the 16th century, craftsmen . a mixture of iron-oxide and quartz. A) used to fire B) were fired C) have fired D) will be fired E) could be fired 9- 'PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL'. in capital letters on the envelope, but still the letter was open when it.on my desk. A) was written / was put B) had written / was putting C) is being written / has put D) was writing / has been put E) has been written / will be put


10- The pretty flower 1863 by a Scottish plant breeder, who..wild pansies with a garden variety. A) is created / had been crossing B) was created / crossed C) has been created / was crossing D) created / was crossed E) could create / had crossed 11- The area around the village of Grange in the Lake District..the 'Jaws of Borrowdale' because of the jagged rocks which ........... valley. A) is being called / are bordered B) has been called / were bordered C) is called / border D) has called / will border . E) would be called / have bordered 12- The lead mine, which..since Roman times,work for the local inhabitants. A) is using / provided B) will be used / has provided C) has been used / provides D) is used / will provide E) has used / is going to provide 13- Experts say that your chances of a long and healthy lifeif you.plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. A) enhance / are eaten B) will be enhanced / were eating C) enhanced / are eating D) are enhanced / eat E) have enhanced / will be eaten 14- When he ............... his room for the first time in his life. his mother.him a look of surprise. A) will tidy / will be giving B) had been tidying / was given C) has been tidied / gives D) was tidying / has given E) tidied / gave 15- Since the 1960s new roads .in Lhasa, Tibet's capital, and now a highway system .the city with the major cities in neighboring provinces. A) have been built / connects B) were built / is connected C) had built / is connecting D) are being built / has connected E) could have built / will connect 16- It's true that anything may happen at any time but some precautions such as insurance policies.against disaster. A) mustn't be predicted / have taken B) shouldn't predict / have been taking C) doesn't predict / are taking D) can't be predicted / can be taken E) hasn't predicted / might be taken 17- Harry & Senga's octagonal-shaped homeby James Salmon in 1890. It.that he only designed ten octagonal properties. A) was building / thinks B) has been built / was thought C) would have built / was thinking D) had been built / has been thinking E) was built / is thought 18- When yellow paint with blue, it ....... green. A ) mixes / is produced B) mixed / was produced


C) has been mixing / has produced D) will mix / will be produced E) is mixed / produces 19- 1999 .a year when many tragedies . including the terrible mud slides in Venezuela and the horrific earthquakes in Turkey. A) is / were happening B) was / happened C) is being / will happen D) has been / had been happening E) had been / have happened 20- The last two times I the health club. I .for my membership card but we had better take them with us today. A) have visited / haven't asked B) was visited / don't ask C) visited / wasn't asked D) was visiting / didn't ask E) had visited / won't be asked 21- As might be expected from China's huge area and variety of regional climates, most of the types of plants thatin the Northern Hemisphere.there except for those varieties common to the arctic and tundra regions. A) will grow / have found B) are grown / are finding C) have grown / were being found D) grow / can be found E) will have grown / used to be found 22- Mount the highest point on the Earth until 1852 when the governmental Survey of India ........ the fact. A) hasn't been recognised / established B) didn't recognise / has established C) hasn't recognised / would establish D) wouldn't recognise / was established E) wasn't recognised / established 23- Alternatives to the 'right to trial by jury' system. but all the ideas which .. so far are unacceptable. A) are being considered / have been discussed B) have been considering / were discussed C) had been considered / are discussing D) have considered / have been discussing E) are considering / are discussed 24- People can now buy and sell shares over the Internet and it .......... that over 50 new milIionaires ......... this year by e-commerce. A) is estimating / are creating B) had been estimated / create C) is estimated / will be created D) estimated / had been creating E) will have estimated / were created 25- Numerous expeditions, various countries.since the first successful climb of Mount Everest. A) are sponsored / are being undertaken B) were sponsored / have been undertaken C) have sponsored / will be undertaking D) have been sponsored / undertook E) had sponsored / will have undertaken 26- Recently a new vaccine against.measles will have developed A) will have developed B) had been developing C) had developed D) was developing


E) has been developed

27- The lounge carpet.after Ralph some.bleach on it. A) is ruined / was spilling B) has ruined / had spilt C) has been ruined / was spilt D) was ruined / spilt E) will have ruined / is spilt 28- All the expenses of shipping your furniture by the company. so you needn't worry about that.A) will bear B) will be born C) are bearing D) were bearing E) might have borne 29- From the 4th to the 18th of next month contemporary glass and ceramics at the Fenny Lodge Gallery. A) will be displayed B) are displaying C) had been displayed D) will have been displaying E) have been displayed 30- Before the United Nations sanctions.sixty to eighty percent of our dates from Iraq. A) were imposed / were obtained B) are imposing / are obtaining C) were imposing / have obtained D) imposed / will be obtained E) are being imposed / have been obtained 31- A 'Welsh a piece -of kitchen furniture which..........shelves and cupboards in one unit. A) should be described / is combined B) has described / can combine C) can be described / combines D) used to describe / combined E) is described / could be combined 32- Since Bernard..from the bank he ....... unable to find another job. A) was dismissed / has been B) used to be dismissed / is C) has been dismissed / had to be D) had been dismissing / was E) will be dismissed / might have been 33- By the time we .all the covered seats ................ . A) arrive / might have occupied B) will arrive / have been occupying C) are arriving / will occupy D) were arriving / have been occupied E) arrived / had been occupied 34- I'm glad you didn't give me this essay yesterday after all. We had a long power cut so I . it for you. A) won't be able to type B) couldn't have typed C) had better not type D) may not be typed E) must not have typed 35- Experts are not Sure whether skiing...........into the USA for the first time by Scandinavian settlers or by Indians from Canada. A) is introduced C) will be introduced D) was being introduced E) was introduced E) can be introduced,


A) Change the adverbial clauses to modifying phrases. 1- My father never drives off before he has checked the car, especially the tyres, thoroughly. 2- When he learnt that the job had been given to another firm, he was disappointed. 3- When he was asked who the job had been given to the manager refused to comment. 6- Before he was sent to the USA, he had been treated in various hospitals in Turkey. 7- She is going to start to work in her father's firm temporarily after she takes the university entrance exam. .. 8- Because I hadn't been given the right directions, I had great difficulty finding her apartment. .. 10- Until wearing a seatbelt was made compulsory by law, it had been ignored by many drivers despite warnings. 11- The common cold can turn out to be a dangerous disease if it is not taken seriously. .. 12- Since we were unwilling to pay more than a reasonable price for the hand-made rug, we bargained with the old craftsman until he gave us a 20% discount. . 13- Since he started his own business two years ago, he has made remarkable progress in his field. 14- Before Mary came to Turkey for her holiday, she had had a few Turkish friends. in England, from whom she had learnt something about Turkish culture. . 15- After she recovers from her illness, she will have to work hard to catch up with her classmates.


B) Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 3 "You took my pencil " Mark said to Mandy. of Mark his pencil. 4 "Don't forget to take your keys," said Dad. me Dadmy keys. 5 "I hate the English weather," said Celine. about Celinethe English weather. 6 "You must have another piece of apple pie, Laura," said granddad. . on Granddad. piece of apple pie. 7 "I'll never let you down," lan told Elizabeth. promised lan..Elizabeth down. 8 "You never put the cap on the toothpaste, John," said Mary. complained Mary.the cap on the toothpaste. 9 "I'm the best-looking boy in the class," said Greg. that Greg..the best-looking boy in the class. 10 "Would yo,u like to come to lunch next Friday?" Bill said to me. Invited Bill..he following Friday. 11 "I did not eat the biscuits," said Alex. eating Alex the biscuits. 12 "Let's go out for dinner," said Amanda. going Amanda................................................ for dinner. 13 "You must not touch these ornaments," said Lisa to us.
to Lisa..the ornaments.

14 "He knows where the stolen paintings are," said Sue. claimed Sue..the stolen paintings were. 15 "You may now kiss the bride," said the priest to David.

permission The priestthe bride.

16 "Don't drive the car.The brakes aren't working," Dad said to me.

not Dad....the car because the brakes weren't working.


17 "It's a boy!" said the midwIfe. exclaimed The midwife .......................................................................................................... a boy. 18 "Please, please don't hurt me," she cried. not She..her. 19 "Do give me the money!" she said to me. urged She .............................................................................................. the money. 20 "Yes, I think you are right to complain," said Lorna to me. agreed Lorna to complain. 21 "Please leave me alone," Clare said to them. asked Clare alone.

22 "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, Jane," I said. hurting Iher feelings.

23 "OK, it was me. J tore Mum's new dress," she said. having She.Mum's new dress.

24 "Call an ambulance immediately!" said Bob to the passer-by. to ambulance immediately.

25 "Would you like me to do the washing up?" said Dan. offered Dan ................................................................................ the washing up. 26 "No, I won't go to the party with you," said Lena. refused Lenathe party with me. 27 "You car'! use my credit card," Jake said to me. me Jake.his credit card. 28 "Go ahead, join the expedition ,"he said to her. encouraged He..the expedition.

29 "Go away or I'll lose my temper," he said to me.



He .if I didn't go away.

30 "Yes, I'll paint the bathroom," said Catherine. agreed Catherine.the bathroom.

TEST YOURSELF 1)"What kind of pets have you got?" The lady asked the pet-shop owner . A) what kind of pets did he have B) what kind of pets they had C) if he got any pets D) whether or not they had any pets E) what kind of pets he has got 2) Take this book upstairs to your mother." I told you Just a few minutes ago A) why you didn't take this book upstairs to your mother B) if you would take this book upstairs to your mother C) why you hadn't taken that book upstairs to your mother D) to take this book upstairs to your mother E) take that book upstairs to your mother 3)"Why is the next meeting going to be held a week later?" The secretary asked her boss A) why was he going to hold the next meeting a week later B) when the next meeting is going to be held C) why the next meeting was going to be held a week later D) whether the next meeting was going to be held a week later or not E) that they should hold the next meeting a week later 4)"Don't leave the trenches until I call you." The lieutenant ordered his soldiers .............. until he called them. A) not to leave the trenches B) that they shouldn't leave the trenches C) to have stayed in the trenches D) if they had been in the trenches E) why they were to leave the trench, 5)"I don't know how to drive a ca you know?" My travelling companion on coach . A) said she didn't know how to drive and asked if I knew B) told me that she wanted to learn how to drive a car and asked whether I knew or not C) wanted to know how she could learn to drive and asked me if I the answer D) asked me how I had learnt to drive said that she wanted to learn, too. E) didn't know to drive a car. but I did 6) "We must do whatever we can to help him." Jane's mother told her to help him. A) she must do whatever she can B) they had to do whatever they could C) we would have to do whatever we could D) what they must and could do E) if they had had to. they could done a lot 7)"Have you learnt when she will be back?" The assistant-manager asked A) whether she had told us when back B) to learn, if it was possible, when she would be back C) had I learnt anything about her return D) when she would be back co learnt or not E) if I had learnt when she would be back


8) ....................that she had been ill for a week. A) I asked him B) She told C) I said D) She wanted to know

E) I wondered

9) She..on arriving at the office that she had to get packed immediately for a three-day business trip. A) was told B) has said C) will announce D) asked E) wants to know 10) She already knew how to drive a car. . A) that her father wanted to teach her B) when she applied to the course to get a driving licence C) by the time her husband feels confident about her driving ability D) as soon as she has graduated from school E) provided that she drove carefully 11) Her first question when we meet will certainly be? A) B) C) D) E) what my decision about his proposal is what I had been doing recently how are you why I looked so pale which one would you rather do

12) Do you remember.? A) B) C) D) E) when he said he would be leaving on holiday was he at the demonstration with his friends why did he refuse to come with us how long have you been staying with us whom had he gone to the party with

13) Did she tell you? A) B) C) D) E) to have passed the exam with a high score how long had she been working there at the party how many guests were there at the party when she should hand in her report to the boss why didn't she come to her appointment.

14) The teacher asked us.? A) B) C) D) E) to take our exam papers to her table when we've finished answering the questions. not to make too much noise while she is away to talk to the headmaster whether we would rather have the exam on Monday or on Friday. that she would never forgive the students cheating in the exam . which subjects we want her to repeat

15) I'm sure that by the time we get there, .. . A) B) C) D) E) the guests have been waiting for nearly an hour they are discussing the item on the agenda they would have taken the decision as they wished the first half of the film has been shown the wedding ceremony will be over


16) Scientists say that fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and sixty years' time or so if we don't conserve them now. A) will have run out C) would run out E) had run out B) would be running out D) have run out

17) I understood by the expression on her face ............... A) B) C) D) E) whether she gets angry with me or not that we were going to have a row again because of my being late that she is suffering from one of those severe headaches how could I persuade her to stay with me a little more how deeply she has been hurt by my 'remarks

18) A : Are you any good geography? B: Not really. Why? A: I need to learn. . A) B) C) D) E) what is the most densely populated city in the world what is the name of the capital of Finland whether the Kzlrmak is longer than the Yeilrmak or shorter how high is Mount Everest how many countries are there in Asia


A) Complete the sentences by using "-ever" words. 1. I'm old enough to choose my friends myself. I want to make friends with ...................... shares the same interests as me. 2. I don't think it is a good idea to make friends meet just because they share the same interests as you. 3. Both of the jobs I've been offered are away from my present residence, so I'll have to move house ...................... one I accept. 4. I have no doubt that she'll succeed. She will do ...................... is necessary to achieve her goals. 5.......................has taken this decision must not know anything about the business! 6. I don't mind ...................... of you translates the play, but I want the translations ready two weeks before the performance. 7. She doesn't allow anyone to interfere in her life. She leads her life ......................she likes. 8. She doesn't like to be forced to do her homework at an exact time. She wants to do it......................she herself decides. 9. Don't forget to send us a postcard eventually end up. 10. There must be something wrong with their phone because...................... I try it, I get a busy signal. 11. He seems to settle in quickly......................he lives. He's arrived here on but you would think he'd been living here for years. 12. Before a prime meridian was agreed upon, map makers usually began num the lines of longitude on their maps at......................meridian passed through the site of their national observatory. give this vase to, I'm sure they will love it. It's so beautiful. decide to furnish your new flat, make sure you choose a dark color for the sofas and armchairs, because bright colors are very difficult to keep clean. was that upset her, it must have been quite serious. B) Fill in the blanks in the passages below with the correct choice. I)The word rom, or man, is (1) ...... gives the Gypsy language its name, Romany. There are many dialects of Romany, but (2) ...... are based on Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. (3) ...... they have lived, Gypsies have absorbed many of the local words into Romany. It's known (4) ...... Gypsies have always been subject to national and local laws, but they also enforce obedience to their own customs. Thus, although there are Muslim, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Gypsies, depending largely on (5)...... country they live in, they have their own separate baptism, marriage and burial ceremonies. 1) A) 2) A) 3) A) 4) A) 5) A) which B) all B) Wherever B) when B) whom B) how each Whatever where where C) C) C) C) C) that every Whoever what how D) D) D) D) D) who neither Whomever that which E) E) E) E) E) what the whole Whichever which that


II) Surgery may be used for diagnosis; that is, to determine (6) ...... has caused the disease. It may also be used to treat an injury or a disorder, to cure a disease, to relieve suffering or to prolong life. (7) ...... the reasons for surgery, the primary principle of the surgeon is: "(8) cannot. help, do not harm." (9)...... the surgery is unsuccessful, the surgeon is still responsible for controlling the patient's pain before, (10) ...... and after surgery and for preventing or controlling infection that may result from opening the body for a surgical procedure. 6) A) which 7) A) However 8) A) Though 9) A) Even if 10) A) when B) B) B) B) B) what Whoever As if In case while C) C) C) C) C) where Whatever By the time Just as during D) D) D) D) D) whom E) Wherever E) Just E) Whereas E) the moment E) how Whichever If Until since

TEST YOURSELF you think the weather will be like in the afternoon? Should I take an umbrella with me? A) When B) How C) Which D) Why E) What 2.I have asked around, but no one seems to know......the ferry leaves for Yalova. A) how long B) how far C) how much D) how often E) how many 3.Perhaps the driver's manual says......air pressure you should have in each tyre. A) how much B) which C) whether D) how often E) how long 4.It's not clear......he is going to leave his house to in his will. A) whose B) whom C) which D) that E) what are going on holiday is probably the best place to go in Turkey at this time of year. A) Why B) Which C) When D) What E) Where 6.Andrew hated his daughter's hairstyle so much that he said he would pay for her to go to the hairdresser.......the cost. A) how else B) how much C) whatever D) wherever E) what for 7.......he only attended about half of the classes contributed to his poor examination results. A) Why B) The fact that C) How much D) Whether E) When 8. We didn't notice......we had strayed off the path until we were deep in the forest. A) how often B) so far C) how long D) how far E) so long 9.While trying to decide......road to take, we made a wrong turn, and got completely lost. A) which B) when C) how D) what E) whom


10. Can you give us a rough estimate on we'll pay for the repairs? A) how many B) how much C) how long D) how often E) how far 11. The spy was instructed to stay......he was until he had been given further information. A) that B) whose C) whom D) which E) where 12. There are two vacancies at the company, and the manager says he'll support Harold for......position he applies for. A) whichever B) wherever C) whoever D) however E) whatever 13. Are you prepared to go with your husband......his company sends him? A) although B) wherever C) however D) no matter E) whereas 14.By asking him a few questions about the topic, I tried to understand......advanced my son was with compiling information for his term paper. A) whether B) which C) how far D) that E) whose 15.......they obtained the information from remained secret, though the newspaper published theories for days afterwards. A) Where B) How C) How much D) When E) That 16.......has spilled this Coke over my new tablecloth will clean It up right away. A) Whomever B) Whoever C) Whenever D) Whatever E) Wherever 17.The Turks have many traditional dishes made with minced meat, such as kofte, which explains......McDonald's restaurants are overwhelmingly popular here. A) why B) that C) where D) what E) whether 18. In order to solve the world's problems, we need a greater understanding of the human mind works. A) that B) why C) when D) how E) where leave home, make sure that all the doors and windows are properly secured. A) How long B) Whomever C) Everywhere D) Whenever E) Either 20. In response to the rising problem do with millions of tons of plastic waste, the plastics industry and environmental groups are searching for ways to recycle plastics. A) when B) how C) what D) which E) why 21.......Tim made his mistake was in the way he chose to remain silent instead of defending his rights in the first place. A) Which B) What C) Where D) Whose E) Why 22. You can obtain the information from the like, but I want it by six o'clock today. A) wherever B) whoever C) however D) whatever E) whichever 23. The author acknowledges......he got the idea from another writer, but he won't agree to pay the royalties. A) where B) when C) who D) why E) that 24. I don't know......longer I can stay here. A) how much B) how C) where D) how far E) when


25. Do you know......coat this is that I'm holding? A) whom B) whose C) where D) that

E) when you think has decided to hold the annual meeting at such an expensive hotel? A) When B) Where C) What D) How E) Who 27. Nomadic tribes travel aimlessly and sleep ......they find themselves at nightfall. A) whichever B) whoever C) whenever D) wherever E) whatever 28. A government body is to be left between construction sites in builtup areas. A) how much B) how long C) how many D) how often E) how far of you took my dictionary had better give it back right now. A) Whatever B) Whoever C) Whichever D) Whenever E) However 30. It seems like an easy task, but you can't imagine......time it takes to put the newsletters into envelopes and send them out A) how much B) what C) whom D) whose E) how long 31. Thousands of years ago, during the Neolithic period of prehistory, people mold and bake clay to form bricks and pottery. A) what B) whom C) which D) how E) when 32. It doesn't really matter now......fault it was, because arguing about it is not going to help solve the problem. A) which B) how C) when D) that E) whose 33. It rained during our entire holiday and I did not take enough to read, so I had to read......I could find at the hotel. A) however B) wherever C) whenever D) whatever E) whichever 34. We couldn't was the salary or the traveling involved that Impressed her about the job. A) which B) why C) what D) whether E) how you think you're doing? You can't put olive oil in that, you'll ruin it! A) Why B) How on earth C) What on earth D) Wherever 36. Oh, David! ...... a lovely necklace! Are these real emeralds? A) That B) What C) How D) This 37. The lawyer wants to know......your family has owned this manor. A) what B) when C) where D) whom E) how long 38. Do you know exactly......your family bought this manor? A) which B) how long C) how often give the money to must be someone you can trust. A) Wherever B) Whenever C) Whomever D) However E) Whatever D) what E) when E) How E) Why

45 was that was troubling her, she seems to be over it now. A) Whenever B) Whichever C) However D) Whatever E) Wherever 41. Please wake me up before you leave. time it is. A) whatever B) wherever C) whichever D) whenever E) however 42.......we'll stay there is not certain as yet, but it won't be more than two weeks or so. A) How long B) How far C) Wherever D) Whether E) The more 43. The diet on that island consists mainly of......the inhabitants raise in their gardens. A) that B) which C) how D) what E) where 44. The Robinsons had no idea......they were going to travel to their destination until last week. A) who B) which C) what D) where E) how 45. She didn't ask him......he had been the week before as she didn't want to appear too curious. A) where B) who C) when D) what E) that 46. After coming back from Africa, he realized......difficult life was for people in poor countries. A) what B) which C) when D) how E) why 31. Thousands of years ago, during the Neolithic period of prehistory, people mold and bake clay to form bricks and pottery. A) what B) whom C) which D) how E) when 32. It doesn't really matter now......fault it was, because arguing about it is not going to help solve the problem. A) which B) how C) when D) that E) whose 33. It rained during our entire holiday and I did not take enough to read, so I had to read......I could find at the hotel. A) however B) wherever C) whenever D) whatever E) whichever 34. We couldn't was the salary or the traveling involved that Impressed her about the job. A) which B) why C) what D) whether E) how you think you're doing? You can't put olive oil in that, you'll ruin it! A) Why B) How on earth C) What on earth D) Wherever E) How 36. Oh, David! ...... a lovely necklace! Are these real emeralds? A) That B) What C) How D) This E) Why

37. The lawyer wants to know......your family has owned this manor. A) what B) when C) where D) whom E) how long 38. Do you know exactly......your family bought this manor? A) which B) how long C) how often D) what E) when

46 give the money to must be someone you can trust. A) Wherever B) Whenever C) Whomever D) However

E) Whatever was that was troubling her, she seems to be over it now. A) Whenever B) Whichever C) However D) Whatever E) Wherever 41. Please wake me up before you leave.. time it is. A) whatever B) wherever C) whichever D) whenever E) however 42.......we'll stay there is not certain as yet, but it won't be more than two weeks or so. A) How long B) How far C) Wherever D) Whether E) The more 43. The diet on that island consists mainly of ......the inhabitants raise in their gardens. A) that B) which C) how D) what E) where 44. The Robinsons had no idea......they were going to travel to their destination until last week. A) who B) which C) what D) where E) how 45. She didn't ask him......he had been the week before as she didn't want to appear too curious. A) where B) who C) when D) what E) that 46. After coming back from Africa, he realized......difficult life was for people in poor countries. A) what B) which C) when D) how E) why 47.It is difficult to define begins, because the atmosphere does not end abruptly but simply grows thinner and thinner the higher one goes. A) how B) when C) where D) which E) how long 48. I want you to follow him......he goes and find out......he's meeting. A) however / that C) whenever / which B) wherever / who D) whatever / whom E) whomever / whose 49. He proudly says he is contented with he's achieved in life. A) which B) when C) who D) where E) what

50.......she was pleased with the conditions or not couldn't be understood from her face. A) That B) Whether C) If D) What E) When 51. Oh, look..........marvelous the pyramids are! I must take some photos of them. A) how B) what C) which D) whose E) where 52. As our only witness, you'll be helping us greatly with our inquiries if you describe exactly......happened on the night of the murder. A) when B) what C) which D) where E) how 53. Until the 19th century, agricultural education was limited to......practical information a father might hand down to his son. A) wherever B) however C) whatever D) whoever E) whomever


54- Do you know......deep the hotel swimming-pool is? A) why B) how C) what D) how long

E) how far

55. It doesn't say on the invitation......the party will start, so we'd better phone and check. A) whose B) which C) what D) why E) when 56.......a relief it was......the plane finally landed safely! A) What / when B) Such / so C) Why / because D) How / that E) Whom / while 57.......dreadful! I think you must all have been petrified. A) How B) What C) When D) Which E) Who

58. Both of these paths lead to the old fisherman's house, so you can follow one you like. A) however B) wherever C) whichever D) whenever E) whatever 59. She told him......he was the most wonderful person she had ever met. A) who B) where C) when D) that E) what the room you place that sofa, it won't go with the rest of the furniture. A) Whenever B) Whomever C) Whatever D) Whichever E) Wherever


A) fill in: a lot (of), much or many. 1) Not. children believe in Father Christmas any more. 2 It takes.hard work to get a university degree. 3) I haven't got money at the moment so I can't go shopping. 4) He ate too.. food last night so today he's not feeling well. 5) I have too.books to carry so my bag is very heavy. 6) He must havemoney if he has a big car like that. 7) I haven't got.time, so please hurry up. 8) There were too.misprints in the letter. 9) Have you invitedguests to your dinner party? 10) She doesn't have..of an appetite -. that's why she's so thin. 11) Are thereEnglish people living in Germany? 12) How..milk do you need? . 13) She's working overtime as she's got so .to do. 14) The house isn't finished yet; there's still . work to be done. 15)There was so...traffic that we were delayed for an hour. B) Underline the correct item. . 1)There are much / many / a lot skyscrapers in Chicago. 2)We spent a lot of / many / few money on holiday. 3) A lot / Much / Few visitors are disappointed by our hotel. 4) if you add a little / a few / many salt, it will taste better. 5)There are much / a lot of / little people on this bus. 6) We've had many / little / too many rain this winter. 7) Few / Much / A little people are as pretty as she is. 8) There's been few / very little / a few news about the earthquake. 9) You must pay many / lots of / few attention to understand this. 10) Lots of / Much / Little flowers were planted in the garden. 11) A few / A little / Little students here have passed the exam. 12) There was many / few / much annoyance caused by her outbreak of anger. C) Complete the sentences with "alI or "whole". 1)How did you manage to spend the.week doing virtually nothing? 2)I can't believe that you have used up a / an.tin of paint for just one wall! 3)I was hoping to finish this composition by today, but the telephone hasn't stopped ringing, so.I've managed to do so far is the introduction. 4) was buzzing with activity on the day the new term started. 5)I don't want to spend.evening just watching TV. Let's do something else. 6) I think there was something wrong With her husband. He didn't say a word the .. evening. 7).possibilities must be considered before any action is taken. 8) We worked hard.week, and we were exhausted afterwards. 9)The villagers searched the.valley for the missing child, but there was no


sign of him. 10) He wasted a / an.kilo of butter because he left it out in the hot weather and it went off. 11) Almost.families now own a television set. 12) The Smiths, who live in the flat next to ours, are very interested in sports. The ............ family plays tennis. TEST YOURSELF 1- I don't think we'll have..chance of winning the elections. A) plenty B) a lot C) a good many D) several E) much

2- We can't do the job properly with so .......... equipment. We need more. A) many B) few C) much D) little E) less 3- There were. people at the demonstration.we had expected. A) less / than B) more / like C) many / that D) fewer / than E) so few / that 4-.of the glassware was broken, because.piece had been carefully wrapped in cloth. A) All / neither B) None / each C) Both / all D) Every / most E) Some / either 5-.people need social security in order to live without any worries. A) Every B) A great deal of C) Most of D) The whole E) All 6- I can't believe that he finished. the cake just on his own. A) whole . B) each C) two of D) all E) one of 7- A friend of..wants to live abroad for the rest of his life. A) him B) my sisters C) hers D) its E) their 8-.girls seem pleased with the level of the salary, but we have only one vacancy. A) Either B) Neither C) All D) Both E) Each 9- .of students took the university exam last year but few of them passed it. A) A great amount B) Some C) Lots D) Each E) Many 10-is known about the capacity of the human brain. More research is needed to understand it. A) Little B) A lot C) A few D) All E) Plenty 11- We need.. more employees to keep up with the increasing demand for our product. A) a little B) a few C) enough D) any E) a lot of 12- Some people have plenty of courage, but some have only . A) a lot B) a few C) few D) a little E) little 13- P: Both of those books are mine You can take whichever you want. Q: Oh, I haven't got time to read, so I don't want to take . A) none B) either' C) neither

D) all

E) whole

14-letter contains a detailed introductory brochure about the firm.


A) Each

B) All

C) Some

D) Most of D) food

E) A number of E) it

15- Some of . is going to be sold next week. A) them B) theirs C) the drinks

16- One ofwill be coming to us over the weekend. A) their B) their friends C) her daughter's D) children 17- Each of pay the due by next Friday. A) the student / must B) the members / has to C) them / are going to D) you / have to E) people / will have to 18-Some friends of . are trying to make situations better. A) them C) your B) my brother D) his

E) the boys'

E) his sisters

19- Only..of the students want to go o the cinemaprefer to go to the theatre. A) a few / The rest B) a little / Most of them C) one / They all D) a number / Lots E) a bit / More 20- Most of .. belong to me. A) their B) them C) it D) the stuff E) questions 21-Some of. are written in English. A) those B) books C) it D) his poetry E) essays

22-. his relatives.there during that terrible earthquake. A) Most of / have been living B) Some of / are living C) A few of / were living D) None / had been living E) Several / lived 23-. his parents approves of his leaving home for his education. A) Neither of B) Both of C) None of D) All of E) Many of 24-.. the junk was thrown away a few days ago but . is still in the back garden. A) Most of / some of them B) lot of / one of them C) Several off a little of it D) Much of / the rest of it E) Many off a bit of it 25-.of the students seems eager to have the exam tomorrow, so I think we must postpone it. A) All B) Some C) Only a few D) Every E) None 26- Some of the damage to the houses ........... yet. A) aren't repaired B) wasn't repaired C) haven't repaired D) hasn't been repaired E) weren't repaired 27- Only one of.. .discussed at the last session. A) the problems / was B) the trouble / had C) the matters / will be D) the chaos / could be


E) issue / was able to be 28- Some people have a lot of qualifications but some . A) doesn't have / any B) have / none C) have / only a little D) don't have / much E) has / only a few 29- She will send a friend help .do the work. A) his / ours B) her / me C) theirs / mine D) hers / us E) them / we 30- There were boats on.sides of the river. A) either B) neither C) both D) all E) none

31- Three of my students have their birthdays on the same day, and I have to buy a present for student . A) all B) both C) each D) three E) either 32- ..of labourers were needed to harvest the crops properly. A) Plenty B) Many C) Much D) None E) Most

33- I don't think she has.experience to be successful in this job. A) many B) enough C) several D) hardly any E) only a few 34)I had money on me, so I got embarrassed when I couldnt afford the Bill. A) any B) much C) a great deal of D) hardly any E) only a few 35-of this land is fertileis barren. A) Much / Only a little C) A few / Much E) A lot / Only a few B) Most / Only one D) Little / Many

36- Although the news extremely tragic. There.tears in her eyes. A) were / weren't any B) is / are a lot of C) was / were no D) are / won't be any E) was / wasn't much 37- Traffic is always jammed in Istanbul, because there are too cars but not.. roads. A) number of / many B) few / much C) much / enough D) little / many E) many / enough 38- There was plenty we sat on the ground. A) rain B) grass C) bushes D) spectators E) people

39- student has to bring his identification card to the exam. You should warn them beforehand. A) Both B) All C) Either D) Every E) Each of the 40- Do you who is standing by..window? A) a / the / the B) the / a / the C) the / the / the D) a / a / the E) the / a / a 41-trees will be cut down. but not .......... them. A) Several! all of B) A few / all


C) A lot of / a few

Dl)Some of / most of E) Many of / the whole of E) your / him

42- I broughtbook but he home. A) the / book B) my / his C) his / my D) mine / the book

43- After he had he house and lived there until his death. A) the / a B) the / the Ca/a D) a / the E) - / the 44- It has been............years since we saw each other. I A) a great deal of B) a good deal of C) a good many D) a large quantity of E) a small amount of 45- They have sold.the vegetables, but there is.fruit left. A) all of / no B) a great deal of / plenty of C) none of / a lot of D) much of / some E) all / a little


A) Underline the correct item 1) Both / All Margo and Steve are models. 2) Neither / Either Julie nor Lucy enjoyed the film. 3) He goes to the gym either / every day. 4) Both / Neither Rebecca and Charlie are teachers. 5) You will have to talk to each / both person alone to find out what happened. 6) All / Each eight men are working really hard. 7) None / Every of the applicants he interviewed were suitable for the job. 8) Every / All that he needs is a good rest. He's very tired. 9) Neither / Either the bride nor the groom arrived on time. They were all / both late. 10 )There's no / none need to do the washing up. The maid will do it. 11) He spent whole / all the evening studying for the exam. 12) Jim speaks neither / either French nor German. He only speaks English, 13) There was a good film on television yesterday but all / none of us saw it. 14)Sam plays football nearly each / every day. 15)I like both of these skirts but I'll take this ones / one because it's cheaper. 16) Each / All flat will have central heating installed before November. 17) Sally and Andrew all / both enjoyed themselves. 18) Jane did not utter a single word the whole / all time she was here, 19) Annette takes the bus to work neither / every day. 20) Either / Neither you start doing some work or I'll fire you. A) Rewrite the sentences using both ... and, neither ... nor, either ... or, not only ... but also. 1 Joe likes swimming and so does Tom. Both Joe and Tom like swimming 2 Molly is going to the cinema tomorrow; so are the Smiths 3 James and Alex like riding horses . 4 Jane has never been on an aeroplane and Victoria hasn't either. 5 Nick worked late; so did Sue and Fiona .. 6 Dr Green will see you or else Dr Howe will........ 7 Daniel is going to Brighton by train and so is Guy ................................................................................ 8 Justin doesn't watch television. Andrew doesn't either ... 9 Katie will give you directions or else Paula will. 10 Pete-Is a lawyer and so is Kathy . 11 Paul works as a cashier; so does Bob and Fred


12 Jill is having her hair cut; so are Sally and Lynn..

13 Cathy could give us a lift or else Laura could ..

C) Complete the sentences using the words in Bold. Use two to five words. 1- My father doesn't like cheese and neither does my brother. nor are Neither my father nor my brother like(s) cheese Both.. 2 -WilIiam is a dentist; John is too. dentists. 3- Debie enjoys scuba diving and so does her husband enjoy Both Debbie scuba diving. 4-Sandra can speak Portuguese and Spanish. .. only Sandracan also speak Spanish 5-You can ask Tim a lift to work or you can ask Sam either You can.for a lift to work. 6- It is believed that Jack is guilty and that Pam is too both nor It is believed that guiIty We didnt realize that ..there. 7- We didn't realise that Tina wasn't there and that Tony wasnt there. 8- The Bank manager explained that Terry could co-sign the account or else Janet could either The bank manager explained that ..cosign the account. 9- He told me that Chester is worth a visit and so is York. and He told me that . worth a visit 10- Did you know that Carole is getting married this year and so is Amanda. Not Did you know that.Amanda is getting married this year? D) Complete the sentences with both, either, neither, all none 1- There were people on..sides of the road waiting to welcome the President. 2- Because there were cars parked on.side of the road, it was very difficult for two cars to pass each other.


3- Our literature teacher referred to several books by contemporary American writers. Because I hadn't read anything from American literatureof them seemed familiar to me. 4- They have a son and a daughter..of them has started elementary school yet. 5- Although they have always tried to cultivate a taste for art in their son and daughter,.seems to be really interested in it, 6- Some courses are elective in our school, and every student has to choose two of them. If I had my own way, I would choose.of them, for I don't have the least interest in any of them. 7- I really liked..the books you lent me. I finished three of them in just ten days, and now I'm reading the last. 8- These two rules in business life are..very important. You can't ignore E) Complete the sentences with a form of other 1-There were six foreign representatives at the meeting. Two of them seemed satisfied with the firms progress, but.. had more negative reaction. 2- People have different characlertstics. both physically and mentally For instance, some people are optimistic. Some people are selfish; like to share. Some are tall; are short. 3- I have to leave in ten minutes. Can we discuss the situation time, If you dont mind? 4- the teacher had gIven us .minutes I could have written a better composition. 5- This apple is rotten. Can you give from those in the bowl? 6-Students have different study habits. Some students like to study regularly every day.prefer to study just before the exams. 7-Although I'd eaten a helping of chicken with salad, I was still hungry, so I ordered one. 8-The secretary you'd recommended to us didn't accept the job. Can you recommend any..with the same qualifications? 9-Do you think you'llbe able to recognize.after so many years? You must both have changed a lot. 10-You'll get exhausted if you go on playing football every day. You could. at least, play or so. 11-These shoes are a bit too small. Do you have any,.similar to these that I
can try on?

12-I've brought one of the boxes in, but..was too heavy for me to carry. 13-Mum, can you lend me..10 so that I can buy that I told you about? 14-Among many.pollution is one modem problem which we can solve through


careful planning and consideration for the planet we live on. 15-We ended up renting the house in Kadlkoy primarily I told you about was too expensive. TEST YOURSELF 1-Nearly.contemporary Latin American writer uses magical realism, but . uses it in an individual way. A) none / all B) much / none C) most / many D) all / some E) every / each 2-Next weekend, some relatives of..are coming to visit.. . A) us / ourselves B) them / theirs C) hers / they D) himself / her E) mine / us 3-..of the players..contributed to the victory in his own way. A) One / have B) All / were C) Each / has D) Every / will have E) A few / will be 4-English are not as reserved as people of.countries often believe. A) Some / others B) The / other C) Another / the D) All / whole E) An / some 5-The hotel won't supply any towels, so you'll have to bring.. . A) your own B) themselves C) your D) their E) itself 6-. number of people using public transport is steadily declining, and this, in turn, will almost certainly lead to..rise in fares. A) A / the B) A great / another C) More / some D) The / a E) A small / much 7-. applicants performed well at the interviews even though they'd..sent in excellent CVs. A) Every / none B) Either / both C) Few / all D) Some / neither E) None / each 8-My father requested a transfer weeks ago, but.manager still hasn't answer. A) herself / them B) her / hers C) ours / us D) him / himself E) his / him 9-The annual prize won't be awarded this year as.of the candidates...a high enough standard.


A) one / have reached C) few / is reaching E) much / reached

B) some / were reached D) none / has reached

10) He'd made.a mess of the form that he had to get another one. A) enough B) even C) too D) such 11) My mother won't have a dog unless we have a garden to A) our / itself B) us / it C) ours / its D) me / myself E) it / them

E) so

12) more people came by car than 'we had expected, so there weren't enough parking spaces. A) Such B) A little C) Quite D) Many E) So 13) There were a lot of people on..sides of the road waiting to welcome the PrlIlle Minister. A) both B) whole C) none D) either E) neither 14) Since only a few of us are in the mood ~ see this film now, shall we go and see it...... time? A) other B) whenever C) what else D) what E) another 15) The teacher told the twinS that she didn't wantof them in the same class as it would be difficult to tell them apart. A) neither B) neither C) both D) some E) every 16) We had thought we would have..time before the train left, but we were wrong, as we barely caught it. A) very little B) plenty of C) hardly any D) many more E) quite a bit 17) Although Alice and Janice are twins, they don't look a bit like... A) theirs B) the other C) oneself D) each other E) themselves 18) Why are you trying to do everything by ..... instead of asking for help? A) yourself / others' B) you / the others C) your own / another D) yours / someone's E) yourselves / anyone 19) I'm afraid I won't be able to I've got.opinion on the matter. A) nothing / some B) anything / no C) someone / none D) anyone / any E) everything / few 20) Are you sure you can carry all this luggage..? A) yours B) itself C) yourself D) them E) themselves

21) He is one of my favourite authors because, although he has written, books, .. of them leaves a different impression on you. A) so many / each B) a lot of / all C) too many / some D) many more / every


E) plenty of / both 22) Since.people are smoking now than a couple of decades ago, one would expect a corresponding drop in the rate of cancer and heart disease, but unfortunately, this is not the case. A) much more B) a little C) fewer D) not many E) the least 23) We spent hours looking for..hotel that wasn't fully booked, and finally ended up at...Royal. A) the / B) any / some C) some / D) the / the E) a / the 24) My sister's shoes aren't big enough forso I can't borrow. . A) mine / hers B) I / their C) my / theirs D) me / them E) myself / her 25) item is carefully checked before dispatch, and with even the slightest defect are put aside. A) All / the other B) The whole / the ones C) Either / none D) Each / some E) Every / any 26) Ron wants to because his old one keeps breaking down . A) another B) every C) other D) each 27)I can't believe that you ate...........loaf of bread all by yourselfl A) every B) a whole C) plenty D) most E) some E) either

28) The belief thatdead can return to haunt and even hurt the living has long been..element of fiction. A) a / the B) the / an C) - / the D) a / an E) the / the 29) It is difficult to decide which of those language schools to attend, because .. have a good reputation and ........... is cheaper than the other. A) all / either B) most / some C) both / neither D) none / all E) neither / one 30) I have seen Monet's painting "Sunrise" reproduced on cards and posters many times. but when I saw the painting.I was astonished A) myself / him B) him / his C) his / itself D) himself / mine E) itself / its 31) Though there were about a dozen of us with cameras and binoculars..of us actually managed to photograph the whales. A) whoever B) neither C) anyone D) none E) nobody 32) There films showing at the new cinema complex, but..appeals to me. A) several / none B) both / either C) no / all D) few / neither E) much / one 33) Today almostplaces in the world are connected toby communications networks. A) whole / the rest B) all / one another C) every / anywhere D) each / elsewhere E) many / somewhere


34) I'm really interested in ......... archaeology. Do you have ........ other books on the subject that I can borrow? A) the / one B) the / some C) - / any D) an / the E) - / much 35-There weren'tpeople to make up two complete teams. so we played football with nine players on .side. A) any / all B) such / any C) many / every D) enough / each E) no / both 36) Although as deputy chairman it was. job to argue in favour of the company policy he really didn't agree with it. . A) theirs / itself B) him / them C) mine / him D) your / yourselves E) his / himself 37) I cant stand just sitting here in the shade readingday! Let's go somewhere. A) all B) some C) whole D) a few E) much 38) .of my children is very keen on their school subjects. They aremore interested in social or sporting activities. A) Both / all B) Neither / Both C) Some / neither D) One / either E) All / none 39) A: Would you like your steak well-done or medium? B: .. way is fine for me. I really don't mind. A) Both B) All C) None

D) Neither

E) either

40) In the rehearsal process the actor thinks of the characteris to play. A) them / himself B) it / itself C) himself / he D) him / his own E) theirs / it 41) My brother is earning quite a lot as a stockbroker but he says he can't do this job for . another two years since it's so stressful. A) any more B) so long C) longer than D) long enough E) the longest 42) research papers were due last week. but Jane still hasn't handed in yet. A) Theirs / it B) Our / hers C) Our own / her D) Ourselves / its E) Her / herself 43) Neil doesnt resemble of his parents at all. He looks completely different than . of them A) either / both B) neither / any C) none / all D) any / some E) both / either


44) From a young age, children should be allowed to make some of.decisions for .. so that they may grow up to be self-confident. A) themselves / theirs B) their / themselves . C) theirs / itself D) it / them E) its / himself 45) With so many changes both in the town.. and in people's attitude in general, my hometown I remembered it. A) its own / no more B) its / any more C) itself / no longer D) themselves / any longer E) of their own / some more 46) I have decided to subscribe to that magazine so that I'll be sure of receiving ...... edition as soon as it's published. A) all B) whole C) both D) each E) either 47) Since you're the first person here. you can choose.of the rooms you want. A) anywhere B) everywhere C) anyone D) wherever E) whichever 48) ..problems arose during the conference that by the end of it the organizers had exhausted just trying to put them in order. A) Such a lot / them B) The most / their C) So many / themselves D) Too much / they E) Much more / theirs 49) When the United States first invaded Vietnam. few people expected.a long drawn-out war. A) very B) so C) much D) such E) too 50) My brother who has always been jealous of is saving to buy a car just like ..... A) me / mine B) mine / my C) my / me D) myself / I E) I / myself 51) The Scandinavian countries are.admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies. A) too B) much C) such D) enough E) either 52) It is widely believed that, despite disadvantages such as pollution and overcrowding, cities nonetheless provide people with.opportunities than they would have in the country. A) the least B) much more C) fewer D) less E) a lot more 53) The exhibition received.of attention in the press. for the paintings were by the most famous artists of the 19th century. A) much more B) a large number C) a good many D) a great deal E) the whole 54) Advertisers discovered years ago that all, of us love to an advertisement which begins with the magic word "free" can rarely go unnoticed. A) everything / something B) nothing / anything C) anything / everything D) nothing / nothing E) something / nothing 55) Please concentrate on.driving and don't allow anything to distract.. A) your / you B) yourself / me C) mine / yourself D) him / yours E) our / mine


56) Even if it is a little more expensive. I think we will go by train since we live ...... closer to the station. A) enough B) too C) so much D) the most E) much more

57) If the English language had exactly 26 sounds one for.letter of the alphabet There would be .. spelling problems. A) more / many B) each / no C) all / fewer D) every / less E) either / much 58) She had planned to read six books during her holiday but having been tempted by her friends to go out frequently she couldnt finish ............ . A) more than B) so much C) enough D) plenty of E) that many 59) My son does not like to eat the peachbut he likes.juice. A) its / them B) itself / its C) its own / its own D) himself / their E) his own / itself 60) ..research needs to be done before the product can be launched onto the market. A) Fewer B) A good many C) Many D) More E) Any more 61) My daughter can write with..hands equally well, but she usually prefers her left. A) both B) neither C) some D) all E) either 62) Do not undervalueor others will do he same to A) him / he B) us / ours C) yourself / you D) theirs / they E) myself / mine

63) It gets on my nerves that Jenny always approves of what..say, as if she has no ideas of .. A) another / herself B) whenever / hers C) anyone / her D) whoever / hers E) others / her own 64) Through unwise investment, he lost.that he had accumulated over the years. A) all B) whole C) whichever D) anything E) each 65) The hotel, which was at the top of a hill, had fabulous views onsides. A) each B) all C) every D) neither E) either 66) Don't forget to look in ............ directions before crossing the road. A) every B) most C) both D) each E) either

67) I believe that.person holding a driving licence should have his driving ability retested once.five years. A) every / every B) any / all C) all / each D) some / whole E) each / several 68) I must have looked very sad yesterday because, although there was ........... wrong ...... kept asking me what the problem was. A) no one / something B) nothing / everybody C) nowhere / someone D) somebody / nobody E) anything / no one 69) A: Would you like us to order the hardback or the paperback version of that book, madam? B: ..will be fine. but, as I need it for my course. I would prefer whichever


will arrive earlier. A) None B) Both

C) Neither

D) All

E) Either

70) She was prepared to do the job for per week. so she was pleasantly when they offered her twice. A) so many B) many more C) enough D) as much E) the most

A) Supply the correct form of the verb given In parentheses. 1. Don't tell me about your new car. You are making me (feel) ___________envious. 2. You should get your leg [examinE) ___________by a doctor. It looks serious. 3. All the staff were made (stay) ___________behind in order to clear up the mess made by the hooligans. 4. It's true that Cher has had her nose (straighten) ___________but she was already an attractive woman. 5. If we put something eye-catching on display in the window, it will make passers-by (look) ___________at our shop. 6. We're having a cake (makE) ___________ for the party. I think it's better than trying to make one ourselves. 7- It's quite expensive to have an advertising agency [design) ___________a brochure. Couldn't we get the assistant [producE) ___________something on our own computer software? 8- I like the apartment, but the wooden floor looks dull. I will take the apartment only if you get the floor [polish) ___________before I move in. 9. We were made (wait) ___________ outside until the doctors thought he was ready to receive visitors. 10. Could you get the plumber [look) ___________ at the tap in the bathroom after he's done the one in the kitchen? 11. The gallery had a lot of valuable paintings (burn) ___________ during the fire. 12. He is really good at convincing people. He usually gets me (do) ___________what he wants. 13. In order to prevent them from decaying, you should have your teeth [check) ___________ every six months. 14. My little brother had his arm [break) ___________in a fight yesterday. 15. When I go away, I usually have my neighbour [keep) ___________an eye on my house for me. B) Fill In the blanks In the passages below with the correct choice. The modern game of field hockey, (1) ____for men or women, is played by two 11member teams (2) ____ sticks with a crook at the striking end. The object is (3) ____ a ball into the opponent's goal. The playing field is 100 yards long and 60 yards wide, and the most common playing surface is grass. (4) ____all international matches are required (5) ____ on artificial turf. The goals at each end are 7 feet high and 12 feet wide, and the shooting circle is a semicircle centered on and 16 yards from: the goal. The stick has one flat and one rounded side, and the ball must be hit with the flat side. 1.A) both B) whether C) either D) just E) even 2.A) used B) to have used C) being used D) to be using E) using 3.A) being hit B) hit C) to hit D) to be hit E) having hit 4.A) However B) So that C) No matter D) Although E) Therefore


5.A) to be played

B) to play

C) played

D) playing

E) being played

One of the first modern theories of learning is learning by association. For example, a baby is uncomfortable and begins (6) ____The mother picks the baby up (7) ____it. The baby learns to associate crying with (8) ____ up and will therefore cry whenever it wants (9) ____ up even if there is no discomfort. This is called learning by stimulus-response association. The sight of the mother is called the stimulus, the crying is called the response, and the act of picking the child up is called the reward, or the reinforcement. It is the reward that makes the baby (10) ____to use crying. 6.A) cry B) cried C) being cried D) having criedE) to cry 7.A) comfortingB) having comforted C) comforted D) comfort E) to comfort 8.A) being picked B) picking C) to pick D) having picked E) to be picked 9.A) to have picked B) picking C) to be picked D) being picked E) to pick 10.A) learning B) learn C) to learn D) learnt E) having learnt I had finished (11) ____ some shopping, and was on my way out of the department store when I noticed an extremely untidy man in a worn jacket (12) ____ towards me. Obviously,he was trying (13) ____my attention. (14) ____ by handout artists or talkative drunks many times before. I hurried on out to my car. It was only after I got home that I noticed my wallet was missing. Three days later it arrived in the mail, minus a single dollar bill, and with a note (15) ____"I charged you $1 for postage and snobbery." 11. A) to do B) done C) doing D) having done E) to be doing 12.A) to be hurrying B) hurried C) to hurry D) being hurried E) hurrying 13.A) attracting B) to attract C) attract D) attracted E) being attracted 14.A) To be bothered B) Having bothered C) Bothering D) To be bothering E) Having been bothered 15.A) to be said B) said C) having said D) saying E) being said (16) ____haphazardly in an old tower in St.Gall, Switzerland, in 1416, Poggio Bracciolini. a resident of Florence, Italy, uncovered a copy of one of the great works of ancient Rome, the "Institutio oratorio" (The Training of an Orator) of Quintilian. Although Quintilian was mainly a teacher of Latin rhetoric - the ability (17) ____well in public - his book contains one of the clearest and most thoughtful educational theories ever published. He viewed schooling as character training (18) ____students for life. He advised teachers (19) ____their methods according to the abilities and personalities of pupils. While (20) ____competence in speaking, he wanted most of all to produce citizens who could participate capably in public life. 16. A) Searching 17. A) 18. A) 19. A) 20. A) B) To be searching C) Being searched D) To search E) To have searched spoken B) to speak C) speaking D) speak E) having spoken equipped B) being equipped C) equip D) having equipped E) to equip to vary B) varying C) to be varied D) vary E) varied being stressed B) stressed C) stressing D) to stress E) to be stressing


C) Change the adverbial clauses to modifying phrases. 1. Because I haven't read the report myself, I am unable to comment on it. ________________________________________________________ 2. When you are loading these boxes, make sure that they remain in an upright position. ________________________________________________________ 3. If this disease is detected early enough, it can easily be cured. ________________________________________________________ 4. Before she sealed the envelope, she checked the contents of the letter once more. ________________________________________________________ 5. She fell asleep while she was listening to the lecture. ________________________________________________________ 6. When he opened his wallet, he realized he didn't have enough money to pay the bill. ________________________________________________________ 7. You should write your name at the top of the page before you answer any of the questions. ________________________________________________________ 8. Because he had driven through a red light, he wasn't at all surprised when the police stopped him. ________________________________________________________ 9. As there were no seats left on the flight, we were obliged to travel by train. ________________________________________________________ 10. Since he started his own business two years ago, he has been doing remarkably well. ________________________________________________________ 11. Although stamp collecting isn't so popular as it used to be, it is still a favourite hobby of many youngsters. ________________________________________________________ 12. Because the children had never seen an elephant before, they were really excited when they saw one at the zoo. ________________________________________________________ 13. As they are amphibians, frogs can live both in water and on land. ________________________________________________________


14. If this flood is not brought under control, it could destroy the homes of thousands of people. ________________________________________________________ 15. When you receive a new credit card, you should always check the expiry date. ________________________________________________________ 16. As there was heavy congestion at that time of day, we decided to walk rather than drive. ________________________________________________________ 17. Unless they are supported after treatment, alcoholics often suffer relapses. ________________________________________________________ 18. Until wearing a seatbelt was made compulsory by law, it had often been ignored by drivers. ________________________________________________________ 19. When he was asked who the job had been given to, the manager refused to comment. ________________________________________________________ 20.Although my sister's job is much less stressful than mine, it provides her with a higher salary ________________________________________________________ D) Write the sentences in the causative as in the example: 1 Their wedding reception was organised by caterers. ...They had their wedding reception organised by caterers.... 2 I'll ask her to make the appointment for Friday_____________________________________ 3 He was mending the table for Sophie_____________________________________________ 4 He took his boots to be reheeled________________________________________________ 5 Has your leg been X-rayed? ____________________________________________________ 6 I will tell James to cancel the meeting tomorrow_____________________________________ 7 Don't ask them to post the letters_________________________________________________


8 I'll get the men to move this for you by this evening___________________________________ 9 The mechanic is repairing her car_________________________________________________ 10 They renovated the Smiths' house last year________________________________________ 11 They are going to clean our swimming pool________________________________________ 12 Where do they take their photographs to be developed? ______________________________ 13 He doesn't mind the barber cutting his hair short____________________________________ 14 You should ask someone to water your plants while you're on holiday.___________________ 15 Will she get someone to deliver the computer? _____________________________________ 16 She prefers sending her clothes to the drycleaner's__________________________________ 17 My father likes people taking his photograph_______________________________________ 18 Our cooker was being repaired when the lights went off_______________________________ 19 Would you like someone to do the shopping for you? ________________________________ 20 The beautician polished the model's nails. _________________________________________ E) Write sentences in the causative as in the example: 1 The doctor examined Paul's ankle. What did Paul do? ...He had his ankle examined.... 2 Someone delivers her groceries once a week. What does she do? ______________________________________________________ 3 A hairdresser has cut and styled Pamela's hair. What has she done? ______________________________________________________ F) Rewrite sentences using the words in the brackets. 1) Someone will steal your purse if you don't look after it.


(be) Your purse _____________________________________if you don't look after it. 2) Jane insisted that I have some more cake. (made) Jane_______________________________________some more cake. 3) They are resurfacing our drive tomorrow. (resurfaced) We____________________________________tomorrow. 4) Our furnace will need servicing soon. (have) We will need____________________________________soon. 5) Someone cleans my house every week. (have) I _____________________________________________every week. 6) How did he persuade you to do it? (get) How ____________________________________________ do it? 7) She got a friend to make her an evening dress. (made) She___________________________________by a friend. 8) Their house had been burgled when I last saw them. (had) They____________________________________ when I last saw them. 9) I asked my parents to pay for my flight home. (had) I________________________________________for my flight home. 10) Hooligans attacked Barney outside the stadium. (got) Barney________________________________________outside the stadium. 11) She doesn't like ironing so the cleaner does it for her. (done) She doesn't like ironing so__________________________________by the cleaner. 12) He arranged for a friend to bring his books over from England. (had) He____________________________________________________from England G) Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1) Lucy persuaded Andrew to take her out to dinner. got Lucy Andrew to take her... out to dinner. 2) Our heater needs repairing. have done We'll____________________________________repaired She ____________________________________by a beautician every week. 3) A beautician does her nails every week. 4) The dentist is extracting her tooth now. extracted She ____________________________________now. 5) I'll ask Mark to fetch my laundry.


have had made Eve.

I ____________________________________my laundry. He____________________________________in an accident. The shopkeepers____________________________________on Christmas

6) His car was badly damaged in an accident. 7) The shopkeepers were forced to work on Christmas Eve.

8) He got someone at the office to send the fax. sent made He ___________________________________by someone at the office. We ____________________________________early. 9) She insisted that we come home early. 10) Someone had dented her car when she came out of the shop. had She____________________________________ when she came out of the shop. 11) They can get someone to groom the dog next week. have done make get broken looked had They can____________________________________next week. He used____________________________________once a month. Why____________________________________this dress? Did he____________________________________ the wound? The boxer ____________________________________in a fight. I must____________________________________.- it might be valuable. We will ____________________________________up for you by the time you 12) He used to pay someone to do his accounts once a month . 13) Why did he insist that buy this dress? 14) Did he ask the nurse to dress the wound? 15) The boxer broke his arm in a fight. 16) I must have someone look at this painting - it might be valuable. 17) The contract will have been drawn up for you by the time you get back. get back. 18) The police ordered him to tell them what had happened. made got The police____________________________________what had happened. He ____________________________________the new client for him. 19) Margery dealt with the new client for him.

H) Choose the best 1. Canada_____population is only about 29 million, ranks second in terms of area in the world. A) where B) whose C) which D) that E) whom 2. Rather than going to the park_____has the swings, why don't we go to the one with the boating-lake?


A) where

B) when

C) -

D) whose

E) which

3. In Haiti_____ about two-thirds of the land is mountainous or hilly, many farmers can barely raise enough food even for themselves. A) which B) where C) when D) what E) whom

4. The only person_____the 1902 eruption of Mont Pelee, on the Caribbean Island of Martinique, was a prisoner_____cell was so badly ventilated that the poisonous gas didn't reach him. A) to survive / whose B) surviving / where C) survived / which D) having survived / whom E) survive / that 5. The main reason_____the experiment didn't work is that it wasn't conducted with enough attention to detail. A) why B) whom C) which D) when E) where 6. Football_____also called soccer In some countries, originated In England. A) which B) that C) where D) whom E) -

7. Papermaklng is a continuous process, an unbroken line of production_____begins with the tree and ends with the cut sheet of paper. A) when B) where C) that D) what E) whose 8. One disadvantage of the hotel_____we stayed at last summer was that it was very close to a disco, and thus very noisy. A) whom B) what C) whose D) where E) which 9. Manufacturers make the best quality tea from a variety of leaves_____are blended together by experts. A) who B) where C) what D) which E) when 10. The only American president ever _____unanimously was George Washington, in 1789 and 1792, when, on both occasions, he ran unopposed. A) to be elected B) to elect C) elect D) electing E) having elected 11. One of the penthouse flats _____the marina has just come up for sale. A) to have overlooked B) to be overlooking C) overlooked D) having overlooked E) overlooking 12. The sun is the centre around_____the earth and the eight other planets of our solar system revolve. A) that B) where C) whose D) which E) what 13. Any money_____at tonight's ball will be donated to a charity for cancer research. A) collected B) having collected C) to be collecting D) collecting E) to collect


14. It seems to be always the poorest people_____homes are destroyed whenever there is any kind of natural disaster. A) which B) whose C) where D) whom E) when 15. The hot mineral waters of the Afyon region_____contain many beneficial salts, are bottled and sold all over Turkey. A) who B) when C) where D) that E) which 16. Rest periods_____aside for snacks and small talk are called coffee breaks, no matter what kinds of refreshments are enjoyed. A) having set B) to set C) set D) setting E) to have set 17. Ken has decided to be a fireman _____has really upset his mother, since she dreamt of her son becoming a doctor. A) what B) which C) who D) that E) why 18. We must appoint someone_____the office while we are out of the country. A) having supervised B) supervised C) supervising D) to supervise E) to be supervised 19. In order to set the burglar alarm properly, the last doors_____should be the ones on the ground floor. A) to be locked B) to be locking C) having locked D) to have locked E) locking 20. The feelings of a mother_____she sees her child in danger are more powerful than any fears she may have for herself. A) who B) where C) whom D) which E) when 21. Cotton_____provides about four-fifths of all natural fibres used, is the most important natural fibre. A) where B) when C) which D) that E) what 22. According to statistics, the hour _____most deaths during sleep occur is four o'clock in the morning. A) whom B) where C) when D) which E) who 23. Childhood, during_____the imagination is at its greatest, should be a time of carefree happiness. A) whose B) that C) where D) which E) when 24. The name of Sierra Leone derives from "Serra Lyoa" or "Lion Mountains", which a Portuguese explorer of the 15th century gave to the hills_____the harbour in the capital. A) surrounded B) to surround C) being surrounded D) surround E) surrounding 25. An example of a desert_____is completely uninhabitable is the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia. A) where B) that C) when D) E) what


26. John Grisham's novels tell stories of courtroom battles_____he understands so well because of his legal background. A) where B) whom C) which D) what E) when 27. The smartest way _____ situations like this is to speak to the manager first. A) to approach B) having approached C) approaching D) to be approached E) approached 28. Alcatraz is the name of the prison_____they used to keep America's most dangerous criminals. A) where B) why C) what D) who E) which 29. The boy_____in line behind me kept asking silly questions _____rather irritated me. A) to stand / that B) standing / which C) stood / where D) to have stood / how E) having stood / who 30. The clerk_____last week seems to be having difficulty coping with the task_____he has been given. A) hiring / which B) to hire / that C) being hired / when D) hired / E) having hired / what 31. Atmosphere is the mass of air_____outward from the surface of the earth into space. A) extended B) having extended C) to be extended D) extending E) extend 32. Certain birds, such as the ostrich and the rhea_____ancient relatives once flew, have lost the power of flight and have adapted to other means of living. A) whose B) where C) what D) which E) when 33. The basic principle of weaving has not changed since the late Stone Age _____ humans first wove rushes and grasses into baskets and mats. A) whose B) how C) when D) where E) which 34. Yucatan Peninsula in Central America.......about 190,000 sq km, separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea. A) to cover B) being covered C) covered D) covering E) having covered 35. The material_____we chose to cover our dining room chairs with looks too bright now that they have been covered. A) of which B) what C) where D) E) when 36. The Tower of London _____so many important people were at one time Imprisoned or executed, is today visited by thousands of tourists. A) which B) that C) how D) what E) where 37. The largest city in the world, Mexico City is still growing at a rapid pace, with 2,000 newcomers_____each day. A) arrived B) to arrive C) to have arrived D) arriving E) arrive


38. Lungs, the principal organs of respiration, are two large spongy masses _____in the chest. A) locate B) located C) to locate D) locating E) having located 39. Although it is Italy_____produces the most wine in the world, French wines lead the world in quality. A) what B) where C) how D) whose E) that 40. Because of the heavy work load in the office, my father is always rather tense, _____increases his risk of having a heart attack. A) when B) where C) which D) who E) that 41. The Empire State many tourists every year, is the second tallest building in the United States. A) visited B) having visited C) to have visited D) visit E)visiting


A : Write the conditional sentences for the given true situations. 1- I may get that large order tomorrow, so I can go for a meal with my family. If I get that large order tomorrow, I can go for a meal with my family. 2- I won't get a large order, so I can't go for a meal with my family. If I got a large order, I could go for a meal with my family. 3 I didn't get the large order yesterday, so I didn't go for a meal with my family. I had got the large order yesterday, I would have gone for a meal with my family. 4- The owners may sell the cottage separately from the farm house. In that case, we'll buy it. If the owners (sell) _____________the cottage separately from the farm house, we (buy) _____________it. 5- They won't offer the cottage separately from the farm house, so we can't buy it. If they (offer) _____________ the cottage separately from the farm house, we (can,buy) _____________ it. 6- They didn't sell the cottage separately from the farm house, so we couldn't buy it. If they (sell) _____________ the cottage separately from the farm house, we (can, buy) _____________it. 7- He couldn't find a job straightaway, so he suffered a lot of financial problems. If he (find) _____________ a job straightaway, he (not, suffer) _____________so many financial problems. 8- My husband may forget my birthday again this year. In that case, I'll never forgive him. If my husband (forget) _____________ my birthday again this year, I (never, forgive) _____________him. 9- It's very sensible that now you pay into a private pension scheme regularly, so you'll have a comfortable retirement. You (not, have) _____________ a comfortable retirement if you (not, pay)_____________ into a private pension scheme regularly now. 10- You didn't give them a fair price, so you didn't get the bid. If you (give) _____________ them a fair price, you (get) _____________ the bid. 11- There may be some more stock of this item at our central warehouse. In that case, I'll call you. If there (be) _____________any stock of this item at our central warehouse, I (call) _____________you. 12- My mother runs the shop on her own because my father is ill. My mother (not, run) _____________the shop on her own if my father (not be) _____________ill. 13- I may get a good enough grade in history to study it at university. If I (get) _____________a good enough grade in history, I (study)_____________it at university. 14- They may have some tickets left. In that case, he'll call me. If there (be) _____________any tickets left, he (call) _____________me. 15- I don't need to clean the house before the guests arrive because it's not dirty.


I (have to clean) _____________the house before the guests arrive if it (be) _____________dirty.

B) Write the true situations for the given conditional sentences. 1- If she loved him, she would marry him. She doesn't love him, so she (isn't going to marry) won't marry him. 2- If a customer hadn't come into the shop just as I was leaving, I wouldn't have missed my bus. I _____________my bus because a customer_____________into the shop just as I was leaving. 3- If the instructions in the workshop manual are clear enough for me to understand, I will repair the brakes on my car myself. The instructions in the workshop manual _____________clear enough for me to understand. In that case, I_____________the brakes on my car myself. 4- I wouldn't have had to go out during my lunch break if I hadn't left my sandwiches at home. I_____________my sandwiches at home, so I_____________out during my lunch break. 5- If I knew her surname, I could ring directory enquiries. I_____________directory enquiries because I_____________her surname. 6- Of course I wouldn't be trying this leather coat on if I couldn't afford it. I_____________this leather coat on, which means I_____________it. 7- If she remembers to buy some chicken, I can make a chicken pie for dinner. She_____________to buy some chicken. Then I_____________a chicken pie for dinner. 8- We would employ the second applicant if she had a little more work experience. We_____________the second applicant because she_____________enough work experience. 9- They would get really annoyed if they knew that you're overhearing their conversation. Fortunately, they_____________that you're overhearing their conversation, so they _____________annoyed. 10- If there were a service on Sundays, we could catch the bus into town today. We_____________the bus into town today because there_____________a service on Sundays. 11- If there is a service on Sundays, we can catch the bus into town today. There_____________a service on Sundays. In that case, we_____________the bus into town today. 12- If he hadn't been already weakened by his injuries, he wouldn't have died from influenza. He_____________by his injuries, so he_____________from influenza. 13- If he didn't like being at sea, he wouldn't be trying to join the Navy. He_____________being at sea, so he_____________to join the Navy. 14- If you aren't able to find fresh milk, you can bring a carton of sterilised milk. You_____________to find fresh milk, then you_____________a carton of sterilised milk. 15- If you had been more careful at the beginning of the month, you wouldn't have run out of cash so quickly. You_____________careful at the beginning of the month, so you_____________out of cash quickly. 16- We would have cut some branches off if our neighbours had complained to us about our tree overhanging their fence.


We_____________any branches off because our neighbours_____________to us about our tree overhanging their fence.

C) Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. 1- I (not, let) _____________the baby play with your keys if I (be) _____________you. He may drop them somewhere. 2- If they (reduce) _____________that suit to half price, I (buy) _____________it. It'll look nice on me, won't it? 3- If he (tell) _____________me before that he enjoys playing basketball, I (arrange) _____________a game during his stay here. 4- Why did you refuse my offer of help? If you (accept) _____________my help, you (finish) _____________the job today without any problems. 5- A: I (lock) _____________up for you if you (explain) _____________the procedure to me. B: Yes, thanks, I'll explain what to do before I leave. 6- If I (go) _____________past a key cutter's, I (can, get) _____________a duplicate of this key cut for you, but unfortunately, there isn't one on my way. 7- We are having a new oven installed on Monday, so I (give) _____________you the old one if you (can, pick) _____________ it up. 8- If Jeff (join) _____________an organised hiking tour, he (not get) _____________lost in that remote mountainous area. I'm glad that he found his way after all. 9- If he (not, enjoy) _____________a challenge, he (not still, teach) _____________in this school. 10- It's a pity that he went bankrupt, but I'm sure he (gain) _____________more customers if he (work) _____________a bit harder. 11- On the whole, it was a nice holiday, but we (enjoy) _____________it better if we (have) _____________better weather. 12- I agree that Istanbul is a magnificent city, but I (like) _____________it better if it (have) _____________better road networks and less traffic. 13- I (can, baby-sit) _____________for you if I (know) _____________that you had tickets for the opera. 14- Please, Mum! If you (buy) _____________this basketball outfit, I (tidy) _____________ my room every day.


15- I feel very ill. If I (have) _____________an important meeting with the unions in the afternoon, I (stay) _____________home in order to recover.

D) Choose the correct answer. 1- If we_______a blue earring in the restaurant, Madam, we_______you immediately. A) will find / have called B) could find / called C) have found / could call D) are finding / call E) find / will call 2- I'm sure he_______you his Bar Mano album collection if you ask him nicely. A) has shown B) will show C) showed D) is showing E) would show 3- If he_______his policy about the membership fees, I would have voted him for the chairman of the club. A) could change B) will change C) had changed D) has changed E) is changing 4- Bill would have played professional basketball if he_______by a car. A) hadn't been hit B) weren't hitting C) hasn't been hit D) wouldn't hit E) didn't hit 5- If a replacement kidney_______soon, the patient_______ A) isn't found / will die B) wasn't found / had died C) hadn't been found / was dying D) wouldn't have been found / died E) won't have been found / dies 6- If you_______anything to eat or drink while you're baby-sitting, just help yourself. A) could have needed B) needed C) need D) had needed E) would need 7- You_______for the Christmas concert choir if you _______to choir practice regularly. A) won't be selecting / hadn't come B) wouldn't have selected / aren't corning C) won't be selected / don't come D) wouldn't select / didn't come E) aren't selected / weren't coming 8- If our guest_______uncomfortable, I'm sure he_______dear. Don't worry so much. A) were / would say B) had been / will say C) will be / would have said D) were being / had said E) would have been / said 9- What_______you_______if you were introduced to the Queen? A) had / said B) would / say C) will / say D) did / say


E) are / saying 10- If there_______any bargain holidays abroad, then we_______somewhere nice in this country instead. A) won't be / have gone B) wouldn't have been / go C) wouldn't be / went D) weren't / are going E) aren't / will go 11- If it_______Monday today, we_______stuck in traffic on the way to work now instead of eating our breakfast on the balcony. A) is / will be B) has been / are C) would be / have been D) were / would be E) had been / could be E) Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs given in parentheses. Some of the verbs are passive. 1. I wish you (can, be) _______________at the party last night. You (reall,enjoy) _______________yourself. 2. I quite like this flat, but I wish the people above us (not, be) _______________ so noisy. 3. I wish you (not take) _______________so long to get dressed. It's half past seven and you're only just ready. I'm sure we'll miss the beginning of the concert. 4. I really wish you (stop) _______________whistling. It's getting on my nerves. 5. Abra, Nike and their children are refugees from Sudan. Sometimes, they wish they (be) _______________back in their beautiful country, but most of all, they wish that the civil war there (end) _______________soon. 6. At this very moment, I wish I (sit) _______________in a warm room, (drink) _______________tea and (watch) _______________an old movie on video. 7. Oh, don't we have a class today? I wish someone (telephone) _______________me this morning. I have come all the way across town for nothing! 8. What a beautiful view! I wish I (bring) _______________my camera with me. 9. I wish you (stop) _______________pulling your sister's hair, Johnny. How _______________you (like) _______________it if she (pull) _______________yours? 10. If only Mr. Blake (not, interrupt) _______________the speaker all the time, the presentation would have been enjoyable. 11. I wish you (can, see) _______________the look on my husband's face yesterday when he saw the colour I had painted the living room. 12. If only I (have) _______________better eyesight. I can't read anything now without my glasses. 13. He must now wish that he (not, reject) _______________our offer because I've heard that he earns less in his new job.


14. The plot of this book is very interesting, but I wish it (not, contain) _______________quite so many descriptive passages. They are really distracting, and, in my opinion, totally unnecessary. 15. Isn't it bizarre? Children spend their lives wishing they (be) _______________ grown-up, and adults always wish they (can, be) _______________young again! 16. I spoke to John yesterday and though he didn't actually say anything, I think he wishes he (come) _______________on the trip with us next week. 17. It is a nice conference room, but I wish the tables (set) _______________out differently. I prefer them in a 'U' shape rather than in rows. 18. I wish you (stop) _______________sniffing, Johnny. Go and get a handkerchief. Test Yourself 1. Can you imagine the chaos there_______if every individual in the world_______a different language? A) is going to be / has spoken B) would be / spoke . C) were / could speak D) has been / might speak E) will be / had spoken 2. If nothing unexpected_______then at this time tomorrow, we_______down the side of a mountain. A) would happen / were skiing B) happens / will be skiing C) had happened / may be skiing D) happened / will have been skiing E) might happen / could be skiing 3. These plants_______as though they_______ for a couple of weeks. A) are looking / aren't watered B) looked / hadn't watered C) have looked / weren't being watered D) had looked / didn't water E) look / haven't been watered 4. If you_______your glasses, you_______that I'm standing next to a bull in this photograph, not a cow! A) are wearing / have seen B) would wear / were going to see C) were wearing / would be able to see D) will be wearing / might have seen E) might wear / could see 5. People who wish they_______a different person will probably never be happy as themselves! A) had been born B) would be born C) are born


D) can be born E) were being born 6. I really wish you_______waiters such large tips all the time. We are not that rich! A) wouldn't give B) hadn't given C) don't give D) haven't given E) won't give 7. I_______you a lift home every day provided you_______to pay for half the gas. A) used to give / agreed B) can give / agree C) may have given / had agreed D) had given / would have agreed E) should give / will agree 8. The gangster claimed that he_______off my finger if I_______him less than what I owed to him. A) was cutting / would pay B) had cut / would have paid C) might be cutting / had paid D) would cut / paid E) will have cut / have paid 9. Have you ever wished you_______this car? I mean, it's obviously causing you a lot of trouble. A) wouldn't buy B) aren't buying C) hadn't bought, D) haven't bought E) didn't buy 10. I_______for that awful man even if he _______me ten times my current salary. A) haven't worked / has offered B) hadn't worked / might offer C) am not working / were offered D) don't work / will offer E) wouldn't work / were to offer 11. I wish we_______him more support, but we were short of money at the time. A) could have given B) were giving C) have been giving D) should have given E) were able to give 12. If there_______a petroleum shortage in the future, solar and wind power_______a partial solution. A) would be / have provided B) was / used to provide C) has been / had to provide D) is / could provide E) will be / would provide


13. You must be wishing you_______ tomorrow's reception, as I know how much you dislike such formal gatherings. A) haven't been attending B) won't be attending C) didn't have to attend D) can't attend E) hadn't been attending 14. Piercing a sponge cake with a knife will indicate whether it is ready. If nothing _______ to the knife, it means that the cake _______ through. A) will stick / is cooking B) is sticking / had cooked C) has stuck / would cook D) sticks / has been cooked E) stuck / was being cooked 15. I wish I_______a flight to Iraq so long in advance - now a war's broken out there, and I_______my money if I cancel my booking. A) didn't book / have lost B) wouldn't have booked / lost C) wouldn't book / am losing D) haven't booked / would lose E) hadn't booked / will lose 16. He_______at the party last night, or I_______ him. A) weren't to be / had seen B) shouldn't have been / saw C) hasn't been / was supposed to see D) hadn't been / ought to see E) couldn't have been / would have seen 17. Ideally, a country's exports_______worth the same as, or slightly more than, its imports, and if this_______the country is said to have a favourable balance of trade. A) should be / happens B) have been / were happening C) will be / happened D) might be / would happen E) can be / will happen 18. I'm sure your headache_______if you lie down for a while after you_______an aspirin. A) would have disappeared / had taken B) might disappear / took C) will disappear / have taken D) has disappeared / were taking E) disappears / will have taken 19. The shops around here_______you a 15% discount if you_______in cash rather than by credit card. A) give / pay B) have given / are paying C) will give / had paid D) will have given / will pay E) are giving / were paying


20. If he_______in love with her, he_______in drugs and alcohol still. A) didn't fall / would have involved B) hadn't fallen / might be involved C) doesn't fall / will involve D) weren't falling / has been involved E) hasn't been falling / were to be involved 21. She_______much more seriously if she _______her seatbelt at the time of the accident. A) could have hurt / wouldn't have worn B) has been hurt / didn't wear C) might have been hurt / hadn't been wearing D) will have been hurt / wasn't wearing E) was going to hurt / hasn't been wearing 22. If the old bridge over the river_______last spring, we_______the 200th anniversary of its construction next week. A) didn't collapse / will have celebrated B) hasn't collapsed / are celebrating C) wouldn't collapse / were celebrating D) hadn't collapsed / would be celebratingE) won't have collapsed / will celebrate 23. Your belongings_______while you're swimming in the sea if you_______them here on the beach unattended. A) could have stolen / had left B) have been stolen / are leaving C) will have stolen / have left D) are stolen / were leaving E) might be stolen / leave 24. You must be wishing that you_______me redecorate the living room, now that all your friends have gone to the cinema. A) weren't helping B) wouldn't help C) mustn't help D) haven't been helping E) aren't helping 25. Practically all teenagers _______when they're treated as if they _______children. A) are offended / have been B) will be offended / were C) might offend / would be D) have been offended / will be E) would be offended / had been 26. Have you ever wished you_______your job _______after you got married? A) haven't quit B) won't have to quit C) don't have to quit D) hadn't had to quit E) wouldn't quit


27. If it_______here in the valley at this time of year, it usually means that it_______at the top of the mountain. A) used to rain / had been snowing B) rained / will have snowed C) is raining / is snowing D) was raining / would snow E) has been raining / snowed 28. If we_______to expand into the European market, we_______carrying out our market research as soon as possible. A) planned / will start B) are planning / ought to start C) were planning / will be starting D) have planned / would have started E) had planned / will have started 29. I_______as well as I did without all the coaching you gave me. A) mustn't do B) weren't to do C) can't be doing D) didn't have to do E) couldn't have done 30. We_______into a lot more problems if we_______this situation sorted out soon. A) would run / may not get B) should run / hadn't got C) may have run / wouldn't get D) are going to run / don't get E) have run / won't get 31. If a person_______in more food than is required to meet the body's needs, the excess calories_______to fat. A) takes / are converted B) will take / have converted C) is taken / convert D) has taken / were converted E) was taken / had converted 32. A person_______if there_______a continuous supply of blood to the brain. A) dies / weren't B) died / wouldn't be C) had died / wouldn't have been D) will have died / won't be E) will die / isn't 33. She_______a much better job; however, she preferred the one which allowed her more free time. A) must have found B) had to find C) may have found D) could have found E) ought to find 34. Unless all motorists caught driving under the influence of alcohol_______immediately, little_______to deter this dangerous habit. A) were banned / would have done B) are banned / can be done


C) will be banned / should do D) ban / is done E) have banned / will do

35. If you encounter problems when makinga long distance phone call, you_______the code properly as you_______an incorrect number. A) are checking / might have dialled B) will check / would dial C) should check / could be dialling D) must check / must be dialled E) might check / should have dialed 36. I wish you_______all day tomorrow. Then we_______Amy and Tim for the hike. A) arent working / will be joining B) won't work / can join C) weren't working / could join D) didn't work / are joining E) wouldn't work / have joined 37. Our neighbours always have their music on so loudly that it sounds as if it_______ right here in our own house. A) is played B) had been playing C) has been playing D) would be played E) were being played 38. Many delays in the post_______if people _______their letters and parcels correctly. A) might be avoided / were to address B) could have been avoided / have addressed C) can be avoided / would have addressed D) will be avoided / were addressing E) would avoid / could address 39. _______the award_______to someone from this department, the management_______ of favouritism. A) Had / been given / accused B) Should / give / could be accused C) Will / give / accuses D) Would / be given / was accused E) Were / to be given / might be accused 40. Unless the missing books_______by Wednesday morning, no further borrowing_______ A) return / allows B) had been returned / was allowed C) are returned / will be allowed D) were returned / allowed E) have returned / is going to allow 41. Isn't it good luck? If I_______the plane that evening, I_______alive now. A) would catch / weren't B) had caught / wouldn't be


C) caught / am not D) catch / won't be E) have caught / couldn't be

42. He didn't go to see the apartment which John showed him in the newspaper, but he_______it anyway, as he doesn't have the required deposit. A) wasn't able to rent B) hasn't rented C) doesn't have to rent D) couldn't have rented E) needn't have rented 43. I wish you_______coming in and out of the room - I'm trying to concentrate on my homework! A) would stop B) have stopped C) had stopped D) will stop E) stop 44. From what the manager has Just implied, it seems as if we_______a wage increase if we_______this project successfully. A) get / have finished B) were getting / are finishing C) will get / finished D) have got / would have finished E) are going to get / finish 45. If anyone_______about our product range while I'm at lunch_______you please give him or her a brochure? A) had asked / could B) asks / would C) has asked / did D) is asking / may E) asked / should 46. The rescue team_______more victims of the earthquake if they_______better equipment. A) could have saved / had had B) would be saved / were having C) had saved / might have D) will have saved / had E) have been saving / will have 47. Listening to the travel agent talking about the resort, you_______as if it_______a paradise. A) think / has been B) may think / will be C) thought / was being D) had thought / can be E) would think / were 48. I'm glad that I_______all my shares in that company in the previous session; otherwise, I_______a considerable loss during the crisis. A) was selling / am suffering


B) C) D) E)

have sold / will be suffering sold / would have suffered could sell / may suffer am selling / will have suffered

49. I wish I_______you before you left home. You wasted both time and money coming here, as the meeting has been cancelled. A) must have contacted B) will have contacted C) ought to contact D) could have contacted E) have contacted 50. How I wish you_______for such a big responsibility! You've been working so hard that I fear you'll make yourself ill. A) don't volunteer B) aren't volunteering C) won't have volunteered D) hadn't volunteered E) haven't volunteered 51. Handicapped people should be taught how to carry out certain daily tasks for themselves _______they'll be dependent on other people for everything. A) so that B) although C) likewise D) nevertheless E) or else 52. We have to obey the rules here_______we approve of them or not. A) even if B) even though C) whether D) in case E) as if 53. _______you fail to be punctual when you go for your job interview, you will definitely not get the position. A) Whereas B) If C) In case D) Unless E) Due to 54. You can't expect to be healthy_______you eat a balanced diet and take regular exercise. A) as long as B) unless C) in order to D) without E) if only 55. _______your work meets the required standard during the probationary period, you will be offered a two-year contract. A) Providing that B) As far as C) Whenever D) While E) Even if 56. When in an unfamiliar city, she always carried a street plan of the city with her _______she lost her way. A) if B) in case C) so that D) however E) while 57. The lecture had already started_______we found out which room it was in. A) as soon as B) even though


C) even if

D) by the time E) in case 58. The Smiths took lots of food with them on holiday_______prices were very high at the resort. A) so that B) even if C) in order to D) thus E) in case 59. _______you want to go surfing and sailing, _______just relax and sun yourself on the beach, Hawaii is the ideal place for your holiday. A) Neither / nor B) No sooner / than C) Whether / or D) Both / as well E) Not only / but also 60. The residents watched in despair_______ huge flames engulfed their building together with all their possessions. A) while B) as if C) thus D) yet E) despite 61. _______his work improves, there is no chance of his contract being renewed at the end of the year. A) Since B) While C) However D) As if E) Unless 62. You always believe that bad things can only happen to other people_______they happen to you. A) until B) thus C) in case D) by the time E) in order that 63. I was only going away for two months, but my mother cried while seeing me off, _______she would never see me again. A) as though B) since C) before D) even if E) despite


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