Cripps Mission

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The Cripps Mission

What was Cripps Mission? [4]

Cripps Mission, led by Sir Stafford Cripps, was a top-level delegate that came to India in March 1942 to win support of Indian political parties against Japan in World War II. Cripps promised complete independence after winning the war and Indian politicians were invited to join the Executive Council with control of all government departments except the armed forces. The proposals of the mission were rejected because Congress wanted immediate power while Muslim League wanted firm promise of Pakistan as a separate state.

Why did the Cripps Mission of 1942 fail? [7] (Past Paper, November 2004: Q3/b)
Cripps proposals conceded complete independence at the end of the war. During the war, Indian political leaders could join the Executive Council with control of all government departments except the armed forces. Congress rejected the offer because it wanted immediate power and independence. Gandhi described the proposals as a post -dated cheque on a bank that was failing. [Congress wanted immediate self-rule] According to Cripps proposals, provinces could opt out of the Indian Union, which was definitely not acceptable to Congress Nationalists. They considered this option a lethal blow to Indian land. They could not see disintegration of Mother India, and therefore rejected the Cripps Offer. [Congress didnt want Indias disintegration] Cripps Mission conceded the right of self-determination to provincial units i.e. the provinces were free to remain within India or opt out of Indian Union. Mr. Jinnah was pleased with this clause because the provinces with Muslim majority could form their own federation i.e. Pakistan. But there was another clause stating that constitution of free India would be drawn up by the Indian political leaders. Jinnah feared that the constitution-making body would be dominated by Hindus who will deny the rights of Muslims. He wanted solid assurance for independent Pakistan, and therefore didnt agree with the Cripps Mission of 1942 . [Jinnah wanted firm assurance] Congress wanted to exploit Britains critical position. Many Congress leaders thought that wartime was the best opportunity to pressurize the British for immediate withdrawal from India. Therefore, instead of accepting Cripps Offer, they started the Quit India Movement on massive scale, which was an attempt to drive the British out of India through protests and demonstrations. If this strategy succeeds, Congress would deal with all other parties on its own terms. [Britains Crucial Position]

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