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(Intermediate God, Neutral good)

Many of the feats, spells, skills etc. are beyond the ken of the basics of DnD, for that case you will require the
following source books: planar handbook, epic level handbook, exalted deeds, deities and demigods (of
course!!) the complete series (i.e complete arcane, divine etc.), player handbook 2, lords of madness, heroes
of horror and races of destiny supplements, I also offer a few new things marked with asterisk and later
explained, it seems like a lot of sources right?? In case you can access them just go with your hearth and
either ignore the feats or came up with something you would think proper

His titles include the guidance, the lone walker, the dream walker or the wise sword; he
appears as a male figure of grand beauty with a tan skin color, dressed in a white glowing
cloak or wearing a simple yet elegant chain mail and armed with two swords, has a long
dark hair and deep purple eyes which are usually close for they cause strange feelings in
those who look upon them and always bearing a serene unchanging expression… Ivelios
is a deity that stands as a giver of hope and wisdom.

This god has made his way towards his status by force and even when he is a god of good
(without question) some of the other gods look upon him as something that must not be,
he leads a religion similar to the Buddhism, relaxed yet at the same time with a degree of
martial prowess and perfection of self that astounds those who see him. Ivelios would
certainly be an oriental type god, his portfolio includes: HONOR, TRUTH, MYSTICAL
times of dire need for advice, or just a little “push,” and growing a day younger when so;
he is an intermediate power but not part of any pantheon, Ivelios has made friends on
several other gods such as lanthander, Mystra, oghma and seleune however you may
picture him as a somewhat hidden deity not very known of, so is to think that he is an
unique and powerful being with relations with the deities, but not a deity in the full
sense of the word and there are those deities that dislike his presence but still they admit
the power that this guy has.

Among the gods he is known as a capable combatant, one who’s martial prowess matches
his wisdom and one who should be taken into account since this being brings a warning
of the great dangers that lie beyond this thing we call reality… indeed all beings who
know this deity, and those who see the power he wields, leave with a great feeling of
dread since this deity has taken to himself the task of showing anyone (anyone worthy of
this knowledge) the things the exist beyond: the plane of dreams, the temporal energy
plane, the far realm… all places where things more powerful than even the deities exist
and those things just might come here and visit you!

This is what is known to those creatures who know about those planes ant things: Ivelios
is one of the few who has any contact with the “uber deities”, gods with a divine rank
greater than 20 and unknown by almost anyone, sometimes he delivers messages from
them, but mostly he remains as a neutral character in regard to them. Ivelios reveals the
existence of a plan that the uber-deities are now putting into action; however who they
are and what are they planning is not certain.

DOGMA: Ivelios doesn’t promote an a special agenda (apparently) instead he rules over
oracles, tacticians and wise men proclaiming the importance of wise decisions, hope and
the courage to make those things even against overwhelming odds, so he instills others the
strive to be better, stronger and wiser; watching over all of his believers when in need.
Ivelios exhorts his followers to do good, to be reflexive and be in peace yet ready to rally
against dishonor, against evil and against ignorance. His favored weapon is the mercurial

WEAPON OF THE DEITY: +1 brutal surge mercurial greatsword

CLERGY AND TEMPLES: Priests of Ivelios are known for their ability to inspire
people, to guide them and for their knowledge of dreams and omens, one thing they
always show is a constant desire of training, a desire of self perfection. Those worshippers
who do not battle are preachers trying to put three things into the hearts of others; those
are (besides believe in their god) HONOR, HOPE and TRUTH. Temples and shrines
always have an ever burning scent of incense and other aromatic herbs with white as a
dominant color and sometimes made with grand luxury or sometimes with simple décor; it
is not unknown to go to a temple of Ivelios to seek advice or divination spells, even
education is imparted in such temples as such temples become cloisters of enlighten in far
places of beauty build to favor contemplation and serenity in which case is not rare to see
monks along the clerics of Ivelios working in the same faith and sharing the same wish of
achieving peace and perfection.

The main stronghold of this god is a large demiplane mostly uncharted with some planar
connections, that is exists between, to the Elysium and Arvandor, This realm, named
MAESTAN, is much like a forest in a mountain setting, rich with lakes and rivers, within
exists the Dun-ayat a city that functions as a planescape port and market much known in
the upper planes. His faith is centered in this realm but worship is known among humans,
warriors in general, also among dwarves and any good race (except shapechangers and
aberrations that are in deed clearly hated by Ivelios). It’s important to say that this layer,
not much known, exists thanks to an agreement made between Ivelios and the elven

Maestan is divided in two places separated by a mountain range, one dedicated to the god
himself and other to the people; both places are quite similar except some constructions
and the inhabitants, other than that the place possess a objective gravity trait, normal
time, is self contained and divinely morphic, strongly good aligned and minor positive
dominant qualities. Impeded magic: all illusions are impeded in this plane as are all spells
that use the shadow plane to work (like shadow jump).

MAESTAN LINKS: even when it is a demiplane, it has many access points, there are 2
permanent portals one in the Elysium and one in arvandor which may be find with one
gather information check (DC 25) both portals exit to the city; the harbor itself possess a
connection to the astral plane for the vessels to enter and leave that exists between two
massive pillars in the far reach of the lake and as a single pool in the astral plane
accessible thanks a knowledge (the planes) check DC 20,


The guidance, the lone walker, the dream walker, the wise sword

Intermediate deity
Home plane: Maestan (see below)
Alignment: neutral good
Portfolio: Honorable combat, Mystical Insight (wisdom), Dreams, destiny & hope
Worshippers: good and neutral mortals, Usually fighters, nobles, wise men or just any good
being who feels alone and in despair
Cleric alignments: any good
Domains: Dream, war, oracle, Nobility, Destiny, protection, knowledge, good & Renewal
Favored weapons: mercurial greatsword

Medium Outsider (Good) (augmented outsider) (paragon template)

Hit Dice: 50d10 (fighter) + 32d4 (wizard) + 32d8 (cleric) +20d8 (monk)
+7d12 (legendary dreadnaught) + 10d8 (spellsword) + 4d6 (divine oracle)
+2100 +1800 (5272 hp)
Initiative: +23 (+11 dex, +8 superior initiative, +4 racial)
Speed: 90 ft (150 ft Unarmored and unencumbered)
AC: 80 +10 Dex, +15 Natural, +15 Armor of divine, +15 Divine, +14 deflection, +12 insight
+12 luck
Flat footed 80, Touch 50
Unarmored AC (as a monk) 86
Attacks: +125/+120/+115/+110 melee Base attack bonus +17 (+65 epic) (+25 luck)
+121/+116/+111/+106 ranged
+130/+130/+130/+125/+120/+115 (flurry of blows)
Both weapons (as modified by slashing flurry)
D. law (right hand) +130/+130/+125/+120/+115
D. chaos (left hand) +128/+128/+123/+118/+113
Damage: +20 luck on all damage rolls (already accounted)
2d6+49 plus 3d6 (fire, electric, cold, good or law damage) D. law
1d10 +39 plus 3d6 (fire, electric, cold, good or chaos damage) D. chaos
(See weapon entries below for more information)
If both weapons hit (once per round) the attack deals extra damage:
1d6 +39
Unarmed strike 2d10 +40
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft
Special Attacks: Domain powers, Spell-like abilities, spellcasting, vengeful gaze
2/day unmovable, 2/day unstoppable & Channel spell 5/day
(See the prestige class descriptions bellow)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/epic (6/ -), SR 47, Fast Healing 35, Blind sight 30 ft,
uncanny dodge, Special qualities, Divine qualities, telepathy.
Paragon spell like abilities: 3 times per day, caster level 15:
Greater dispelling, haste, see invisibility
Saves: Fort +104, Ref +97, Will +104
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 33, Con 38, Int 39, Wis 39, Cha 38
Modifiers: +15, +11, +14, +14, +14, +14

Skills: (As a paragon creature, Ivelios has +10 competence in all skill checks)
(cc)Appraise +20, Balance +34, (cc)Bluff +66, climb +60, Craft (armor smith) +61, craft (alchemy)
+61, craft (bow making) +20, Concentration +100, Craft (weapon smith) +66, Decipher script +16,
(cc)Disguise +50, Diplomacy + 60, Escape artist +14, (cc)Forgery +17, (cc)Gather Information +45,
handle animal +15, Heal +60, Hide +66, Intimidate +50, Jump +60, Knowledge (arcane) +100,
Knowledge (history) +60, Knowledge (nobility) +60, Knowledge (planes) +70, Knowledge
(religion)+100, Knowledge (nature) +35, Knowledge (dungeonering) +40, Knowledge (Architecture)
+10, Knowledge (geography) +25, Knowledge (psionics) +20, Knowledge (tactics) +20, Knowledge
(forbidden lore) +4(ranks), Lucid dreaming* +60, Listen +75, Move Silently +66, Perform (weapon
drill)* +25, perform +25, profession (siege engineer) +20, profession (pilot) +30, Ride +30,
(cc)Search +10, Sense Motive +100, Spellcraft +158, Spot +60, (cc)Survival +15, Swim +40,
Tumble +44, (cc)Use psionic device +35, ritual casting +35,
SKILL TRICKS: never outnumbered, easy escape, false theurgy, collector of stories, spot the weak
point, swift concentration, twisted charge, walk the walls, wall jumper, clarity of vision, magical
appraise, conceal spellcasting
Speak Language: celestial, infernal, draconic, common, elven, sylvan, abyssal, dwarven and under
*New skills: described in manual of the planes (lucid dreaming) and complete warrior (perform:
weapon drill)
Blind-Fight, Dodge, Combat expertise, improved combat expertise, Improved bull rush, Improved
toughness, cleave, great cleave, Deadly Critical (mercurial greatsword), Reckless Offensive*,
Improved initiative, Improved Critical (mercurial greatsword), improved disarm, improved sunder,
monkey grip, Just wont die, Hard to kill, Sense weakness, power attack, True critical (mercurial
greatsword), melee weapon mastery (slashing), slashing flurry, exotic weapon proficiency (Bastard
sword), Weapon specialization, Greater weapon focus, greater weapon specialization, Elven spell
lore (fireball), quick draw, Darkstalker, monastic training, dream telling, oneiromancy, Improved
oneiromancy, Extra turning, Weapon supremacy (mercurial greatsword), two weapon fighting,
improved two weapon fighting, greater two weapon fighting, skill focus (knowledge religion), two
weapon rend, mobility, spring attack, bonding assault, pain touch, rapid stunning, Improved familiar,
font of life, serpent fang*
DIVINE FEATS: Sacred vitality*, divine metamagic (quicken), divine metamagic (energy admixture
electricity), divine metamagic (sculpt spell)
METAMAGIC AND CRAFT FEATS: Eschew materials, Craft wondrous, Craft weapons and armor,
Craft rod, forge ring, craft wand, craft staff, Craft contingent spell, sudden maximize spell, Spell
Mastery, Quicken Spell, Enhance Item (weapons and armor), empower spell, Magical Artisan
(weapons and armor)
RESERVE FEATS: Dimensional jaunt & Storm bolt
EPIC FEATS: Broad focus*, Epic Will, Damage reduction, Automatic quicken spell (x5) (affecting
spell levels 0 thru 5 level), Epic Spellcasting, epic craft weapons and armour, perfect two weapon
fighting, Ignore material components, multispell (x2), wield oversized weapon, Improved Spell
capacity, Superior Initiative, positive energy aura & planar turning
TACTICAL FEATS: combat brute*, experienced defender*, flash of the sunset
WISHED FEAT: Somatic weaponry
CLASS RELATED FEATS (BONUS): Close quarters fighting, Fast healing, Improved unarmed
strike, Combat reflexes, Improved Trip, exotic weapon proficiency (Mercurial greatsword), weapon
focus (Mercurial greatsword), stunning fist and scribe scroll

SPECIAL ABILITIES (CLASS RELATED): Domain powers (war, dream and oracle) summon
familiar, turn undead, Improved evasion, Still mind (+2 on saves versus enchantments and mind
affecting effects), purity of body (immune to natural disease), wholeness of body (once per day heal
40 HP), Ki strike (magic, lawful & adamantine), unarmored speed +60 ft, AC bonus +4, slow fall any
distance, diamond body (immunity to poison), diamond soul (spell resistance 30), stunning fist (53
times per day) DC 95, abundant step (dimension door once a day caster level 10), timeless body,
tongue of the sun and moon, quivering palm (DC 40), empty body, perfect self
LEGENDARY DREADNAUGHT: all extraordinary abilities
2/day unstoppable: may add +20 bonus on strength checks related to breaking or bursting objects
(doors etc.) or as an special use of this ability break a wall of force (strength check DC 32 adding
the +20 bonus plus any other modifiers), alternatively add +20 to a single attack roll; 2/day
unmovable add +20 to grapple checks (only to avoid being grappled), bull rush and overrun (to
avoid such effects), to any strength check to avoid being move or to any one saving throw (or to
gain one against an effect that would move you if not allowed and still having the +20 bonus); Shrug
off punishment: an extra 12 hit points; Thick skinned: gain damage reduction 3/ - (stacks with
damage reduction from feats and permanent effects or class granted)
Ignore spell failure 30% (ex): Ivelios ignores a portion of the spell failure of any armor, subtracts
30% of any spell failure check he has to make.
Channel spell (sp): 5/day can channel ANY spell that he can cast into his melee weapon; it cost a
move equivalent action to do so and uses the spell slot as if the spell were cast, the channelled
spell affects the next target (and only that target) that Ivelios successfully attacks with that weapon.
A weapon (magical or normal) can only hold one spell at a time and only for 8 hour or until used.
Multiple channel spell: Ivelios can channel two spells into his melee weapon, usin a move action for
each one expending a channel spell use for the day for each spell
Spells per day: because Ivelios has levels in this prestige class his arcane spell casting level is 5
levels superior than should be.
Oracle domain: Ivelios gains access to the oracle domain as a bonus domain including powers and
bonus spells.
Scry bonus (Su): all divination, scry spells, cast by Ivellios gain a + 1 sacred to the save DC.
Prescient sense (ex): this ability works just like evasion, however unlike evasion this ability works no
matter what armor is worn, unlike normal evasion.
Trap sense (ex): Ivelios has a +1 dodge bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Divination enhancement: when using spells like augury or divination Ivelios may roll twice and pick
the best result.
Uncanny dodge: Ivelios retains his dexterirty modifier to AC even when surprised or attacked by a
invisible creature.
Spells per day: Because Ivelios has taken levels in this prestige class, his divine caster level is 4
levels superior than it should be.
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: ¿?
Treasure: --------- (judge for yourself)
Alignment: neutral good
Advancement: By character class
Divine Rank: 15
Divine qualities: as in Deities and Demigods
Godly realm (10 miles radius), Immortality (no need of eat, drink, sleep or breathe; nor does age) no
subject to massive damage
Alter reality, arcane mastery, avatar, annihilating strike, battle sense, clear sight, craft artifact, Extra
domain, know secrets (Will DC 40 negates usable 14 times per day on as many as 14 targets at the
same time), Divine blast (29d12, usable 18 times per day), divine shield (stops 140 points of
damage), divine area shield, divine fast healing, rejuvenation, divine dodge (65% chance to ignore
any physical attack, individually targeted spell or area effects) divine inspiration (any), Vengeful
gaze*, wisdom of the dreams*

WISDOM OF THE DREAMS (SU): Ivelios gains knowledge of which are the dreams or nightmares of any
creature, mortal or deity, (will DC 40 negates, SR doesn’t count) and how they can become true.
Further more, as a standard action, Ivelios can use this abilty to cause grand turmoil in the minds of a creature
within 100 ft, as Ivelios can invoke his greatest fears and doubts, although Ivelios doesn’t know what the victim
experiences; while in that state the creature must make a wisdom check: DC 30, if they want to do anything
else than become overwhelm (treat as shaken and the creature may take only one standard action per round)
as they are chased by their internal conflicts; the effect lasts for as long as they are within the inmediate
presence of the deity: 100 ft or so.
This check may not be modified by ANY other factor, including divine qualities or any other bonus, as it reflects
a real challenge to the essence of that creature. No known immunity applies. 2 successful and consecutive
checks render the target immune for one day.

VENGEFUL GAZE (SU): 40 feet, will save (DC 39) or cower in fear (as the spell) as you feel as if being
crushed by the very air surrounding you, this pressure causes 3d6 damage (lethal or non lethal damage) every
round while the creature, or creatures are subject to the gaze; creatures are also affected by a ray of
enfeeblement and a blindness spell as cast by a 15th-level sorcerer. If the save is successful, no damage or
blindness happens and that creature cannot be affected by the gaze for one day.

As a deity always gets 20 in any check, and adds its divine rank to: skills, turning, ability, caster
checks, as well attacks and saves (NONE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IN THE STATISTICS)
DIVINE IMMUNITIES: (negated against a deity of equal or greater rank) Transmutation effects,
energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, death effects, disintegration, imprisonment and banishing
spells or effects, turning or rebuke
DIVINE AURA: range 1500 ft DC 39
PORTFOLIO SENSE: Ivelios senses and retains for 15 weeks after, when someone is confused, in
despair or whenever honourable combat (or actions) are taken, he is always present when valour
and wisdom are needed, whether to face a foe or to take an important decision.
AUTOMATIC ACTIONS: Ivelios can use any knowledge skill (even those without ranks), craft skills
(weapon and armor only), lucid dreaming and sense motive as a free action if the DC is 25 or less
and may do this 10 times per round.
DOMAIN POWERS: (usable 15 times/day when apply) immunity to fear effects (dream domain),
grant a willing creature within 30 ft a reroll of any skill, attack, save or ability check as immediate
action and choosing the best result (destiny domain), inspire allies giving the a +2 moral in attack
damage ability and skill checks for 14 rounds, grant a resistance bonus equal to +32 to the next
saving throw of any other creature, if Ivelios hit points fall between 0 and -9 he automatically
regains 1d8 + 14 HP as granted by the renewal domain, exotic weapon and proficiency and weapon
focus (mercurial greatsword) feats for free as granted by the war domain, casts divinations spells a
+3 caster level, good spells at +1 caster level
POSSESSIONS: besides the weapons and armor described later on, he also wears his ring of live
(an artefact), a ring of epic wizardry IX, a rod of embassy, bracers of relentless might (+12 to
strength and constitution scores, wearer is considered two categories bigger for combat related
checks such as bull rush or trip) monk’s tattoo (unarmed damage and AC as a monk of five levels
higher), amulet of the priest greater (grants the wielder with 4 extra turning attempts and +4 to
charisma score), mantle of great stealth, Belt of battle haste (grants a +4 competence bonus on
initiative), a strand of prayer beads, his spell book, as well some other books, along with some
mundane items inside his backpack and boots of striding. BENEFITS OF THIS ARE NOT TAKEN
Armour of Divine: Ivelios possesses a custom made celestial battalion chain mail, which he uses
in public apparitions. The armor has the following enhancements:
• AC enhancement of +15, 10% arcane spell failure and armour check penalty of -5 Max dexterity
+10 reinforced with ysgardian hearth wire,
this armor is considered light
• Acts as a sonic, fire and acid warding armor (energy resistance 50), moderate fortification; when
worn by Ivelios, or by any good creature, it also acts as Exalted (halves unholy damage, negates
vile damage) and empyreal; the armour category is light. Consecrate electric touch armor
• Consecrate electric touch: this new special ability charges the armor with electricity, with visible
jolts occasionally surrounding the armor, the electricity causes no harm to the wearer but with an
effective melee attack or to any grappling creature the armor discharges a bolt causing 5d6 points
of electric damage, half of this damage is considered divine and is not affected by resistance or
immunity. This property is always active except when a command word is spoken by the wearer.
Caster level: 5 Prerequisites: craft magic arms and armor, consecrate spell, shocking grasp.
Market price: +3 bonus.
• Allows the wearer to use fly at will, and the wearer is considered to be under the effect of a magic
circle against evil at all times which can be dispelled but can be created again as a free action.
• Τhe armor boosts the wielders charisma score by 4

Ivelios rules maestan by virtue of his goodness and power. Of all the powers he is quite a solo
player but still he keeps in good terms with several other gods although considered a trouble maker.
His mighty palace rests on a mountain setting surrounded by a natural landscape of great beauty in
his realm; he appears as a very handsome male with long elven ears and long hair, but sometimes
appearing as a human (with short hair) some legends say that Ivelios was once a legendary human
adventurer however his race and origins are unknown.
His hair is black, his eyes are purple as some say; after all they, almost always, remain closed…yet
he does not seem hindered in any way when his eyes are closed.
Ivelios looks like a fighter ready for battle as he always carry his weapons and most of his items,
even in such rare cases where he would be unarmed he will be with an escort; this deity is
associated with the Dream, war, oracle, Nobility, Destiny, protection, knowledge, good &
Renewal domains and powers.
Ivelios will attack first using his gaze weapon, then his spells and spell-like abilities, followed up by
his special weapons. If things go against him (not likely) or he becomes bored with combat, he will
summon other creatures to finish the combat, while he attends to business elsewhere.
†Spell-Like Abilities: At will- divine favor, enthrall, magic vestment, discern lies, command greater,
geas/quest, repulsion, demand, storm of vengeance, sanctuary, shield other, protection from
energy, spell immunity, spell resistence, antimagic field, repulsion, mind blank, prismatic sphere,
magic weapon, spiritual weapon, divine power, flame strike, blade barrier, power word (blind, stun,
kill), omen of peril, augury, delay death, bestow curse, stalwart pact, warp destiny, bestow curse
greater, moment of prescience, choose destiny, sleep, deep slumber, phantasmal killer, nightmare,
dreamsight, scrying (greater), weird, charm person, restoration lesser, remove disease, reincarnate,
atonement, heroes feast, restoration greater, polymorph any object, freedom, identify, divination,
scrying, commune, legend lore, discern location, detect secret doors, detect thoughts,
clairvoyance/clairaudience, true seeing, find the path & foresight
These abilities are as the spells cast by a 25th-level cleric (save DC 39 + spell level).
Spells: Ivelios casts arcane spells as a 37 level Wizard (save DC 24 + spell level) except for
th th
dispelling spells (like dispel magic) which casts at 39 and teleportation and electricity spells at 38
divine spells as a 36th-level cleric (save DC 24 + spell level) except for divination spells which are
th th
cast at 39 level and good spells at 37 .
Also can cast 20 epic spells per day, known choices: eternal freedom, let go of me, living lightning,
momento mori (enhanced DC 60), damnation, epic counterspell, superb dispelling (no backlash)
&.Hellball (10d6 cold, fire, acid, electricity, sonic; no backlash or XP cost)
CLERIC SPELLS PER DAY: (levels 0 thru 10) 6/9/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/4 plus domain spells
WIZARD SPELLS PER DAY: (levels 0 thru 10) 4/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/10/4
Turning (Su): Ivelios turns undead as a 32th level cleric with the following domains: Dream, war,
oracle, Nobility, Destiny, protection, knowledge, good & Renewal
Special Qualities (ex): Ivelios as an ascended mortal has gained: Immune to cold and electricity,
acid and fire resistance 10, low light vision and darkvision of 60 ft.
Special Defences (ex): Immunity to fear, immunity to diseases (not magical ones), immune to the
following specific spells, effects, and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis,
sleep, slow, stunning, petrification, temporal stasis, and web (thanks to an epic spell); Immune to
†Telepathy (su): Ivelios can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has
a language
Tongue of the sun and moon (ex): Ivelios can communicate and understand with any living
creature that has a language.
†Teleport (sp): Ivelios can use greater teleport at will (self only, caster level 15)
Permanent spells & wishes: Ivelios has the following permanent magical abilities: magic weapon
(greater, a +5 bonus on attack and damage for unarmed strike), arcane sight and blindsight (60ft)
and also has boosted his ability scores.
Grafts: In his quest for perfection (some say single minded and dangerous) Ivelios has adquired
the following graft:
Silthilar Flexible spine (grants a +4 racial bonus to initiative, balance, escape artist and tumble
Ivelios Avatar
Ivelios dispatches his avatar to the battlefield to raise the morale of his troops and to the presence of
loyal followers to keep their faith. He likes righteous battle against evil specially against thieves
and illusionists, His avatar appears as a ten foot man in a glowing white robe with the deity’s
symbol on their back and wielding a two handed sword he also works as a messenger of the deity’s

Stats: as Ivelios, except on the following

Divine Rank 7
Attacks: +110 melee / +106 ranged
AC: 79 (touch and flat footed)
Saves: fort +84 ref +77 will +84
Skills: all skills reduced by 7
Spell like abilities: Caster level 15, save DC 31 + spell level
Domain powers: usable 7 times per day
Divine abilities: damage reduction 20/epic, divine aura 700 ft (DC 33), Alter reality, divine shield,
divine area shield, divine inspiration (courage or hope), battle sense, know secrets, gift of life, life
and death, Alter size
Special Att/Def: wields a keen, thundering, holy power +6 mercurial greatsword in battle instead of
his personal weapons nor does wear any armor.


Animals: (normal animals sacred and/or associated to the faith) wolves, small birds, roses and other
plants with scent

Monsters: (much like animals but these are used by deity to help the faithful) Phoenix (a rare but
greatly celebrated apparition), celestials, centaur, dryads, Nereid, sylphs, faeries, silver dragons,
gold dragons and moon dogs

Gems and metals: (This covers valuables sacred to the deity and therefore appropriate for sacrifice)
gold, diamond, moon stone, silver, blue and red gems
Colors: (one of the most common minor manifestations of the deity) green, blue, red, purple

Symbol and miscellaneous: (those miscellaneous are other manifestations of the deity which
express a high esteem from the deity to those who see it) Sy= a sword with two purple eyes behind,
a sword like glow or star always in blue or purple, purple aura, blue star in the sky, full moon (red),
light rain and a strong but pleasant scent in the air; many omens from the god (and the most easy
ones to identify) are given in dreams or apparitions of the avatars or any other symbol of the deity.

Duties of the Priesthood:

Priests of Ivelios work well as counselors, oracles and noble man, sometimes they might
look one thing they always show is a constant desire of training, a desire of self perfection.
Those worshippers who do not battle are preachers trying to put three things into the hearts
of others; those are (besides believe in their god) HONOR, HOPE and TRUTH.
Portfolio: Honor, Truth, Mystical Insight (wisdom), Dreams, fate, Lost Causes & hope
Alignment: any good
Domains: Dream, war, oracle, Nobility, Destiny, protection, knowledge, good & Renewal
Symbol: a standing sword with two purple eyes behind

The deity’s favored weapon is the mercurial greatsword. Also all priests of Ivelios consider lucid
dreaming as a class skill (as described in the manual of the planes)


Use this skill to realize that you are dreaming, consciously direct elements of a dream, and move into other
Check: Making a Lucid Dreaming check is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Task DC
Realize you are dreaming 5
Change one aspect of your personal dreamscape 15
Change one aspect of another's dreamscape 20
Change your personal appearance 20
Depart one dreamscape for another 15
Depart a dreamscape for the Dreamheart 25
Pull another with you into the Dreamheart *
Leave the Dreamheart 20

*You must first successfully grapple your opponent. Then, instead of attempting to pin him or her, make a
Lucid Dreaming check (DC 25) on your next action. If you succeed, you and your foe tumble into the
Change Aspect: An aspect of a dreamscape includes background features such as lighting, terrain,
architecture of a given building, vegetation (or lack thereof), and other relatively innocuous characteristics of a
dreamscape. You can't use Lucid Dreaming to make a bolt of lightning strike a foe or open a pit below an
Change Appearance: You can adopt the outward appearance of another creature within two size categories of
your own.
None of your abilities change, just your appearance.
Retry: You can make a Lucid Dreaming check once per round.



Prerequisite: turn undead
Benefit: as a standard action spend one turning attempt to gain immunity to ability damage, ability drain and
energy drain for 1 minute.


You can take advantage of your target weaknesses
Prerequisites: int 13, combat expertise, weapon focus
Benefit: You can ignore up to 5 points of the target’s damage reduction or hardness when you attack with a
weapon which you fill the requisites, this benefit works regardless of the nature of the weapon and can not reduce
the effective DR or hardness to less than zero


You fight wildly in close quarters showing fierce attacks but letting your guard down
Prerequisites: base attack +1
Benefit: when taking the attack or the full attack action in melee you may to subtract any number to your AC and
add that number as bonus to your attack rolls. This number may not exceed 5 + dexterity modifier.


Your patience and defense hide impressive offensive capabilities and keep you as a wall against
some attacks
Prerequisites: Base attack +6, combat expertise, improved initiative, combat reflexes.
It allows the use of these three maneuvers:

FIND THE RHYTHM: in one round if use your combat expertise feat to take a penalty of at least -4,
you can refocus your initiative as move action, instead of a full round action.
HOLD YOUR GROUND: as long as you use your combat expertise feat to take a penalty of at least
-4 and not moving more than 10 feet in the same round you gain a +3 bonus against to any strength
or dexterity check to avoid being moved (such as bull rush, overrun or trip) or grappled. Any
charging creature entering an area you threat when "holding you ground" provokes an attack of
opportunity that you can use as normal, this attack occurs right before the charge is resolved.
DEFENSE AS OFFENSE: You have watched your opponent work, and timed his movements. If
you've spent at least one round using the combat Expertise feat against an opponent and taking a
penalty of at least -4; your attacks in the next round, when you stop using Combat Expertise,
catches him flat footed. Or you may sacrifice this benefit and instead of catching your opponent flat
footed you may as a standard action make a single attack roll against your opponent, the damage of
this attack is the maximum allowed for the weapon and for any special abilities the weapon might
have. This doesn’t affect any special abilities such as vorpal or others not related to damage die

SPECIAL: a fighter may choose this feat as part of his bonus feats.
SPECIAL: if you have improved combat expertise you can take a -8 penalty to increase your bonus
to +6 in checks to prevent being moved or grappled, as in hold your ground.
SPECIAL: if you have improved combat expertise for every -2 penalty you take beyond -4 (i.e -6, -
8, -10) you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on your next attack after you stop using Combat Expertise
when using the maneuver defense as offense.


You employ strength and leverage to great effect in battle.

Prerequisites: improved sunder, power attack, base attack bonus +6
It allows the use of these three maneuvers:

ADVANCING BLOW: to use this maneuver you must make a successful bull rush attempt against
your foe, during the same round you may make a single melee attack roll using your normal attack
roll with a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls for each square you pushed back your enemy. For
example you push an orc back 10 ft (2 squares) your attack and damage roll against him gains a +2
bonus against him.
SUNDERING CLEAVE: when you destroy a foe’s weapon or shield by a successful sundering
attempt (page 158 PHB) you gain an additional melee attack against that foe with the same weapon
and attack roll that destroyed the weapon or shield.
MOMENTUM SWING: you must charge a foe in the first round and you must make you attack roll
using power attack in both the first and the second round of the maneuver. The penalty must be -5
or worse. The bonus gain by the use of power attack in the second round increase as follows: a
bonus to damage equal to your damage roll penalty x1.5 (for one handed weapons) or x3 (if you
were using a two handed weapon). For instance if you took a -6 penalty, your attacks in the second
round would have a +9 bonus on damage, instead of +6, for one handed weapons. In the same case,
if the weapon were one used two handed the bonus to damage would be +18 (instead of +12).
SPECIAL: a fighter may choose this feat as part of his bonus feats.


You can bond your self or someone else to a magic item by the use of a tattoo
Prerequisite: Spellcaster 7th, intelligence 17
Benefit: you inscribe a tattoo on your flesh or in another’s in the presence of a magic item that weights no more
than the character can carry. The process takes 8 hours and costs 1/10 of the market value of the item. Once is
finished the character can store the item within the image or call for it as a free action. While stored the item cant
be felt or affect by any means, there is no limit to the times it can be stored or called. The item still counts as
weight carried by the character. This ability counts a supernatural ability, although dispelling the effect only
negates the ability to store or call forth the item for 1d4 rounds (as with any magic item) but no other harm can
be caused in this way.

Further the character enjoys one of the following benefits regarding the use of that item:
+ 1 damage when using the item in combat
+ 2 saving throw DC, if the item requires opponents to make a save
+ 2 caster level
Item inflicts 1d6 non specific damage upon anyone carrying it or attempting to use it except the tattooed
character (damage is not affected by any resistance or damage reduction)


You have lived (or where raised) among monks for quite sometime and have become a kin with their lifestyle, way
of thinking and fighting skills
Prerequisites: monk, character level 6 or lower
Benefit: Chose any class that is not opposite to the monk class requirements. You may advance or continue to
advance in both classes without restriction or penalty. Monk is now considered a second favored class for you.


By devoting yourself to expanding your capabilities, you have learned how to lessen the strain for developing
Prerequisites: Character level 21+, multi class character
Benefit: you may ignore half of the experience penalty that all multiclass characters face for uneven levels, further
you are an exception to the rule regarding skill ranks for multi-classing (but still having the limit of your character
level +3). You may take this feat only once.

You are able to project your ki and strike at a distance
Prerequisites: Wis 15, improved unarmed strike, stunning fist
Benefit: you must declare that you are going to use this feat and may do so once per round, by expending one
stunning fist use you can strike an opponent 5 feet beyond your reach, the attack deals damage normally.


Level: Sor/Wiz 8 Clr 6
Components: V. S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Targets: You plus one additional creature touched per level
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You and any creature you touch are drawn along a crystal arc of reverie to the edge of conscious thought and
into the Region of Dreams. You can take more than one creature along with you (subject to your level limit),
but all must be touching each other when you cast the spell. You physically enter the plane of Dream, leaving
nothing behind. In Dream, you move through a menagerie of thoughts, desires, and phantoms created by the
minds of dreamers everywhere. For every minute you move through Dream (which is only a single round on
the Material Plane), you can “wake” to find yourself five miles displaced in the waking world. Thus, a character
can use this spell to travel rapidly by physically entering where only dreams prowl, moving the desired
instance, and stepping back into the waking world. You know where you will come out in the waking world,
Dream travel can also be used to travel to other planes that contain creatures who dream, but this requires
crossing into the Dreamheart, where you are subject to the vagaries of violent dream realities. Transferring to
another plane of existence requires 1d4 hours on Dream (which corresponds to 1d4×6 minutes as time is
measured on most other planes). Any creatures touched by you when dream travel is cast also make the
transition to the borders of unconscious thought. They may opt to follow you, wander into other dreamscapes,
or stumble back into the waking world (50% chance for either of the latter results if they are lost or abandoned
by you). Creatures unwilling to accompany you into the Region of Dreams receive a Will saving throw,
negating the effect if successful Note: Unlike the normal rules for dreaming, items you use, spells you cast, and
other consumables are still gone when you return to the waking world after being under the effect of this spell.
Likewise, items you gain and experience you accumulate while under the effect of this spell stay with you.

RENEWAL DOMAIN (as seen in forgotten realms)

Granted power: once per day, if you ever fall between 0 and -9 HP you regain 1d8
+charisma modifier hit points, if an attack brings you to -10 or more you die before the
power takes place
Spells: 1) charm person, 2) lesser restoration, 3) remove disease, 4) reincarnate, 5)
atonement, 6) heroes feast, 7) greater restoration, 8) polymorph any object, 9) freedom

Absorption (evocation, alteration)

Cleric 10th level
Range: visual sight of caster
Components: V, DF, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of effect: single target creature
Saving throw: Will negates
SR: no

By calling upon your god, you may send a terrifying punishment to a creature. Creates a rift in the
earth to swallow your opponent (10d10 fire and 10d10 blunt damage)

Incapacitate (necromancy)
Cleric 9th level
Range: touch
Components: V, DF, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of effect: target creature
Saving throw: Will half
SR: yes
As harm, but you may not cast this spell spontaneously even if it is similar to harm; in
addition to the effects of harm (10 Hp/caster level) in a failed save the creature takes
ability score damage, to all scores, equal to one quarter your caster level

Hatefull (evocation)
Sor/Wiz 5th level
Range visual sight of caster
Components: v, m
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of effect: target creature
Saving throw: Will negates

Hatefull spell makes the creature to have a charisma score of one for the duration of the
spell; although appearance does not change everybody reacts in a very unpleasant way in
presence of the affected creature with nausea or even attacks towards the affected.

Nereid kiss (Alteration)

Sor/Wiz 5th Clr 5th
Range: personal
Components: v, s
Duration: special
Area of effect: target creature
Saving throw: fortitude (special)

Touch attack that causes target to find a grand ecstasy which prevents any offensive
action or spell casting and a charm person effect if save is successful, failure means that a
water globe surrounds and drowns target unless a dispel magic is used

Nymph kiss (Alteration)

Sor/Wiz 5th Clr 5th
Range: personal
Components: v, s
Duration: special
Area of effect: target creature
Saving throw: (fortitude) special

Touch attack that causes target to find a grand ecstasy which prevents any offensive
action, spell casting and deletes memory of an entire day if save is successful, failure
means that the target is stun for 1d2 rounds and blind for 1d6 rounds.

The Srinshee.s Spellshift

(Abjuration, Alteration, Divination)
Wizard Level: 9
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
At the least, this spell cloaks the caster (or a target creature) in an immobile, faintly
shimmering magical 10.-radius sphere. This sphere prevents all spells from entering its
boundaries to affect those within, though spells can be cast from inside with no Effects on
the sphere or cast spells. If the spell is focused on its caster, the spellshift.s full capabilities
are discovered, as the caster now views the Weave in all its glory, using the sphere as the
lens through which it is viewed. With this sight and the magic active to a wide range, the
caster can reach out the Weave for various effects on active spells and manipulate with
the expansion of senses through the spellshift, the caster can visualize an opponent’s
forming spells and targeted area of effect by observing the manipulations in the Weave
around them. The caster can now manipulate the Weave a bit to either focus or blur it
around one target per round, causing wild and dead magic zones. If the spellshift -
protected caster has initiative, he can forfeit his normal spellcasting or other actions to
reach out and affect an opponent’s forming spell (or a pre-existing spell), changing its
effects without the knowledge of its caster. The rules for and primary effects of such
maneuvers are below:

Aid: Any spell forming or existing within range can be boosted for a round, increasing its range,
damage, or area of effect by double its normal effects. Thus, a comrade’s fireball could be
spellshifted to explode with a 40.-radius or its damage could be boosted to double the caster’s level
in six-sided dice! This effect can be used only on wizard spells, so it cannot double the amount of
healing gained from a priest’s cure light wounds spell.
Cancel: The spellshifted wizard can snuff one forming spell within the Weave before it is fully
formed, so none of its effects ever manifest. The casting wizard of the cancelled spell, unless aware
of the actions of the spellshifted character, would merely believe that the spell failed or was
improperly cast.
Deaden: The spellshifted caster can place a 5.-radius globe of dead magic around one target
creature or areas within range for the remainder of the current round. All magic and all magical
items within that area are canceled. This allows characters a way to pierce magical fields or
penetrate the defenses of a previously invulnerable foe
Manipulate: The spellshifted wizard can reach out using this new spellsight to reshape a
concurrently forming spell, changing either its range or area of effect. In other words, someone
using spellsight can take the time to manipulate the targeting of another’s mage’s fireball and have
it explode atop its own caster with normal areas of effect. The spellshifting mage cannot move the
spell effects beyond the range of the spell as cast by the opposing mage. Alternatively, he could
allow it to travel to the caster’s intended target but minimize its area of effect by up to 75% (reducing
a normal 40.-radius Fireball’s explosion to a 5.-radius explosion at the target).
Wild: The spellshifted wizard can focus and tighten the Weave in a 10.-radius globe around a target
creature or area to create a wild-magic zone. All magic cast within that target area must check
against wild-magic surges to ensure that it is cast without complications. If wild-magic rules are
unavailable, the simplest effect is to have the caster within the wild magic target zone take shock
damage (shock from agitated magic during the casting) equal in hit points to twice the level of the
cast spell. Any magical items worn within this area will also spark, dealing an additional and
unavoidable hit point of damage each. The wild magic endures only until the end of the current

(Abjuration, Alteration)
Wizard Level: 9
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: see text
Area of Effect: One magical field/spell
Saving Throw: none see text
SR: none
With a touch, a wizard can transform the most powerful of magical fields into common glass! Any constant field
of magic, be it a wall of fire, shield, or globe of invulnerability, becomes nonmagical glass. The effect looks like
ice crystallizing at the touch of the caster, and swiftly spreading and encompassing the entire field until it
becomes regular glass. Only abjuration or evocation spells are susceptible to this spell, though one type must
be chosen at the time of casting. Of those schools, only spells with a set, independent field effect are affected,
since the field must be touched to work the transformation. The caster must cast the spell and physically touch
the barrier or spell effect and then beat the other caster (or effect) in a caster level check to change it; the
caster suffers all effects of contact with the magical field for one round and then the glasshields transforms
the field (even if the caster is killed by contact with the field). This spell only affects an external magical effect;
it cannot affect active, preset spells such as contingency or invisibility, though it can touch a Bigby’s hand
spell and change the magical hand to glass. Once the magic changes to glass, any magic used to maintain
their mobility fail. Bigby’s hands fall and shatter, while globes of invulnerability merely become glass
domes surrounding their casters. While this spell usually only affects a single magical field effect, it also has
been designed to affect spells with multiple field effects, such as prismatic wall and prismatic sphere.
Glasshields can affect all seven layers of these particular spells (and any similar workings that link one field
within another) with one spell, and the transformed glass spheres effectively create a prison around that whom
they once protected. Even the magical field generated by bracers of defense and a ring of protection can
be turned to glass; if this occurs, the person wearing the item is surrounded by a very thin layer of glass
(though it thickens depending on the AC bonus). The magic is temporarily disrupted for 1d3 rounds, during
which the glass field provides the wearer no AC, and an effective Dexterity penalty equal to the bonus provided
by the object applies to the glass-encased character (i.e a +2 armor causes a -2 penalty in dexterity), since the
stiff glass prevents any major movements. When this field is shattered (either by the target’s movements or
attacks), the wearer incurs 1d3 points of damage from glass shards (unless you have natural AC). Once the
glass shatters or the spell wears off, the wearer’s normal magical defenses immediately shore up and restore
the character’s normal AC. Doesn’t work on any wards that cover more than a 40 ft radius.

(Abjuration, Alteration)
Sor/Wiz Level: 6
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None (object)
Area of Effect: One object
SR: yes

Now you can see thru objects, not really; when you cast this spell you may turn stone, metal or wood (but not
creatures made of) transparent to your eyes only or to all, caster choice at the moment of casting and may not
be changed afterwards, you can see through 5 inches of metal, 10 of stone or up to feet of wood. This spell
does not affect lead, gold, silver or platinum, the material keeps its original strength and other qualities. The
window you make with spell is only a one way window of maximum 5ft by 5ft.
You may make this spell permanent with permanency
Material components: a small piece of glass or any transparent solid object

(Abjuration, Alteration)
Sor/Wiz Level: 8
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One object (10 pounds/level)
Saving Throw: none
SR: none

By means of the spell you may turn non magical (non attended) glass, into a still transparent substance as
hard and resistant as steel, you may even built objects such as weapons with this spell, yet it requires first the
proper craft check prior to transform the glass in steel
Material components: a small piece of glass, a prism, a small piece of steel

Cristal brittle
(Abjuration, Alteration)
Sor/Wiz Level: 9
Range: Touch
Components: V, S,
Area of Effect: One ferrous object (or the volume of the object within
3 ft. of the touched point) or one ferrous creature
Saving Throw: see text
SR: yes

This magic causes that all metal, whether be as soft as gold or hard as adamantine to turn into non
magical glass like substance, so weapons, armors and shields turn into a delicate ornament
breakable with the slightest blow; the effect is permanent, not affected by dispel magic or similar
spells; nothing short of a wish may return an object affected by this spell. Any non magical non
attended object fails its save; otherwise a magical or attended object must make fortitude save to
deny the alteration. The spell might affect creatures as the DM sees fit, but regarding to iron golems
(and the like) the spell denies any armor bonus and damage reduction for a number of rounds equal
to half the caster level (maximum 10 rounds) other creatures take damage equal to 6d6 +1/per
caster level (maximum +15) fortitude save for half damage


There actually many varieties of this item, and all look different from each other; every rod is
attuned to a different outer plane (and as such it looks like something from it). When a creature
carries a rod of embassy attuned to its home plane it s considered as being in that plane as long as
it holds the rod. The creature type doesn’t change but it cannot be sent away with banishment spell
or effects, including the powerful holy word or dictum spells can dismiss it. In addition the creature
can use any similar effect (spell etc.) to banish other creatures as it was on his home plane. In that
case if you banish a creature currently in its home plane the creature goes to an adjacent or
coterminous plane, but otherwise as the spell or effect rules so. If a creature holds a rod of embassy
attuned to any other plane (different from his home plane) the rod is useless.
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: craft rod, plane shift, creator’s alignment must match the plane’s or be a native of that
Market price: 20.000 GP



Divine chaos:

Bastard sword +10, Critical 19-20 x2 type Slashing

Int 18 Wis 14 Cha 12 (saving throws Fortitude and reflex at +23, Will at +25 or the
wielder’s if better) Hardness: 30 Hp: 45; Immune to electricity, acid, cold; sonic and fire
resistance 20; living metal: regenerates 1 hp/ minute
Ego 76
Alignment: neutral (chaotic) good
Speech, Telepathy, 120 ft darkvision, blind sense and hearing
The weapon is able to read and read magic; languages: undercommon, draconic and
Purpose: Protect its creator (no other than Ivelios) and his interests.
Acts as a Holy power, Chaotic power (DC 33 for level loss), Flame, ice, sonic* (treat also
as a thundering weapon; deafening in a critical hit fort DC 33, permanently) and Shocking
blast bastard sword, 3d6 of the chosen damage, 9d6 on critical also as a flashing* weapon
*Sonic Blast: the weapon constantly vibrates and reverberates at a low humming rate,
causing sonic based damage (damage which ignore hardness) and exploding on a critical;
this damage functions even within the area of a silence spell, this kind of weapon does not
have any additional adverse effect upon sound sensitive beings or sound enhanced
senses although those beings find the weapon disturbing and distasteful.
*flashing: this enchantment gives the weapon the ability to discharge a flashing burst on
every successful critical hit, causing blinding for one round in the target, and only the
target, (fort DC 33 negates both) and strength damage (1d4 +2) temporary. The flash is
otherwise the equivalent of a daylight spell including the dispelling of any darkness spell of
3rd level or lower.

MINOR POWERS: (at will as a 20th level spell caster DC 14 plus spell level)
True seeing and find traps

The weapon when carried grants a +5 insight bonus on initiative when held; this weapon
may be used as monk weapon, provided that the wielder has levels in the monk class

MAJOR POWERS: (once a day), absorption* (as the divine 10th level spell), incapacitate*
(as the divine 9th level spell),

This katana is a very part of Ivelios himself and part of a set of weapons that this God.
Feared and admired not only for his power but his skill in magical crafts; his katana has a
white glow and it’s made of arandur, aurorum, zardazik and other exotic metals and it
appears as a very simple yet beautiful weapon with a golden gem in the hilt and some
times its seen surrounded by electricity. Chaos likes to be a show off, loves spotlight and it
is smart enough to think how to achieve what it wants, when she attaches to a wielder (a
hard and long process) it dislikes being away from its wielder’s attention and care. The
weapon itself is immune to tarnishing and other discoloration, acidic corrosion, and rusting
even that caused by rust monster antennae.
DANGERS: when used by any other character it compels him to become (gradually) into a
chaotic good character and forces him/her to serve the deity’s faith; further more it will not
ever hurt its creator in anyway or other followers of such deity, other than this the weapon
is know to propagate a wave of, temporarily, madness upon those creatures (or even the
wielder if deemed unworthy) around the sword (enchantment will save reduces duration by
half DC 35 and lasts for 2d10 days, similar to a confusion spell).

CORRUPTING EFFECT: finally those characters, evil or non deserving wielders face a
destruction of their mind losing an int point a week (no restoration available) and when
intelligence gets zero the character becomes enslaved to the weapon and seek its return
to its true owner; if not available he will start to destroy all evil characters and monsters
around until dead or release of the sword.

WEAKNESS: only its creator knows how to truly destroy the sword since the weapon is
attached to his own existence (as long as Ivelios lives so does the weapon), if it’s the case
that the sword is destroyed by other (VERY powerful means like another deity’s
intervention) the sword WILL reform its self in a 1d100 days in a random location (most
likely close to the one who attempt to destroy it to kill him)

Divine law:

Cold iron Mercurial Greatsword +10, critical 20 x4 type slashing

Int 14 Wis 19 Cha 12 (saving throws Fortitude and reflex at +23, Will at +27 or the
wielder’s if better) Hardness: 35 Hp: 60; Immune to acid & fire; sonic & lightning resistance
30; living metal: regenerates 1 hp/ minute
Ego 76
Alignment: neutral (lawful) good
Speech, Telepathy, 120 ft darkvision, blind sense and hearing
The weapon is able to read and read magic; languages: draconic, common & celestial
Purpose: Protect its creator (no other than Ivelios)
Acts as a Ki focus, Defender, Holy, Lawful Power (DC 33 for level loss), Flame, ice and
Shocking blast Mercurial Greatsword (i.e. 3d6 of the chosen damage, 15d6 on critical) also
as a great knockback* weapon
*Great Knockback: on each successful critical hit the weapon forces its target back; the
target must succeed at a fortitude save (DC 33) or be knocked back 10 ft or fall prone if
not able to do so, if it fails this save then it must make a second save at the same DC to
avoid be stunned for 1 round.
MINOR POWERS: (at will as a 20th level spell caster DC 14 plus spell level)
Heal, Harm and righteous might
Restoration: Finally, and it’s the most amazing quality of this weapon, restores the youth
and power of the user (this power is used as the sword sees deem fit or as ordered by
Ivelios), meaning that the sword negates aging related penalties, negates magical aging
and restores lost levels; at rate of 2 ability points/levels per 8 hours of rest, after that the
sword goes dormant (i.e no minor or major powers available) for as much days as levels or
ability points restored. The gem in the hilt stores a vast amount of knowledge, the entire
memories of the deity which may be accessed only by approval of the sword or the deity

Another weapon part of the special set of weapons crafted by this intermediate power, it
looks like a greatsword made of what seems to be cold iron and aurorum alloy surrounded
by a golden light, it also possess a blue gem in its hilt. Law is a proud fighter, sometimes
eager to battle, but wise and mature enough to wait, it likes to plan things and is a devoted
healer, heals so it can battle again. The weapon itself is immune to tarnishing and other
discoloration, acidic corrosion, and rusting even that caused by rust monster antennae.
DANGERS: when used by any other character it compels him to become (gradually) into a
Lawful good character and forces him/her to serve the deity’s faith in a paladin way or at
least to follow a quest against evil or to return the weapon to its owner; further more it will
not ever hurt its creator in anyway or other followers of such deity, besides this its know
that the weapon causes other creatures to either (50% chance) become afraid of the
carrier of the weapon (fear effect DC 20 + carrier HD) or causes the characters become
greedy and will try to take the weapon from the carrier (enchantment DC 20 + carrier HD).

CORRUPTING EFFECT: finally those unworthy characters face a terrible fate as for not
being the rightful owner of the weapon, once a week with no save allowed a wielder loses
1d8 years of his maximum life span, it does not age, but his maximum life span shortens
by time, if the wielder is one of a long live race (over 200 years) it loses 3d8 or 6d8 (for
races over 600 years) years instead.

WEAKNESS: only its creator knows how to truly destroy the sword since the weapon is
attached to his own existence (as long as Ivelios lives so does the weapon), if it’s the case
that the sword is destroyed by other (VERY powerful means like another deity’s
intervention) the sword WILL reform its self in a 1d100 days in a random location (most
likely close to the one who attempt to destroy it to kill him)


Wooden Bastard Sword +10, critical 20 x2 type bludgeoning

Hardness: 20 Hp: 40; immune to fire, electricity; Acid and cold resistance 20

Acts as a Holy power (DC 33 for level loss), Force* (caster level 20th), Flame and Shocking
blast weapon (i.e. 3d6 of the chosen damage, 9d6 on critical), Mighty Disruption (DC 33),
manawall crushing, greater*

*Force: on a successful hit the weapon emits a jolt of force based damage, however
besides the damage when an opponent is hit with such a weapon it may dispel a force
effect protecting him (such as shield spell or bracers of armor) to do so make a dispel
check (1d20 + 20 which is the caster level of the weapon for this purpose). Incorporeal
creatures get no miss chance against this type of weapon.
*with each successful strike the weapon drains 5 points of Spell Resistance from the
target, points lost in this manner return automatically after 24 hours.
MAJOR POWERS: (once a day; save DC 29) glasshields, Crystal brittle

This weapon was one of the first created by Ivelios, hence the name, although it isn’t an
intelligent weapon is never the less a one of his favourites and takes great care with it. The
weapon was crafted with the item image feat (see above) as to be stored in a non descript
tattoo on the right arm and also causing 1d6 damage (no specific type) to anyone holding
the weapon but Ivelios. The sword itself appears to be like a wooden copy of a sword
made for training, even when its damage is bludgeoning don’t think wrong of this weapon
since its hard as steel and IT WONT BURN in ordinary or extraordinary conditions (short of
a wish or miracle) nor does count as a metallic object, in order to look different of an
ordinary weapon a purple dim glow comes forth and when the weapon moves trough the
air you can see shiny gold dust coming from the sword.
DANGERS: when used by any other character and commits something against the faith of
Ivelios or against the general idea of good it will petrify its carrier plus any other creature in
10 ft radius (DC 28) if the creature is immune or survives it gets 10d6 bludgeoning damage
from a explosion of crystals centred on the sword (DC 28 save for half)

WEAKNESS: only its creator knows how to truly destroy the sword since the weapon is
attached to his own existence (as long as Ivelios lives so does the weapon), if it’s the case
that the sword is destroyed by other (VERY powerful means like another deity’s
intervention) the sword WILL reform its self in 1d100 days in a random location (most likely
close to the one who attempt to destroy it to kill him)

Ring of Live

Ring of luck +3 (+3 luck bonus to all saves) and also works (or grants the effect) as a
Rapid healing and weapon breaking ring (grants damage reduction 15/adamantine and
any weapon striking the wielder must pass a fortitude save DC 20 or be destroyed)
Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 10 (saving throws Fortitude and reflex at +23, Will at +28 or the
wielder’s if better)
Ego 55
Alignment: neutral good
Empathy, 60 ft vision and hearing
Purpose: Protect the life of its wearer
Minor Powers: (at will as a 20th level spell caster DC 14 plus spell level)
Heal, death ward, Restoration
Major Powers: Greater restoration 1/ day, Freedom 1/ week, Break enchantment 3/day.
Allows an arcane spell caster to use the phoenix spell (with no need of material or any
other hindrance such as lost possessions, as they are transformed along with the wielder
or the inability to wear other amulets)

Another artifact, made by and belonging to Ivelios, in a moment of serenity, peace and
wish of eternal calm; this intelligent ring has a mission of his own… but truly its serves
Ivelios as a protector and a reminder of his return is expected and cannot die until so… the
ring looks not as something that belongs to a deity, a pure white ring with no visible marks,
however the ring does emanates positive energy (2d6 damage to undead touching it no
save) and a close look reveals sigils and a tiny capsule with some liquid inside. It likes
calm and serenity and it is a stubborn as a lawful can be, it dislikes cruelty and slavery.

DANGERS: when in none good hands the keeper takes 1 point (random) ability drain save
negates (DC 20) but he must make the save again every day at a growing DC (+2 per
successful save) if the wearer is a non living creature, like undead or construct, the ring
simply goes dormant and provides no benefit to such creature.

Phoenix - (Elemental-Fire, Necromancy, Alteration) - 9th level

Range: personal
Components: V, S, M, F, XP
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: none

This is a very powerful spell that activates only upon the death of the Arch-Mage. One round after
death, the remains of the body become extremely hot igniting any nearby combustibles. The spell
will not function if less than 50% of the remains exist, whatever shape they may be in, or if body
parts are spread out over a 10-foot radius. During the next nine rounds, the remains will continue to
magically burn. At the end of one turn, the flames will erupt bursting into a huge fireball. The size
of which is 1 ft radius sphere per level of the caster. The blast will cause 1d6 damage per level to
anyone or anything - 1/2 damage if a saving throw is made (reflex). Any remaining possessions of
the Arch-mage or objects within 20 feet are totally destroyed in the blast.
From the flames, the spell enables the soul of the deceased to create a firebird - a flaming roc-like
bird described below. The main objective is to fly home to a specially prepared nest to be reborn
you can fly across most boundaries (can cross everything except a wall of force, a dimensional
anchor or the like), you may travel thru planes, so you don’t have to stay in an specific place or
plane for the spell to work. However, the Arch-Mage can use her new form to attack her enemies.
She has a potent new body to fight with, but there is a price for quick revenge. Every round that is
not spent flying towards the nest will cost an equal of 10% lost of current HP, if you die in this form
only wish or miracle like power may return you to life and the spell is wasted.
The nest is usually located in some secret place known only to the caster. The location is usually
stockpiled with water, clothes and a spare spell book, and is carefully warded against intruders.
The nest is composed of chunks of jet (at least 10%) and stones from the Arch-Mage's homeland
stacked together in an oval shape. The size of which is about 5-6 feet long and 2-3 feet wide. The
nest's bottom is sprinkled with 10,000gp worth of diamond dust and one pint of the caster's dried
blood. When the firebird arrives at this nest, it immolates itself, within the ashes; an egg is formed
and lies incubating. The egg incubates and grows a number of days equal to the character level the
Mage had. At that point the caster is treated as if it had received a true resurrection spell
Note: the caster's egg is very vulnerable to attack during this time.
In addition, the spell must be renewed with ritual utterances every new moon. The spell is cast into
a golden amulet (focus) shaped like a phoenix with deep blood red ruby eyes. The minimum value
of which is 15,000 gp. It must be worn singly (other magical amulets, medallions or necklaces will
negate its effects) at the time of death for the spell to take effect, also when you cast this spell you
must cover your self and the place of resurrection with diamond dust worth 5000 gp
XP cost: 1000 xp points

Armor Class: varies but always has a deflection bonus equal to the charisma modifier
Movement: 10 ft / 100 ft (fly) average
Hit Dice: Same as the caster character level (but in d10)
Attacks: Attacks with a base attack bonus equal to caster's level (see below)
Damage/Attack: 2d6/2d6 and 2d8 plus modifiers
Special Attacks: Excess heat causes all within 10' to take 3d6 points of damage/round.
Also those hit by an attack take this damage again, Fire subtype, magical beast type
Special Defenses: Ethereal at will, homing instinct for nest: the caster in bird form knows
the most direct form to its nest as if he had cast the find the path spell
Skill and feats: Flyby attack feat, skills and other feats equal to character
Abilities: mental attributes are equal to the character, physical are as follow:
For 25 level caster (or less): Huge size -2 modifier, STR= caster level +8, Con= caster level +4,
Dex= caster level -5, natural armor +4, DR 15/magic +2, SR= caster level
Base attack= +25 or the caster if better, saving throws equal to character (adding the new
constitution and dexterity modifiers)
For a 26 to 30 caster: Gargantuan size -4 modifier, STR= caster level +10, Con= caster level +6,
Dex= caster level -10, natural armor +5; damage upgrade 2d8/2d8 and 4d6, DR 15/magic +2, SR=
caster level; Base attack= +30 or the caster if better, saving throws equal to character (adding the
new constitution and dexterity modifiers)
For a 31+ caster: colossal size -8 modifier, STR= caster level +10, Con= caster level +8, Dex=
caster level -15, natural armor +8 damage upgrade 4d6/4d6 and 4d8, DR 10/epic, SR= caster level,
Base attack= +30 or the caster if better, saving throws equal to character (adding the new relevant



Character: A city surrounded by a nearly impenetrable forest but this city glows with a sense of
grand peace and calm, just relax and follow your will but be aware because there are rules even on
the greater chaos and you will get a lesson of pain if you break them.

Ruler: The berk in charge of this town is Anastriana (Planar/♀ human/priest (Ivelios) 19/ CG), a
priest of Ivelios who's focused into expanding the faith. Her devotion has no question and
sometimes is seen as hard minded, its also said that she has seen Ivelios directly to his eyes and
since that day her devotion (and power) had grown; there is no doubt in this realm of peace that she
is the one putting things in order and not letting forget the will of her god.

Behind the Throne: obvious answer berk, Ivelios is on charge here and he does not allow
anyone to forget that, but other than that there is no sign of any treason or secret.
Description: Dun-ayat is a town on the middle of the realm of this intermediate power; the town is
somewhat circular, integrated to the forest and divided by one river. It has a harbor in a near by
lake, separated from the city, yet the harbor has a direct connection, a road, with the town and the
market place; the city has a few neighborhoods in which magic is used seriously i.e continual light
lamps in the street etc; the lake and rivers are always kept clean and potable and people use them
for fishing or just a good swim often.

Militia: Dun-ayat is defended at all times by a group of loyal followers of Ivelios, they are fanatic in
their devotion to the cause of justice and good; and are composed nearly by every kind of celestial
and petitioners, Yet they lack organization and are composed of volunteers only, eve when some
are powerful the lack of a central entity affects their capacity to keep things cool specially in the

Services: The town's main business is the free market where you can find all that is related to
magic and to war as well, if you have some money, berk you better come here since is one of the
best market place in the neighborhood. Also divination spells and services are known and relative
cheap (all cost for these are at 20% discount) yet they are restricted in level only offering divinations
of 4 level or lower with such discount.

Current Chant: Current gossip speaks of a series of crimes and thieving in the harbor sector,
after all is a place filled with spelljammer vessels and people of here and there… this has caused
some serious organizational movement towards the establishment of a full time, high level, guard in
the town and centered in the harbor to avoid such a thing.

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