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Contemporary Chinese School of Arizona Newsletter

CCSA Website:

2008-2009 学年 第 4 期 Issue 4 March 2009 总第 4 期

Can it possibly be March already? Spring is “springing”, the kids are anxiously awaiting spring break, which
is looming just around the corner, and it is time for another edition of the Newsletter.

- 校务副校长何春晓关于学校活动的最新报告
- 学校护士李桂红强调早餐的重要性
- 学校活动日程安排
- Adopt-a-School 活动汇报: 来自四川的祝福
- 董事会将如期进行改选
- 感谢所有老师、学生、家长和志愿者们的无私奉献
- 中文老师常务会议:讨论中文知识比赛相关事项
- 迎新春活动摘要

From Activity Principal Connie He

Chinese Week Activity: In the afternoon of February 7th, numbers of CCSA families participated in Children
Pavilion activities during the Chinese Week at the Chinese Culture Center in Phoenix. Many CCSA
volunteers helped do calligraphy demonstrations on Chinese names by translating from visitors’ names.
They encouraged children to involve in lots of handwork activities reflecting theme of the Year of the Ox,
such as folding bags, cutting papers, making little Chinese - English mini books for the basic Chinese
language, folding fortune paper bag, and creating dough arts, etc. This is a great opportunity to provide
cultural awareness for the younger generation and also for teenagers to experience arts and crafts, cultural
entertainment, Chinese history, as well as volunteering experience. In addition, Cynthia Yu played flute solo -
茉莉花 on the performance stage. Volunteering families are Jimmy, Judy and their daughters-Rachel and
Sandra Yu; Zach, Yujing, and their daughters-Terisa and Cythia; Hua Hao and her two children-Angeline and
Shaun Xiong; Larry and his daughter-Julie Song; Ping Lu; Steve and his daughter-Susan Tu; Hai Zhao's two
sons-Daniel and Henry Zhao; Jing Jing Smith; Qian Zhou; Ying Liu and her daughter-Jenny Jiang; Cynthia
and Betty Li; Feona Dong; Yang Wang, Megy and their daughter-Angelia.

Annual Picnic Event: CCSA just successfully held an annual spring picnic at the Dissert Breeze Park in
Chandler on February 28th. This year’s picnic attracted lots of parents, students, and friends to join.
Everyone enjoyed the warm weather. The sun was glistening on the vibrant green grass that had freshly
mown smell. The ducks waded in the lake, content with their surroundings. The ‘green’ tennis courts are
busy with players rallying in the game. The sand volleyball court was filled with parents and students’
laughing. Little kids were climbing up and jumping on the big Bouncer. Some students were playing water
balloon. Young kids were lining up to wait for their turns for the face painting…what a great picnic event! As
always, nothing could be done without our volunteers. Many thanks to those volunteers who contributed
extra hours to prepare for this event. They are Qi He and her family, Hua Hao, Yujing Wu, Qian Zhou,
Shicheng Tao, Jie Yang, Jimmy Yu, Judy Chan, Zach Yu, Larry Song, Gary Li, Yang Wang, Steve Tu, Hai
Zhao, Yulan Wang, Tony & Fannie Tam, Bo Guo, Ping Lu, Ying Liu, Nan Li, Zeev Lipks, Kathy’s family,
Guihong Li, Yi Wei and his family, Jack Ren, Irene Wei and her family, Chiu-Men Juang, and Jian Fei. In
addition, several teenagers also volunteered at this event.

Connie He 贺春晓
CCSA VP-Activity
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From School Nurse Guihong Li

If you’ve heard it once, you must have heard it 999 times: BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL
OF THE DAY! Why? You spend eight hours or more in sleep at night with no food or drink, you’re sort of
dehydrated. Your blood sugar is relatively low and you have less energy, and now it’s time to hurry the kids
up and head to school in the morning. More so than any other points in the day, you and your kids need
nourishment in the morning, especially your youngsters. According to research, children who eat a healthy
breakfast are more likely to have better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination.
They may also be more alert, creative, and most likely to pay attention in class.

So parents, please remember to provide your kids a healthy breakfast that consists of protein, fat, and
carbohydrates. This will make sure that their blood sugar is up for several hours. As you may know, a drop in
blood sugar can cause a decline in energy level, and your child may start to feel hungry and develop
stomachaches or headaches. Hungry children can be apathetic and irritable when confronted with difficult

We all have expectation on our children to achieve a high-bar in their academic and also their wellbeing. As
parents, the least we can do is to make sure that our kids do not go hungry in class. Please feed your kids on
a breakfast—a healthy breakfast!

Guihong Li, RN, CMSRN 李桂红

CCSA School Nurse

Important Upcoming Dates

03/14/09 No School - Spring Break
03/21/09 Student Award
04/04/09 Chinese Knowledge Competition
04/19/09 Student Award (Classes are on Sunday!!!)
04/25/09 Final Exam
05/02/09 Graduation Ceremony

Adopt-a-School Program Update

From Chinese Teacher Haojin Shen:



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Haojin Shen 沈颢瑾

3 Grade Chinese Teacher (Ma Liping)

From Chinese Teacher Ping Lu:

We received a total of 46 letters and 20 pieces of artwork from Sichuan students on January 31st. Teacher
Jingning Zhang delivered it to us after back to the town from visiting Sichuan last December. I attached a
poster with part of their greetings and artwork here to share with all of you. Let’s wish them the best!

Ping Lu 陆平
2 Grade Chinese Teacher (Ma Liping)

Board Election - Every Vote Counts!

Voting is the bare minimum participation in a self-governed society like our school with volunteers aboard.
However, it is the most valuable right we could ask for. We will have a school Board election per CCSA
Bylaws. All parents, teachers and staff are encouraged to participate in the upcoming Board election. Let
your voice be heard! Let's vote, vote our conscience, and get others to vote too. More information will be
forthcoming with details thru emails, so keep this in mind!

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Special Thanks to Some Special People

Back to the beginning of this semester, our first day of school was a great success. Thank you to all of our
outstanding teachers and staff for their extra-hard work in getting ready for a fantastic first day back. Thank
you to our wonderful families as well, your support is always so appreciated. A very special thank you to our
incredible volunteers who helped families and students find their way to classrooms, register classes online
and purchase textbooks on the first day of school. They are: Registration Desk-Gary Li, Sherry Li, Steve Tu
and Zach Yu; Payment Collection-Judy Chan, Fannie Tam, Susan Tu, Tony Tam, Yang Wang (former CCSA
treasurer) and Lisong Zhang; Textbook-Yang Wang, Jian Fei, Yujing Wu, Feixiao Dai and Hua Hao; Library
Corner-Qian Zhou and Connie He; Classroom-Yi Wei and Ke Fang; in addition, Accounting-Jin Wu, Xinxin
coupon-Yulan Wang, Activity-Wei Gao; and many more volunteers behind the scene.

Thank you Qi He and Rena Li for your time on organizing the summer camp seminar at our school on
February 28, 2009. For more information, please directly contact Qi He thru her e-mail
Thanks also goes to Connie He and her dedicated team for great efforts on leading this year’s spring picnic
to another huge success!

Chinese Teacher Meeting

What a busy time of year! While school being in a full swing, Chinese teachers got together for a quarterly
meeting, which was hosted by Teaching Principal Yi Wei and coordinated by Chinese Teaching Committee
Chair Sherry Li at CCSA on February 7th. The meeting agenda focused on the importance of keeping grade
record in files for the future reference of rewarding students in accordance with the criteria outlined in the
student reward program. Meanwhile, Chinese teachers Jie Zhu, Tong Fu, Ping Lu and others raised voices
and made valuable suggestions on how to make the upcoming Chinese Knowledge Competition (April 4th) be
more interesting and meaningful for our lovely kids. More details are on the way. Stay tuned.

Chinese New Year Celebration Activities


一月二十四日星期六, 马立平<<中文>>二年级一班全体师生在教师里度过了一个喜庆快乐的中国年。



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“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ~
Maria Robinson

Contemporary Chinese School of Arizona

Newsletter Team

Comments on the Newsletter? Please send an e-mail to

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