Soal MCQ Blok 2

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MCQ of Block 2 (2007/2008) 1. Doctors cannot cure the patient perfectly A.

Patient can do nothing against the doctor B. Patient has the right to sue doctor C. Doctor should pay compensation to the patient D. Patient always win this case in court 2. In order to do medical practice in Indonesia A. Doctor should have the police clearance B. Doctor should have Surat Tanda Registrasi Issued by Departement of law C. Doctor should have Surat Tanda Registrasi Issued by Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia D. Doctor should be registered to government medical faculty 3. Patient can get human organ donor A. Buy an organ from donor, in case of emergency B. If unmatch, the patient can sale the organ to some one else C. Doctor do the transplantation with no fee at all D. Doctor do the transplantation with reasonable fee 4. What is the most suitable communication method in doctor, patient relationship A. Paternalistic B. Consumeristic C. Mutualistic D. Default 5. Criminal abortion is an illegal act in Indonesia, however it is legal in the situation A. If the mother doesnt ready to have a kid B. If the conception was the result of raped case C. Do by the medical reason to save the mothers life D. Do by the general practitioner 6. Professional doctor A. Ask the expensive payment

B. Well inform to the patient about risk and benefit C. Treat the patient without agreement D. Healed the patient is the main goal 7. Law that regulate medical practice in Indonesia A. Undang-Udang Kesehatan No. 23 tahun 1992 B. Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana C. Undang-Undang No. 29 tahun 2004 D. Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana 8. A drug abused patient visit the doctor, what will the doctor do A. Report to the police B. Blamed the patient for doing such risky things C. Referred to the expert for proper treatment D. Do nothing and ask the patient to go home 9. Such a condition that can lead to physical violent abuse is A. Parents who suffered physical violence during adolescent B. Mothers who had delivered a baby in adult age or unmarried C. There were continued pressure from family environment such as poverty D. Unfair actions during childhood wouldnt influence this condition 10.Physical violence was suspected if we found A. Haematoma lesions with history of accident. B. Complaints, such as nausea, abdominal pain or abdominal enlargement with unknown etiology C. Just ignore if we found any lesions that was similar as household appliances D. Children who suffered physical handicap were more sensitive to be hurt 11.Sexual abuse could be happened in

A. If there were any appointment from the two persons B. The moral standard that was revolved by adult persons to children C. Afraid of the punishment from the family that could worsen the condition D. Friendship or fulfilling the necessity from adult person to children who suffered from poverty 12.Sexual abuse frequently hard to express and known unintentionally. It could happen because A. The transparency of the victim about what has happened to her B. There were a threat from the actor of the violent actions that was frequently ignorant C. The actor was closed with family D. The victims ignorance to report the actions Physician: I have a 35-year-old stomach cancer case but I did not tell him he had cancer. Although every patient should know about the nature of his disease and the possible prognosis, I did not explain that he had cancer due to the psychological stress it would cause him. He is young, has been admitted for two weeks, and his prognosis is very poor. He has the signs and symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction. We diagnosed the disease and are planning to operate on him. Interviewer: Would you kindly tell me the mental state of the patient? Physician: Yes, he is assumed to be depressed. 13.In beneficence criteria including A. Duty to help emergency patient B. Developing professionalism continuously C. Struggle for getting more benefit than worse D. Minimalize satisfication of patients happiness/preference 14.In autonomy criteria including A. Appreciate privacy B. Not to be opened

C. Get informed consent D. Keeping up the relationship (contract) 15.In justice criteria including. A. To establish all the thing universally B. To do macro allocation wisely C. To Appreciate patient health rights conformability equality, accessibility, availability, quality) D. To give contribution that relatively similar with patients needs 16.In non maleficence criteria including.... A. Helping patient with emergency B. Avoid misrepresentation from patient C. Not giving spirit of life D. Not place patient as an object Physician: This patient lived here in the city but had an accident in another part of the country. He had a knee injury. A physician accompanied him when he was referred for treatment here. He had no problem in terms of expenses, because he was covered by an insurance company. It had been explained to him that there was no problem and we would provide the facilities for the surgical intervention. However, he refused to be treated by us. I advised the patient and his family that if no intervention was performed, the configuration of the patients knee would change, and this would result in disturbance of his movement. There would also be some pain if the patient took a long walk. There would be posttrauma arthritis. A deformity would occur which would cause the patient to walk unsteadily. He remained adamant even though he was advised about all these things. He asked to be sent to a place to be treated by a famous traditional healer. His family agreed with him. I was unable to change their minds, so I left it to them to decide. It turned out that the healer to whom this patient went had a lot of patients more than the hospital or physicians. 17.In beneficence criteria including A. Duty to help emergency patient

B. Applegate the patients right entirely C. Ensure the primer values of human being D. Developing professionalism continuously 18.In autonomy criteria including. A. Appreciate privacy B. Not to intervene patients in decision-making (in elective condition) C. Keeping patients secrets D. Not to lie to the patient even for his/her own sake 19.In justice criteria including A. To appreciate others rights B. To appreciate privacy C. giving spirit of life D. To maintain vulnerable groups (most fragile) 20.In non maleficence criteria including A. Treatment for injury patient B. Not insult/ taking advantage of patient C. Not giving spirit of life D. Not protect patient from attack The case of a HIV-positive man and his HIV-negative wife A 50-year-old man was admitted to a hospital with multiple non-specific symptoms for investigation. His HIV test turned out to be positive. Without informing the man of the test or its outcome, the doctor discussed the situation with the patient's wife and encouraged her to undergo an HIV test. She turned out to be negative. Though the wife was quite upset about the situation, she showed that she was a bold woman. She asked the doctor several questions on the disease transmission, treatment and curability. Later, she came to the doctor and made just one request. The husband and wife were living with the wife's brother, "Please don't tell my brother that my husband is HIV-positive. We are laborers without any land and need my brother's help for shelter and survival. If he finds out about this he may ask us to leave the house."

21.In beneficence criteria including A. Look the patient/ family/something, not only for giving benefit to doctor B. Ensure the primer values of human being C. Duty to help emergency patient D. Apply the golden rule principle (the highest standard) 22.In autonomy criteria including A. Not to lie to the patient even for his/her own sake B. To let adult and competent patient to make his/her decision C. Keeping patients secrets D. Ensure the primer values of human being 23.In justice criteria including A. Not to give liability unevenly without props reason B. To establish all the thing universally C. To Appreciate patient health rights conformability equality, accessibility, availability, quality) D. To maintain vulnerable groups (most fragile) 24.In non maleficence criteria including... A. Not giving spirit of life B. Not to give liability unevenly without props reason C. Apply the golden rule principle (the highest standard) D. Protect patient from attack Dr. R, a general practitioner in a small rural town, is approached by a contract research organization (C.R.O.) to participate in a clinical trial of a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for osteoarthritis. She is offered a sum of money for each patient that she enrolls in the trial. The C.R.O. representative assures her that the trial has received all the necessary approvals, including one from an ethics review committee. Dr. R has never participated in a trial before and is pleased to have this opportunity, especially with the extra money. She accepts without inquiring further about the scientific or ethical aspects of the trial.

25.If he gives that drug for his patient, in beneficence criteria including A. Look the patient/ family/something, only for giving benefit to doctor B. Struggle for getting more benefit than worse C. Give potency drug but cheap enough D. Take no honorarium abnormally 26.If he gives that drug for his patient, in autonomy criteria including A. To lie to the patient even for his/her own sake B. Keeping up the relationship (contract) C. to intervene or to inhibit patients autonomy D. Appreciate the rights to decide, appreciate patients dignity 27.If he gives that drug for his patient, in justice criteria including A. To abuse B. To give contribution that relatively similar with patients needs C. To give similar chance to everyone at the same position D. To ask patients participation that suitable with their ability 28.If he gives that drug for his patient, in non maleficence criteria including A. Give treatment not in proportion B. Avoid misrepresentation from patient C. To place patient as an object D. Not act as White Collar Crime in medical / hospital that give a loss for patients family 29.A medical doctor has to know good or bad value that correlates to his/her scientific knowledge. In philosophy, a field that deals with good or bad value is A. Metaphysic B. Ontology C. Axiology D. Epistemology 30.Human being is an object of medical science. In philosophy, a field that deals with scientific object is

A. B. C. D.

Metaphysic Ontology Axiology Epistemology

31.A medical doctor has to have skills of lifelong learning. These skills are the characteristics of. A. Professional independency B. Professionalism of profession C. Professional autonomy D. Professional integrity 32.A medical doctor that does not perform a medical action appropriately, but this action does not result in a sue from the patient, because there is no adverse event, therefore the doctor is actually still has legal/formal responsibility. This legal/formal responsibility includes in responsibility of. A. Pidana B. Discipline C. Perdata D. Ethic 33.In medical practice act (undangundang praktik kedokteran) there is a body which is formed to build the medical discipline. This body is A. KKI B. MKDKI C. MKEK D. IDI 34.Mrs. Bahar and his wife, is a couple who have an inherited familial disease, and to know whether their next baby is a normal or might be have abnormality, her wife do a prenatal diagnostic procedures A. The procedure B. The results C. Medical decision D. Parent decision 35.If the result showed their baby with genetic disorders, what is your opinion to this couples A. Continue the pregnancy B. Terminated the pregnancy C. Guidance the parent to choose D. No opinion

36.If your suggestion is to terminate the pregnancy, what is moral or ethical conduct you choose A. Embryo as object B. Embryo as subject C. Pro-future D. Mother Pro-life 37.Human can be object of science and also subject of research stated by A. Falibilism B. Socrates C. Pluto D. John Austin 38.Voluntary active Euthanasia A. Without the consent of a capable patient B. Without request C. Administration of lethal agents D. Administration of fluid therapy 39.Criteria of the termination A. Reversible B. Abnormality disease C. Good prognosis D. Healthy person 40.The following are with holding support A. Refers to both with drawing and with holding therapy B. Refers to discontinuing therapy that has already been instituted C. Never providing the patient with a particular therapy D. Removal of the support 41.Brain stem death determination for organ transplantion, need A. Three (3) Doctors B. Four (4) Doctors C. Two (2) Doctors D. One (1) Doctors 42.The purpose of Pharmacy Law A. Provides a mechanism through which adverse outcomes B. Provides a mechanism about drug distribution C. Protects patients from harm that might occur if medications were used unreasonably D. Protects the open market in any old chemical distribution

43.The step three in ethical problem solving is clarify principles, these who are involved with ethical can determine . A. The pharmacist rights B. The patient duties C. The patient duties and the pharmacist rights D. The pharmacist duties and the patient rights 44.Definitions of prescriptions by Bernhard Fantus A. Designate a specific medication and dosage B. An order for medication by physician, dentist, veterinarian and nurse C. The key stone to the whole arch of therapeutics endeavor D. An order represent a professional relationship 45.According Code of Ethics Pharmacists, the nature of relationship between pharmacists and patients is A. A consistent relationship B. A constitutional relationship C. A convenient relationship D. A covenantal relationship for the

Issue for questions 68 - 72 A 64 year-old man asked certain Farmacy to repeat his receipt for some medicines such as aspirin, erythromycin, vitamin B complex and some food supplements. He did not know whether he suffered from coronary heart disease or other heart diseases because dr X who examined him last week did not tell anything to him. Dr X advised him to repeat those medicines whenever he feels bad. 46.What do you thing about this ethical problem? A. Dr X is right because he thought that the patients disease is mild B. Dr X is right because the patient is his relatives C. Dr X is wrong because of his wrong advice D. Dr X is wrong because the patient did not pay his advice

47.Is it the patients right to know his disease? A. Yes because the patient paid for B. Yes because it is his awareness C. No because it is secret for all patients D. No because it is not just true or false diagnosis 48.About asking the repeatable receipt .. A. It is allowed even though without any further examination B. It is allowed because the medicines are fit for the patient C. It is wrong for the patient D. It is wrong for the dr X 49.Do you blame the patient? A. Yes because he asked the Farmacy without any reexamination B. No because dr X asked him to repeat and just make a copy receipt C. Yes because his brave enough to ask the Farmacy D. No because of the rule to force him to do that 50.Is it right to give aspirin for long-term use? A. No since its side effect for the old patient is harmful B. No because the therapeutic objective do not know C. Yes because this medicine is safe D. Yes because of low cost Issue for question 73 - 77 Dr Y just three months ago celebrated her degree and now she is writing the receipt for her patient of cerebral hemorrhage with high dose of ginkgo biloba. Actually she does not know much about this medicine, but she just try to give it due to her close friend told that ginkgo biloba is just the best substance for cerebral hemorrhage. 51.What do you think about dr Ys competency? A. It wont be a problem because she is a true doctor B. It is legal because dr Y has certificate to practice her competency

C. It is false because she does not know much about the medicine D. It is false since she believes that her friend is always right 52.Do you agree that ginkgo biloba can cure cerebral hemorrhage? A. Yes because the right information from dr Ys close friend B. Yes because ginkgo biloba is the famous medicine C. No because the medicine is costly D. No because there is no evidence 53.Is it safe to give ginkgo biloba for cerebral hemorrhage? A. Yes because it will act just as antioxidant B. Yes because of the information from dr Ys close friend C. No since it will enhance the hemorrhagic process D. No because I do not know either 54.Are you brave enough to do the same as dr Y does? A. No because I do not agree that ginkgo biloba as a safe substance B. No because this substance is expensive C. Yes because the medicine is safe all the time D. Yes because there are many information about the substance 55.What class of medicine the ginkgo biloba is? A. Over-the-counter medicine B. Food supplement C. Antioxidants D. Antibiotics 56.The morality which is developed through deontology moral philosophy is named A. Ethics B. Maxim C. Moral value D. Responsibility 57.Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia is codified and issued by A. WMA B. WHO C. IDI D. Indonesian Ministry of Health

58.Formal financial compensation for malpractice is decided by A. MKEK B. MKDKI C. Criminal Court D. Civil Court 59.Responding to the needs for ethical platform for rapidly developing medical practice, WMA or IDI issuing relevant medical ethics norm, which is labeled as A. Accord B. Medical ethics norm C. Temporary medical ethics code D. Ethical guidelines 60.Anthropology is distinguished from other disciplines dealing with study of human beings by its.. A. Holistic approach B. Attempt to understand human behaviour C. Concentration on an aspects of human condition D. Concern about the similarity of humans and human behaviors. 61.Medical anthropologists interested in .. . A. An involvement of a doctor in an health care system B. A persons perception of illness C. A pathological condition of the body D. The cross-cultural study of health care systems 62.According to anthropologic and sociologic studies, illness is .. . A. A feeling of being normal and healthy that can be measured objectively B. A subjective feeling of not being healthy that must be due to a disease C. An objective malfunctioning of biologic process D. A subjective feeling of not being normal that may be due to a feeling of spiritual imbalance. 63.The definition of health adopted by the World Health Organization is .. . A. Close to the biomedical model

B. Based on the belief that mind and body is fundamentally different substances. C. Broadly related to mental and social functioning as well. D. Not compatible with the biopsychososial model. 64.The biomedical model .. . A. Do not take psychosocial factors into account B. Is effective dealing with lifestyle disease C. Is associated with holism D. Maintains that mind and body are one. 65.The right of patients to control the course of their own medical treatment and participate in the treatment decision-making process is called ... A. Incompetency B. Incapacity C. Autonomy D. Moral obligation 66.Patient autonomy does allow for health care providers to.. . A. Educate the patient B. Make the decision for the patient. C. Reject a patient. D. Provide treatment based on a patient demand 67.As a physician, once you having undertaken a case, you can.. . A. Neglect the patient. B. Withdraw from the case without giving adequate notice to the patient and his family. C. Consult to other physician in the interest of you. D. Ask for any other diagnostic lab investigation judiciously. 68.The prime object of the medical profession is to.. . A. Render service to humanity; B. Get financial gain C. Make decision based on patients wishes D. Follow patients demand about certain treatment 69.A medical doctor has to behave empathy which is showed by.

A. B. C. D.

Taking decision efficiently Dislike feeling Understanding other people wish The tendency to behave with his own way

70.UU HAM is approved, which is based on A. Religion B. Aliran kepercayaan C. Mitos di pedesaan D. Presence of suku anak dalam 71.Hospital by laws, made by A. Medical committee B. Medical doctors in hospitals C. Hospital direction staff D. Governing Body 72.What are Informed consent aspects? A. Subjective samples selection B. Limiting research object number C. Voluntarily acknowledgement from research object D. Under pressured participants 73.What is the use A. mind set B. behavior C. D. feeling of sympathy? Imitating peoples Imitating peoples Helping a relative Value peoples

76.Which one of the following is the optimal approach for giving the patient information during the medical interview? A. Provide printed material about the patients condition B. Explain the condition and treatment carefully C. Answer the patients questions carefully D. Use an ask-tell-ask format 77.One of the characteristic of a person with virtue ethic (berbudi pekerti luhur) is A. Brave to take risk B. Have interesting and convinced performance C. Behave on time D. Shows empathy 78.The duties of KOMNAS HAM..... A. To give punishment to people who abuse human right (HAM) B. To monitor and mediate human right (HAM) C. To arrange the rule of HAM implementation D. To helpLSM in conducting a demonstration 79.The characteristic of people who has inappropriate virtue ethic (berahklak) A. Love sacrifice B. Stubborn C. Clever D. Love and caring 80.In making the doctor-nurse collaboration, it is needed to have the both parties behaviour, such as A. The doctors instructions to the nurse B. The doctor makes clear and detail medical planning, which is interpreted by the nurse in the nursing planning C. The doctor makes medical planning, while the nurse makes their own nursing planning D. The collaboration is performed solely by the doctor or the nurse according to the patients demand

74.When is the empathy value fulfilled? A. Doing things regarding peoples thought and wish B. Doing things regarding his mind and feeling C. Doing things against his will D. Doing things regarding family relationship 75.Which one of the following describes the key functions of medical interview? A. Diagnosis and teartment B. Information of gathering and patient education C. Information gathering, relationship building, and patient education D. Information gathering and patient partnership

81.Surat keterangan dokter... A. Authentic document B. Expert explanation C. Informal letter D. Statements 82.The duty of hospital to the patients A. Maintenance of medical record B. Honest and open minded C. Care of patient human right D. Responsibility in patient problems in hospital care 83.What kind of transplantation does heart transplant in a patient in which the heart donor taken from newly dead? A. Autograft B. Allograft C. Isograft D. Xenograft 84.Main ethic aspect about organ trade is included in? A. KODEKI B. PP NO. 18 TH. 1981 C. SK. PB. IDI NO. 231/PB.A.4/07/90 D. SK. PB. IDI. 336/PBIDI/A.1988 85.Which one of the following is true about a patient centered interview? A. It takes more time than physician-centered interview B. It elicits only psychosocial information about patient C. It uses continuers to allow patients to express all their concerns D. It means only the patient determines the agenda 86.Which one of the following best describes why the physician interrupts the patient during physician centered interview? A. The patient has disclosed all his or her concerns B. About 18 seconds of the interview has passed C. The patient is rambling D. The physician wants to express empathy an concern 87.To reach perfect quality of work, it is necessary to have.

A. B. C. D.

Knowledge and loyalty Sabar and ihklas Knowledge and skill Skill and seriousness

88.In religion point of view, a person who has well name such as potential, active, dynamic, productive, and professional, is because of. A. Intellectual quotient B. Budi pekerti C. Prestige of work D. Emotional quotient 89.Physiology disturbance on the body could happen because of A. Our emotional reaction B. Redundant Emotional reaction C. Heavy emotional reaction D. Emotional reaction for along time 90.Religion can make good action when add with A. IQ B. SQ C. EQ D. Knowledge 91.Understanding EQ only without learning and practice can be... A. Success B. Failure C. No change D. Good attitude 92.If you learn religion, it can make better... A. IQ B. EQ C. CQ D. SQ 93.EQ knowledge only can result ... A. Forget B. Good habit C. Failure D. Good character 94.Virtue ethic is the act and behavior based on the values of A. Daily routine B. Education C. Religion D. Culture 95.Behave to God/Khaliq, the priority is

A. B. C. D.

Natural phenomenon Faith Believe to Horoscope Pray

96.Especially to the parents we must behave by A. Playing kindness to parents B. Helping the parents C. Praying for the parents D. Obeying the parents 97.Plants should not be tortured when unwanted, it should be A. Disposed B. Bartered C. Destroyed D. Given away 98.When someone poor come to us for help should A. Reject them B. Scold them C. Ask for forgiveness for being uncaring D. Give help as necessary 99.One who sleeps with full stomach while his neigbour sleeps in hunger we call it A. Impolite B. Unfaithful C. No shame D. Stingy 100. Among the possession of a rich person there is the right for A. Country as taxes B. Renteunir C. Orphan and the poor people D. His children and wife



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