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Unit 1

You and your company

1.1 People in business

Grammar Vocabulary Communication skills Simple Present The verb be Daily activities introductions

A. Listening 1. Listen and write down the information. Name Lorella Braglia... Nationality Home Age Company .. Job Languages 2. Listen and write sentences for the information below. a. (name) Her name b. (home) She c. ((job) She d. (company) She e. (husband) Her husband f. (nationality) They g. (languages) They h. They together.

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B. Speaking 1. Ask some of your friends the questions below. Write down the answers. Name Age Home Status Hobbies

2. Now tell the class about the people you talked to. e.g. Her name is Gabrielle. She lives in Bologna. She is a teacher.

C. Reading Look at the article about Lorella Braglia. Complete the article using the verbs in the box. make produce design travel have present eat play live use work are do play is

Lorella Braglia .. 1 the founder of Dielle, and also the main designer. Her husband, Danilo, .. 2 for the company as marketing director. Lorella .. 3 two collections every year and .. 4 them at fashion shows in London, Paris, and New York. Dielle .. 5 everything in Italy, and .. 6 very modern equipment in its workshops. The company .. 7 the services of seventy workshops in and around Reggio Emilia. It .. 8 100,000 units per year. Lorella and her husband .. 9 in a house in the center of Reggio Emilia, not far from the office. They .. 10 not often there because they both .. 11 a lot. How do they relax? I ..

yoga and Danillo .. 13 golf, says Lorella. On the weekends they .. 14

golf together and .. 15 out at local restaurants with their children.

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D. Listening 1. Sally Kent is the editor of Business Monthly magazine. She introduces Simon Hastings to two other people. Listen and fill in the blanks in the table below.
A Sally Kent British editor Business Monthly B Simon Hastings American ..1 ..2 C Alesandra Sanchez Chilean ..4 ..5 D Akiko Takajima ..6 ..7 ..8

2. What expressions do A, B, C, D use to make introductions? Listen again and fill in the blanks. A: Alesandra, 1 you to my colleague Simon Hastings. B: ?2 Please to 3 you. C: ?4 B: Do you work here, Alesandra? C: No, I work for SAP. Im a consultant. 5 my colleague Akiko Takajima. D: Nice .6 B: Nice , 7, Akiko. Where are you from? D: Im from Osaka, in Japan. B: Where do you work? D: I work for SAP in Frankfurt. Im a 8. And you? B: Im . 9 here at Business Monthly. Sallys my boss.


1. The verb be is irregular and is often contracted. We use it to talk about age, nationality, job, and status. Im (I am) Italian. Youre (you are) my manager. Hes (he is) thirty. Shes (she is) married. Theyre (they are) German. Were (we are) both engineers.

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2. To make a question with the verb be, we invert the subject and the verb. Are you a manager? Is she American? What is his job, and where is he from? Yes, I am. No, she isnt. He is a designer. Hes from Greece.

The Simple Present

1. When we talk about daily activities, habits or permanent states we use the simple present tense. Daily activities: I get up at 6 oclock every morning. They go to work by bus everyday. Habits: We have a meeting once a month. The managers check the reports once a week. Permanent states: I work for Dielle You live in New York. We speak English and Spanish. They travel a lot.

2. We add s to the end of the verb in the third person singular (he, she, it). He plays golf once a week. She works at home. It takes two hours to get to work. She knows a lot about computers.

Meeting someone for the first time

1. Introducing yourself Let me introduce myself. My names Hello, Im Hi, my names . Whats your name? 2. Introducing another person Let me introduce you to This is my colleague Nice to meet you. 3. Other questions Where are you from? What do you do? Who do you work for? Im from (but I work in ) Im a . How about you? I work for . And you? Likewise. Nice / Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. My names . Nice to meet you.

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1.2 Talking about your company

Grammar Vocabulary Simple Present questions forms Simple Present negative forms Nationalities Word families

A. Vocabulary Here is some information about Nokia, the Finnish telecommunications company. Complete the sentences with the words below. Use the pictures to help you. competitors markets product customers employees sales factories headquarters

1. The .. of Nokia are in Helsinki. 2. Europe is one of the companys major .. . 3. .. in China are very high. 4. Sony Ericsson is one of the main .. . 5. They have .. in eleven different countries. 6. The company has more than 51,000 .. in the world. 7. The Nokia HS-3W Bluetooth Headset is a very successful .. . 8. Nokia has .. in at least 130 countries.

B. Listening 1. Simon Hastings has an interview with a senior manager at Nokia. Listen and complete the information below. Company .. Activity .. Headquarters .. Research Center .. Employees .. Languages .. Major markets .. Main competitors .. Advertising ..

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2. Listen to the interview again. Complete the questions below. a. What ? It produces and sells mobile telephones. b. Where ? The headquarters are in Helsinki. c. many ? About 51,000. d. What in the company? Finnish. And English, of course. e. your biggest markets? China. f. do you ? On TV, in magazines, and on buses. C. Speaking 1. Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions and complete the table below. Guess the name of your partners company.

Business area Employees Location Products

2. Write a short description of your friends company. Then report back to the rest of the class. D. Vocabulary 1. Here are some facts about Nokia. Complete the sentences with the correct words. a. Nokia .. on buses in China. Nokia has .. on buses in China. b. Nokia .. the HS-3W Bluetooth Headset. products / produce advertisements / advertise

The HS-3W Bluetooth Headset is one of Nokias .. . c. Nokia .. a lot of telephones in China. sales / sell

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Nokia has large .. in China. d. There are 51,000 .. . The company .. 51,000 people. e. Sony Ericsson is one of Nokias .. . competitors / compete employees / employ

Nokia .. with Sony Ericsson in the mobile phone market. f. Texas Instruments is one of Nokias .. . suppliers / supplies

Texas Instruments .. Nokia parts for mobile phones. 2. Write similar sentences about a company you know using the italicized words in number 1. 3. Complete the table of word families. Verb sell compete ..

Noun sales .. 2 advertising advertisement

Person .. 1 competitor advertiser .. 5 employer producer

Expression sales figures competitive prices advertising campaign


employment .. 4



product .. 6 productivity

productivity rate

E. Listening 1. Later on in his interview, the manager talks about his free time. Listen and complete the questions below. a. What / weekends? I often . Near Lake Pukkala. b. What / there? I or . c. Who / with? My . . d. Where / swim? In . .

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e. What / evenings? I or .

F. Speaking Work with a partner. Ask question using the questions words What? Where? Who? Why? When? to complete the blanks below. Ask about name, town, job, company, hobbies. Then, take turns in asking and answering the similar questions. My name is .. . Im .. . I live in .. . Its a .. town / city in the north / south / east / west of Im a .. . I work for .. . In the evenings / on the weekends, I .. .

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1.3 Company facts and figures

Grammar Communication skills Simple Present - all forms Presentations 1

A. Vocabulary Here are some information about Yum! Brands, the parent company of Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. revenue products employs subsidiary market share competitors located outlets

1. The headquarters of Pizza Hut, Inc. are .. in Louisville, Kentucky. 2. Their range of .. includes pizza, pasta, salads, tacos, fried chicken, and hamburgers. 3. The company .. 840,000 people. 4. Yum! Brands .. is more than $8.3 billion. 5. Their main .. are McDonalds and Little Caesars. 6. They have .. in most large towns in the world. 7. Pizza Hut is a .. of Yum! Brands. 8. Pizza Huts .. is around 40% in the U.S.

B. Listening 1. Listen to the short presentation on Yum! Brands. Are these statements are True (T) or False (F)? a. The talk is in four parts. .. b. Yum! Brands is part of Kentucky Fried Chicken. .. c. Yum! Brands is in over 85 countries in the world. .. d. Dominos is a competitor of Pizza Hut. .. e. Multi-brand restaurants made $3 billion in sales. ..

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2. In the talk what do these numbers refer to? Listen again and match the numbers with the correct information on the right.
1. 400 2. 300 million 3. 16,000 4. 80% 5. 75 million 6. 6% 7. 10% a. employee in Britain b. sales in Britain c. delivered Pizza d. Pizza Hut customers e. market share to increase in Britain f. Pizza Hut market share

g. Pizza Hut outlets

3. Listen to these extracts from the presentation again and fill in the blanks. a. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My is Sarah James. And, Im here to .. a brief presentation on the companys b. The first part of my presentation is about the of Pizza Hut UK. The second part, the of the UK. And in the last part, I want to about . c. First, . Lets with the company. d. Now, lets at our . e. Do you .. any .. ?

LANGUAGE NOTE Giving a talk

1. Greeting the audience Hello, everyone. Thank you for inviting me. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to be here today. 2. Presenting the structure of the talk Im here to talk about / give a presentation on The subject of my talk is First Then Finally I want to talk about / give you

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3. Introducing each point OK. Lets start with Now we come to Finally, lets look at / talk about 4. Ending To conclude Thanks for listening. Do you have any questions?

C. Reading 1. Make a short presentation on Swatch Group using the information given and the language from the Language Note below.

LANGUAGE NOTE Presenting a company

1. Structure and location The company / group is called It is an (American) company, based in (Chicago). It has factories / production centers / subsidiaries in The chairman / CEO / founder / owner is It employs (200) people / It has (200) employees. 2. Products and customers Their main business area is The main products / customers are and

3. Results and future plans The annual revenue is ($30 million) with the profits of ($2 million) The company is successful because We plan to

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