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Group dynamic-

The Potter’s Vessel


To allow the participants to realize that God is the Potter and we are the clay.




1. Get the participants to get a partner each, decide among themselves who
is 1 and who is 2.

2. Person 1 will use plasticine and mould it into an image of his friend.

3. Person 2 will constantly correct all the mistakes and imperfection of his
friend’s moulding.

4. After this round is done, change roles.

5. The next activity, all the number 2s are to stand in a circle, with their
partner behind them.

6. The number 1s gets to decide how to physically ‘mould’ their partners by

controlling their limbs. Partners have to stay still and not move.

7. The number 1s will then move down the circle and change partners. If
they are unhappy with number 2’s pose, he can physically shift his limbs
to another position he fancies.

8. Keep changing partners until every number 1 have ‘moulded’ all the
number 2s.

9. After this round is done, switch roles.


In groups, share about how they felt during the whole activity.

• How did he feel when his friend kept trying to correct him while he was

• How did he feel when all the potter’s kept shifting his pose ?

• God pays meticulous attention to details, to everything He created. He has

created us in his own image.
• Why are we focusing on our imperfections rather than the beauty that God
gave each and every one of us ?
• Jeremiah saw the clay being shaped and moulded into a vessel. Then
some imperfection in the clay spoiled it in the potter's hand, and the
potter crumbled it up, and began anew the process of shaping it into a
vessel that pleased him.

• God is the Great Potter, with absolute right over the clay to make it what
he wanted it to be. The vessel is shaped according to the image in the
potter's mind, which is God’s mind.
• He has a sovereign right to make it what he wants it to be. He has the skill
and design to work with the clay and to bring it to pass. And if there be
some imperfection in the clay, something which mars the design, spoils
the work, the potter simply crushes the clay down to a lump and begins
again to make it yet a vessel according to his own mind.
• Reflect on how the Lord works in our life.
• Have we been listening to God’s voice rather than doing things our own
way ?
• Do I give myself over to Him in my relationship with Him ? Are we a vessel
fashioned with His Hands to do his work ?
• Jesus uses us in ways we could never conceive of.

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