Sub-Inter Signal Distance 52 To 62.

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52 Situations of night where a half of 2" and sobsequent speed of 8 KMPH is permissible, need not be considered because for most part of the night the services will generally be thinner than the peak hours of the day, hence the gaps will be automatically available) Thus keeping a safety margin, of 100 meters an ISO of 700 meters should be ideal for 3" service. ISD 3" = 700 meters similarly ISO of 4" service will be : IS04 = 240+21) x 15xO.28( - 100 Safety margin) = 1040-100 ISD 4"

= 940 Meters

Here is worth mentioned that it will be desirable to remove 1"x2" halts to make, before passing a signal on "ON". The train can stop and start. Also it will be a great help to reduce the signal over:lap to bare minimum. This can be implemented only after carrying out necessary changes in "General Rules" of Railways. This above derivation puts an upper limits of ISO's irrespective of other considerations. Having seen the upper limits of ISOs, now we cah move on to locate the other signals. Location of St1 Earlier we have calculated the location of St1 as 1766 meters from St. However in view of the discussions about ISO, in a given scheme to be viable, no signal can be placed at a distance of more than ISO,for avoiding bunching of trains. Thus any signal, whose distance from the adjacent signals works out to be more than ISO,will have to be placed at ISO Here since the location of the starter signal (St) is fixed, the location of St1 will be at distance ISO (Le. 700 meters fro 3" service or 940 meters for 4" service) Thus St1 = 700 meters (3" service) = 940 meters (4"service) LOCATION OF St2. WMn the train starts at Starter signal St it accelerates to achieve its booked speed. Normally it wiltachieve, or will be very close to achieving its booked speed by the time it crosses the St1, which is at 700 meters from St ( for example the 9 coach EMU of Mumbai suburban takes 880 meters to achieve its booked speed of 65 kmph underfully loaded conditions) Thus as per annexure "A", the-train wIll cross St1 at almost booked speed (62) kmph at 715 meters as per Accelerations chart I given in annexure "A")

rI> I-I) rI>

rI> I-I)

I-I) I

Fig 6

- - -


53 Hence the location of St2 and subsequent signals will be as per the calculations for S05 to S08 as brought out on P-15 Le, equal to ISD of the Scheme. Thus Dst1:st2 = ISD There will be situations where the distance between two stations may be such that it is not possible to accommodate signals upto S04, S05 etc., and St2, St3 etc., In such a case the minimum number of signals can be accommodated,ad the placement has to be as per the signals close to the stations on approach. (as we have seen that signals on departure side do not ask for distances less than ISDs) Before we go on with the placement of other signals on approach side, it will be pertinent to discuss, the requirement of Number of Aspects. of signalling Le, 2 aspect 3 aspects or 4 aspects etc.,


Theoretically speaking, the driver of the train is requiredto be given a signal, only whether he has to STOP or Proceed. In that case we have to give him only a "Two aspect signalling" Le., Red & Green, but in that type of two aspects signalling, the Driver-is under a great pressure as he approached a Stop signal which is without any warning. This was resulting in the drivers making mistakes of passing the signals on ON and also they had a tendency to slow down the train while approaching the signal, resulting in lower average speed of trains.

Thus it was considered necessary to give an advanced warning to the Driver in the form of a .Yellow Signal" which tells him to : proceed cautiously up to the next signal". This has resulted in developing a better confidence in the Drivers, finally giving way to more safe and efficient driving. It was also considered reasonable to give the trains, a full braking distance after the caution aspect (yellow signal) upto the Red signal. In cases where this full breaking distances was not available at fourth aspect Le., "Double Yellow' was added to provide this full baking distance between the doubleYellowand Red signals. This Principle is strictly followed in Automatic Signalling Territories. ( In other than automatic signalling, this principle is followed in a little different manner, the details of which are out of the scope of this article. Thus wherever the full breaking distance for the type of Rolling stock in question is available between Yellow and Red signals, a Double Yellow" signal is not required in automatic signalling. Thus the signalling scheme can be predominantly 3 aspect with 4 aspects signals placed wherever the situation demands due to non-availability of full braking distance. However it will be seen that with high frequency of services, the number of 4 aspects signals will be quite large nos, rather than being exceptions. Also the 4 aspects signaling will have the

following additional advanta~s :1) 2)

Fusing of Green aspect will switch on double yellow aspects instead of yellow, and therefore, signal will be less restrictive permitting higher speeds. For a higher frequency of services if green headway is not practically possible, atleast double


yellow headway can be made availablewhich will be better than yellow. 3) 4) This permits yellow aspect to be placed at less than the braking distance, wlthout which the signalling scheme may not be feasible many times. It will be much easier to place a "Double Yellow" Signal at braking distance, rather than "Yellow" because "Yellow"only will lead to unacceptably higher inter Signal distances from the point of view of headway. The Signalling scheme will be normallydesigned with Breaking distance at Booked speed. In 3 Aspects Signalling since there is only signal Yellowsignals, the Braking distance will have to be considered for maximum permissible speed, otherwise the ISO will not be adequate to safely stop the train, short of a red signal after passing aYellowsignal at Vmax. This problem get automatically solved in 4 aspect signalling, because the Dbr for V max is to be ensured between DoubleYellowand Red aspects which is much easily possible.



Considering the above facts, in all our prudence, it will be desirable to go for a uniform four aspect signalling rather than having a 3 aspect signalling with a number of 4 aspects signals. HIGHER ASPECTS SIGNALLING
Red" or a different colour altogether, will give a advance


More number of aspects on the signal? may be a "Triple Yellow" or a combination of "Green &

- advanced


to the Driver.

But then

the number of signals will became a little too many, spaced, at very short distances. The advantages in running will be marred bythe increasedstress on the Driver. However,such higher aspects could be useful when the speed control of the trains is automatic through the signalling information getting directly conveyed to the speed control device in the train. For the manu.alspeed controlled trains, the 4 aspects should be considered to be the maximum required. Now let us get back to our calculations of placement of signals. LOCATION OF 502 Having decided that we have to go for 4 aspects signalling scheme, let's get down to be business of calculating the distances for the placement of other signals ( A similar approach can however be applied for 3 aspects signalling if required)



Fig 7

Let us first find out the location of S02 which is the first signal in Rear of the stations, whose "Green


Headway" (Ref Fig-? above) is required to be considered.


Time available for travelling from S02 to St will be :Ts02:st = Tfreq. - Time required for travelling the distance, past the overlap of St1, after halting Ts02:st = Tfreq (Tr+Th+Taccl(Tl+ov),where Tfreq = Time as per frequency of service Tr = Reaction time 5 seconds Th = Halt time TaccITl+Ov) = Acceleration time of train to clear to overlap of the train length Therefore, Ds02:st = Dbr+(Ts02;st-Tbr) x Vbo
no (Equ.6

Where Dbrt = Breaking

- distance

Tbr = (breaking time) Vbo = (Booked speed) (Considering that the distance will be more than the braking distance, as we can not earlier a "Green Signal" at less than the braking distance from a "Red Signal", as explained earlier. ( infact the distance between double Yellow to Red has itself to be equal to or more than the braking distance)} LOCATION OFSh :-


After deciding the location m S02, the location of two intermediate ~ignals Le.S01and Sh can be decided. Le us firstsee about Sh:. As per the derivations in previous sections,the distance between S02 and St can have two possibilities i) Ds02:st > 2 Dbr ii) Ds02st < 2 Dbr > Dbr

5.5 Headway" (Ref Fig-7 above) is required to be considered. Time available for travelling from S02 to St will be :-


Ts02:st = Tfreq. - Time required for travellingthe distance, past the overlap of St1, after halting Ts02:st = Tfreq (Tr+Th+Tacc/(TI+ov),where Tfreq = Time as per frequency of service Tr = Reaction time 5 seconds Th = Halt time TacclTl+Ov) = Acceleration time of train to clear to overlap of the train length Therefore, Os02:st = Obr+(Ts02;st-Tbr) xVbo ... (Equ.6 Where Obrt = Breaking - distance Tbr = (breaking time) Vbo = (Booked speed) (Consideringthat the distance will be more than the braking distance, as we can not earlier a "Green Signal" at less than the braking distance from a "Red Signal", as explained earlier. ( infact the distance between doubleYellowto Red has itself to be equal to or more than the braking distance)} LOCATION OF Sh :-

t*) t*) t*)






After deciding the locationaof S02, the location of two intermediate signals i.e.S01 and Sh can be decided. Le us first see about Sh:-

As per the derivations in previous sections,the possibilities i) Os02:st > 2 Obr ii) Os02st < 2 Obr > Obr

distance between S02 and St can have two

56 I) Ds02:st > 2 Dbr In first case where Ds02:st is more than 2 Dbr,the Home signal Sh can be located at Dbr from St or at ISD from St whichever is less. This is because, if there is no other consideration, there is ho point in placing signals too closely, and placing a signal at more than Dbr from the St will cause unnecessary increase in the running time between Sh & St. The distance between St & Sh is the one which includes stopping, halting and restarting of the trains, involving maximum time consumption. II) Ds02:st < 2 Dbr > Dbr :

When the distance between the Green and Red signal is less than 2 Dbr, whether the signal Sh should be place at less than Dbr from St ? "No" because the "Green Headway" of S02 is already available and placement of Sh does not affectthis headway.S02 has already been placed at the maximum possible distance from ST for getting the desired headway ( However such situation i.e., Ds02:st<2Dbr> Dbr will not normally arise if green headway of S02 is available). Thus in both cases, the home signal Sh has to be place at Dbr (or ISD if less) from the Starter signal St. Howeverif this leads to the placement of S01 at < Train length from Sh, then the Sh should be moved closer to St. The third consideration in the placementof Sh could be its" YellowHeadway", but it is already taken care of because" Green Headway" of S02 is available which will be more than the "Yellow
headway of Sh. + "Double Yellow head way of S01". This is explained as follows:

For Green Headway. of S02, on passage the train will have to turn S02 to Red, then travel upto S01, turn S01 to Red, then travel to Sh, turn Sh to Red, travel to St and Turn St to Red on starting, the then 502 will turn to green only after the clearance of overlap of St by the train. Thus the green headway of S02 will be " DoubleYellowHeadway. of S01 + the time to travel the distance between S02 & S01. Similarly it will be equal to the Yellowheadway" of Sh and the time to travel the distance between S02 & Sh ( When the train clears the overlap of St, Sh runs to Yellow,S01 .turns to DoubleYellowand S02 turns to Green simultaneously.HoweverS01 had turned to Red after the train had already travelled from S02 to S01, thus time taken by S01 to turn from Red to Double Yellow is less than the time taken by S02 in turning from Red to Green and so on. LOCATIONOF 801 Heaving decided the location of Sh & S02, the signal S01 can be located exactly midway between Sh & sh2, However,there can be a situation where the distance between Sh & S02 may be very less. L-eadingto very less distance between Sh & S01 & S01 and S02. In such a case, as a general consraeration,this distance should not be less than the train length + Overlap ( T1+ov) for two reasons.



. I-8I)






57 Fig. 9 1)

When the train has crossed the next signal itwillnot clear the overlap keeping the rear signal also at Red. This willbe particularlyharmful in case of 801 where the halting train (at 8t) willkeep S01 at Red, fora longtime Itwillmean placing signals too closely,creating confusion to the Drivers.


Nevertheless ifitbecomes necessary to place signals at less than "T1+Ov"due to headway requirement, they can be placed so, whichwi!result inoveralladvantage in running.Letus see how. Let us assume that the distance "Ds01:sh" is less than "T1+Ov",inthis case when a train is at the footof8h, the signals 801 and 802, both willbe Red. Butsoon after when the train clears the overlap beyond 8h in its normal course of running 801 &S02 willclick simulteneously to become Yellowand DoubleYellow.Thus S02 willclear faster to double Yellowas compared to the situation when" Ds02:sh" is more than "T1+0v", as the train willtake more time to travel, this" more distance" in its normal course of runningdemanding highe"r headway. Forexample:-



~ ~






Fig 10 In case (A)the distance between 8h &801 is 2450m and in case (B) it is 320m. With a train length of 200 meter and overlap of 120 meter, in case (A)the Ov past So 1 willnot be cleared when a train is at the foot of Sh, whereas in case (B) it will be cleared. The clearance of 802 tt'Double Yellow"willhowever, depend on clearing the Ov past Sh, which will be faster in case (A) bE/cause of shorter distance between 802 to 8h. Only in situations of a hold up of a train at 8h we willbe at a loss, because 802 willremain Red, in addition to 801 which could have became Yellow in case (B). However, case (A) will be of overall advantage if the headway demands such a situation, as hold ups of Sh will be very rare and otherwise we will have to go for case (B), where it will not be possible to achieve as low headway as in case of situation (A). THE BAREST MINIMUM DIS'JANCE BETWEEN SIGNALS

As per the above consideration, ifthe distance between 801 & 8h comes to less than the train length, Though as agreed above, it willstill result in some running advantage, it should not be accepted because inthat situation there willbe fortoo many signals, than the driverof a train can handle withease. Thus no placement ofsignal at a distance of "less than the train length"should be

58 In such a case either the requirement of frequency of service should be relaxed or the running characteristics of the rolling stock should be improved, rather than placing signals at less than the









FIg11 This signal should be located at a distance which gives a " Green Headway" equal to the required headway,as per the frequency of service, which can be calculated as follows:Ds03:s02 = [Tfreq.-Ts02:sh+Tbr/{TI+ov)]xVbo (Time reqd. for braking from s02 to Sh & Clearing its T1+ov) Because the train will be travelling at its booked speed between S03 & S02 and will start retarding while clearing / approaching Sh so as to stop at St, There can be two situations:1) As discussed earlier the locatiofl of Sh will be at Dbr from St, in that case Ts02-Sh = Ds02:sh Because the train will start braking only Vbo at Sh, till then it will run at Vbo Thus Ds03:s02 = [Tfreq

- Ds02:sh - {Time takenJor travelling first 320m (T1+ov)

Vbo by the train while braking from sh}] X Vbo

(This will have to be found from graph, like the one in Annexure B)
= [Tfreq.

- Tbr

/ (T1 +Ov)

- Ds02:sh]

x Vbo



Ds03.s02 = ["(freq- Tbr/(T1 +Ov)] x Vbo - Ds02:sh



2) IfSh Is located at less than Dbr from St then Vbo will be applicable for such distance.


(Provide-d Dsh:st is more than T1 +Ov)

- Ds02:sh - (Dbr - Dsh:st))


x Vbo

... Equ.8)

(Pr9vlded Dsh:st Is more than TI+Ov)

In case Dsh:st is less than TI+Ov, the equations will be modified to : - .

~"';' .... -

59 Ds03: s02=[ Tfreq- Tbr(full) - Ds02:st-Dbr - Th-Tr- Taccm+Ov)] x Vbo




Because when the train stops at St, the overlap of Sh will not get cleared resulting in S01 remaining at Red. Thus S02 will remain Yellowand S03 will remain double yellow till the time the train starts again and clears the overlap of St.
(Here (Dbr-Dsh:st) is the distance by which the Dsh;st is less than the Braking distance)

This is how (D503:so2) can be calculated in this case, however as discussed earlier there should not generally be any occasion where Sh is placed at less than Dbrfrom St, as it serves no purpose, except in cases where, the distance between Sh & S01 becomes < T1, if Sh is placed at Dbr from St. LOCATION OF So4




Fig: 12




804 should be located at the headway distance from 801. The train will travel at full speed at 804, So3 & S02, but the speed at or after So1 will depend upon the location of Sh & S012. If Sh is located at Dbrfrom St then braking will starts only at sh, thus S01 will be passed at full speed leading to Ds04:s03) = ISD as per the ISD of the scheme as discussed earlier. But if Sh is located at less than Dbr from St ( which should not be the case, normally as explained earlier) Then after passing S01, and before reaching Sh somewhere in between Le,at Dbr distance from starter signal St, the train will start braking, and ifthe distance between 801 and Sh is not much, the train may actually start retarding before clearing the overlap of S01, giving rise to more time consumption However, on having a dose look at the braking cnart and graph in annexure "B", it is clear that at distances close to Dbr the difference in speed is very less for considerable distances, therefore for all practically purposes, it can be assumed that the train will travel past 801 at full speed. During the actual placement of signal on the field, a lot many other factors like non availability of proper space or "track centres", ( The minimum distances from the tracks for erection of the signal, so as to comply with the schedule of dimensions for elimination any possibilities of infringements of the signal from the running trains.). Or the problems of visibility, or the encountering of diversions etc also come into play, which necessitates a little variation in the distances. Thus the error caused due to the assumptions that train will travel past S01 at full speed will be of no practical significance.



CONSIDERATIONFORMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE SPEED FOR CALCULATING BRAKING DISTANCE Before we proceed further a point to note 'is,that, in case of late running of trains, they are permitted to travel at a higher speed, than Vbo, called manimum permissible speed Vmax) which in this case is 80 Kmph. Now the question is whether we should make our calculations based on the parameters (Dbr, Tbr etc.) for V max orVbo. The two factors to be considered are:1) To decide this, let us refer to "P-7/8" where it has been brought out that maximum frequency of service is obtained at an optimum speed ratherthan the maximum permissible speed. The scheme has to be, therefore, designed for a booked speed which should be close to the optimum speed. If the trains run at other speeds, which may be more or less than the optimum speeds, the frequency of serve will suffer. Thus we should base or calculations on the parameters for booked speed.


The second questions is concerning safety. If the scheme is designed, for Vbo and trains run at V max, then whether it will be possible for them to stop within the braking distances provided as per Vbo.

For ensuring the safety, it has to be ensured that after the first warning signal (Le, Double Yellowin case of 4 aspect. signalling), adequate braking distance is available to stop the train from Vmax. This will be generally, automatically achieved when we design our scheme for four aspect signalling. However if we like to go in for a 3 aspect scheme the "ISO" can not be less than the braking distance at Vmax, which will pose serious problems in the placement of signals in the vicinity of stations on the approach side. Thus during the design of scheme, it has to be ensured that, the distances between any first & 3rd signals in not less than the braking distance V max. The situations will be normally automatically met. But in case it is not met the Ilird sigaror may be 4th signal also will have to be kept at doubleYellowinstead of Green. (Though for the design of the scheme as such, the braking distance at booked speed should be considered, because trains will be normally running at booked speed.

Next we will consider a sample case to further enhance the understanding of the concepts.
A SAMPLE CASE STUDY Let us calcuiate various inter-signal distances for a station in Mumbai-Kalyan suburban corridor; from the date collected, as per Annexes "A" & "B" a) DATA : The-main Tr~in length section in

data are

= 9 coach = 200 meters ( Actual 195 meters)

Booked speed = 65 kmph = 18 meters/sec Maximum permissible speed =80 kmph.

61 Halting time = 30 Seconds at small stations Reaction time = 5 Seconds (Of Driver) Overlap distance = 120 meters. Acceleration = As per chart I & Graph I and II in annex "A" (Results of trials conducted for fully loaded conditions during peak hours)


Deceleration + As per charts & graph I & II in Annx "B" Required frequency of service = 3 minutes = 180 Seconds Practical headway required 150 Seconds FREQUENCY OF SERVICE First of all, we will have to check whether with the given data, the required frequency of service is possible or not. Referring to P4,5 & 6. The frequency of service is given by

=(Tacc+ Tbr+ Th+ Tr)+(Dbr+Dg:yy+Ov+



- [Dbr+Dacc]

Where apart from the parameters defined in (a) above:Tacc : Acceleration time to achieve booked speed after starting = 78 seconds (from Graph-I) Dbr = 425 meters (braking distance at Vbo, from Chart I - AnnexB) Dacc = Distance travelled beforeachieving booked speed from starting = 880 meters Tbr = Braking time to stop from Vbo = 52 seconds Thus Tfreq ( 78+52+30+5) + (425+340+120+200) (425+880) 18 18 orTfreq = 165 + 1085-1305 = 165 - 220 ~8 18 :{Traln freq.

=153 seconds}

Which means that a frequency of 153 seconds, and hence that of 180 seconds practically is possible, with the kind of date above Le., the present EMU stock with 9 coach rakes, by placing the signal 502 at a distance of 340 meters from S01. However using the same rolling stock to from 12 Coach rakes will increase Tacc, Tbr, and I Train length thus achieving 1~O seconds ( or close to that) headway will not be possible. Exact calculation can be made by conducting trials and generating charts as in Annex "A" & "B" afresh.

LOCATION OF S02. S01'. & SH:Befqre deciding the Location of S01, we have to decide, that of 502. As explained on Page 23 let us find out the location of 502 with respect to 5t first.
Ds02:st= Dbr + (Ts02:st

- Tbr)

x Vbo

... (Equ.10)

Where Ts02:st = Tfreq

- (Tr+Th+ Taccrr1



substituting various values from the data given in (a) we have: Ts02:st = 150 63 Seconds

- (5+30+42) ...(Taacrr1

+ov) =42sec from Chart-I annexure -A)

Tbr = 52 See (from chart I Annexure B braking from a speed of 65 kmph) Vbo = 65 kmph = 18m/see Dbr = 425 metre (from chart II for stopping from 65 kmph.) Thus we have Ds02:st = 425 + (63-52) x 18 = 425+ 198 Or Ds02:st

= 623 meters

Thus S01 & sh are to be accommodated in 623 meters and if Sh is placed at Dbr Le, 425 meters from St, the distance between Sh & S02 will be only 198 meters in which case So 1 has to be placed midway, Le., at a distance of 99 meters from Sh & S02 As has been discussed earlier (p-26 to 28), the minimum distance between signals should not be less than "T1 +Ov". which works out to 200+ 120 = 320 meters in this case, and under no circuml stances, it should be less than the train length itself Le., 200 meters in this case). Thus if there is no other alternative, location of Sh has to be compromised, and it can be located a under:


:H8:8J :~




~ ~



~ ~

One more tJlting to be ensured is that the S01 is placed at more than 550 meter from the St ( at 80 kmph the Dbr = 550 meter reference Chart I Annx,"B",) Otherwise S02 will also have to be keptat' double yellow when St is Red, which will mean Non availability of Green Headway of S02. In that case, distance between S02 and S01 will be 659 550 = 107 meters, which is not allowed. It will thus be necessary to increase the headway requirement (Le., reduce the fequency of service) 011 consider "Double Yellow" headway as good enough (instead of Green) for running of trains, whic~ means that in the normal flow of traffic driver will Jarely see green aspect of signal S02, mostly he' will have to maintain his normal speed etc., on double Yellowaspect of Signal S02. I

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