System Request and Feasibility Analysis

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System Request- Database Operations System Project Project Sponsor: ________, El Rio Pad Inc.

, Company Manager Business Need: This project has been instigated with the hope of increasing efficiency and effectiveness within the cycle and operations of the rental business by using newly improved system methods and by employing computer technology in some aspect of the business process. With an automated process and thru having an archive or database, it is expected that there would be significant improvements with the performance, security and operations of the company. Business Requirement: By having a Database System, the company will have a better way of monitoring and controlling the whole operations and processes of the business. The management would be able to conveniently access information regarding the needs of the company by logging in to the system, reasonably advancing from manual log books and paper works to technical usage and applications. The personnel would then easily identify who are those customers currently occupying the units alongside are the customer profile, incurred expenses, bills, due dates and check in and out of the said customer; and also identify the prospective customers who are at the wait list reservation alongside are the customer profile and advance payments and check in date. Concerning the cash flows expected to run with the operations of the company, the system would be able to monitor the overall bills and expenses in electricity, water, internet and cable connection, the salaries of the employees and personnel, and also the cash flow dues of the occupying renters. The particular functionalities and business capabilities that the system should have would include the following: Search for Customer Profile in our archive selection If there is no existing Customer record, Input new records Provide adequate and updated information about the dues or bills of the customer Monitor Reservations and Alert Customer dues, Check in and Check out Provides an access to the records of the expenses and bills of the company Monitor and control Company Cash Flow Search for Personnel Profile in our archive selection If there is no existing Personnel record, Input new records Provide adequate and updated information about the salaries of the personnel Record Maintenance work, repairs and additional information throughout the day to day operations of the company

Business Value: It is highly expected that the Database Operations System will increase efficiency and productivity by allowing the management to conveniently use the database application to gain the needed information for the operations and functions of the business. We expect that it will aid the operations in the run of the inquiries, bills and expenses of the company. With this automated system, we expect that the procedures and actions of our company will become less risky for with the proposed system, the activities would be more organized, systematized and unified. It would greatly create significant changes to the way the management operates since it will require lesser time and effort compared to the previous method of dealing with the company work. Also with regards to this development, it can be foreseen as a market strategy since it would create business advantages for the company against the fellow market competitors within the city. Overall, this proposed system will again improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our services to the customers, productivity and efficacy within the circle of the management of which combined would then open significant and relevant changes in increasing the profit and good name of the company. Special Issues or Constraints: The marketing sector views this as an approach to cope up with the competitive market niche. It is a system that is believed to create edge for the company against other market competitors. With the automation of some parts of the business process, the company will be able to give satisfaction to the customers through the fast and efficient services of the management. The users should be able to adapt to the program or application easily so as not to complicate the business operations and processes. The system then is advised to be user friendly and uncomplicated. Since the system is computer based it requires occasional maintenance and security measures so that the database would remain intact and up to date. Also, since it is prone to usage of unwanted users or manipulators the system should be able to allow access only to those who are authorized to use it. In case of server break down, the system should be able to back up and reconnect with minimum damages so as to uphold the credibility of the company system.

Database Operations System Project Feasibility Analysis The following is the Feasibility Analysis for the El Rio Pad Inc., Database Operations System Project. Attached beforehand is the System Request of the proposed project. Technical Feasibility El Rio Pads Database System is technically Feasible, although problems causing both high and low risk ventures are still evidently present. El Rio Pads problem regarding familiarity of the new application database system is moderately high. The as-is system of the company involves recording all types of transactions manually. Since the company is absent of a database system, it is greatly needed to have all the data regarding all transactions to be intact in a more efficient way. It takes time to find the records of the in and out clients when it is needed because there is no existing way to deliver the needed information faster aside from the manual task of retrieving it. Also, there is no advanced system to check the records of the availability of rooms for advance reservations for future clients, again, aside from that of the manual system. At first, the management or the personnel user will have difficulty in using a new method in the cycle of their activities, but after the users have been clearly prompted and introduced to the database system they would find the system convenient and useful since it will have lesser time in finishing the same tasks in their business operations. El Rio Pad's problem regarding familiarity of the technology is moderately high. The management has enough knowledge on how to operate a simple application but not that of a database application system. It has no direct knowledge of the technology required to operate and manage a computerized archive; on the other hand they have been equipped with the latter use of manual system of storing information. The process of the business had not been changed but adequately improved with the use of technology. Finally, there are consultants that are on call if there are problems with the application that the management could no longer solve within the company. The Project size is considered low risk. The project time frame is moderately critical as the business would still run on normal matters. The project team, consisting of less than 10 persons, is responsible for the on time completion of the project. And lastly, the business users whos daily involvement with the system would

The compatibility of the database system in the company should be satisfactory. Simple technological matters and applications are not an enigma to the management of El Rio Pad since they are familiar with it upon their previous involvements. The problem therein is just shifting to a new way of recording transactions of the business by using a database system. Organizational Feasibility El Rio Pads Database System is organizationally Feasible, since it is very aligned to the business objectives. From an organizational perspective, this project has a low risk. It is due to the fact that the project is very aligned to the business objectives because it shows what a rental business system should have and one is focusing on customer service. It shows the profiles and records of the customers and with this the staff can easily check information about that business and if there are problems seen that are needed to be solved, immediate action would then be counteracted. The current and future prospective customers are expected to be satisfied with the new rental systems just like what hotels has. Management has some issues with the availability of records; however, when this system will be implemented the management will have an easy access to the customers records and improve the operations of the company. With the use of stakeholder analysis, the champions identified are the project sponsor, Mary Bessadel Dulay, company manager and Manuel Dulay, one of the company owners of the El Rio Pad; both mainly responsible for providing support for the completion of the project. Also, the management as one of the key stakeholders sees this as a strong and positive venture. The organizational management believes that the when the project is implemented it would become a valuable asset to the company. Lastly, the systems users see this as an opportunity to achieve convenience and stability within the company operations. Additional Comments: The management sees this as a strategic plan. This system will allow us to attract more customers, provide them with fast and efficient services so as to help establish a good reputation for our rental business. When this system will be implemented the staff members who are not that adept with the use of a database system will have a problem. In order to solve this, the company should consider hiring a consultant that would help assist with the project. Another is to conduct a simple training exercise for staffs and users so they can be oriented, informed and prepared in using this new system. Lastly, we need to have a grace period of transition so that the customers and staff can have time to adapt this new system.

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