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Partnership interpretation - Synastry for Angelina Jolie born on 06/04/1975 in Los Angeles at 9:00:00 AM and Brad Pitt born

on 12/18/1963 in Shawnee at 6:30:00 AM

Client's Chart data
SU 1324'57'' MO 1300'31'' MEr 2219'48'' VE 2808'56'' MA 1042'08'' JU 1725'23'' SA 1723'10'' URr 2847'59'' NEr 1020'24'' PLr 631'24'' NNode024'20'' SAG AC 2701'45'' MC 1527'38'' GEM 142'34'' House ARI 1617'43'' House GEM 1037'25'' House CAN 1352'13'' House ARI 1359'21'' House ARI 2042'36'' House CAN 21540'46'House 8 LIB 220'32'' House SAG 1944'19'' House LIB 948'37'' House 948'16'' House 12 CAN 1245'01'' House ARI 1844'51'' House 7 4 7 0 4 4 11 12 10 0 4

Aspects to Partner's Chart

SU SU SU MO MO MO ME ME MA MA JU JU SA SA SA UR NE NE PL PL SXT SQU SQU SQU SQU CON OPP TRI SQU CON SQU SXT OPP TRI SXT SXT TRI SQU SQU OPP JU UR PL ME MA JU SU SA MA JU ME SA ME NE PL SU JU UR MA JU 334'55'' -320'51'' 048'43'' -305'59'' 258'57'' 310'28'' -331'51'' 311'10'' 040'35'' 052'06'' 118'53'' -143'14'' -116'39'' 035'00'' -309'28'' -256'19'' 030'21'' 016'18'' 330'08'' -318'37'' 6334'55'' 8639'08'' 9048'43'' 8654'00'' 9258'57'' 310'28'' 17628'08'' 12311'10'' 9040'35'' 052'06'' 9118'53'' 5816'45'' 17843'20'' 11924'59'' 5650'31'' 5703'40'' 11929'38'' 9016'18'' 9330'08'' 17641'22''


Welcome to your Astrology Detective Relationship Report! In astrology, the two most popular methods of analyzing a relationship are through synastry and midpoints. Synastry is a way of analyzing a couple's compatibility as two unique individuals dealing with each other. The Midpoint technique, by contrast, looks at the energy of the couple as a unit what happens when two become one. To put it simply: Synastry is Brad and Angie, Midpoints is Brangelina. The following report is a synastry report. This report examines the links, or aspects, between the planets in each individual's chart, such as her Sun and his Moon. By analysing how the planets communicate with each other, we can also get an idea as to how you and your partner will vibe together. When examining this report, it is important not to get too hung up on any one particular aspect. Some aspects can seem negative, while other are quite positive. No relationship is perfect. This report will give you a good idea of your danger zones so you can take pro-active steps to ease potential conicts in your relationship. It also helps you see where your energies naturally harmonise, so you can spend more time interacting in these ways together. While these reports give you an in-depth look at the effects of various planetary inuences, there is only so far a computer-generated report can go. A computer can not analyze holistically, so if you have two conicting aspects in your relationship report, you may be quite confused. For example, one aspect may say that you and your partner share a similar world view, while another aspect may say you have different philosophies on life. Life is complex and we often experience contrasting circumstances and experiences even within one relationship. It is up to you to step back and integrate all the following inuences into a comprehensible whole. If you and your partner have love for each other, but have difculties nding harmony together, you may want to take the plunge and book a reading with a real astrologer. You can always feel free to contact me with your questions, and we can make arrangements to look into them in more depth.

Enjoy the report and best of luck in your relationship!

Please note: In the following sample report, Angelina Jolie is referred to as the "Client" and Brad Pitt is the "Partner". Unfortunately, Ange isn't my client (maybe someday!).

Client's Sun in Sextile with Partner's Jupiter

Your partner will have the ability to expand your horizons and make you see the world under a whole new light; you will be able to return the favour in kind. Together, you bring out each other's natural idealism, optimism and curiosity. This will be an adventurous relationship which will favour a lot of travel of the mind, body or spirit. This relationship will be an enlightening one in which new avenues open up almost effortlessly. Explore the world together, and your sense of wonder will never cease.

Client's Sun in Square with Partner's Uranus

Roller-coaster of love...This relationship can be as volatile as it is exciting, and could be marked by many break-ups and reconciliations. You each have a way of destabilising the other, causing one another to act in an erratic, unpredictable manner. You may never know what to expect from your partner, which can unnerve you and maybe even undermine your condence. Each partner in this relationship may feel the urge to rebel every once in a while; any attempt to impose one's will or ideology on the other will be greeted with de ance. It is better to accept your partner for who they are. In order to deal with this aspect, it is best to remain exible and adopt a zen attitude. Try not to respond emotionally to your partner's caprices. Give each other plenty of breathing room, so that the other has the freedom to maintain their individuality. Trust your partner, and allow them to do their own thing. Keeping a rational outlook will help ground and stabilise the relationship, as well as your partner's actions.

Client's Sun in Square with Partner's Pluto

This relationship has a soulmate vibe going on. The intensity between the two of you, however, can sometimes go overboard. It is important to set some healthy boundaries or else jealousy and power games can take over.

There is the danger of becoming obsessed with one another, creating a "can't live with you, can't live without you" situation. This partnership may have its fair share of conict and anger, often fueled by the overpowering passion you feel for one another. Your relationship with this partner may completely transform you and your identity. It is necessary you keep in touch with who you really are or you may start losing your sense of self and self-worth. Try to listen to family and trusted friends who can help you stay grounded. If the power struggles cross the line to abuse, you need to be face reality, stop making excuses and get out. Other aspects of the couple horoscope may help mitigate the force of this dynamic. Try to raise your awareness from the beginning of the relationship, and stop yourself from getting pulled into petty game-playing. If you do this, you can greatly ease the tension of this aspect.

Client's Moon in Square with Partner's Mercury

Your partner may have an intellectual approach that differs from your more emotional style, which could leave you a bit moody. This could exasperate your partner as they try to nd a mental solution when all you want to do is feel the communion of connection. Your need for a deep, unspoken form of intimate communication may conict with your partner's desire to talk it all out. This is not a deal-breaking aspect and may just manifest itself as casual bickering or sullen silences. Try to verbalise what you feel instead of sulking in a corner expecting your partner to read your mind, and things should go more smoothly.

Client's Moon in Square with Partner's Mars

You may feel threatened by your partner's energy and extroversion. You may be more shy and homey, while your partner wants to live life large out in the outside world. Your partner's energy may overwhelm you at times, making you feel drained and tired. Moreover, you may feel like your partner is a like a bulldozer that razes down your will, not listening to your sides in conicts and being inconsiderate of your feelings. It is important that your voice is heard; if you nd it difcult to express yourself in the middle of an argument, write your feelings out in a letter at a later date and give it to your partner. Inversely, your partner may feel that you overreact emotionally. There is a strong attraction here, as the Mars and the Moon are like the Yin and Yang attracting each other's masculine and feminine character traits. You just have to make sure that the dynamic doesn't become one of dominant and submissive. Try to remain equal and respectful. If conicts arise, try to step away so you can discuss things calmly and make important decisions when each partner has a cool head.

Client's Moon in Conjunction with Partner's Jupiter

This could be a big love. You touch each other's heart in a huge way and are able to connect in a deeply profound manner. Intimacy should not be a problem; you are able to open up and conde in each other with no reservations. You love each other unconditionally and for who the other truly is. You literally rock each other's worlds and open the other's eyes to the beauty and variety of life. You will be able to expand each other's horizons through travel, learning or devotion to similar causes. This is a love which is based on generosity of spirit. There is a lot of nurturing going on, and you will each take care of the other. You will share the same ideals and feel free while together. If there are other difcult aspects in the compatibility analysis, this one goes a long way to creating a solid bond. Nothing will shake this love. Even if you were to split up one day, you will always look back on each other with fondness. This love will denitely last a lifetime, in one form or another.

Client's Mercury in Opposition with Partner's Sun

This is an interesting dynamic whereby your intellectual viewpoint and your partner's creative impulse are at odds, yet push each other to a greater universal understanding together than you would ever have apart. Your thoughts and opinions differ greatly from those of your partner, so much so that you nd them endlessly fascinating as you try to gure out what makes them tick. You may also be a philosophical muse of sorts, who fuels their artistic pursuits. That is not to say this is an easy aspect, you may clash often over your divergent views. The key to balancing this energy harmoniously is to refrain from forcing your intellectual dogma onto your partner, while they should try to listen to your views without overruling them by sheer exertion of their will. You both need to be careful of developing a "I know what's best" type of mentality. If you provide the mental and

intellectual insights, while your partner gives the over-all creative vision, you will be an unstoppable and formidable team.

Client's Mercury in Trine with Partner's Saturn

This aspect will be one of harmony and solidity. Your partner will provide you a solid base from which you will not feel self-conscious expressing yourself or exploring your academic potential. Your partner's mature, reasonable outlook will foster an environment of tolerance where you can truly say whatever is on your mind. Your ideas and intellectual insights will assist your partner in achieving their life goals. You can prove to be a trusted and insightful advisor, while your partner serves as your rock.

Client's Mars in Square with Partner's Mars

There is denitely an attraction here, but it can be one where the re is fueled by conict and competition. You both have enourmous drive, but are often be going in opposite directions. There is the danger that neither will want to give in; even in the smallest, most insignicant matters, you both have a tendency to dig in your heels. While this may help to fuel passion in the early days, and lead to great make-up sex, in the long run you may each end up feeling worn down and burnt out. Lasting resentment could be a result. You both need to learn the word compromise. Try using humour to recognise the banality of your mundane domestic dramas. Anytime you feel your temper start to are, take a time out and come back later with a calm mind to discuss important issues.

Client's Mars in Conjunction with Partner's Jupiter

Together, you are like a nuclear bomb, in the best sense of the word. Your energy is boundless and you share a great passion and zest for life. The two of you together will be greater than the sum of your parts; you literally explode with such energy, vitality and force that others cannot ignore your seductive power. You are sure to be the focal point of any gathering. You share a similar outlook on life as well as a go-for-it attitude. You are not the types to sit around dreaming and procrastinating; together you both act on your ambitions to achieve a lasting success.

Client's Jupiter in Square with Partner's Mercury

Your partner may have a tendency to be detail-oriented and nit-picky which can put a damper on your innerenthusiasm. You have a more spontaneous demeanor and just want to get out there, while your partner likes to think things over before jumping in. You may also have differences relating religion or spiritual views. Your partner may communicate on an intellectual level, whereas you connect on a more spiritual vibe. You like the big picture and feel your partner's need to understand the underlying structures of things weighs you down. It is important that you learn to verbalise your thoughts and mental states, while your partner should learn to relax and just go with the ow from time to time.

Client's Jupiter in Sextile with Partner's Saturn

Your partner is the wind beneath your wing, or maybe that should be vice versa. Your partner will offer you the stability needed for you to realise your most profound dreams. As long as you provide them with a sense of adventure and expansion, which won't be a problem for you, your partner will happily provide a solid base. The support of your partner will help you expand your horizons without any fear or self-consciousness. In turn, your partner will feel strong and needed. Your energies get along well, and each will be thankful for the other's respect. Together you have the solidity and condence to spur each other on to great success.

Client's Saturn in Opposition with Partner's Mercury

Your partner may feel like you are oppressing their intellectual freedom. Perhaps your need to make the decisions and be in control can drown out their ideas and insights. You may have a more conservative view on

many issues, and feel best when things are the way you like them, while your partner wants to explore other avenues and solutions. You may complain that you have to take on all the responsibilities, but this may because you never give your partner the chance to express themselves. If this goes on a for a longtime, your partner may feel like they can no longer conde in you because you are not open for dialogue, preferring, instead, to dictate orders. It is important that all major decisions are done as a team. Each person should be able to state their opinions and talk things out until a compromise is met. If not, you may nd your partner doing it their way, but behind your back, which will only make your need for control all the more strong, which will only push your partner further a circle in a spiral and a wheel within a wheel...

Client's Saturn in Trine with Partner's Neptune

Your practicality and your partner's dreamy creativity can blend well to create a harmonious couple. You each bring something different to the table, and respect each another for your differences. With your partner's inspiration and your perspiration there is nothing you can't tackle together. This could be a good working relationship, as well, with one partner providing the vision while the other gures out how to make it work. You will be able to get the ball rolling so your partner's dreams actually take solid form in reality. Your stability can serve as an anchor to their hot-air balloon, so it can go exploring without the risk of drifting off aimlessly.

Client's Saturn in Sextile with Partner's Pluto

You are an incredibly productive and powerful couple. If involved in business dealings together, you will be able to make quite an impact. Even if not working together, you each will probably prove a great asset to the other in your career paths. Your partner has enormous drive and ambition, while you offer the every day stamina needed to get the job done. Any plans you have will most likely come to fruition due to your partner's sheer will and your willingness to work at it until its done. You are both like pit bulls going after the things you want in life. Together the power and success you amass will serve as a wonderfully solid base where you each feel secure and stable.

Client's Uranus in Sextile with Partner's Sun

Your unpredictable and quirky nature will make your partner shine their brightest. Your love of surprise and risk will allow your partner to express their truest identity and strengthen their condence leaving behind any shyness or reservation. When they are with you, they know they can be themselves because you hold no judgement. Together you can live life to the fullest. Each day can be an adventure lled with curiosity and new things. You will be able to both express your individuality without feeling you are rebelling against something; you will simply be able to be and to expand. You will feel as if you have nally found someone who shares your sense of fun and discovery. There is a lot of playfulness and spontaneity in this pairing.

Client's Neptune in Trine with Partner's Jupiter

There will be no hang-ups in regards to intimacy in this pairing. Both you and your partner are willing to open up their inner-most depths to the other. You will feel as if you are soul mates, with the same aspirations and visions of the world. You both have a tendency to get lost in the dreaminess of the moment, as well as in each other, and together you can share many romantic experiences. You denitely look at life through rosecouloured glasses; you just need to make sure you don't get so swept away you lose touch with reality. If both of you enjoy drugs or alcohol, there is a danger of too much hedonism, so try to keep yourselves from going overboard. Otherwise, there is a lot of poetry and sensitivity here, and you both should nd great tenderness and a gentle, yet all encompassing, love.

Client's Neptune in Square with Partner's Uranus

You could nd yourself getting lost in a tornado of emotion. You and your partner each possess a certain unpredictability which could cause the other to get sucked into the other's dreamworld, while losing touch with their own objectives. This could lead to lingering resentment later on, if one of you feel they have given up their identity for the other. This relationship could produce a lot of confusion and the boundaries between individual

and couple could easily get out of focus. It could get to the point where you no longer know who you are, either as a person or a couple, where you are going, what you want or why. You really need to work hard at keeping your feet on the ground and in touch with reality.

Client's Pluto in Square with Partner's Mars

This is quite an explosive combination. On one hand, there may be intense levels of physical attraction. On the other hand, there can be just as intense levels of jealousy, anger, envy, and obsession. One partner, or perhaps both, may try to control or manipulate the other. There are, however, no passing victims here because you are both equally strong-willed and can give as much as you get. There may be intense competition and an unwillingness to compromise that can lead to frustration and anger. This match-up may produce a lot of heated verbal disputes. Power struggles could become a way of life, as neither party wants to admit defeat. You need to make sure that this dynamic does not morph into actual abuse from either party. Your partner may have a way of pressing your buttons that makes you act out in a way you never would have dreamed possible. Even the biggest crunchy granola pacist could become enraged and out of control in this relationship. Pluto will bring with it a sense of secrecy, so you may be hesitant to share your problems with trusted friends or family members. It is important that you nd a life and identity outside the partnership that can ground you and take off some of the pressure and infatuation that this pairing causes. Your relationship could have a fated element to it. You may nd yourself so consumed with your partner that you can not walk away because you feel you will never experience such a great love again. You are like a junkie trying to kick a bad habit. This does not mean this pairing is doomed to turmoil. Other aspects of the chart should also be considered. Mostly, you must be sure to maintain your own sense of individuality and self-worth. Surrounding yourself with a supporting community will go a long way to balance out the overwhelming energy of your couple. You may have the tendency to get so caught up in your love that you make no time for anything, or anyone, else. If you nd everyone has moved on at your time of need, you will only have yourself to blame.

Client's Pluto in Opposition with Partner's Jupiter

You and your partner may have to deal with a lot of ghts, due to the fact you have two fundamentally different approaches to life. Your partner may want nothing more than a simple, happy-go-lucky existence, while you have a much more profound, slightly darker, world view. You may nd your partner lacking complexity, while they nd you a bit heavy. Over time, your intensity and need to nd deep meaning in everything could wear them down. The sheer force of your will could be overwhelming to your partner. You may nd yourself frustrated because they don't offer the deep soul-bond you crave. The more you exert your will, the more vague and untenable they will become. It is important to learn how to compromise. You may need to tone it down a bit and learn to be more easy-going while your partner may need to see the darker sides of human suffering and reality, but don't expect them to want to spend too much time dwelling in these places. Their idea of humanity is helping people better themselves through optimism and a shared generosity of spirit instead of wallowing in their pain. Join in their activism and you can be quite a team, with you providing the depth and them nding the way back to the light. Accept that you have two fundamentally different approaches that have equal merit but may never jibe, and things will go more smoothly.

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