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Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

National Public Offering Group Deloitte China 31 December 2012

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

In 1H/2012, the capital market stumbled against the backdrop of the following dismal and jittery events:
1 Mass credit downgrade in Eurozone countries Weakening of Chinas economy with growth target cut to 7.5% Corporate governance issues of listed companies, sharp earnings decline among newly listed issuers Anxiety over election result in Greece

Sluggish recovery of U.S. economy

Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kongs IPO market plummeted in 1H/2012


new listings, raising HK$


billion (84%)

(1H/2011: 38 new listings, raising HK$187.2 billion*)


half-year performance in terms of

proceeds raised since financial tsunami in

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Source: Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx), Deloitte Analysis; * including proceeds raised from the offerings of Hui Xian REIT, and the international offering of Glencore International Plc. in 2011

Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

Reduced momentum in Mainlands IPO market in 1H/2012

100 80 No. of IPOs 60 40 20 0

new listings, raising RMB

57 51 25

billion (58%)

(1H/2011: 167 new listings, raising RMB173 billion)

Proceeds Raised in 1H/2012 62 54 61 24 16 23 37 24

Proceeds Raised in 1H/2011 83

(RMB billion)

70 60 Proceeds Raised 50 40 30 20 10

1H/2012 1H/2011

1H/2012 1H/2011

1H/2012 1H/2011

SH Main Board

SZ SME Board


Source: China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), Deloitte Analysis

Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

In 2H/2012, market sentiment gradually picked up upon the following compelling events:
6 7 8 9 10
Monetary easing by Peoples Bank of China in lowering reserve requirement ratio and cutting borrowing rate
QE3 of U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed), Outright Monetary Program of European Central Bank Upbeat China economic statistics point to recovery
Successful transition to new leadership in China, positive market anticipation on economic policies after Central Economic Work Conference

Continuation of U.S. administration

Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

A lackluster market for Hong Kongs IPOs in first three quarters of 2012 but a rebound in last quarter


new listings, raising HK$


billion (67%)

(2011: 90 new listings, raising HK$271.4 billion*)

WEAKEST annual performance in terms of proceeds raised since the financial tsunami in 2009. However,
market sentiment has been picking up since midSeptember with the economic stimulus programs from the U.S. and Europe. Driven by the improved market sentiment and liquidity, proceeds raised in the Q4

took up over
Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis


of the total

proceeds raised in 2012.

6 Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook
2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

In 2012, Mainlands IPO market was mired in a deep malaise along with the cooling economy

140 120 No. of IPOs 100 80 60 40

new listings, raising RMB

Proceeds Raised in 2011 128 115 79 74

billion (63%)

(2011: 281 new listings, raising RMB282.4 billion)

Proceeds Raised in 2012 101 102

(RMB billion)

120 100 Proceeds Raised 80 60

55 33 38 25 35 35

40 20

20 0 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

SH Main Board
Source: CSRC, Deloitte Analysis

SZ SME Board


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Market sentiment at trough resulting in disappointing IPO deal flow and volume in 2012

Hong Kong Shenzhen

(HK$ billion)

ranked no.

in terms of funds raised globally,

behind those of NYSE, NASDAQ, Tokyo Stock Exchange, but ahead of Stock Exchange, Bursa Malaysia, and

IPO Proceeds Raised from Key Global Exchanges for 2012

Stock Exchange.

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0





86.0 58.9

New York Stock Exchange**


Tokyo Stock Exchange

Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Bursa Malaysia

80 Listings

55 Listings

51 Listings

62 Listings

129 Listings

16 Listings

Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis ** Exclude proceeds from close-end investment companies, close-end funds and special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs)

Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong
Overview of IPO market 2012 IPO activities lost steam amid market downturn
MB IPO activities were in drought in May and September Market choppiness stymied IPO plans, leading to a no-show of IPO on the Main Board (MB) in May and September 2012, the worst situation for nearly a decade. An uptick in market condition since midSeptember upon liquidity boost from another round of quantitative easing from the Fed and stalled IPO market driving the return of new and larger listings since October. Substantially fewer listing applications accepted by HKEx since 2009 114 listing applications for the MB and Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) were received during 2012, substantially down 44% y-o-y from 203. Only 49 active applications are being processed, displaying a downward trend from 63, a y-o-y plunge of 22%. Lapsed, rejected and withdrawal of listing applications at record high since 2004 In 2012, 52 applications were lapsed without renewal, decreased from 64, or 19% y-o-y. 8 applications were rejected, and 12 applications were withdrawn. Figures have risen from 3, or 167%; and 1, or 1,100% y-o-y respectively.

Slowest Q4 deal flow since financial tsunami down from 31 to 15 y-o-y (52%)
HK MB IPOs 60 50 No. of IPOs 40 30
2 3


Proceeds from IPOs

(HK$ billion)

350 300 Proceeds Raised 250

3 5

200 150
3 4 3 2


2 3



100 50 0

10 0

21 11 13 14 10


26 18 15




2009 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2010 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2011 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2012 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4*
Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis

Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainland

Overview of IPO market 2012 IPO deal flow braked amid fading stock market
IPO activities were muted Chilled market confidence as manifested by indices plunging through various so-called rock bottom levels. Significant slowdown of listing application review observed since May. No offering review meeting was held in August, November and December and only one in September and October respectively. Number of applications were at all-time high 851 listing applications were in the queue for the Shanghai (SH) MB, SME Board and ChiNext as of 28 December 2012. Among these, 22 applications were suspended and 2 were withheld for further actions. In 2012, another 67 applications were either withdrawn or rejected. 90 IPOs are waiting in the wings As of 28 December 2012, 90 applications, which have passed the offering review meeting, were awaiting for listing. 739 active applications were under processing.

The weakest Q4 since resumption of IPOs in Q3 of 2009. Deal flow was down from 48 to 5 y-o-y (90%) and deal volume tripped from RMB56b to RMB3b y-o-y (95%)
SH MB IPO 100 90 80 No. of IPOs 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 24 30 52 58 46 48 35 36 29 25 33 30 SZ SME ChiNext IPO Proceeds from IPO
(RMB billion)

180 160 140 43 40 31 14 26 26 28 25 19 26 22 18 11 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2012 Q4* Proceeds Raised

15 12 11 10 9 9 1 8 6 6 5 5 4 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2010 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2011 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2012 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3

Source: CSRC, Deloitte Analysis. * SH MB IPO: 1; SZ SME Board IPO: 3; ChiNext IPO: 1.


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainland

Overview of IPO market 2012 Pass Rate of Offering Review Meeting
During 2012,
Pass rate


100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

1 19

applications were submitted to the Offering Review Committee. Among these,


176 passed; 37 failed; 5 reviews were called off; and 1 review was
suspended. Another

24 60 92

2 companies decided to

terminate their IPO plans after passing the offering review meetings. The overall pass rate was
Passed Failed

Review suspended

Review called off


Source: CSRC, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong
Overview of IPO Market 2012 Mainland companies continued to be key drivers of new listings
Number of IPOs by Location of Issuer
Chinese Mainland Hong Kong International

Mainland Companies Dominated in All Respects

42 out of 62 deals were from the Chinese Mainland, up from 57% to 68% y-o-y IPO volume picked up to HK$81.1 billion, representing a 90% (2011: 40%) rise in the proceeds raised in the market.


27% 68%

International Listings Shrunk Substantially

Deal activities were relatively quiet and declined sharply by 67% to three. IPO volume shattered and dropped 97% to HK$6.27 billion. List of authorised jurisdictions for listing was expanded with the addition of Delaware, U.S. and the Republic of Korea.

Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Overview of the Two IPO Markets 2012

Both IPO average first-day returns dropped
Hong Kong Average first-day performance was +6.0%, which was higher than the inflation. On a y-o-y comparison, it has increased by 0.1% from +5.9%. Top and worst IPO performers on the listing days were both from the GEM, at +87% and -27% respectively. Chinese Mainland Average first-day performance increased by 5.2% from a return of +21.4% to +26.6% y-o-y. Both top and worst IPO performers on the listing days were from the SZ SME Board. They generated firstday returns at +627% and -26% respectively.

HK IPO Top Five Best/ Worst Performers

Haitian Hydropower China Assurance Finance Sunley Holdings Juda International Vision Fame

A-share IPO Top Five Best/ Worst Performers

Zhejiang Shibao

87% 59% 42% 39% 33%

China City Railway Xiwang Special Steel Qualipak Dynam Japan Pegasus Entertainment 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%


221% China Molybdenum 138% 103% 94% -26% -17% -17% -15% -14%
100% -50% Jiajia Food Chengdu Leejun Jiangsu Yuxing Film Technology Yinbang Clad Material Ningbo Cixing 50% 150% 250% 350% 450% 550% 650% Epoxy Base Electronic Material

Loncin Industries Bluedon

-27% -20% -11% -10% -9%

-40% -20%

Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Overview of the Two IPO Markets 2012

Market valuation took a drubbing
P/E multiples of Hong Kong new listings hurt by falling market valuation 29 deals or 51% of the new listings had singledigit P/E multiples. Health care & pharmaceutical sector topped the league with 18 times of average historical multiples when listed. P/E multiples of A-share new listings plunged upon regulatory policies of lowering exceptionally high P/E ratios 112 deals or 73% of the listings had 20 to 40 times P/E multiples. Companies from the technology, media and telecommunications sector ranked top with about 62 times multiples when listed.

P/E Multiples of HK IPOs

P/E Multiples of A-share IPOs

8% 16% 49% 35% 73%


x < 5 times
Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis

5 times < x < 10 times

x > 10 times

x < 20 times

20 times < x < 40 times

x > 40 times


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Overview of the Two IPO Markets 2012

Valuation of A-share market sloped closer to Hong Kong
(Times) 50 45 40

Average P/E Multiples

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
2009 Q1 9 13 19 25 2009 Q2 13 34 25 36 2009 Q3 16 33 24 35 2009 Q4 18 39 29 47 2010 Q1 17 43 28 41 2010 Q2 15 29 18 32 2010 Q3 16 33 20 40 2010 Q4 17 31 22 45 2011 Q1 12 26 23 36 2011 Q2 12 24 16 31 2011 Q3 9 20 14 27 2011 Q4 10 22 13 23 2012 Q1 10 18 14 23 2012 Q2 9 17 12 23 2012 Q3 9 17 11 21 2012 Q4 11 18 12 22



Source: HKEx


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Overview of the Two IPO Markets 2012

Dwindling appetite dried market in all dimensions and top five IPOs shrunk
Hong Kong Issuer 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Glencore International PRADA S.p.A. Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group CITIC Securities 77,746 19,227 16,014 15,991 14,247 The People's Insurance Company (Group) of China Haitong Securities Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Sunshine Oilsands Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical 27,607 14,383 7,009 4,487 3,966 Proceeds Raised (HK$ million) 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sinohydro. Group Sinovel Wind Power Diversity Automobile Founder Securities China Hainan Rubber 13,500 9,459 6,300 5,850 4,708 China Comm. Construction Citic Heavy Industries Solareast Ci Xing Ao Kang 5,000 3,199 2,150 2,135 2,066 Chinese Mainland Proceeds Raised (RMB million)


Source: HKEx, CSRC, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Overview of the Two IPO Markets 2012

Two of the global largest IPOs came from Hong Kong, nil from Mainland
Facebook (NASDAQ) Japan Airlines (Tokyo) Santander Mexico (NYSE/Mexico) PICC (HKEx) FELDA Global Ventures (Malaysia) IHH Healthcare (Malaysia) BTG Pactual (Brazil) Telefonica Deutschland (Frankfurt) Haitong Securities (HKEx) MegaFon (London) 15.1 14.5 14.4 14.2 16.5 32.0 27.6 25.5 65.8 124.5

10% 10% 5% 5% 10% 10%


of the largest are listed in Hong Kong 20%




Year 2012

60 80 IPO Proceeds



(HK$ billion) Brazil NASDAQ NYSE Mexico Japan Frankfurt

Hong Kong


Glencore International (HKEx/London) 42.4 34.0 29.5 Hutichison Port Holdings Trust (Singapore) Bankia (Spain) HCA Holdings (NYSE) 22.3 19.2 16.4 16.0 16.0 15.7 Kinder Morgan (NYSE) Prada (HKEx) Sinohydro Group (SH MB) Shanghai Pharmaceutical (HKEx) Chow Tai Fook (HKEx) New China Life Insurance (HKEx/SH MB)



of the largest are listed/dually listed in Hong Kong 10% 10% 5%


(HK$ billion) Singapore Spain




50 40 30 IPO Proceeds



Year 2011
2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong



Source: HKEx, London Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Singapore Exchange, Renaissance Capital and Deloitte Analysis and exclude proceeds from SPACs


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

Hong Kong
IPO Deal Size Analysis In 2012, five deals raised an aggregate of HK$57 billion, which accounted for 64% of the total funds raised during the year.
Deal Size of HK MB IPOs
Mega (>US$1b) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Large (US$1b>x>US$0.5b) Medium (US$0.2b>x>US$0.5b) Small (<US$0.2b)

6 11

2 2

3 10 7 2

7 11 1 2
2010 2011 Total funds raised: HK$270b
Glencore PRADA Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Chow Tai Fook CITIC Securities MGM China Hui Xian REIT New China Life Insurance Samsonite Sun Art Retail Group HKT

2007 Total funds raised: HK$295b

CITIC Bank China Railway Group Country Garden SOHO China Sino-Ocean Land Fosun International Sinotrans Shipping Sinotruk Belle International China Molybdenum

2008 Total funds raised: HK$66b

China Railway Construction Want Want China

2009 Total funds raised: HK$248b

Minsheng Banking Corporation China Pacific Insurance China Longyuan Power Sands China Metallurgical Corporation of China Wynn Macau Glorious Property Sinopharm Group China Zhongwang Longfor Properties

Total funds raised: HK$449b

AIA Group Agricultural Bank of China RUSAL Zoomlion Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Rongsheng Heavy Industries Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology

2012 Total funds raised: HK$90b

PICC Haitong Securities Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Sunshine Oilsands Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical

11 IPOs raised HK$164b

Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis

2 IPOs raised HK$28b

10 IPOs raised HK$170b

7 IPOs raised HK$320b

11 IPOs raised HK$208b

5 IPOs raised HK$57b


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong
IPO Deal Size Analysis Average deal size was HK$1,015 million for MB and HK$94 million for GEM
Deal Size of HK MB New IPOs (excluding US$1 billion mega-deals)
(HK$ billion)
140 120

Large (US$1b>x>US$0.5b)

Medium (US$0.2b>x>US$0.5b)

Small (<US$0.2b)


(HK$ billion) 2.5

1.9 Average Proceeds Raised 2.0 1.6

Proceeds Raised

100 80



60 40

1.0 2012



20 0

0.0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

67 deals

25 deals

50 deals

80 deals

58 deals






46 deals








Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainland

IPO Deal Size Analysis Majorities were smaller deals with the six largest ones raising an aggregate of RMB17 billion, which accounted for merely 16% of the total funds raised.
Deal size of A-share IPOs
Mega (>RMB5b)
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Large (RMB5b>x>RMB1b)

Medium (RMB1b>x>RMB0.5b)

Small (<RMB0.5b)

6 3 9 8
2009 2010

4 3



Total funds raised: RMB191b

China State Construction Metallurgical Corporation of China China CNR Corporation China Shipbuilding Industry China Merchants Securities Everbright Securities 6 IPOs raised RMB123b
Source: CSRC, Deloitte Analysis

Total funds raised: RMB480b

Agricultural Bank of China China Everbright Bank Hua Tai Securities China First Heavy Industries China XD Group Ningbo Port China National Chemical Engineering Hepalink Kelun Pharmaceuticals 9 IPOs raised RMB143b

Total funds raised: RMB282b

Sinohydro Sinovel Wind Group Pang Da Automobile Trade Founder Securities

Total funds raised: RMB103b

China Communications Construction Citic Heavy Industries Solareast Ci Xing Ao Kang BROS

4 IPOs raised RMB35b

6 IPOs raised RMB17b

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

The Chinese Mainland

IPO Deal Size Analysis Average deal size was RMB1.3 billion for MB, RMB635 million for SME Board, and RMB475 million for ChiNext respectively.
Deal size of A-share New IPOs (Excluding RMB$5 billion mega-deals)
(RMB billion)
300 250

Large (RMB5b>x>RMB1b)

Medium (RMB1b>x>RMB0.5b)

Small (<RMB0.5b)


(RMB billion) 1.2

1.0 0.7


Proceeds Raised

200 150 100 50 0


Average Proceeds Raised

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0








153 deals

93 deals

277 deals


338 deals




2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Source: CSRC, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

Hong Kong
Eighty percent of the IPOs were priced at and below the mid-point with almost half at the low-end of the range.
IPO Pricing in 2012 IPO Pricing in 2011

Top of the Indicative Range

10% 15%

12% 42%
Above the Mid-Point of the Indicative Range At and Below the MidPoint of the Indicative Range Bottom of the Indicative Range




Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong
Liquidity retreated amid poor market visibility
Best-received IPOs in terms of Over-subscription Rate

launched were under-subscribed.


For the well-received ones,



(2011: 43%)

% of them


were over-subscribed for

less than
Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis and for Main Board listings only

2011 Milan Station

2012 China Machinery


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

No. of Times of Over-subscription


(2011: 31%)


% of the MB IPOs

The Chinese Mainland

IPO over-subscription rate remained astonishing amid poor sentiment and market slowdown
Best-received IPOs in terms of Over-subscription Rate

All 42

(2011: All)



IPOs were over-subscribed.

(2011: 47%)




% of them


were over-subscribed for


Source: CSRC, Deloitte Analysis




0 2011 Shenke Slide Bearing 2012 Zhejiang Shibao


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

No. of Times of Over-subscription

Hong Kong
Number of IPOs by Industry Manufacturing sectors topped the ranking

3% 16% 20%

Energy & Resources Financial Services

2% 8% 14% 10% 32% 6%

Health Care & Pharmaceutical

8% 16% 3% 11% 23%

Manufacturing Property Retail & Consumer Business

22% 6%

Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) Others

Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainland

Number of IPOs by Industry Manufacturing sector dominated IPO activities of the A-share market

3% 1% 4% 6% 23%
Energy & Resources Financial Services Health Care & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Property

1% 18% 4% 1% 8%



46% 3%

Retail & Consumer Business TMT Others



Source: CSRC, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong
Proceeds from financial services sector took up nearly half of the proceeds raised
Others TMT Retail & Consumer Business Property Manufacturing Health Care & Pharmaceutical Financial Services Energy & Resources 0 Energy & Resources 10 20 22.17 30 40 50 (HK$ billion) Manufacturing Property Retail & Consumer Business TMT Others 4.19 42.62 0.16 1.28 5.94 4.07 9.40

4.6% 10.5% 4.7%

1.3%0.2% 6.5% 24.7%

Financial Services Led with Haitong and PICC Offerings


Financial Services

Health Care & Pharmaceutical

Others TMT 0.03 10.59 80.66 15.03 11.08 18.27 32.72
Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis; including proceeds raised from the offerings of Hui Xian REIT, and the international offering of Glencore International Plc. in 2011

Energy & 29.7% Resources Well Ahead of Others with Glencore Offering 5.5%
4.1% 6.7% 12.1%

Retail & Consumer Business

Property Manufacturing Health Care & Pharmaceutical Financial Services Energy & Resources
(HK$ billion)

103.02 0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainland

Manufacturing sector was driving 44% of the total proceeds
Others TMT Retail & Consumer Business Property Manufacturing Health Care & Pharmaceutical Financial Services Energy & Resources 0 Energy & Resources 5.49 1.74 4.01 10 20 30 40 50 (RMB billion) Manufacturing Property Retail & Consumer Business TMT Others 7.50 44.98 15.97 2.41 21.33

2.3% 1.7% 3.9% 5.3% 20.6%


Manufacturing Topped the Rank



Financial Services

Health Care & Pharmaceutical

0.3%3.9% 4.5% 13.0% 6.5%
Others TMT Retail & Consumer Business Property 18.91 132.01 18.47 12.79 11.04 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Source: CSRC, Deloitte Analysis

0.98 36.64 51.62

18.3% Manufacturing

Well Ahead of Others


Manufacturing Health Care & Pharmaceutical Financial Services

Energy & Resources
(RMB billion) 0


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong
Outlook - challenges overshadowed the market

Eurozone worries
whether the beleaguered countries could turnaround or even would get worsened; right policies to energize the contracting economy

Looming U.S. fiscal cliff

HK IPO Market

how this will play out and affect the U.S. economic recovery

Pace of Chinas recovery

direction and magnitude of economic stimulus policy

Keen competitions from other bourses in the region

HKEx is at the crossroads
29 Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook
2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainland

Outlook - challenges clouding the market Worsening corporate earnings

Cooling down of Chinese economy Ongoing unlock of large volume of restricted shares

A- share IPO Market

The three high issue*

Liquidity drain pressure due to astonishing IPO backlog

*High P/E, proceeds and offer price


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainland

Significant policies, further new procedures are expected to be launched in early 2013, bringing further changes to the market
Details of listing process and applications under review Increase of US$ and RMB QFII quotas to US$80 billion and RMB270 billion, respectively

Transparency of Listing Process

Speed Up Approval of QFIIs

Reduction of Securities Transaction Costs

Three rounds of securities transaction cost cut to 0.02%

Lower requirements for QFII application

A-share Market
IPO Approval Pace Tightened Delisting Rules

Delisting of issuers having negative net asset values or annual operating income of less than RMB10 million for three consecutive years

Regulate deal flows to prevent significant drain of market liquidity

IPO Pricing Reform

Details of responsibilities for issuers, intermediary institutions, legal firms, Invitation to five to 10 accounting firms and rating individuals investors agencies to participate in pricing procedures
2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

Hong Kong
Outlook key listing trends
Streamlining of Secondary Listing Process
International listing Secondary listing or listing by introduction

Mainland Enterprises Go Global

Mainland POEs
Relaxation of listing requirements of H-share under CEPA* IX Market reform of B-share switching from B-share listing to H-share listing in Hong Kong H-share offerings of A-share companies

RMB Internationalisation
Relaxation of H-share in raising RMB in Hong Kong RMB-denominated IPOs RMB-denominated exchange traded funds tracking Hong Kong stocks

Listing of Home-grown Brands

Family business expansion for increased brand recognition Wealth management to pass onto the second generation

Support outbound M&A activities

* Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)

HKExs Acquisition of London Metal Exchange

International capital market for mining and natural resources companies
2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

The Chinese Mainland

Outlook key listing trends

State policy driven process

Align with State development plan Areas where government funding will flow, and where private funding is expected and priority business sectors will advance

Priority development of cultural, and agricultural, forestry, fishing and livestock industries

Seven strategic emerging sectors

Western region development New Third Board over-the-counter market

33 Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook
2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong
Outlook - sector allocation for IPO Financial services, property, and retail & consumer sectors will be the foci.
3rd Year of 12th FiveYear Plan
Financial Services Banks & Securities Firms

Going-out New urbanisation

Infrastructure-related Property Stimulate economy through tremendous infrastructure investment and boosting new urbanisation Macro-economic control on this sector is expected to have bottomed out Overall property market sentiment gets stabilised Funding needs for project development

Well-off society

Income re-distribution initiatives to even and increase average income per capita Funding for M&A activities to fuel expansion as valuation gets reasonable Tap into the Mainland market, the second largest economy and luxury goods consumption market


Meet capital and liquidity ratio alongside with business expansion Accelerate growth from expansion of QFII/ RQFII quota Expand products, business and international coverage


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

Retail & Consumer Business

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainland

Outlook - sector allocation for IPO Strategic emerging industries under the 12th Five-Year Plan are the hot picks.

Agricultural, forestry, fishing and livestock


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kongs IPO Market in 2013

Growth surges in China and the U.S removes the overcast in the market. A new chapter in the development for Hong Kong with booming pipelines will begin. We are cautiously optimistic about the IPO deal flow and volume for 2013.


raising approximately HK$

70-80 100-150

(2012: 62 new listings, 13% - 29%)

companies will be listed during the year,

billion. (2012: HK$89.8 billion, 11% - 67%)

Source: HKEx, Deloitte Estimate


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The Chinese Mainlands IPO Market in 2013

Market transformation develops alongside with tight liquidity and weak corporate earnings will stem IPO activity and good valuation. The pipeline is fully stocked and the IPOs are expected to go full steam ahead as soon as the market confidence restores.



(2012: 154 new listings, 2.6%)

companies will be listed by the end of 2013,

raising approximately RMB

(2012: RMB103.4 billion, 3%)



Source: CSRC, Deloitte Estimate


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets -2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Deloittes Market Share in Hong Kong IPO in 2012

Number of IPOs IPO Proceeds Raised

29% 71% 68%






Source: HKEx, Deloitte Analysis


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Deloitte is their reporting accountant

Major deals completed in Hong Kong in 2012
Christine International Holdings Ltd. The company is a leading bakery chain operator in China. It offers a range of bakery products through an expansive multi-channel retail network, including 898 retail outlets in 22 cities. Sunshine Oilsands Ltd. The company is the largest holder of non-partnered oil sands leases by area in the Athabasca oil sands region and Canada. It is the largest international listing in 2012 on HKEx, raising HK$4.5 billion. Jiangnan Group Ltd. It is a leading manufacturer of wires and cables for power transmission, distribution systems and electrical equipment in China. Trigiant Group Ltd. The group is one of the leading manufacturers engaged in research, development, sales of RF coaxial cables series and other related accessories for use in mobile communications and telecommunications equipment in China.

Wonderful Sky Financial Group Holdings Ltd. The company is principally engaged in the provision of financial public relations services in Hong Kong.

Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. It is a leading fullservice securities firm in China with an integrated business platform, extensive branch network and substantial customer base. It raised HK$14.4 billion proceeds through its H-share listing.


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Deloitte is their reporting accountant

Major deals completed in Hong Kong in 2012
China Nonferrous Mining Corporation Ltd. The company is a leading fast growing and vertically integrated copper producer that focuses on mining, ore processing, leaching, smelting and sale of copper. It is based in Zambia. CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. The company is engaged in the property development, property investment and property management business in China. Wanguo International Mining Group Ltd The company is principally engaged in the business of mining, ore processing and sale of the concentrates products in China. China Yongda Automobiles Services Holdings Ltd. It is a leading passenger vehicle retailer and comprehensive service provider in China. It focuses on offering automobiles from luxury and ultraluxury brands.

Casablanca Group Ltd. The company is one of the leading branded bedding products companies in China and Hong Kong.

Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Company Ltd. It is a leading comprehensive coal mining and excavating equipment manufacturer in China. Its H-share IPO raised HK$2.3 billion.


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Deloitte is their reporting accountant

Recently completed A-share listings
China Molybdenum Co., Ltd. It is specialized in mining, dressing, smelting and processing of molybdenum and tungsten. Beijing Cuiwei Tower Company Ltd. The company is principally engaged in the development and operation of department store chain on the Chinese Mainland. Universal Scientific Industrial (Shanghai) Company Ltd. It is a global leader in providing services and solutions in electronic product design and manufacturing.

Great Wall Motor Company Limited The company is engaged in the repair of motor vehicles, development and research, manufacturing and sales of vehicle parts.

Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. It is one of the four state-owned banks in China. Its IPO was the largest in the Ashare market in 2009, raising RMB59.6 billion.

Shandong Molong Petroleum Machinery Company Ltd. The company is specialised in the design, research and development, processing, manufacturing and sales in China and petroleum machinery export.


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Deloitte China National Public Offering Group

Your Winning Team for Listing on Capital Markets
Harbin Beijing

Deloitte China at a Glance

Our China Practice

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Over 10,000 people in 16 offices Serving one-third of all companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Leading position in public offering services in key capital markets and was the reporting accountant for the global largest IPOs in both 2010 (Agriculture Bank of China) and 2011 (Glencore International Plc) Advising the Ministry of Finance in the Chinese Mainland on the development of international accounting standards and tax systems since 1993 We have achieved many industry firsts: The first to co-sponsor a GEM listing on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong The first to sponsor a Hong Kong Main Board listing The first to pioneer the listing of RMBdenominated REIT (Hui Xian REIT) The first to bridge the gap between Japanese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and the IFRS and assisted the Hong Kong IPO of the first Japanese company (SBI Holdings, Inc.) on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

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Shanghai Suzhou



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Guangxi Guangdong





Deloitte offices


Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

National Public Offering Group
Edward Au Co-Leader Tel+852 2852 1266 Fax+852 2815 8476 Southern China Clement Hung Deputy Regional Managing Partner, Southern China Tel+852 2852 1056 Fax+852 2542 4225 Northern China Samuel Wong Audit Leader of Northern China Region Tel+86 10 8520 7288 Fax+86 10 8518 1218 Eastern China Dick Kay Partner Tel+86 21 6141 1838 Fax+86 21 6335 0177

Patrick Tsang Co-Leader Tel+86 21 6141 1818 Fax+86 21 6335 0177/0377

Terence Cheung Partner Tel+852 2852 6405 Fax+852 2541 3817

Taylor Lam Partner Tel+86 10 8520 7126 Fax+86 10 8520 7494

Anthony Wu Partner Tel+86 21 6141 1808 Fax: +86 21 6335 0177/0377
2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland IPO Markets - 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

About Deloitte Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte has in the region of 200,000 professionals, all committed to becoming the standard of excellence. About Deloitte in Greater China We are one of the leading professional services providers with 21 offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Harbin, Hsinchu, Jinan, Kaohsiung, Macau, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Taichung, Tainan, Tianjin, Wuhan and Xiamen in Greater China. We have nearly 13,500 people working on a collaborative basis to serve clients, subject to local applicable laws. About Deloitte China In the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau, services are provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, its affiliates, including Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL). As early as 1917, we opened an office in Shanghai. Backed by our global network, we deliver a full range of audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services to national, multinational and growth enterprise clients in China. We have considerable experience in China and have been a significant contributor to the development of China's accounting standards, taxation system and local professional accountants. We provide services to around one-third of all companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

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2013 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

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