TheSun 2009-04-10 Page18 AUstralia Moves To Calm China Investment Fears

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18 theSun | FRIDAY APRIL 10 2009


Australia moves to calm

China investment fears ‘Southeast Asia on
SYDNEY: Senior ministers in Australia’s govern-
ment yesterday moved to quell growing fears about
Chinese interest in the nation’s miners, describing
stake in Fortescue Metals Group
to 17.55%.
“Whilst Chinese investment
in Australia has been growing, frontline of crisis’
China’s push for Austral- so too has Australian investment
the growing investment as a two-way street. ian miners has been met with into China,” Crean told Sky PATTAYA: Southeast Asia is on badly from a collapse in ex-
Chinese state-owned companies have moved political and public unease, News. the front line of efforts to fight ports to major trading partners
to snap up debt-laden Australian resources firms with allegations that the Asian “So this investment question the global economic crisis and such as the United States, Eu-
in recent months, including a bid from Chinalco superpower enjoys too much is not a one-way exercise. It will be “greatly tested” in com- rope and Japan as the world
to invest US$19.5 billion (RM73.12 billion) in min- influence over the government. demonstrates, I think, the grow- ing months, the Thai finance economy slows.
ing giant Rio Tinto. Resources Minister Martin ing interdependency between minister said yesterday ahead Asean leaders will meet
Canberra is currently mulling a bid by Minmet- Ferguson dismissed the com- our two economies,” he added. of a key summit. their counterparts from China,
als for OZ Minerals, after last week giving Hunan mentary as “hysteria without “We have to embrace, not Korn Chatikavanij told Japan, South Korea, Australia
Valin Iron and Steel the green light to increase its justification”. fear the investment argument. counterparts from Asean gath- and New Zealand at the week-
“Tough economic times We have to see the opportunity, ered in the Thai beach resort of end in Pattaya for talks expected
obviously cause concern for not just look for the threat.” Pattaya that the region of 560 to focus on their response to a
people and I understand those Crean acknowledged fears million people must show its G20 plan to lift the world out of
concerns,” said Ferguson. that, under the deals, China strengths as a community. recession.
“But our responsibility as a would be both customer and “Asean is now at the frontier The Group of 20 developed
government is to do the right equity partner, but said the com- of an economic battle and re- and emerging economies
thing by Australia. The gov- munist regime was “increasingly covery. We, as a rising regional agreed at a key meeting in Lon-
ernment will consider each understanding that they have to grouping, will be greatly tested,” don last week to commit US$1
application for foreign invest- operate as a market economy”. he told fellow ministers meeting trillion (RM3.75 trillion) to the
ment in Australia on its merits, “I think it is in the national a day before 15 Asian heads of International Monetary Fund
irrespective of the source of that interest that we engage far better state arrive here for talks. (IMF) and other global bodies.
investment.” with China, we’ve got to do it on “As the financial crisis The Pattaya summit will
Trade Minister Simon Crean many fronts,” he said. deepens, the world will look be followed by a so-called
conceded China was a “difficult “It is a difficult regime with toward our region for action Global Dialogue in Bangkok
regime” with which to work, which to work at times. But we and confidence. Therefore, we on Sunday featuring United
but said Australia’s fate was have got to be constructive, we must show our capacity and Nations Secretary-General
intertwined with the Asian gi- have got to be open, we have true strengths of Asean as a Ban Ki-moon and the chiefs
ant, which had displaced Japan got to be forceful in terms of community,” Korn said. of the IMF, World Bank and
as the country’s number one bringingour interests to the The 10-member Southeast World Trade Organisation.
trading partner. fore.” – AFP Asian grouping has suffered – AFP

the issue, which erupted in

Aso pledges two million new jobs February 2006 when US and
in three years briefs
European officials raided air-
lines as part of investigations
TOKYO: Japan’s Prime Minister Taro lus package that aims to revive the into the imposition of fuel
Aso yesterday pledged to create up economy from its worst post-war surcharges in international air
to two million new jobs in the next recession. S’pore economy to cargo. – Reuters
three years under a new growth Outlining the growth plan in a
strategy for Asia’s biggest economy. speech, Aso said: “Over the next contract in 2009
Aso said by 2020 the plan – which three years, I will create new demand SINGAPORE: Singapore’s
BA mulling Dubai
would boost renewable energy, of 40 to 60 trillion yen (RM150-225 economy will contract more than offer for Concorde
elderly care and cultural exports billion) and 1.4 to 2 million jobs.” expected as its exports continue LONDON: A Dubai consortium
– would increase gross domestic “Through brave actions by the to be hit by the global downturn, is bidding to turn one of Brit-
product (GDP) by 120 trillion yen public and private sectors, I believe Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong ish Airways’ seven remaining
(RM4.5 trillion) and create four mil- it is possible to boost real GDP by said yesterday. Concorde supersonic jets into a
lion new jobs. 120 trillion yen and create job op- He was reported by The Straits tourist attraction, a report said on
Aso, who faces elections later portunities for four million people in Times online edition as saying Wednesday, while BA said it was
this year, is preparing a major stimu- 2020.” – AFP there would be a downward revi- mulling its options.
sion to the government’s forecast The Times said that if the jet
of an economic contraction of – which reached supersonic
between 2.0 and 5.0% this year. speeds and halved the total flight
Export-dependent Singapore time from London to New York
was the first Asian nation to – were to be shipped to the Mid-
sink into a recession, when dle East, its wings would have to
data released in October last be clipped off to fit on a ship.
year showed the economy con- It cited a source close to the
tracted for two straight quarters Dubai consortium as saying the
in the period to September. The group would spend millions of
economy grew 1.1% in 2008. pounds to restore the interior of
Singapore’s worst recession the plane, which is kept at Lon-
since independence in 1965 don’s Heathrow Airport. – AFP
was in 2001 when the economy
shrank 2.4%. – AFP US$5b guarantee
Airlines sued over for auto suppliers
price fixing ury Department on Wednesday
SYDNEY: Australia’s competi- launched a five-billion-dollar
tion watchdog sued Air France- scheme to guarantee product
KLM and two other airlines on payments to embattled auto
Tuesday over allegations they suppliers that have been ham-
were involved in price-fixing. mered by the auto industry
The Australian Competition slump and tight credit.
and Consumer Commission, Government-rescued
which has already sued Singa- General Motors and Chrysler
pore Airlines, Qantas Airways launched the taxpayer-backed
and British Airways over the support programmes, the
same allegations, said Air Treasury said.
France-KLM had consented to Under the Treasury’s auto
pay fines to be determined by supplier support programme
the country’s Federal Court. announced in mid-March,
The other airlines sued on up to US$5 billion taxpayer
Tuesday were Martinair Hol- dollars will guarantee money
land NV (Martinair) and Car- owed to auto suppliers for the
golux International Airlines. products they ship even if the
Regulators have been prob- US automaker goes bankrupt.
ing more than 30 airlines over – AFP

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