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14 theSun | FRIDAY APRIL 10 2009

speak up!

THE big news today is the

unveiling of the new cabinet.
Such is the case with every
new leader at the helm where
everyone – premier and ordinary
minister alike – wants to stamp
their mark on their administra-
tion. At times this involves doing
In the best interest of the rakyat
time to review laws for their decisions Malaysian Anti-Corruption on her shoulders. As the head
away with old policies, rendering such as the Internal and actions. Commission (MACC) to clean or patron of various charities,
the previous five years a waste of Security Act (ISA), In this light, it up the cash-strapped ministry she also has the task of being
time and resources. which were later is hoped that any and bring to book those who accountable for people’s
Granted, a new administra- used to curtail the investigation of had treated public money with money.
tion should be able to dispose very freedoms that allegations related Najib’s such a blasé attitude. Rosmah was prematurely
of redundant and outmoded he had espoused. to a ministry under announcement On this note, one would have thrust as the head of Bakti,
policies and procedure, but at the Thus, Datuk Seri a previous leader- that he will ask hoped that Ismail had stayed the organisation of wives of
same time, it should still allow Mohd Najib Abdul ship must persist. his ministers on to finish what he started, ministers and deputy ministers,
for continuity of the polices of the Razak’s promise It has often but there should be no second- upon the death of Datin Seri
previous leadership which are in of reviewing the been the case to keep up guessing Ahmad Shabery’s Endon Mahmood. She stepped
the best interest of the rakyat. ISA was not only Down2Earth where misdeeds to a key giving his blessings for the up to the mantle and played her
When Tun Abdullah Ahmad a welcome respite
by Terence Fernandez
and irregularities performance investigation to carry on. role well, spearheading many
Badawi took over the premier- but also an eyebrow are forgotten due index is a At the same time, Datuk Seri charitable initiatives.
ship, he won a lot of applause raiser to those who to changes at the positive move Dr Ng Yen Yen must also ensure However, Rosmah is head-
for cancelling mega projects had thought that his would be a helm. Thus it is hoped that the that there is continuity in the ing Bakti at a time when public
of his predecessor which were more draconian and authorita- new youth and sports minister, to get his Tourism Ministry’s co-operation scrutiny is focused sharply on
regarded by many as an ambi- tive style of administration. Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek, ministers to be with the MACC on the latter’s such organisations. This is no
tious waste of taxpayers’ money. Najib’s announcement that will continue with the efforts of accountable for investigation of the activities of thanks to ongoing revelations
However, Abdullah who he will ask his ministers to Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob their decisions ministry subsidiary Pempena that members of Balkis, the
opened the doors to the freedoms keep up to a key performance in cleaning up the ministry. Sdn Bhd as well as overstaffing organisation of state assembly-
that we have enjoyed over the last index is a positive move to get Ismail Sabri had brought and actions. by the previous administration. women and the wives of state
six years unfortunately took his his ministers to be accountable in auditors and even the Past sins must be accounted assemblymen in Selangor, had
for and those guilty of these misused its role as a charitable
wrongs or who sat idly by while organisation.
they were being committed must Rosmah also has to ensure
be made accountable. that Bakti secondaries such as
Being dropped from the Balkis and Bunga Tanjung in
cabinet should not be a blessing Penang keep to their charter
in disguise to those who got the and carry out their functions
chop. responsibly.
While her husband con-
solidates the country, she too
SPEAKING of being account- – through no fault of hers
able, a lot is put on the plate of – has the task of mending public
a new prime minister, where perception that exclusive
everyone expects him to perform charitable organisations such
miracles at the drop of a hat. as Bakti or Balkis are not the
The wife of the premier is playgrounds of the wives of
often relegated to ribbon cut- politicians. For a start, she
ter and looking pretty while could perhaps order full public
standing next to her man. disclosure of the accounts of all
In this case, Datin Seri these organisations.
Rosmah Mansor has played that
role very well from the time
Najib was deputy prime Terence is deputy editor special
minister. reports & investigations. He is
However, an unexpected reachable at terence@thesun-
burden has also been placed


Case for single

school system
“WHERE being local they are young, there is no
counts” (Nutmeg Verses, alternative but to send them
April 2) offers food for to the same school system.
thought for all peace-loving What happens when
Malaysians. certain interested parties
The statements “Malay- persist on isolating children
sians of different races can based on their races by
be brought together by a demanding that they go to
common ingrained native schools that cater only to
identity” and “this integra- certain races?
tion has grown organically Will these young souls be
with communities naturally able to integrate and develop
evolving together” contain all the desirable virtues to
truths that will help to encourage a sound under-
ensure a united and standing of the different
harmonious Malaysia. races and the need to stay as
Unity is something that one, when they are older?
did not happen by chance As pointed out by the
and at the same time it writer, the residents of
cannot be conveniently Bukit Selambau are able to
forced onto society. mingle freely in this laid-
The unity that Malaysians back Malay majority area
enjoy today should not be because they are able to
taken for granted. strike an understanding by
For the people to stay communicating in the same
united, there must always language. And that I believe,
be understanding, tolerance, will best be achieved if we
caring and sharing among support the proposal for a
citizens. single education system,
How do we continue to failing which we are not
maintain this almost ideal being fair to future
environment? generations of Malaysians.
Since these attributes
should be experienced and Zamri Mahmud
learned by the people while Kuala Lumpur

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