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Universitaire Masterstudie Evidence Based Practice AMC-UvA

Module 2
Epidemiology and Evidence Based Practice: Designs Lecture 6
Probabilistic research II: Studying diagnosis

Universitaire Masterstudie Evidence Based Practice AMC-UvA

Learning objectives Lecture 6

Student can describe and explain the analysis of research studying diagnosis, i.e. sensitivity/specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios, ROC-curves Student can name methodological issues concerning internal and external validity in research studying diagnosis

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1. Intro diagnostics 2. Studying Diagnosis: analysis (sensitivity/specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios, ROC-curves) 3. Studying Diagnosis: methodology (cross-sectional design)

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1. Intro diagnostics

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Probabilistic research
Predictive relation between one or more determinants and one (diagnosis) or more (prognosis) outcomes Descriptive No interest in confounding Data collection reflects practice Prognosis, Diagnosis

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Predicting the presence, type, severity of disease based on patients profile
Individual prediction based on clinical profile Preferably multiple determinants (i.e. tests) Often one outcome Transversal

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Diagnostic reasoning
Descriptive - pattern recognition - hypothesis testing Probabilistic - rational and quantitative - from pre-test to post-test probabilities

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Thomas Bayes (1702-1761)

Estimating probabilities from new data using pre-existing knowledge Bayes theorem:
Post-test probability = Pre-test probability * X

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Clinical decision-making
Will the results of the test move a decision across the test (1) or treatment (2) threshold?
Do not test Do not treat Test and, depending on the results, treat (or not) Do not test, but treat now!

pre-test probability

Multistage, multidimensional diagnostic process


Patient Outcomes

Presenting symptoms

History & Examination

Further Testing 1

Further Testing 2

No therapy

Patient Outcomes

Cave: focus on single disease

True positives [p*seA]


risk reduction as observed in trial + risk side effects risk side effects, no treatment effect

False positives [(1-p)*(1-specA)] Test A False negatives [p*(1-seA)] True negatives [(1-p)*spA]


No Treat risk untreated No Treat none

Test A or B?

True positives [p*seB] False positives [(1-p)*(1-specB)] Test B False negatives [p*(1-seB)] p = prevalence se = sensitivity sp = specificity


risk reduction as observed in trial + risk side effects risk side effects, no treatment effect


No Treat risk untreated

True negatives [(1-p)*spB]

No Treat none

Sutton et al. Integration of meta-analysis and economic decision modelling for evaluating tests. MDM 2008

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1. Classical diagnostic thinking

Uni- or multivariable approach:
probability of disease being present given clinical profile one or multiple pieces of information estimate independent contribution (weight) uni- or multivariable analysis clinical decision rules Goal: better prediction/discrimination

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Tests can be
history physical examination blood tests imaging procedures questionnaires etcetera

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Studying Diagnosis: analysis


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Diagnostic accuracy
The extent to which the test results reflect the true state The ability of a test to discriminate among patients with and without the suspected disease

How accurate is the test?

Reference test
Patient t n ie t a P la m r o N
TP True Positive

FP False Positive Threshold

t s e t x e d n I

FN False Negative

TN True Negative

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Basic design
Patients with a suspected disease

Index test Reference test (gold standard) Compare test results


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Clinical problem

Patient with chest pain suggestive for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) Does this patient have an AMI?


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Clinical problem
Diagnostic value of creatine kinase (CK) measurement Does CK measurement distinguish between those with and without myocardial infarction?


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Anatomy of the study

Target population: patients with chest pain Index test: CK measurement Target condition: acute myocardial infarction Final diagnosis based on WHO criteria (reference standard):
clinical outcome ECG-changes enzym values autopsy

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Our example

Patients with chest pain CK measurement WHO criteria for AMI Cross-classification

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Results of CK study
AMI Present high (>80) low 215 ab cd 15 230 114 130 129 360

Absent 16 231


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Measures of accuracy
sensitivity 215 / 230 = 93% < Pr(T+|D+) > specificity 114 / 130 = 88% < Pr(T-|D-) >
AMI Present high (>80) low 215 15 230 Absent 16 114 130 231 129 360


Cut-off value

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Accuracy: Sens/Spec
dichotomous test outcomes depend on cut-off value (trade-off; FP/FN) independent of disease prevalence Se/Sp of a single test may vary widely across studies Se/Sp: from disease status to test result (testing the test)

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Measures of accuracy
PPV 215 / 231 = 93% < Pr(D+|T+) > NPV 114 / 129 = 88% < Pr(D-|T-) >
AMI Present high (>80) low 215 15 230 Absent 16 114 130 231 129 360


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Prevalence: percentage of patients with the target disorder at a certain point in time
formula: (TP + FN) / N
reference positive index test positive negative TP FN TP+FN / standard negative FP TN FP+TN TP+FP FN+TN N

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Effect of prevalence on measures of outcome

D-dimer test in GP practice (low prevalence DVT) D-dimer test in academic hospital (high prevalence DVT)

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High prevalence
DVT D-dimer positive negative 215 15 230 no DVT 16 114 130 231 129 360

prevalence = 230 / 360 = 64% Sens = 215 / 230 = 0.93 Spec = 114 / 130 = 0.88 PPV = 215 / 231 = 0.93 NPV = 114 / 129 = 0.88

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Low prevalence
DVT D-dimer positive negative 215 15 230 no DVT 248 1822 2070 463 1837 2300

prevalence = 230 / 2300 = 10% Sens = 215 / 230 = 0.93 Spec = 1822 / 2070 = 0.88 PPV = 215 / 463 = 0.46 NPV = 1822 / 1837 = 0.99

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Accuracy: PVs
post-test probabilities dichotomous test outcomes depend on Se/Sp dependent upon prevalence PVs: from test result to disease status (testing the patient)

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Estimating post-test probabilities

Unknown prevalence:
- SpPin/SnNout

Known prevalence:
- directly use PVs (similar prevalence) - calculate PVs using Se/Sp (prevalence not similar) - use likelihood ratios (LR +/-)


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Unknown prevalence: ruling out the target disorder

If a test has a sufficiently high Sensitivity, a Negative result rules out the target disorder the rule of SnNout low FN rate

e.g. breast cancer screening



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Unknown prevalence: ruling in the target disorder

If a test has a sufficiently high Specificity, a Positive result rules in the target disorder the rule of SpPin low FP rate



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Likelihood ratios
Direct link from pre-test probabilities to post-test probabilities Applicable in situations with more than two test outcomes


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Likelihood ratios
Summarize predictive power of a test result in a single measure Likelihood ratio of a positive and negative test result How more often a positive test result occurs in persons with compared to those without the target condition

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Positive likelihood ratio

Likelihood ratio of a positive test result

How more likely a positive test result is in persons with the target condition compared to those without the target condition

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Positive likelihood ratio

LR + = Pr(T + | D +) 215 / 230 = = 7.6 Pr(T + | D ) 16 / 130
AMI Present high (>80) low 215 15 230 Absent 16 114 130 231 129 360


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Negative likelihood ratio

Likelihood ratio of a negative test result

How less likely a negative test result is in persons with the target condition compared to those without the target condition

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Negative likelihood ratio

LR = Pr(T | D +) 15 / 230 = = 0.07 Pr(T | D ) 114 / 130
AMI Present high (>80) low 215 15 230 Absent 16 114 130 231 129 360


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93% LR+ = 7.6



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Advantages of likelihood ratios

Relatively stable (function of Se/Sp) Still useful when there are more than two test outcomes


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CK is a continuous measurement
Dichotomisation of CK (high vs low) means loss of information Higher values of CK are more indicative of myocardial infarction


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Results of CK study
MI CK 280 80-279 40-79 1 - 39 Total Present 97 118 13 2 230 Absent 1 15 26 88 130 Total 98 133 39 90 360

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Likelihood ratios
Stratum-specific likelihood ratios in case of more than two test results
Pr(T = x | D +) Pr(T = x | D )

LR (T = x ) =


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Stratum-specific likelihood ratios

LR (CK 280) = Pr(CK 280 | D +) 97 / 230 = = 54.8 Pr(CK 280 | D ) 1 / 130
MI CK 280 80-279 40-79 1 - 39 Total Present 97 118 13 2 230 Absent 1 15 26 88 130

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Stratum-specific likelihood ratios

MI CK 280 80-279 40-79 1 - 39 Total Present 97 118 13 2 230 Absent 1 15 26 88 130 LR 54.83 4.45 0.28 0.01 360

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Bayes rule

Post-test odds for disease = Pre-test odds for disease * Likelihood ratio


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Bayes rule
odds = probability / (1 probability)

Odds( D + ) =

Pr( D + ) 1 Pr( D +)

probability = odds / (1 + odds)

Pr ( D +) =

Odds( D + ) 1 + Odds( D + )

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Bayes rule: patient with CK between 80-279

Pre-test probability = 0.5 Pre-test odds = 0.5 / (1-0.5) = 1 LR(CK 80-279) = 4.45 Post-test odds = 1 * 4.45 = 4.45 Post-test probability = 4.45 / (1+4.45) = 0.82

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Bayes rule: patient with CK lower than 40

Pre-test probability = 0.5 Pre-test odds = 0.5 / (1-0.5) = 1 LR(CK < 40) = 0.013 Post-test odds = 1 * 0.013 = 0.013 Post-test probability = 0.013 / (1+0.013) = 0.013

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Probability of MI after CK
Pre-test prob. CK 280 80 - 279 40-79 1-39 LR 50% Post test prob. 54.83 4.45 0.28 0.013 98% 82% 22% 1%

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Probability of MI after CK
Pre-test prob. CK LR 5% 50% Post test prob. 280 80 - 279 40-79 1-39 54.83 4.45 0.28 0.013 74% 19% 1% 0% 98% 82% 22% 1%

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Classification of LR values
>10 and <0.1: large and conclusive changes 5-10 and 0.1-0.2: moderate 2-5 and 0.5-0.2: small (but sometimes important) 1-2 and 0.5-1: small (and rarely important)


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ROC stands for Receiver Operating Characteristic ROC-curve shows the pairs of sensitivity and specificity that correspond to various cut-off points for the continuous test result


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Cut-off value

MI absent



FP CK measurement

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Cut-off value

MI absent




CK measurement


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Change in cut-off value

MI absent

MI present

FP Spec

CK measurement


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Change in cut-off value

MI absent

MI present

FN Sens

CK measurement


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Change in cut-off value and effect on Se/Sp

Cut-off 9999 280 80 40 1 Sensitivity 0.0% 42.2% 93.5% 99.1% 100.0% Specificity 100.0% 99.2% 87.7% 67.7% 0.0%

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ROC-curve CK
100% 80% Sensitivity 60% 40% 20% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 1-specificity 80% 100%

Cut-off: 80

Cut-off: 280

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AUC 0.91


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Shows the effect of different cut-off values on sensitivity and specificity Better tests have curves that lie closer to the upper left corner Area Under the ROC-Curve (AUC) is a single measure of test performance (0-1, higher is better)

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So far,
Accuracy: how close to the true state? - measures of prediction (Se/Sp, PVs, LRs) Accuracy: distinguishing between patients - measures of discrimination (DOR, ROC with AUC)


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Studying Diagnosis: methodology


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Basic design
Patients with a suspected disease

Index test Reference test (gold standard) Compare test results


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Whiting P et al. Ann Intern Med 2004;140:189-202

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2. More modern diagnostic thinking

Determine the most likely role and position of a new test within the test-treatment pathway relative to current practice
- replacement, add-on, triage

Compare differences in:

- test safety etc. - Se/Sp - treated population - management following positive (TP/FP) and negative (TN/FN) test results - treatment effects - patient outcomes

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Roles of tests and positions in existing diagnostic pathways

Bossuyt et al. BMJ 2006;332:1089-92

Copyright 2006 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.


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Test evaluation research


Van den Bruel et al. J Clin Epidemiol 2007;60:1116-22

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Further reading
Knottnerus JA, Buntinx F (Ed.). The evidence base of clinical diagnosis. Theory and methods of diagnostic research, 2e edition. Blackwell Publishing, 2009

Newman TB, Kohn MA. Evidence-based diagnosis. Cambridge University Press, 2009

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