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ICTJ In Focus 29

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ICTJ In Focus 29
May 2013

In Focus
ICTJ Program Report: Reparative Justice
Reparations seek to recognize and address the harms suffered by victims of systematic human rights violations. ICTJs Reparative Justice program provides knowledge and comparative experience on reparations to victims' groups, civil society and policymakers worldwide. In this edition of the ICTJ Program Report, we look at ICTJ's work on reparations in dynamic transitional contexts such as Nepal, Colombia, Peru, DRC, and Uganda.
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ICTJ: Conviction of Ros Montt on Genocide a Victory for Justice in Guatemala, and Everywhere The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) welcomes todays verdict in Guatemala by the High Risk Court in the trial of former military dictator Jos Efrain Ros Montt. The 86-year-old ex-general was convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity against the indigenous Mayan Ixil population during Guatemalas Civil War. He was sentenced to a total of 80 years in prison. Jos Mauricio Rodrguez Snchez, the co-accused, who headed military intelligence under Ros Montt, was found innocent.

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ICTJ In Focus 29

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In Negotiation of Womens Rights after Revolution, MENA Activists Take Lessons from Tunisia An ICTJ immersion course brought together women from Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Libya to closely observe Tunisias emerging experience in transitional justice, including the ways in which issues of gender-based violence and the experiences of women are being addressed.

United States Must Ensure Accountability for War on Terror Abuses In this new opinion piece, ICTJ President David Tolbert says the United States has publicly lauded the rule of law as it applies to other countries and offered significant financial and political support to torture victims of foreign regimes; yet it has failed to acknowledge or address its obligation to victims of its own detention policies. To regain its credibility in the eyes of the world, the US government must take steps to acknowledge and address past violations and provide redress to victims of US-sanctioned abuses.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: In Historic Act, Youth Activists Bridge Ethnic Divide to Honor Victims of All Ethnicities In an unprecedented act of unity, youth activists from across Bosnia and Herzegovina united to visit sites of former detention camps and pay respect to victims from all ethnic groups and sides of the conflict. Some 50 activists of the initiative Because It Matters from Prijedor, Banja Luka, Mostar, Tuzla, Sarajevo, Ljubuski, Gradiska, Konjic and other cities visited locations in Hadzici, Celebici, Jablanica, and Dretelj, where crimes were committed against civilians of Bosniak, Serb, and Croat ethnicities.

Prosecuting International and Other Serious Crimes in Kenya
This briefing paper focuses on the topic of prosecuting international and other serious crimes in Kenya, including crimes committed in the context of the postelection crisis of late 2007 and early 2008. In particular, it identifies and analyzes obstacles and opportunities for such prosecutions within current legal and

Upcoming Events
July 08 - 12, 2013

Human Rights FactFinding, Evidence and International Crimes

Location: The Hague, Netherlands View Details

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ICTJ In Focus 29

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institutional frameworks.
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September 09 - 13, 2013

Truth Seeking: Elements of Creating an Effective Truth Commission

This publication provides an overview of the essential best practices guiding the main aspects of a truth commission, answering basic questions relating to its goals, powers, operations, framework, protections for commissioners and witnesses, and reporting.
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Economic and Social Dimensions of Transitional Justice: ETJN 2013 Summer School
Location: University of Essex View Details

September 30 - October 04, 2013

5th Intensive Course on Truth Commissions

Location: Barcelona, Spain View Details

A Bitter Legacy: Lessons of De-Baathification in Iraq

Based on significant field research and interviews with the Higher National de-Baathification Commission, this report focuses on Iraqs purge of members of Saddam Husseins Baath Party, which is the most well-known example of large-scale and politically based dismissals in the Middle East and North Africa. The report summarizes the structure and impact of deBaathification from 2003 to 2011.
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