Naga Bhut Jolokia

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Naga Jolokia,Bhut Jolokia Hot

Peppers and Me
The best spice in the world is Naga/Bhut Jolokia pepper. which has devilish red beauty, a heady
aroma which is fatally attractive, a bite like a King Cobra that sends searing heat and pumps
warmth through your whole body. Hot chilli peppers of any other kind are my second choice. And
me...well, I am a sucker for Hot chilli peppers of any kind. "This blog will contain stories of my
love for spices, hot Indian sauces and the hottest of chillies....The King Naga Jolokia and such"
Naga Jolokia

"O God !! Give me Chillies or Give Me Death"

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S U N D AY, M A R C H 2 2 , 2 0 0 9
UNIQUE RECIPE.......I love the style
Gary's Salsa Godzilla Brand Habañero Sauce
Version 1.3(makes enough to alienate all your friends twice)

1/4 Oz. Dried habañero chiles. (This is the size package common in stores)
1/2 Tsp onion powder or the white section of one green onion.
3-4 Medium garlic cloves
1/4 Tsp sea salt
5 oz. Distilled water
1 Dozen strike anywhere kitchen matches.
1 #4 Grappling style fish hook.
1/2 Cup battery acid
1 Matchlite charcoal briquette.
1 G.E. Laundry iron.
1 1/2" X 4" Machine bolt.

Plug in the iron and turn it to the steam setting. Use a kitchen match to ignite the briquette, put
the match out on the tip of your tongue. Remove the stems from the chilies and toss the chilies
into a blender. Light the remaining kitchen matches on your teeth, putting them out as before.
Add the garlic, onion, sea salt and water to the blender. Do your doggone best to swallow the
fishhook. Set the Blender to frappé and fire that mother up. Gargle 1/2 cup battery acid but
don't swallow any cause we don't want none of that macho crap here. Stop often to scrape the
sides of the blender with a rubber spatula. Use the charcoal briquette to heat up the bolt to a
cheerful cherry red then pick the red hot bolt up with your lips. You need to blend the
ingredients in the blender for four or five minutes, until the chiles are completely liquefied. You
can take this opportunity to see if the iron is ready by firmly pressing the flat of your tongue to
it. Turn off the blender and pour the liquid into a small bottle. Extinguish the charcoal briquette
by smothering it in your mouth. Turn off the iron. Refrigerate the habañero sauce between
usage, and when you use this stuff, please try not to get any of it in your mouth!!

OK OK the REAL Directions:

Add the ingredients to a blender and blend on medium until smooth. Stop the blender
occasionally and push down the chili sauce that has been splashed onto the side of the
blender carafe with a spatula. This will probably take about 5 minutes. When fully blended,
remove the carafe and hold it between your hands. Swirl the contents against the side of the
container to remove all the bubbles. That's all there is to it!
Put this into one of those 5 ounce bottles of store bought pepper sauce such as Tapatio hot
sauce. It has a plastic stoppered mouth with a small shaker hole that is a great way to apply
this sauce to your food. Just pour the store bought swill down the drain and wash the bottle
out. You can reuse the same bottle for years. You should have some room left in the bottle,
top it off with more distilled water. If the sauce is too thick once chilled, add more distilled
water when there is room. Once mixed, keep the bottle of sauce refrigerated between uses.
Shake before using.
Double the recipe and put it into a 10 oz. bottle if you are insane like me.
I loved the presentation so much that even without getting the permission to re
publish, I posted this recipe on my blog.Thanks Gary for your sense of humor
and the recipe.
Naga Jolokia Addict
Posted by Hemant Trivedi at 7:58 AM 0 comments
S AT U R D AY, M A R C H 1 4 , 2 0 0 9

‘Chilli girl’ Anandita makes it to Shabash India

By A Staff Reporter GUWAHATI, Aug 2 –
When, as a five-year-old, she used some mild chilli preparations to cure a disorder of the
tongue, little did she know that it would one day catapult her to fame and stardom. Anandita
Dutta Tamuly’s claim to fame rests on this rather scary knack of relishing red-hot chillis in
their dozens – the very thought of which is enough to make most of us go weak on our
knees. Her love affair with chillis is not just confined to munching mouthfuls of Naga/Bhoot
jalakia – the hottest known variety – but also smearing her eyes with its juice. Just back
from the shooting of Zee TV’s Shabash India, which features extraordinary and bizarre feats
by Indians, Anandita, a mother of a toddler, gave ample demonstration of her remarkable
exploits before a jam-packed audience at the Swahid Nyas Bhavan today. She finished some
40 chillis in no time at all – and without the least indication of any discomfort. And followed
it up by applying some more to her eyes, drawing a thunderous applause from the wide-eyed
onlookers. For the Shabash India episode, which is scheduled for telecast at 10-30 pm on
August 29, Anandita gobbled up a record-shattering 60 red-hot chillis in just a couple of
minutes besides applying another dozen to her eyes in one minute. “The support and
encouragement from my family, friends and well-wishers apart, I am thankful to the people
of the State for giving me the motivation to take part in the programme and establish the
record,” a modest Anandita said. Her next goal is the Guinness record, the ultimate
aspiration of all record-setters. “After we had contacted the Guinness authorities, they
asked me to give a demonstration of my abilities in the Guinness headquarters in London.
However, financial constraints have affected my plan to perform there, as the whole
exercise involves substantial expenditures. But with the blessings of the people and support
from committed organisations, I do hope to set a mark at Guinness in the near future,”
Anandita said. On her uncanny appetite for chillis, Anandita said that it began when she took
some preparations made of chill to cure a sore on the tongue. “I was about five or six then,
and after that incident I developed this unusual taste for eating chillis. Gradually I realized
that I could eat even the hottest of chillis in great numbers,” she said.Did this practice ever
affect her health, particularly her digestive system? “No, rather I can say that I have never
experienced any stomach-related problems, and my overall health, too, is quite sound,”
Anandita said. Before the demonstration, Anandita was accorded a warm felicitation by the
All Assam Students Union (AASU) and Marwari Yuva Manch. Also present were a number of
distinguished citizens including musician Ramen Baruah, veteran sports organiser Pulin Das
and Khanindra Das, a leader of the Assam agitation besides Pankaj Tamuly, Anandita’s
husband. Lauding her, AASU adviser Dr Samujjal Bhattacharya said Anandita was doing her
motherland proud by her extraordinary feat. “The AASU will always be with her so that she
can bring more glory for the State and the country,” he said.Anandita may very well become
the first person from the State to etch her name in the famed Guinness Book of World
Records, provided she gets the necessary support. People feel that the State Government
and various social organizations should lend a helping hand to this young achiever in
realizing her ultimate goal.


Hot chillies can help mitigate pain
25 Feb 2009, 1858 hrs IST, ANI
WASHINGTON: Capsaicin, the active agent in spicy hot chili peppers, often acts as an irritant,
but it may also be used to reduce pain.
Feng Qin, associate professor of physiology and biophysics at the University at Buffalo School
of Medicine, and Jing Yao used capsaicin to unravel how pain-receptor systems can adapt to
painful stimuli. For example, adaptation happens when your eyes adjust from a dark movie
theatre during a matinee to the bright sunlight outside. Whether pain receptors truly adapt
or rescale their responses (versus simply desensitising) has been an open question. Scientists
had previously linked the analgesic or pain-relieving effects of capsaicin to a lipid called
PIP2, found in cell membranes. When capsaicin is applied to the skin it induces a strong
depletion of PIP2 in the cell membrane. "The receptor acts like a gate to the neurons," said
Qin. "When stimulated it opens, letting outside calcium enter the cells until the receptor
shuts down, a process called desensitisation." "The analgesic action of capsaicin is believed
to involve this desensitization process. However, how the entry of calcium leads to the loss
of sensitivity of the neurons was not clear," he said, according to a Buffalo release. Capsaicin
creams are commonly sold over the counter as effective treatment for a variety of pain
syndromes, from minor muscle or joint aches to those that are very difficult to treat, such as
arthritis and neuropathic pain

Great Brown Bears Love Hot Pepper smell

Some have heard that bear spray actually attracts
Who would want to use something that does that?
I was under the impression that no mammal except humans like and love Chili Peppers in
spite of its fiery nature. Just the day before , I posted something on these lines about
Elephant's dislike for peppr smell.
I may be wrong about "All Mammals" . I was watching a documentry about Alaska today
morning when a scientist was seen preparing his pepper spray canister to ward off bears. On
researching more on line, I discovered a first person account by a knowledgable Bearologist
(If I can call Tom Smith a scientist stationed at Anchorage Alsaka.) which informs a dummy
like me that Bears actually were seen wallowing in the Hot pepper sprayed part of the earth
even after five days.!! Is it because they associate heat of Hot peppers with the female heat
or do they increase their chances of mating with the Pepper perfume?
We may never know the truth.
How touching !! (Pun Intended). Read a complete account here by Dr. Tom Smith PhD
Q: Who would want to use pepper spray if it attracts bears?
A: I published a paper in 1998 in the Wildlife Society Bulletin (Vol. 26: 92-94) demonstrating
that some Alaskan brown bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) were attracted to bear pepper spray
residues. I decided to conduct this work after I’d observed a bear vigorously rolling in
pepper spray residues put down by a person who had hoped that the spray would repel bears
from his floatplane tied to the beach. It hadn’t worked and his neoprene float covers were
damaged. Now here I was watching a bear vigorously scent rub in the orangish stain on the
beach. “What if this stuff actually attracted bears?” I began to worry, but not whether or not
the spray worked as a bear deterrent but rather regarding their interest in residues on
objects regardless of how they got there. I reflected on the fact that only days before I had
shown a new field assistant how to use pepper spray... by discharging it just outside my field
camp perimeter. It never occurred to me that the residue might prove troublesome. What if
this residue actually attracted bears? Considering this further, I knew of people who had
applied pepper spray to objects in the hopes of repelling bears from them. I even knew of a
PhD bear research scientist who lectured on bear safety and had suggested that spray could
be used in this manner to protect items that couldn’t be otherwise protected from curious
bears. I felt I needed to further investigate because property and people could possibly be
injured by this misuse of the product.

For this research I sprayed red pepper spray directly onto the ground then sat back and
observed bears' reactions to it. Many bears were clearly attracted to spray residues, some
vigorously head rubbing, back rolling, pawing and eating the soils tainted with spray. I also
observed somebears responding to these sites for up to a 5 days after spray application. So
not only were they attracted to it but for some time after it had been dispensed. So I
published a short note hoping to warn others of the potential dangers associated with misuse
of the product.
Some persons have concluded that because pepper spray was shown to elicit and hold a
bear’s interest is ought not be used as a deterrent. Does this make any sense? Of course not.
All it means is that these sprays should only be used as intended by their manufacturers:
directly into the face of an aggressive bear. Other uses, such as applying it to objects in the
hopes that the spray might have some sort of repellent effect would be an outright waste of
the product, and given my findings, potentially dangerous. Even after noting that some red
pepper spray deterrents have this attractive quality about them, I never questioned their
use or effectiveness. I carry theses products in bear country, my field assistants carry them
and they are effective.
Elephants and Bhut Jolokia are No Friends

One mammal that is highly allergic to Hotness of Chilli peppers is also the biggest land
dwelling mammal. It also holds the record of having longest nose and also longest memory.
Yes, I am taling of MIGHTY ELEPHANTS.
Elephants are fearless animals and they stand their ground against any other animal of prey
but when they come across Bhut Jolokia or other hot chili peppers, they raise their tails and
run away as far as they can.
This fact was first discovered in Assam in India and quickly adopted by Africa and other
countries people to ward of marauding hoards of elephants that destroyed crops and
Read the following stories from India and Africa.
Assam elephants are in for chilli shock
Rahul Karmakar, Hindustan TimesEmail AuthorGuwahati, November 14, 2007First Published:
00:27 IST(14/11/2007)
ELECTRIC FENCING has hardly proved a shocker for Assam's marauding elephants, so
authorities have turned to a cheaper and hotter option. They are erecting rope fences
dipped in chilli powder around paddy fields and plantations to reduce man-elephant
The state Forest Department, in collaboration with WWF-India, has begun hot fencing using
Bhot Jolokia in Balipara area of Sonitpur district. Bhot is the local term for anything of
Bhutanese origin and Jolokia is the world's hottest chilli measuring 1,001,304 Scoville heat
units nearly twice as hot as the Red Savina pepper it replaced in the record books in
We have begun work on this chilli-smeared rope fencing, Forest Minister Rockybul Hussain
told the Assembly on Tuesday. These chillies are too hot even for the elephants, and we are
banking on the success of this experiment to check man-animal conflicts.

Now we go to Africa for a similar story.

'Chilli brick' keeps elephants away
By Ed Stoddard
It has spiced up many a meal, but now the fiery chilli pepper is being used to cool an ancient
feud between farmers and wild elephants in Africa.
In the Zambezi valley in southern Zambia, small-scale farmers are growing chilli peppers as a
deterrent against elephants that raid their crops – and marketing the end result as an eco-
friendly product.
“Elephants simply don't like the smell of chilli,” said Nina Gibson, project co-ordinator for
the Elephant Pepper Development Trust.
'Elephants simply don't like the smell of chilli' The deterrents used are simpler to make than
many chilli recipes, but probably have more kick.
“The farmers crush the chillies they grow and mix them with old engine oil. They smear that
paste onto a simple string fence around their field, protecting their crops,” said Gibson.
Another approach involves mixing crushed, dried chillies with animal dung into a “chilli
These are burnt at night, carrying an extremely noxious smoke that will repel even the most
ravenous pachyderm.
“Electric fences are clearly not an option for a small-scale farmer because of the costs, so
they have to use other means to keep the elephants out,” said Gibson.
An extremely noxious smoke that will repel even the most ravenous pachyderm Eighty
farmers are involved in the Zambezi Valley chilli project and they have an added incentive
to grow the hot peppers – they can tap into the growing market of discerning consumers who
want to buy “green products” that do not damage the environment.
From Kenya to Namibia, elephants and farmers are coming into closer contact as growing
populations put pressure on land.
The animals can wipe out the annual harvests of entire villages with devastating
consequences for the rural poor who often live on a knife-edge of survival.
Farmers crack whips, burn fires and beat drums to keep the animals out, but guarding their
crops at night is dangerous, saps productivity and can leave them open to diseases like
Last month, Kenya began a massive operation to move 400 elephants from a crowded
reserve on its Indian Ocean coast to protect the environment and reduce conflict with local
Elephants from Botswana sometimes thunder across the border into Namibia, trampling
crops and sometimes even children.
“Human/wildlife conflicts are becoming more acute in Africa,” said Graeme Patterson of the
World Conservation Society, which is based in the United States, one of the project's
“Our belief is that unless you can resolve these conflicts, farmers will take things into their
own hands. It's negative for people and wildlife,” he said.
The World Conservation Union – a body whose estimates on animal populations are among
the most authoritative – said in June that elephant numbers in eastern and southern Africa
were rising.
It said surveys showed elephant numbers in the two regions rose to 355 000 from 283 000 in
the five years to 2002 – a growth rate of about 4,5 percent per year.
But human populations are also growing rapidly, stoking conflict with big animals and raising
the stakes in the game to dangerous levels.

The Elephant Pepper Development Trust says farmers have resettled the Zambezi valley in
large numbers in the last 20 years because of pressure on land elsewhere and they have
found themselves competing with thousands of elephants.
Its chilli project aims to ease the tension, but the spin-off crops could also prove lucrative.

Three products have been launched under the label “Elephant Pepper” and have hit the
shelves in South Africa, where the chillies grown in Zambezi are processed.
“Zambezi Red” is a sauce that claims to be “as hot as the valley from whence it comes”. A
chilli jam and a chilli relish are also produced under the label. To drive the point home the
labels proudly proclaim that “Elephants hate chilli”.
Turnover since March has only been around R250 000 but it is a start.
First tested in northern Zimbabwe, chilli deterrents are also used in Kenya, Sri Lanka, Laos
and Thailand.
“We see a whole range of wildlife friendly products based on the concept that certain crops
may be useful as barriers between humans and wildlife,” Patterson said.
Conservationists say the project is an innovative way to help subsistence farmers find
markets for their cash crops while bringing some lasting peace between man and beast.

CHILLI...One spice, Many usages

CHILLIES...Spice, magic, supernatural powers, Myths and so on

Bolivian Lady...We thank Bolivia for gifting chili pepper to the world

Chili Pepper Traditions:

The Indians of the Cuna Islands off Panama tow chili peppers behind their boats to ward off
The Tarahumara Indians of Sonora, Mexico use the tiny chiltepins in curing ceremonies--not
to rid someone of a current affliction, but to prevent maladies as a result of future
witchcraft. Such witchcraft is caused by a sukurame sorcerer who uses a special bird called a
disagiki as a pathogenic agent to transmit illness.
The sorcerer is the only one who can see the bird, which is no bigger than a finger tip but
lives on meat and tortillas. It flies into houses crying ‘Sht! Sht!’ and then eats your food or
defecates on you.
The only way to prevent its coming is to throw some Chiltepins into the air and eat some
yourself. because the disagiki bird cannot stand chiles. This is where the common name of
Bird Pepper comes from.
In Mexico the people are very fond of hot peppers. Their bodies get so thoroughly saturated
with it, that if one of them happens to die on the prairie the vultures will not touch the body
on account of its being so impregnated with the capsicum.
In the Ozarks and deep South of the United States, an African-American legend holds that in
order for peppers to grow out and be hot, you have to be very angry when you plant them.
The best peppers are said to be planted by a lunatic.
Chillies are one of the ingredients in the arrow poison of indigenous Bajak tribesmen of
One of the commonest household uses of chile peppers in cultures all over the world is
burning them as a fumigant for vermin ranging from bedbugs to rats. Since fumigation in
ancient times was also believed to be protection against vampires and werewolves, we have
a good introduction to the concept of the magical powers of peppers.
Chili Pepper Magic: To keep your mate faithful, buy two large, dried chili peppers, and tie
them together with a red (passion) or pink (affection) ribbon. Place this beneath your pillow.
It may also be added to love powders for lust.
Scattered around house, the acrid chili pepper is used to break spells. Because of its “bite,”
chili pepper is also used to ‘curse’ others.



Equestrians suspended for chili pepper misuse

In a story that's straight out of this Monty Python skit, four equestrians have been suspended
from Olympic show jumping for treating their horses with a banned derivative of chili
Combinations of horses and riders from Brazil, Germany, Ireland and Norway were all
suspended after initial tests showed the presence of capsaicin, which is widely used in
topical ointments for the treatment of minor horse injuries. The substance is banned at the
Olympics because it can also serve as a mild stimulant.
The banned rider Tony Andre Hansen and his horse, Camiro, were part of the Norwegian
show jumping team that captured a bronze medal on Monday. The Fédération Equestre
International, the sport’s international governing body, deferred a decision on whether to
revoke the bronze medal until after final test results were confirmed.

Naga Jolokia Addict-----

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