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TEDxYouth@ISP Student Organization Team Application November 2013 Part I: Basic Information Name: Current grade: E-mail address:

Extra curricular activities involved: Part II: Questions Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. How did you get to know TED or TEDx? 2. Why do you want to get involved in TEDxYouth@ISP? 3. What skills do you have that would make you qualified for the position? Part III: Position Interest
Please read the descriptions of the positions below and then determine where you believe you might best fit.
Speakers List (9 members) Responsibility: Members are responsible for finding talented speakers with stories to tell, who can potentially participate in the event as speakers. Members must be present on the days of try-outs for the speakers/performers. Their opinions and thoughts about the applicants are crucial to the process of selection. Once the speakers are selected, each speaker will be assigned to a member of this group. They will be responsible for helping them prepare for their presentations before and during the event. Pamphlets and Setting Preparation (4 members) Responsibility: Members are responsible for designing and printing pamphlets that will be used during the event. It must contain background information regarding TED conferences, TEDx events, and the speakers of the event. In addition, they are responsible for the setting preparation. Websites (3 members) Responsibility: Members are responsible for the making of the website. They must thoroughly read and adhere to the rules and regulations of TEDx websites. They must update news about the preparation of the event, advertise the event on the website, and manage the website. Advertisement and Setting Preparation (4 members) Responsibility: Members are responsible for advertising this event throughout Panama City. This can be done through several methods (website, flyers, ads, and so on). In addition, they are responsible for the setting preparation (including the decorations on stage, preparing microphones, projectors, etc.). Reporter (1 member) Responsibility: This member will be responsible for updating information to the public about the preparation process that is taking place for TEDxYouth@ISP.

List them in your order of preference: 1. 2. 3. Due: May 21, 2013 Thank you for your interest in TEDxYouth@ISP.

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