Career Research

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Career Research

Elizabeth Thompson February 2013 Carter Block 5B

1. Aerospace Engineer 2. An Aerospace engineer will develop new technologies for products that
are related to aviation, defense systems, and space exploration, often specializing in areas like structural design, guidance, navigation and control, instrumentation and communication, or production methods. "They also may specialize in a particular type of aerospace product, such as commercial transports, military fighter jets, helicopters, spacecraft, or missiles and rockets" (Career Cornerstone Center: Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine). Aerospace engineers should be experts in aerodynamics, thermodynamics, celestial mechanics, propulsion, acoustics, guidance and control systems in order to do their job. A bachelor's degree in engineering is required for entry-level engineering jobs. College graduates with a degree in a physical science or mathematics occasionally may qualify for some engineering jobs. (Career Cornerstone Center: Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine). "According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, aerospace engineers hold about 81,000 jobs in the United States. Most aerospace engineers worked in the aerospace product and parts manufacturing industries. Federal Government agencies, primarily the U.S. Department of Defense and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, provided 10 percent of jobs" ("Aerospace Engineer Jobs.") The lowest 10% earned $60,620, and the top 10% earned more than $143,360. ("Aerospace Engineer Jobs.") Different High School and College Careers: mostly different internships at various places that have to do with engineering Stanford University, Princeton University, Clemson University, University of South Carolina ("Best Engineering Schools." )

3. 4.


6. 7. 8.


1. Stanford University- 42660 per year and 3564 tuition 2. Princeton University- 38620 per year and 564 tuition 3. Clemson University- 8932 per year and 1246 tuition 4. University of South Carolina- 11316 per year 535 tuition 5. ("Best Engineering Schools.") 10. For my senior research thesis I could analyze how developing new

models for aerodynamic devices, such as airplane engines and missiles, could improve their efficiencies.

Works Sited
"Career Cornerstone Center: Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine." Career Cornerstone Center: Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. <>. "Aerospace Engineer Jobs." Avjobs Live Job. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. <>. "Best Engineering Schools." Best Engineering School Rankings. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. <>.

Career Research
1. Project Manager
2. A Project Manager is responsible for managing the resources of large projects for businesses and organizations. For Some technical careers, a project manager can be in charge of managing large Software Development projects, Networking projects, or installations and conversions. (Career Profile - Project Manager.) 3. To be a project manager you need to know how to plan and organize projects for a company as well as have a knowledge of what steps will be needed to accomplish the task needed. 4. Project Managers usually have a high school and college degree and several years of experience in their field of expertise. 5. "In Technology Careers, a Project Manager is often promoted from the individual contributor ranks. Most technical companies prefer to hire Project Managers that have worked in a similar technical environment and can appreciate the complexities that are usually involved." (Career Profile - Project Manager.) 6. The starting pay is about $75,396 and the high is about $1,115,000. But the pay can also depend on what type of project you are managing and who you are working for. (Project Manager Salary) 7. A high school or college job you can do to prepare you would be managing a small business. Then create a plan for that business. 8. The University of Texas at Austin, Stanford University, North Carolina State University (Best Project Management Schools: List of Top U.S. Programs) 9. 1. The University of Texas at Austin- Tuition 50,995 2. Stanford University- Tuition 18,498 3. North Carolina State University at Raleigh- Tuition 33,819 4. (Best Project Management Schools: List of Top U.S. Programs) 10. An idea for my senior thesis is that I can find someone hoping to start a small business and help them by managing any of their business projects.

Works Sites
"Career Profile - Project Manager." Tech Careers. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. < htm>. "Project Manager Salary." Project Manager Salaries, Average Salary & Jobs Pay. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. <>. "Best Project Management Schools: List of Top U.S. Programs." Education Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. < ms.html>.

Career Research
1. Advertisement Manager
2. "An Advertising Manager develops, implements, and manages a company's advertising strategy, both from a business, sales and technical perspective (Advertising Manager)." An important part of their job is to negotiate agreements with other sales representatives and sponsors. They are usually responsible for managing groups of advertising sales representatives. 3. Many good Advertising Managers haves variety of skills that include creativity, idea generation, good written expression, oral comprehension, written comprehension, and deductive reasoning. (Advertising Manager) 4. The education needed is a Bachelors degree in college and some previous business experience. 5. An Advertisement Manager is often hired for a company that is in need of advertisement for their products. 6. Advertising managers usually earned a salary anywhere from $45,000 to more than $103,000 each year. Most of this range depends on the experience, and the company you work for. The BLS reported that some advertisement managers get paid more than $127,000 each year. (Amico, Sam. "Advertising Manager Job Description.) 7. Different high school/college jobs that can be done in preparation to this career would be helping Advertisement a new business on the rise or start the Advertisement for a new business. 8. Northwestern University, University of California Berkley, Duke (Marketing and Advertising Schools.) 9. 1. Northwestern University- tuition 43779 2. University of California Berkley- tuition 35732 3. Duke University- tuition 43623 4. (Marketing and Advertising Schools.) 10. For my senior thesis project I could find someone looking to start a small business and then help advertise their business.

Works Sited
"Advertising Manager." Marketing. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. < >. Amico, Sam. "Advertising Manager Job Description." EHow. Demand Media, 27 Mar. 2010. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. <>. "Marketing and Advertising Schools." Marketing and Advertising Colleges. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. <>.

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