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Special Industrial Tariff

Eligible industrial consumers can apply for the Special Industrial Tariff (SIT) to enjoy lower rates. Customers stand to save as much as follows:

Tariff D - 6% Tariff E1 - 7% Tariff E2 - 10% Tariff E3 - 12%

Who Is Eligible

Industrial customers under tariff categories D, E1, E2 and E3 who have been in business for at least a year Industrial customers whose total annual electricity cost is 5% or more of the total annual cost of its operations The computation of the 5% threshold shall be as follows: Total annual electricity bill (energy and maximum demand charges) x 100% Total company's annual audited cost of its operations

Total company annual audited cost of its operations includes but is not limited to: Operating costs (which include cost of goods sold, cost of production, depreciation, exceptional items, etc.) Foreign exchange

Share of results of associates (if applicable) Finance cost Extraordinary items

Required Documents

The Appendix 1 form, duly audited by external auditors of the company (the form can be obtained from the Consumer and Marketing Services Department, Wisma TNBD Jalan Timur) Latest audited financial report, duly stamped by a Commissioner of Oaths Copy of electricity bill for 12 months (by financial year)

The special industrial tariff will be applied beginning one month after all required documents

have been received, and ends during the customer's financial year-end.

The Special Industrial Tariff Committee convenes every month to decide on an applicants eligibility to the tariff. Therefore you may check the status of your application within a period of less than a month. If your application is successful, you will be asked to sign a supplementary electricity supply contract within 14 working days after receiving a notification letter from TNB.

Sunday Tariff Rider

The Sunday Tariff Rider (STR) scheme is offered to all medium- or high-voltage industrial customers. These are:

Medium Voltage General Industrial Tariff E1 Medium Voltage General Special Industrial Tariff E1s Medium Voltage Peak/Off-Peak Industrial Tariff E2 Medium Voltage Peak/Off-Peak Special Industrial Tariff E2s High Voltage Peak/Off-Peak Industrial Tariff E3 High Voltage Peak/Off-Peak Special Industrial Tariff E3s

Customers enrolled in the STR scheme will still pay the same rates on electricity usage as their current tariff; however Maximum Demand charges are not applied to any electricity usage on Sundays.

How This Affects Your Business

Since no Maximum Demand charges will be applied on Sundays, you should reschedule your operations to increase production or to extend your operating hours on Sundays. This will add more savings to your monthly electricity bill.

You are eligible to enroll in the STR scheme if:

You are an existing TNB customer under the E1, E1s, E2, E2s, E3, or E3s tariff. You do not have an outstanding amount not more than the total deposit/bank guarantee paid. Otherwise this outstanding amount must be settled before your application can be considered.

Additional Requirements

To enjoy the STR scheme, your electromechanical meter must be replaced with an electronic meter. You will be charged a fee for this meter replacement. If you are already using electronic meter, you will only need to pay the meter reprogramming charge. You will also need to sign a supplementary supply contract.

Current Tariff for Industrial

TARIFF CATEGORY 1. Tariff E1 - Medium Voltage General Industrial Tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month For all kWh The minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 Tariff E1s Special Industrial Tariff (for consumers who qualify only) For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month For all kWh The minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 2. Tariff E2 - Medium Voltage Peak/Off-Peak Industrial Tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period For all kWh during the peak period For all kWh during the off-peak period The minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 Tariff E2s Special Industrial Tariff (for consumers who qualify only) For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period For all kWh during the peak period For all kWh during the off-peak period RM/kW sen/kWh sen/kWh 27.7 28.3 16.1 RM/kW sen/kWh sen/kWh 31.7 30.4 18.7 RM/kW sen/kWh 19.9 28.3 RM/kW sen/kWh 25.3 28.8 UNIT RATES

The minimum monthly charge is RM600.00

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