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A Discussion Framework
Positioning Mayor Michael L. Rama for Re-election March 2012 to May 15, 2013

Status of perception and preferences if balloting is held March 2, 2012

Contested Sectors Across Age Brackets Services 41-60 Industrial 22-40 Youth 19-21 Agriculture 41-55 Others* UP/FBNRC/SC Total

Est. Vote Mass 163,012 151,510

Theaters NORT SOUT H H 87,860 81,669 75,152

C/F 28/34 32/28

Potential MLR TRO 46,947 49,543 14,079 25,330 21,073 156,9 72 54,609 42,422 18,063 20,480 28,669 164,2 43

69,841 26/34 24,498 31/28 33,716 26/35 37,655 240,8 62 385/4 03

53,129 28,631 73,146 39,430 81,679 522,47 6 44,024 281,6 14

PDP-LABAN sampling survey, March 1719, 2012; Analysis based on interpolated data from US/UK political sections (2012): Country Sheet for, CIA World Fact Book (2012): Average Voter Turnout at 78%; C.F. is convention factor

Introducing Combined Issue Interception, Community Relations, Coalition Building And PR/Media Relations
To lay the ground work for 2013 mayoralty campaign

Getting MLR re-elected needs a STRONG LIFT from a set of valid issues close to the hearts and minds of the populaceaspirations and dreams to which voters can directly identify themselves to. Through COMMUNITY ORGANIZING and CONSULTATIVE APPROACH on an indirect, sublime, yet highimpact ISSUE INTERCEPTION, we can create and develop a new Social, Politico-Economic, and Ecology Development (SPEED) framework with the direct participation of communities. SPEED will serve as the master plan of city development, endorsed and supported by men and women in the urban poor, youth, industrial, services, agriculture, and faith-based sections of the local economy. The grass-root voters dreams and aspirations become Ramas own. They will find in Rama a clear reason to cast their vote for. They become stakeholders, instead of being kibitzers and fence-sitters. Their quest for solutions to their social and politico-economic needs form part of the Rama political agenda. SPEED will serve as the sounding board or an instrumentality for re-echoing our key messages. This holds the key to a high-impact, less costly campaign. The how-tos are shown here under.

Reasons for Action

Voter perception tracking data from the US Embassy shows that MLR holds an edge against TRO in terms of incumbency (17.20 percentage points), charisma (6.45 p.p.), and character (3.87 p.p.). These combined advantage of 0.2752, when weighed against an average voter turnout of 85 percent and elector base of 522,476, shows a glimpse of the MLR potential in 143,785 votes. This project is meant to capitalize on the factors fueling these existing perceptions, as illustrated below.

As illustrated below, voter preference tracking data from the UK Embassy shows TROs strength in popularity (18.44 percentage points), financial preparations (12.46 p.p.) and experience (6.91p.p). If weighed against a voter turnout of 85 percent and 522,476 electors, this combination of factors pinpoint where Tommys building blocks for support at 197,548 heads will be and where we should be using resources to undermine certain initiatives. Homestretch may run from 1.5% to as high as 4%, weighed against actual voter turnout on the day of balloting. This translates to a winning range of 5,750 votes (baseline) to 15,335.

1.0 2.0 3.0 Build a Broad Multi-sector Base of Support Establish common ground with congressional and city councilor-candidates Empower Small Teams for Targeted Vote Conversions

Cost-effective, low-profile, high-impact, barangay level organizing Target sectors: Urban, youth, stakeholders in industrial, services and farm cross-section, and faithbased groups Duration: 14 months Target: 526,476 individual voters in 192,760 households

Community Relations, Communications, Coalition Building, Voter Conversion, Vote Delivery, Vote Protection


Methodology Training Community Organizing Targeted Communications (Primary Messaging) Advocacy (Secondary Messaging) Agitation Propaganda (Tertiary Messaging) Radio Block timers PR/Media Relations/Reputation Management Barangay-Level Consultative Planning Workshop Citywide Conference on New Social, Politico-Economic, and Ecology Development (SPEED) MLR Adoption of SPEED Framework Councilor-candidates using SPEED framework Congressional candidates adopting SPEED issue framework Hiring Staff: 4 writers, 1 driver, 1 utility


Together We Can Make Things Happen (Person-to-Person) Rama Service with a Heart (General) A Vote for Rama, a Vote for Your Sector (Person-to-Group) A Vote for Rama, a Vote for Your Dreams (Person-to-Person)


Messaging Kit #1: 8 PowerPoint presentations, each one 8 minutes long, illustrating an issue in SPEED framework Messaging Kit #2: 32 graphic slides for Face Book deployment Messaging Kit #3: 48 issue interception modules for radio block timers Messaging Kit #4: 72 issue interception outlines for PR/media relations Messaging Kit #5: 36 special speeches 5 PC desk tops, 1 printer, wired to a LAN/WAN network with Internet Service Protocol provider 8 lap tops, 8 LCD projectors, 1 service vehicle

Descripti on MK #1 Time Line July 12 to May 13 Oct 12 to May 13 Oct 12 to May 13 Jun 12 to May Update Targeted Message Delivery Sched Stor P Pre M2 P2G ule y R ss G SPEE Pitc Con D h Dec 15, 2012 Feb 1, 2013 Jan 2, 2013 Dec 1, 2012 Channels Radi FB o + Bloc k

MK #2

MK #3

MK #4

The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

Seven-Step Implementation Flow

5 Convert 4 Regroup 3 Adjust 2 Launch 1
Tactic t Protec Deliver


Review P2O M2G Stimu li P2G P2S Refin e Finetune Refin e Refin e Review Regrou p

Rama Rama

Convers ion System Regrou p

Protecti on System

Delivery System


This project will be implemented by Chief Strategist Leonardo Chiu and ABC. The following models (as shown below) govern both functional organizational coordination at the policy, strategy and tactical levels of the campaign. Entire plan takes into account the formulation of initiatives in community organizing, PR/media relations, community relations, coalition building, and radio-based propaganda programs.

On the ground level, PROJECT MOON RAKER is operationally under the control and supervision of the Chief Strategist, who reports directly to Mike Rama. The coordination flow between Media Relations, under the Campaign Manager, should be clear at this point (as was shown in the diagram).

Campaigns & Image Group (2012)


Propaganda Management Model

Mind Thinking

Stimulus Stimulus

Imagery Imagery Words Words

Thought s Emotion s Feelings

Choices Choices Percepti Percepti ons ons Preferen Preferen ces ces




The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

Grass-root Platform Diversification:


The SPEARS Model

Signature Campaign Platform Propagati on Platform Developm Issue Interception Propaganda Conveyors
The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

Propaganda Conveyors Issue Interception Platform Developm Platform Propagati on Signature Campaign


Vote Development, Protection and Delivery Model Type A: Family-based

Father/Moth Mother/Fat Son



Figure 1


Type B: Friendship-centered

Frien dA Friend C

Frien dB Friend D

Figure 2


Figure 4
Organizing Structure across Six Target Fields



March 2012

Recruit, train, organize, empower six (6) team leaders (first level) These team leaders, who will be recruited from among Ramas staff, will assist implementation of Project Moon Raker in the following sectors: Industrial Services Agriculture/fishery Youth Urban poor Faith-based (Roman Catholic and other Christian/Bible-based denominations) LVC provides the operations center of the team, coordinates with MLR over staff assignments, procures equipment and supplies, and facilitates funding. MLR keynotes the first team meeting. ABC will conduct the one-day briefing and training for the team. The operations and responsibility structures will be presented.

Descriptio Descriptio n n

Monthly Key Result Indicators

Story Pitch es 2 2 2 2 2 Media Releas es 2 2 Househ Ne old w Reached Allie s 5,000 25 5,000 25 TV Covera ge 1 1 1 Rama Speech es Pre ss Con s 1 1 -

Media Relations Public Relations Community Relations Coalition Building Radio


Propaganda TOTAL



The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

2nd Quarter 2012

Recruit, train, and empower six (6) coordinators in each district or 12 altogether (2nd level) in accordance with the multi-sector targets stated beforehand; All six team leaders and 12 coordinators hold one-day team-building briefings, group dynamics, and training. Operating structure will be discussed. District-level coordinators will recruit six (6) men/women from six sectors from each barrio under their AOR. South District will have 204 representatives; North District, 276. The goal is to identify the key community development needs in each barrio, pinpoint a program-benefit ratio, and create a central document to be called Socio-Political, Economic, and Environment Development (SPEED) plan. This will be the rallying poinht for all community organizing actions and emergence of 80 duly registered peoples organizations.

Deploy MK# 4 and Speeches #1/2/3/4 of MK#5 Organize and sponsor barrio-level SPEED workshops 480 in 80 villages (3 rd level). We will provide the home venue, snacks, training supplies, and token cash allowance for each representative. Production of eight (8) PowerPoint presentations, each one 8 minutes long, illustrating an issue in SPEED framework Production of 32 graphic, issue-illustrative slides for Face Book deployment Production of 48 issue interception modules for radio block timers Production of 72 issue interception outlines for PR/media relations


Descriptio Descriptio n n

Monthly Key Result Indicators

Story Pitch es 6 6 6 6 6 30 Media Releas es 12 12 6 6 36 Househ old Reached 15,000 15,000 480 5,000 35,480 Individu als Allies 250 250 480 5,000 5,980 TV Covera ge 3 3 3 3 6 Rama Speech es Pre ss Con s 6 6 12

Media Relations Public Relations Community Relations Coalition Building Radio Propaganda TOTAL

The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

3rd Quarter 2012

Consolidate all 80 SPEED proposals through a citywide conference of 480 representatives, 12 coordinators, and six team leaders (Total heads: 498 heads). MLR will be keynote speaker. Snacks, lunch,


and token allowance will be provided. The adoption of the Cebu City SPEED plan will be the main deliverable, on top of collective decision to organize 80 peoples organizations (PO). Deploy MK#1 and Speeches #5/6/7/8 of MK#5

We will assist in the registration of 80 PO. MLR adopts SPEED as part of the campaign platform. Deployment of eight (8) PowerPoint presentations, each one 8 minutes long, illustrating an issue in SPEED framework We will initiate house-to-house propagation of the SPEED message and recruitment of members who subscribe to our development platform; Deploy 48 issue interception modules for use by radio block timers Dreams and aspirations of each barrio, in accordance with SPEED plan, will be propagated and/or articulated in newspapers, radio, and TV issues in media, and in our own radio propaganda section. Deploy 72 issue interception outlines for PR/media relations Ramas congressional and city council allies adopt SPEED. The SPEED issue framework integrated in to messaging by councilor-aspirants.


Increase the pace of SPEED team deployment through group presentations, for house-to-house enumeration, sector-to-sector coordination, P2O educational initiative; consolidate community organizing using the power of two. Maintain pace in deployment of MK2/MK3/MK4.

Descriptio Descriptio n n

Monthly Key Result Indicators

Story Pitch Media Releas Househ old Individu als TV Covera Rama Speech Pre ss


es Media Relations Public Relations Community Relations Coalition Building Radio Propaganda TOTAL 6 6 6 6 6 30

es 12 12 12 6 6 48

Reached Reached 15,000 15,000 250 7,680 5,000 42,930 250 250 500 69,120 5,000 75,210

ge 3 3


Con s 6 6

3 3 6


The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

4th Quarter 2012

Continue/maintain house-to-house issue and SPEED propagation, education, recruitment, and enumeration initiative


Deploy MK #3 and Speeches #9/10/11/12 of MK#5 Barrio allies seek SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY funding for SPEED programs; this issue-baiting initiative is meant to pick a fight with local leaders loyal to TRO and who dont subscribe to the SPEED framework. All resistance and objections will be articulated in media and mass-based agitation in our propaganda sections.


One at a time our barrio SPEED allies formally write the CITY COUNCIL asking consideration and financial assistance for the implementation of programs. Exploit SP resistance in agitation propaganda, PR/media advantage

MLR discusses SPEED before targeted organizations and ask certain corporations to assist SPEEDidentified NGOs in getting financial assistance through corporate social responsibility programs. Any attempts by TRO to disparage the initiative will be articulated in our PR/media relations, community relations, coalition building, and propaganda initiatives. Update MK #1 and Speeches #7 and #8 in MK#5 for the homestretch campaign

Descriptio Descriptio n n

Monthly Key Result Indicators

Story Pitch es 6 6 6 6 Media Releas es 12 12 12 6 Househ Individu old als Reached Reached 15,000 15,000 250 30,720 250 250 500 122,88 TV Covera ge 3 3 3 Rama Speech es Pre ss Con s 6 6 -

Media Relations Public Relations Community Relations Coalition


Building Radio Propaganda TOTAL

6 30

6 48

25,000 85,970

0 75,000 198,88 0


1st Quarter 2013


The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

MK #3 for the homestretch campaign Delivery of Speeches #13/14/15/16 of MK#5

MLR continues to seek corporate funding sponsors for SPEED projects via social responsibility. Barrio-level SPEED formally write letters to TRO and CDM asking for endorsement and financial help for their projects. Resistance, objections, bad comments against SPEED and its framework will be subject of our media releases, commentaries, letters to the editors, and discussions in our radio-based propaganda programs.


MK #1 for the homestretch campaign

Delivery of Speeches #17/18/19/20/21 in MK#5

Bring over senators and congressional candidates to address SPEED meetings; deploy additional radio blocktimers (2nd round)

Start house-to-house enumeration tactic (red and white chalk markings; refer to propaganda manual for details; continue block-timer initiatives

Delivery of Speeches #22/23/24/24/25 in MK#5


First Quarter 2013

Descriptio Descriptio n n Monthly Key Result Indicators
Story Pitch es 6 6 6 6 6 30 Media Releas es 24 24 24 24 24 120 Househ Individu old als Reached Reached 5,000 5,000 250 92,160 5,000 107,41 0 250 250 500 184,36 0 50,000 235,36 0 TV Covera ge 6 3 9 3 3 6 Rama Speech es Pre ss Con s 6 6 4 4 20

Media Relations Public Relations Community Relations Coalition Building Radio Propaganda TOTAL

The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

April 2013
Consolidate amplification of SPEED agenda in media, party causes, P2O presentations; use SPEED initiatives as propaganda Carry out Final Leg Enumeration Strategy using blue chalk.


Prepare precinct-level vote conversion strategies and tactics Delivery of Speeches #26/27/28/29/30 in MK#5

April 2013 KRI

Descriptio Descriptio n n Monthly Key Result Indicators
Story Pitch es 2 2 2 2 2 10 Media Releas es 24 24 24 24 24 120 Househ Individu old als Reached Reached 5,000 5,000 250 112,76 0 5,000 * 250 250 500 368,64 0 25,000 394,64 0 TV Covera ge 6 3 9 3 3 6 Rama Speech es Pre ss Con s 6 6 4 4 20

Media Relations Public Relations Community Relations Coalition Building Radio Propaganda TOTAL

The Campaigns & Image Group (2012)

May 2013
String up SPEED groups for vote conversion


Delivery of Speeches #31/32/33/34/36/36 in MK#5

May 2013 KRI

Descriptio Descriptio n n Monthly Key Result Indicators
Story Pitch es 2 2 2 2 2 10 Media Releas es 4 4 4 2 2 18 Househ Potenti old al Reached Allies 9,000 4,500 250 115,00 0 5,000 * 900 450 500 221,0 00 2,500 225,3 50 TV Covera ge 4 2 6 3 3 6 Rama Speech es Pre ss Con s 3 3 2 2 10

Media Relations Public Relations Community Relations Coalition Building Radio Propaganda TOTAL

Special Guard-the-Vote Operations, including discreet actions to disrupt vote-buying actions by TRO Refer to Project Weasel Brown Manual

The Campaigns & Image Group



Item Description
Radio block timers PR/media relations Volunteer Staff Allowances Communication (eLoad) Food Gasoline Office supplies Total

% w t
25 16 20 10 14 12 3 10 0

Estimated Cost
Mar-Dec 2012 218,125 139,600 0 174,500 0 87,250 0 122,150 0 104,700 0 26,175 0 872,500 450,750. 00
The Campaigns & Image Group

330,812 .50 211,720 .00 264,650 .00 132,325 .00 185,255 .00 158,790 .00 39,697 .50 1,323,25 0.00

Jan-May 2013 112,687.50 72,120.0 90,150.0 45,075.0 63,105.0 54,090.0 13,522.5

Since built-in city government resources and strategic assets are already in place, there will be a significant reduction in out-of-pocket expenses. Campaign goal: 225, 350 men and women Spending from March 2012 to May 15, 2013: P5.87 per voter

Average voter turnout in last three elections has been 78% For May 2013, AVT of 407,531 is a close call. Not the best-case scenario yet


Uncommitted votes: 86,316 or 21.18% A swing vote as large as thisa wide gapis crucial to both sides The best-defensive-case scenarios for TRO: Line P500 for each of targeted 40,000 voters among urban poor and young voters, and spend P20 million on Election Day Giving money to keep 40,000 of Ramas supporters at home for P25 million He did that once; he will do it again Ramas best-offensive-case scenario: Raise voter turnout at the 88% threshold (459,778) Line up 52,247 more votes at no expense in Mikes favor Diminish TRO initiatives in the Services, Youth, and Agriculture sectors Force TRO into costly defensive propaganda actions, stretching his financial rope to maximum limits Work out special conversions in traditionally gray areas of the political economy (W 4, U1, and YMW5) Disrupt vote-buying

Advantage #1: MLR is guided by an issue-based framework, which runs parallel to mainstream campaign messaging Advantage #2: By winning hearts and minds, Mike will be able to get win even if TRO spends P50 million on Election Day. Advantage #3: Rama creates and sustains the impression that he values other peoples ideas and inputs more than his own, thereby raising his acceptability and viability as a candidate.
Contested Sectors Across Age Brackets Services 41-60 Est. Vote Mass 163,012 Theaters NORT SOUT H H 87,860 75,152 C/F 30/31 Homestretch MLR TRO 48,903 50,533


Industrial 22-40 Youth 19-21 Agriculture 41-55 Others* UP/FBNRC/SC Total

Voter Turnout at 78%;

151,510 81,669 53,129 28,631 73,146 39,430 81,679 522,47 6 44,024 281,6 14 37,655 240,8 62 33,716 24,498 69,841

32/28 29/31 31/28 49/29 38/34

48,483 24,378 27,158 52,470 201,3 92

42,422 28,751 31,152 29,625 182,4 83

Interpolated data from US/UK political sections (2012): Country Sheet for, CIA World Fact Book (2012): Average

Inner-core, Election-day Scenarios

Voter turnout between 71% and 80% Losses from cross-candidate diffusion among councilor-candidates may hit 5% and may favor Rama ticket (9/7) TRO/MVO spending in South District may take some 4.53% to 5% off Ramas support lineup, affecting CUENCO TRO spending in North District may affect MLR a little, if DAVIDE runs. If not, diffusion by 3% stands likely. Homestretch may run from 1.5% to as high as 4%, weighed against actual voter turnout on the day of balloting. This translates to a winning range of 5,750 votes (baseline) to 15,335.


Recommending Approval: LEONARDO V.



Conceive. Believe. Achieve Skype: canturias8811; Mobile: +63 918 619 0440 Landline: +6332 417 7559


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