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Primary Sources

Eyewitness Accounts Crash. Living History Farm. January 9, 2013. <>. When we were looking for how farming was in the post WW1 recession, we found a website that gave us information about the history of farming starting from 1920 to the present. On Living History Farm, we were able to use two people's stock market crash story. We learned how farmers and rural citizens felt the impact of the crash. The Crash of 1929. American Experience. December 17, 2012. < crashintroduction/>. We wanted more firsthand accounts and the perspective of people who were in that time frame. American Experience made a documentary about the stock market crash and on the website, we were able to access interviews and resources that they used. These interviews were important because the people were salesmen in the NYSE or lived through the crash.

"This was real panic". Eyewitness to History. October 14, 2012. <http://www.eyewitnessto>. Eyewitness to History provides an account by Jonathan Leonard who was a reporter actually at the site of the Wall Street Crash. While there was secondary information, we used his account as a primary source. We were able to get a feel for what the attitude was when the market crashed and all of those investors knew that they lost everything.

Interviews Shannon, David. "Losing the Business: The Donners Recall the Great Depression." History Matters.(interview completed March 15, 1938) April 3, 2013. <>. WPA conducted some interviews on how the depression changed the lives of Americans in 1935. One of these families interviewed were the Donners. This interview provided some extra ways for us to see how much people have changed. In the Donner's case, Mr. Donner's income reduced by one-thirds and he had to go back to live with his in-laws.

Photos Civilian Conservation Corps. 1933. Photos of the Great Depression and the New Deal. Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. February 17, 2013. <>. When talking about the Great Depression, we mentioned Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. One of the programs created by the New Deal is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). This picture shows workers in the CCC building roads.

Civilian Conservation Corps in California, Camp Rock Creek, construction. 1933. Photos of the Great Depression and the New Deal. Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. April 21, 2013. <>. The CCC were a big part of the New Deal organizations. We found a picture in the FDR Library's archives of some members of the CCC building something. We wanted to have pictures that show some of the aspects of the New Deal and this picture fit into this part of our website. Crowd of depositors gather in the rain outside Bank of United States after its failure. 1931. Miscellaneous Items on High Demand. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. February 16, 2013. <>. This photograph provided by the Library of Congress shows depositors of a bank crowded around the bank to get their money from the bank. The fact that they were waiting to get inside in the rain shows how desperate people were and shows how the situation was in the times of the bank runs and bank failures.

Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1933. Photos of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. April 21, 2013. <>. For a portrait picture of Franklin Roosevelt, we found a digitized photo of him on FDR Presidential Library. There were so many pictures but we found one taken in 1933, close to the timeline of our project. We used this picture in a slideshow on our website.

Lange, Dorothea. Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California. 1936. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. February 16, 2013. <>.

One of the more famous photographs of the Great Depression is the one taken by Lange showing a mother with a troubled expression with her kids. We felt that we needed to have this powerful photograph in our website because of how famous it is and how well known it is.

Lange, Dorothea. People living in miserable poverty, Elm Grove, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. 1936. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. February 16, 2013. <>. Another picture photographed by Lange captures a mother and her two children living in poverty. They have ragged clothes and a run-down shack. This captures the level of hardship and how hard living in the Great Depression was. Having a picture like this one in our website helps us show not just tell how the Depression was difficult to lead a normal life in.

Representatives to the Un-employment Conference called by President Harding, Washington, D.C., Sept. 26, 1921. 1921. Panoramic Photographs. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. February 16, 2013. <>. This picture captures representatives that attended a conference called by Warren Harding to discuss unemployment. The image helped us illustrate the fact that after World War 1, the United States went into a recession due to the sudden loss of wartime production.

Unemployed men queued outside a depression soup kitchen opened in Chicago by Al Capone, 02/1931. 1931. Photographic File of the Paris Bureau of the New York Times, compiled ca. 1900 - ca. 1950. The National Archives. The National Archives and Records Administration. February 17, 2013. < Tabs/details& ullDescriptionTabs.selectedPaneId=hierarchy&%24digiDetailPageModel.currentPage=0 &%24partitionIndex=0&%24digiSummaryPageModel.targetModel=true&%24submitId= 1&%24singleHierarchy.recordId=541927& geModel.resultPageModel=true&%24resultsDetailPageModel.currentPage=0&%24result sDetailPageModel.pageSize=1&%24sort=RELEVANCE_ASC&%24highlight=false>. During the Great Depression, seeing people lined up outside of soup kitchens was not an uncommon sight. We found this picture from the National Archives. The particular soup kitchen found in the picture was actually opened by Al Capone and we found that a little surprising but it was a soup kitchen.

Photo Galleries " 1920s Coloring Pages and Pictures-Roaring Twenties 1920s". Squidoo. December 20, 2012. <>. A photo gallery of the roaring twenties was what we found on this website. These pictures included Babe Ruth, Al Jolson, Charlie Chaplin, and flappers. The roaring twenties was a happy time and these pictures helped us capture some of the bright moments of that time. Franklin D. Roosevelt. History Channel. December 18, 2012. <>. Roosevelt was an important figure in the great depression. He was a voice of new hope for many Americans. As we talk about him in our page about the Great Depression, we wanted to provide some pictures of him as well. Herbert Hoover. History Channel. December 18, 2012. <>. We wanted to have some of former president Herbert Hoovers pictures in section about the great depression as well. The gallery was important because we found many pictures to choose from that also had a description of when they were taken so we could put the right picture in its place.

"Soup Kitchens and Bread Lines". History Channel. December 18, 2012. <>. From the title of this article, we knew that this gallery was going to be about the time when people were struggling and they had to wait in lines for food. For us, we needed pictures and we welcomed these to add to our collection of Great Depression pictures.

"The 1929 Stock Market Crash, Aftermath". December 18, 2012. <>. On this website, we used the pictures from the stock market crash including aftermath. While we used other photo galleries for pre-crash or after the crash, was one of the few sites that we found with pictures from Black Thursday, the day of the crash, and also FDR and bank rushes.

"The Crash of '29". Time. December 18, 2012. <,29307,1677033_1474466,00.html>. Time had a gallery of pictures regarding the stock market crash before, day of, and after. We were able to add to our collection of photos that we gained. It was essential that we had a group of various pictures because a website needs them.

Speeches Hoover, Herbert. Campaign Speech. October 22, 1932. Detroit Olympia Arena. In our research we found out that Hoover felt that he was doing good with the economy and that the situation in the United States was getting better. This address to the Detroit crowd in 1932 shows that. He said that the Democratic House of Representatives were not cooperating and that the recovery process would have been faster. We were shocked to see that Hoover was so confident under the situation that the country was in.

Web Articles "Becoming Modern: America in the 1920's." America in Class. National Humanities Center. April 3, 2013. <>. This website discusses how the twenties helped America to become modern and also goes deeper into the big events that occurred in this time period. We were able to utilize some pictures and even a political cartoon for our website. We felt that we needed these items because they were unique to some of our pages in our website.

"Depression of 1920-21". Wikipedia. December 15,2012. December 18, 2012. <>. On Wikipedia, we found a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average to support our post world war one recession. We wanted a visual way to show how this recession affected the U.S. economy. The chart showed an increase until the area of 1919, when World War One ended. The lack of jobs in the factories building weapons, ammunition, ships, tanks, etc. created a noticeable decline in the unemployment rate.

"Franklin D. Roosevelt Quotes". GoodReads. January 12, 2013. < author/quotes/219075.Franklin_D_Roosevelt>. We wanted to incorporate some quotes from Franklin Delano Roosevelt into our website. We found some on GoodReads. It was important to have some of his quotes in our

website because he was a very important figure at the time bringing the U.S. back and restoring confidence into the citizens. Glass-Steagall Bill Now Awaits Final Signature to Become Law. American Banker. Thursday, June 15, 1933. February 18, 2013. <>. On American Banker we found an article from an American Banker newspaper that says that the Glass-Steagall Bill is ready to be signed by President Roosevelt. Next to the article we found a picture that showed that newspapers front cover. We used the picture of the cover in our section about the Glass-Steagall Act. Great Depression. Wikipedia. February 11, 2013. February 16, 2013. <>. When we looked up pictures of the Great Depression, we found a link to Wikipedia. We used Wikipedia strictly for their pictures. There was a variety of pictures that captivated the depression from the stock market crash to the Dust Bowl. We also greatly appreciated the charts and graphs that they included in their website. We used a chart that showed the unemployment rate from when the stock market crashed to when the United States got out of the Depression highlighted. There was also an image that captured a crowd outside of the Stock Exchange on the day of the crash.

"Securities Exchange Act of 1934". SEC Whistleblower. February 19, 2013. <>. While looking for rules under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, we found this website. The article talks about fraud committed in the secondary market and anti-fraud provisions under the Exchange Act of 1934. Along with this information, there was an image that showed a senate meeting discussing this Act so we used the picture.

"The First 50 Years". FDIC. July 24, 2006. February18,2013. <>. The article provided by the FDIC was about its history as an insurance corporation. It breaks down its history into three main parts. Near the bottom of the page, we found a picture of President Roosevelt signing the Banking Act of 1933. We have a part of our project that talks about the Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act of 1933) and this picture shows Roosevelt along with Senator Carter Glass, and Representative Henry Steagall so we thought that this would fit along nicely.

"The New Deal and its Critics". University of Omaha. April 21, 2013. <>. On the University of Omaha's webpage about the New Deal, there was information on how the New Deal started and some of its critics. On this website, we used some pictures that included the front cover of The Atlanta Journal and FDR signing the Social Security Act.

Videos Cain, Rueben L. "1929 Stock Market Crash (Part 2)." YouTube. YouTube. 30 Nov. 2007. 17 Jan 2013. <>. Cain was a stock salesman at the time of the crash. He shares his experiences and memories. He remembers senior analysts saying that the market will never go down and that if it does, it will go back up. Some people said that the market is due to crash but the experts that he was around did not seem the think so.

Codec, Koda. "'Don't Panic, Stocks Are Safe!'" YouTube. YouTube. 29 Sept. 2008. 17 Jan. 2013. <>. This video is an interview of economist professor Irving Fischer. In this interview, Professor Fischer states his opinions on how the Stock Market crashed. He says that the stock market crashed because of over speculation and this also came up in our research. We think that his opinion will help us visually show how speculation affected the downturn of the market.

TTC Media. "1929 Stock Market Crash." YouTube. YouTube. 14 Nov. 2011. 17 Jan. 2013. <>. While conducting research, we found out that there were people that had different approaches on handling the stock market crash. This video source is about a former financial writer who expresses his perspective on reviving the stock market. We found B.C. Forbes analysis important because after the crash, he believed that people should buy stocks and that they will make a profit. This was interesting because the stock market just crashed and he told people to buy stocks again.

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