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7th form

Mid term test III

I- Listening Comprehension : 6 pts 1) Listen then circle the right word:1pt The big red bus is going to a- the hospital / b- the supermarket c- school .

2) Listen then tick the right box : 2 pts

The statments a- Georges got big brown eyes and a small nose. b- Jane is wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt.



3) Match the utterance with the right function: 1pt

Dont fight

a- obligation B- advice C- prohibition

4) Listen then complete with 2 words from the listening passage: 1pts

What is it now? Whats 1)? Oh, yes! Its Rachel and Joanne. Look ,they are fighting. Oh dear! Stop it. You will 2) yourselves.

5) Are the following sounds similar or different? Write S or D 1pt

1) Noise / nose ( ) II- Language: 14pts 1) Circle the right alternative:3.5pts

2 ) John / Jacket ( .)

Yesterday the Browns were very busy. They ( does- do- did ) many things for Nicks birthday party. Nicks mother cooked ( a- an- 0 ) delicious cake. Nicks father didnt help ( and- because- but ) he was at work. Nicks sister ( came- cut- decorated ) the living room and his brother ( cleans- cleaned- clean ) the house.Today Nick and his friends ( celebrated- celebrates- celebrate ) his birthday. His friends offer him ( a- many- much ) presents.

2) Fill in the blanks with ( 7 ) words from the box: 3.5pts

Prescription- fell- headache- to- matter- in- examine- take- ears Lusy: Good morning, doctor. Doctor: Good morning, Lusy. Whats the 1).? Lusy: Im not feeling well. I have a terrible 2)

Doctor: Have you got a fever? Lusy: Yes, 38.

Doctor: I must 3).you . Open your mouth. Right, and now, let me see your 4). Ok, you have got a bad cold. You must stay 5)bed for 5 days. Here is a 6) for pills and syrup 7). the medicine every 5 hours. Come to see me again on Tuesday. Lusy: Thanks a lot doctor.

Doctor: My pleasure.

3) Match the underlined utterances with( 5 ) functions. There is an extra function: 2.5 pts The dialogue The functions The

Peter: Mom , 1) Can I watch my favourite cartoon, please? Mom: 2) No, you cant dear. Peter: 3) But why? Mom: 4) You must do your homework first. Besides,5) you mustnt keep your room untidy. Tidy it up. Peter: Ok, mom

a-obligation b-asking for information. c-giving permission d-refusing permission e-asking for permission f-prohibition

answer 1+... 2+.. 3+ 4+. 5+.

4) Circle the right alternative: 4.5pts Mary: What should I do to live long and keep fit? Can you give me some 1 ( advise- adviceadvising)? Dr : Certainly. First, you should eat fruit and vegetables. You 2 ( shouldnt- dont- have )

eat any meat or ice cream. Drink 3 ( many- very- much ) water. Mary : ok. And should I change my life style? Dr : I advise you 4( for- to- in) get up early. 5( Burn- Practice- Fall) sport. Dont

6 ( stayed- satys- stay ) up late and dont forget to 7 ( stop- have- do) smoking. Mary : And by 8( following- playing- jogging) this plan I will keep fit. Dr : Yes, you will be in good 9( head- hand- health).

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