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Tagline: a ghost is a memory that you can never forget Written By John Cunningham

(Credits) [White Screen Diffusing black into the word Dissolve] --------- Funeral ------------

[Taurean V.O] [Faint crying] There are some things you can say at the right time and the wrong time. And when you feel that you missed out on all those times, it hurts even more. If I could go back [crying continues louder] and know that if it was gone this quickly, I would have prepared myself a lot sooner. [Brief pause][Fade in on Taurean giving Eulogy at parents funeral.]. My memory of them is faint. They were there, but its hard to remember all the things they did to impact my life. It hurts, none the less. I did love them and I will miss them until I die [Cut to Taurean laying on his bed sideways, hurt, depressed, crying, Pan face. Pan Overhead view] [Voice over from Eulogy continues, cut back to eulogy] [Taurean V.O] [Faint crying] Even though, [said slowly] I feel dead now.I love you mom, I love you dad. Goodbye [Walks off stage, right, kisses pictures. We pan to a shot of him sitting with his tuxedo on, while people pass. He then holds his hands over his face and balls up. Cut to new scene.]

----------- Home ----------[Cold music plays in the background as we watch Taurean sit at a desk. He is tapping the desk with his pencil. You notice the paper has been written on several times due to the erasure marks. He leans back in the chair, biting on the pencil.] [Taurean] [Talking to self] Christ, I didnt know suicide notes where hard to write. This is so fucking pointless. [He takes the paper and just writes To Whom It May Concern, Goodbye on it] There, thats easy. Itll probably mean something to somebody.. [he takes the paper and shoves it into the desk, not to be remembered] [Cut to Taurean][He gets up and walks to his room, puts on his clothes and walks out the door. Its a clear day, around 1:30 pm.]

--------- Drug Store ---------[Taurean proceeds into the drug store; Mom and Pop type, he grabs some Nyquil and some razors. Proceeds to Cashiers desk] [Cashier] That all? [Heavily accented]

[Taurean] Thats all I need

[Cashier] Taurean, I know you dont feel right, right now. You have anyone to stay with? [Taurean] I have my parents place until I move out with my uncle. But, until then, not really...I like being alone. Its familiar, can I pay for this now.? [Cashier] 5.60$ with tax. [Taurean] Heres 6$, keep the change... [He begins to exit the store when hes interrupted by the cashier] [Cashier] Taurean! If you need help, you know where you can find it? Theres always someone willing to help and listen. [Taurean] Thats good to hear. [Said in a sarcastic manner, Taurean looks down and walks out]

------------ Home ---------------

[Taurean beings to walk up the stairs and into the bathroom. He draws a bath and begins to down all the Nyquil. He takes out the razor and places it beside the bathtub. He beings to undress and dips himself into the

4 tub, crying. He starts to sing to himself....beautifully crafted lyrics to portray his feelings] [Taurean] Its an unwanted prelude.... To a monumental disaster.... Keeping your heart beating faster.... When you wish it to conclude.... [Sobbing continues][He grabs the razor, feeling the numbness of the medicine. Beings to cut...and cries.] Its a cold face freezing in the wind Feeling warmer with the touch of your lips Getting Goosebumps on my skin When you caress me with your feather tips..... [The cutting continues, with a pan to his wrist, bleeding at every inch he passes. He pants and screams at the pain of the razor, unbearably, he stops for a moment.]

[Taurean] Well, [sniffs] they sure dont make suicide easy. [As he laughs to himself].

[He puts away the razor for a moment, rests his head back and slowly begins to fall asleep][We pan towards his face, with the rest of the tears making their way down, when all of a sudden we hear a phone ringing. Woken up, suddenly, he looks around and sees the tub has gotten all red. He gets up and gets a towel, raps it around himself.]

[Answering Machine V.O.]

Hi, you have reached Michelle and Thomas Ravenwood, we are not here at the moment, please leave a message... [End] [Ariel V.O.] Hey, ummmm.... Taurean? Its Ariel, I heard about what happened and I am so sorry. I, like, just recently moved to Denver and I know Ive been really busy moving and you know, stupid College bullshit, but, whatever. I havent heard from you in so long and my mom told me what happened, so like, give a call back at 555-453-4895. I miss you!! [End]

[Taurean quickly runs down to the phone, missing her. He listens to the message again and hears the number. He plays it again, but this time, writes it down. He calls the number back. He realizes he is still bleeding and tries to grab some paper towels in the kitchen.] [Phone rings, 3 times.] [Ariel V.O.] Hey Taurean! [Taurean] Holy shit, Ariel. Its so good to hear your voice. Crap, how the hell did you know it was me? [Ariel V.O.] Caller ID, this is my cell phone [laughs]. So, whats been up? [Taurean]

Well... [Pause] Ive.... [Ariel V.O.] [Interruption] Umm, actually, I know, you dont have to tell me...At least, are you ok? Do you want to talk about it? [Taurean] Actually...I dont feel so good. [Taurean, with this look of tiredness, beings to sway back and forth. He then leans on the desk.] [Ariel V.O.] You ok? Whats wrong? [Taurean] I took too much.... Nyquil... I feel like shit, oh sh... [The last coherent words before he falls on the floor dropping the phone. The paper towels unravel themselves and he continues bleeding.]

[Ariel V.O.] [Pan to phone and wrist, bleeding on phone] Taurean? Taurean?! Answer me! What the fuck? Dont joke around.... Taurean?! [Fade to ambulance][Hearing the sirens, overhead view of Taurean, shaking with the bumps and turns of the ambulance. Looking dead, hearing the vital sounds of a flat liner, pan to his eyes. We hear the medics yelling for help, yelling clear but all we see is death in Taureans eyes. Then, we

7 shoot from the view of Taurean; the view of the medics attempting to help him. We cant hear their words, but we know what they are saying. The light on the top of the roof hes looking at beings to shine brighter....and soon it engulfs the whole screen. We pan back over a shot of Taureans face, He then, rises off the bed, like a shock of electricity. The ambulances power goes out and then we side an outside shot of the vehicle swerve and hit a pole. Then, all of a sudden, we shoot to a wide angle view of Taurean awaking from his hospital bed, thinking it was all one big bad dream..]

---------- Hospital ------------

[Taurean looks to his right, looking out the 4th story window, with the sun glaring right in on him, like poetry, it warms him inside, but, he still feels like some thing is missing from him. He tries to lift himself a little, but feels pain. Coughing, just a tad, he notices his wrist. There are Stitches, a lot of them. Doctors walk in.]

[Doctor Fisher] Good Afternoon. Mr. Ravenwood. Im Doctor Fisher.

[Taurean] [In a state of confusion and being very dazed] Uh, yeah, hey. [Coughs] [Holds hand over face] [Doctor Fisher] Well, let me first congratulate you on youre return from perceptive reality to our reality. [Takes deep breath] You see, Mr. Ravenwood, youve been in a coma for about two weeks to the date. You sustained serious head injury with

8 your fall and with you, being clinically dead for about 20 minutes. You went into cardiac arrest, basically. Its a miracle youre still alive, most patients that do [the doctors does the quote motion] Return from the dead never wake from their coma. You also had a traumatic blood loss, as well. We had to do a blood transfusion and other than stitching you up, you seem to be fine. This doesnt bother me, though. [Doctor pulls out chart]. Its the manner of youre return to life. [Doctor pauses][Doctor sits on bed] [Taurean] Well? I dont remember anything at all, I just remember falling and waking up here. [Doctor Fisher] On the way to the hospital, the ambulance was hit, presumably, by lightning. Ironically, this caused a surge in your body, in which, your heart was able to begin to function again. [Taurean]

[Laughs a little] Huh, Wow. [Doctor Fisher] For some reason, it is unknown how this was able to happen. Its a miracle from god, honestly. The paramedics are allright, so you dont have to worry about that. Its just good to see you awake. Were going to do some psychical examinations later on, today, if there is time. Make sure there isnt wrong with your limbs. [Pan to shot of Taureans face. Glazing into oblivion] You truly are a miracle, feel lucky, Mr. Ravenwood. [Taurean]

I Guess I Am? [He shakes his head not really knowing how to feel]. I just want to go home. [Doctor Fisher] Unfortunately, it isnt that simple. Youre going to have to be moved and evaluated at the Mental Health Center in the 3rd Floor of the hospital [Taurean sighs loudly]. As soon as they have a bed open, well get a volunteer to get a wheelchair in here to take you there, allrighty? I mean, Mr. Ravenwood [Doctor Rises off bed] you attempted suicide. We can help you ok? They are good people. It wont be for that long anyway. Then, youll be on your way. Other than filling out some insurance information, you should be set.


Yeah........ [He looks down, and then turns his head to look outside.]

Two Weeks Later.

------- Apartment -------

[We see a shot of the apartment door that Taurean now lives in, its unlit, but there is bit of light coming in through under the door. The door opens. With his luggage and belongings, Taurean enters with his uncle at his side. Now, Uncle Daniel is the old type of person that has never had

10 any children. Hes too happy in a freakish manner. He just doesnt know how to act around people.]

[Uncle Daniel] Damn, where is that light switch, come on in Taurean... come come. [Uncle turns on the light] Welcome. Youre room is all the way down that hall, to the left of the bathroom. Unpack your bags and join me for dinner, Im ordering sweet and sour chicken.

[Taurean] Nah, Uncle Dan, thats allright. Im fine, Im tired. Im going to bed.

[Uncle Daniel] Have it youre way, Ill see you in the morning, then. Taa Taa.

[Taurean] Yap! [Taurean walks into his room. Its dank, it smells funny. He throws his luggage on the bed and unzips it. He hears a tapping on the door.]

[Uncle Daniel V.O] [Muffled by the door] Oh, by the way, the Realtors said we need to get the rest of your stuff from the house tomorrow so they could start selling it soon, so by ready by 9 a.m. Okay Dokey? Goodnight.



Goodnight, Uncle Dan. [He rolls his eyes. He starts unpacking more of his clothes. He finds his CD player and lays down, pushing play. Laying there, listening to music, he falls asleep]

[His slumber comes quickly, but soon, you see him awake in a dark, cold, world. He gets up. He looks around. He hears screeching, screaming, yelling, torture; he doesnt understand what is going on. He gets up to run and is beginning to become followed by a white light. It peers through countless trees, following him; he trips, stumbles and falls. The screaming comes closer, the lights become brighter, and he looks back....and awakens.]

[Taurean] [panting, breathing heavily] What, the, hell? He turns to look at the clock and its 8:59am. Oh Shit. [He puts his pants on quickly, gets ready fast and heads out the door with his uncle. We pan back to the bed and see the stains of sweat emerging from the sheets.]

------- Uncle Dans Car ------[We see Taurean glaring out the window, watching those passing by. Uncle Dan is listening to country music, singing along. It visibly annoying Taurean]

[Uncle Daniel]

12 [he turns down the music, like he wants to talk, obviously] So, Taurean, you feeling better, that medication helping? [Taurean] I suppose it is, I guess I just need to get used to it. [He blows on the window to create condensation and twirls his finger around it out of boredom] I dont feel horny anymore [said in a monotone, sarcastic, humorous voice] I guess that going good. [Uncle Daniel] Umm, Yes. That is good. I Presume. Better for both of us, now, we dont need you to get any girl pregnant.

[Taurean] [Said softly] Not like theyd fuck me anyway.

[Uncle Daniel] Excuse me, what? I know we havent really talked that much, but, please, around me, no, foul language. Its just not healthy. [Taurean] You know, you are right, Im sorry. [You could hear the apology, but know, Taurean didnt mean it.] [Uncle Daniel]

13 Yeah. [He then goes back to turning up the radio again. Taurean turns his head back to the window and continues to blow hot air on it. Then, he has a brilliant idea.] [Taurean] Fuck a cunt, you cocksucker, mother fucker, asshole!!!!! [Is he trying to deliberately trying to piss off his anal uncle, yeah, will he get away with it? Yes....] Oh my god, its happening like they said it would. The doctors said that my brain damage would cause me to show out obscenities at inappropriate times. [Uncle Daniel] Huh? Are you serious? [Taurean] Im[he stutters] SHIT BITCH COCK! [Taurean turns his head and almost cant contain his laughter, due to the face expressions of his uncle.]

------- Home --------

[They arrive just as Taurean finishes his rampant cursing. His uncle storms out of the car, but then points his finger at Taurean] [Uncle Daniel] First, dont monkey around in there, be quick. Second, Im taking you to the doctors tomorrow so they can remove the

14 part of the brain where its funny to piss off your uncle. Got that, boy?

[Taurean] Roger That Skip [He salutes his uncle. His uncle slams the door. Taurean starts laughing Then he becomes quieter as he sees his old home, up for sale.][He gets out, slowly. Breathing, you can see how cold it is, with the mist coming out of his mouth.] [His uncle goes to unlock the door, they step inside and he sees the emptiness. In the living room was all his stuff. The Desk, some boxes, the computer, tapes, all put together for him to shift through.]

[Uncle Daniel] Ok, Im giving you about 30 minutes to an hour, Im going to get something to eat, you stay here and find whatever you want to keep, not too much, I dont want you cluttering up that room. And, I cant bring the damn desk, so, dont think about wanting it. Otherwise, pile the stuff that you really need over there and well get it and move it over to my apartment. Got it?


Yeah, I got it. [His uncle leaves him there. Taurean stands there, almost about to weep knowing that is whole life has been summed up into a corner. He looks around, he sees nothing he wants. He pokes and prods, shifting through countless cds, books, and movies. Nothing of interest. He goes through his desk and finds the goodbye note. He takes it, folds it. The only thing he wants, he keeps, he scoots the rest of the items to the corner, to be thrown away.]


[His uncle returns about 50 minutes later, burping as soon as he enters. He sees Taureans pile of things he wants to bring, its empty.] [Uncle Daniel]

Thats it? You dont want anything. Its last call, boy. If you dont want it, you help me get the rest of this junk outside so we can throw it away. [Taurean] Yes, sir. [Said sadly, but he gathers himself. As he is throwing things away, some left over stuff from the house still lay around, he notices the old answering machine still connected to the phone. He takes it with him.] ---------- Uncle Dans Apartment: Taureans room -------[Taurean plugs the answering machine in and presses play. He hears a message from the Realtors, but quickly skips it, until he hears a familiar voice.]

[Ariel V.O.]

Taurean, its February 23rd, around 2:30 P.M. I hope you get this before I leave town, I came as soon as possible. I miss you so much and when I heard you almost died, I literally cried all night. Ive seen you for the past week at the hospital, but the parking is costing too much and the doctors said they dont know if you will ever wake from your coma. If you get this soon, please contact me at home, its 555-343-2331. Im leaving for home on March 13th. I hope you get this. Goodbye. [End]

16 [Next message] [Ariel V.O.] Im talking into a machine, but, I have no other way of reaching you. I called the hospital, but they said they released you yesterday, please please call me! [Immediately, Taurean picked up the phone to call Ariel]

[Mother of Ariel] Hello?

[Taurean] Hey! Miss Hoffman! Its Taurean! How goes it? [Mother of Ariel] Oh, hello, Taurean, Ariel isnt here, could I take a message? [Taurean]

Uh, um, yeah, could you tell her I called? [In a confused voice] [Mother of Ariel] Sure thing, goodbye now. [Immediate End]

17 [Taureans face showed his confusion, what just happened? It sounded like Miss Hoffman didnt want to talk to him. The phone rings.] [Taurean] Hell..... [Ariel] [Quick Interruption] Meet me at the diner we used to eat at on 5th street at 8p.m. Sorry, have to go. [End] [Taurean] Ariel, Hello? Uh, Ariel? Ooooookay....[He hangs up]

[Taurean looks at his watch, its 3:54pm. He decides to take a nap to pass the time.][The dark dream comes again. He gets up and sees the light. Hearing different voices this time, yet, he is still scared. He runs again, runs away from something that doesnt even seem to be chasing him anymore. He hears it calling to him, but hes unfamiliar with the oddity of the sound. He wakes up again its 5:34pm. He takes a shower, gets dressed and walks out the door.]

------- The Diner -------

[Taurean waits at a booth, with coffee already in his right hand and a cigarette in his left. He checks his watch every minute. We see the watch as it shows 7:59p.m. Ariel walks in, and this is the first time we have seen her to this point. Shes beautiful, just as Taurean remembers. She comes in, she doesnt see him at first, Taurean is too busy

18 mesmerizing, then, he gets up and walks to her, and she doesnt notice him until he bumps her. They greet]

[Ariel] Taurean! Oh my god, its so good to see you [they hug] [Taurean] I can say the exact same thing, Im so glad to see you are here. God, I missed you so much. Lets sit, well talk. [Ariel] [Ariel hesitates] Ok, but, Really, I cant stay long, Ill try to tell you....quickly [They sit, she waves her face to get the smoke out of it] [Taurean] Sorry! [He puts out the cigarettes] [Ariel] Its ok. I cant stay long because of my mom. She doesnt want me talking to you after your suicide... [Taurean looks down] I know you probably dont want to talk about it. But, shell know. Shes become anal, she thinks that youll go insane and want to kill me.

[Taurean] Bitch.


[Ariel] Shell call my phone soon and ask me where I am. I came this way to do some shopping. So, if she does follow me, itll be easier to cover up ...


Well, yeah... but....

[Ariel] I want to hang out, really, I do, I want to know how you are feeling, but, we have to do it privately. Some how. [Her cell phone begins to ring] Oh, shit, its my mom, I have to go. [She kisses Taurean on the cheek] Call my cell phone, press 1 immediately, and leave a message. Ok?


Gotcha! [Taurean turns and watches Ariel walks away quickly. He stops her] You saved me?

[Ariel] [she comes back quickly and whispers into his ear] I heard you fall, I know you werent ok. I called 911 and had them dispatch someone from our town. I didnt know it was that serious.

20 [Taurean] [He looks at her] Thank You. [She leaves but waves goodbye to him. He feels good and turns around, lights up another cigarettes and starts to smile. ]

[Waitress] [Old, nice lady, brown hair, another southern accent] More coffee, son? [Taurean] Um, [Taurean looks in the cup] Yeah, sure. [Waitress] Was that your girlfriend, just now, leavin? [Taurean] [Laughs] Nope, just a good friend. But, I wish she was, shes so beautiful.


21 That she was, she seems like a good catch, if you dont mind me sayin [Taurean] [Taurean looks outside the window, sees her across the street, looks back at the waitress] No, I dont, actually, maybe one day, ya know?

[Waitress] Sure, thing, honey. If it was meant to be, it was meant to be, its destiny. [Taurean] [Feels cold] Yeah, destiny.... [He turns his head out back to the window, but she is no longer there Turns head back...] Ill get the check now. [we fade from that scene to him going into his room and hooking up a phone to the phone jack] -------------- Uncle Dans Apartment: Taureans Room -----------[Taurean picks up the one and dials Ariels number. He hears it ring once, but before he hits the number one, you hear]

[Ariel] Hey!


That was quick.

Yeah [laughs] I was thinking about calling you, but, then realized that it might be too late.

What a coincidence, eh? [Laughs] I was thinking that same

thing, was going to leave a message. [Ariel] How are you fe...ling.. are you o... [She starts to break up, and responds with Hello?. Hello? but he can not hear anything. He looks over at the digital clock on the bureau and notices the digit on the one if flickering. Then the numbers start rolling back, slowly, then rapidly start to speed up, counting down, faster, and faster, and then all the digits because like a zero, but, flicker as if were still changing numbers. ]

[Ariel] But, I mean, things change, you know? [With Taurean still holding the phone to his ear, with confusion in his eyes, the clock has stopped, but the time is missing. he responds]


[Taurean] The weirdest thing just happened. You were breaking up and the clock just went on the fritz. [Ariel] Did you catch what I said? [Taurean] Well, I heard, How are you?, but, the last thing I heard was something.. about change, you know

[Ariel] I was trying to find out how you are, and see if youre feelings have changed.

[Taurean] Well, the psychiatrist put me on this new anti-depressant. The only side effects are that I can get it up anymore and it also seems to be giving me nightmares. Really bad nightmares.


Like, what kind of nightmares?


[Taurean] Well, I wake up in this dark place [scene cuts to him in the dark world.] [Taurean V.O.] [All the actions he describes are being shown] Its cold, and Im lying on grass, So, I get up and look around. It looks like an island, I think, and I see water, but, really, I cant remember sometimes. And, I see this light and when I see it, I hear this screaming. So, I begin to run away because its chasing me... [Ariel] This is a nightmare? [Taurean] I guess its just my brains interpretation of it, being scary, being unfamiliar. Im scared because I am in the dream, I wake up sweating. Ill ask my therapist on Friday; see if he knows what the hell is up with my head. [Ariel] Maybe its just memories of the after life, you were dead, you know? You could just be remembering something when you were in the coma...

25 [Taurean] Yeah, maybe thats why Im scared, scared of dying again, scared of the light.


Did you see anything when you were dead? Lights? A tunnel? Family, Relatives? God?

[Taurean] I saw you.

[Ariel] [Pauses] [Taurean] Its true, Im assuming its due to the fact I was talking to you before I died. [Ariel] Ah, thats right.

26 [Taurean]
I dont know, though. Im still scared. Something doesnt seem right. I feel out of place. I dont want to fall asleep anymore, because of the dreams.

I, honestly, dont know what to tell you. You have to sleep; you have to conquer that fear.

[Taurean] I will try, I will. [Ariel] Listen, Taurean, call me tomorrow night again. I have to go to work early in the morning. Im in need for some good rest. [Taurean] Ah, really, youve got a job, here? [Ariel] Yeah, Im working at the coffee shop down the road. Earn some cash while Im on break. I have to pay back some people. [Taurean] Nice. Well, Yeah, Ill give your cell phone a ring and a message



Ok, great. Hope to hear from you later, Adieu! [Taurean] Bye, Thank you. Thank you, again, for saving me.

[Ariel] [Laughs] No problem. I care for you, Ciao. [End]

[Taurean felt really warm inside. He you could see him with that half smirk. Lying on the bed. He was happier than he could ever be. He reached into his pocket looking for his cigarette when he noticed the goodbye letter he wrote as in there. He takes it out and places it on the desk next to him. While he lies, he imagines Ariel. Hes happy, happier than hes ever been. We see him begin to fall asleep, suddenly he awakes.]


No, more. [He says to himself. He gets up and goes into the living room and turns on the T.V.]

28 [We see Taurean sitting there, aimless glazing into the T.V, from our view, we see the lights flickering off the backroom. We zoom into his eyes, we see his loneliness, and we see his pain and anger. When Suddenly..]

[Uncle Daniel] Christ, Taurean, its 3 A.M. what are doing up so early? That T.V. is keeps waking me up.

[Taurean] Sorry, Uncle Dan, I havent been able to sleep.... I think the medication is giving me night terrors.

[Uncle Daniel] Turn the T.V. down a little, Im trying to get some rest here, I have to work at 7. [Taurean] Sorry! [Taurean gets up and turns the T.V. He sits, and we see him again, glazing, but, its in time lapse. No movement as we see the sun rise, hes uncle pass him, quickly, him being so intimate with whatever is on the screen] [Taurean gets up and sees the clock, yawns a little bit and stretches. Its approximately 9:30 and he decides he wants some coffee.]

-------------------Coffee Shop


[Taurean] Mmmm, time for some coffeeeeeee. [He smiles to himself and we
pan to him entering the coffee shop. To our surprise, Ariel is not there, he orders coffee anyway.] [We see him sitting, at a table, waiting patiently. He knows she was suppose to come into work that day, but never showed. He gets up and asks one of the works there]

Hi, Ya, My name is Taurean and Im friends with Ariel, I came in and thought she was suppose to work this morning.

[Girl #1 At Coffee Shop] Umm, yeah, she was, but she called in sick, Apparently, right, Nicky?

[Girl #2 At Coffee Shop] Yeah, I think she had the flu or something of those sorts.

Oh, allright, well thanks! [Taurean says this in a very, upset and disappointed manner.]

[Girl #1 At Coffee Shop]

Im sorry, would you us to tell her you came by when she comes in next?

Nah! Actually, I think Ill give her a call, tell her to get well soon, ya know? [Taurean walks out. Comes back home.]

--------------------------- Uncle Daniels Apartment: Taureans Room

[Taurean jumps onto the bed and grabs the phone, impatiently. He dials. Phone rings about 3 times and Ariel answers] [Ariel] Hello? [She says in a confused tone not unlike not knowing whose number is calling her] [Taurean] Hey! Ariel! Its Taurean, Whats up? Not worky today? [Ariel] Ahh, Hey, no, no, I called in sick, yeah. [Taurean] Dont feel good, got the flu, like me to bring over some chicken soup? [mild laugther]

31 [Ariel] [snickers] Yeah, Taurean, Im not really sick, my boyfriend, yeah, he came into town as a surprise this morning so I had to pick him up. [Taurean] [Like a bomb dropped on his heart, with his stomach churning. Every hateful, depressing emotion at once, came into his body. Numbing him all over.] Oh.

[Ariel] Im sorry. I didnt know hed just show up out of the blue. Was kind of random. [Taurean]
Thats fine, no problem. Youd like to still hang out sometime?

Yes! Im going to have company, probably. He doesnt know, about, you know?

Well, thats good, makes me seem less crazy and psychotic.

Aw, you are none of that. So, anywayhe is here and [fade] [We begin to fade from her voice and pan into Taureans eyes. Blinking with pain, slowing down to see her gather tears in his

eye. Its like he feels the way he does all over again. From the beginning to the end, its never worked.]

Ok, then. bye. [End]

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