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PM tells health sector to aim for perfection

HA NOI Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has urged the health sector to continuously perfect the country's healthcare system, particularly preventative medicine and all practices at the district and grassroots level. Dung's emphasis was made at a meeting held in Ha Noi yesterday in honour of the upcoming Vietnamese Physicians' Day (February 27). "Health examination and treatment systems should be continuously reformed to ensure equity and effectiveness for people," said Dung. Specifically, the sector should restructure the operational and financial mechanism at State-owned medical units while bringing health insurance to all people, he added. Dung also asked the sector to adopt "drastic and comprehensive" measures to abate the hospital overload so that patients do not have to share ward beds.

Medical workers give health checks to residents in Lai Chau northern mountainous province. The health sector is expected to perfect the country's healthcare system, especially at the grassroots level. VNA/VNS Photo Nguyen Cong Hai

The Ministry of Health, relevant ministries and the people's committees of Ha Noi and HCM City were requested to submit a scheme to the Government to reduce hospital overload. "Priorities should be given to Central-level general hospitals, speciality hospitals for paediatrics, obstetrics, cancer and the heart in Ha Noi and HCM City," said Dung. The health sector was also asked to improve its human resource training; actively carry out effective measures for disease and pandemic prevention and elimination; and mobilise more financial resources to involve people in health care activities. At the event, health minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien said that the sector has faced many challenges in combating the return of infectious diseases, emerging diseases, hospital overload at central hospitals, and a shortage of qualified human resource, especially in mountainous and remote areas. Health sector statistics reveal success in meeting National Assembly targets of 2011 on the number of hospital beds per 10,000 people (21.1); the under-5 malnutrition rate (16.8 per cent); the birth rate (0.2 per thousand) and rate of solid medical waste treatment (over 82 per cent). Outbreaks of many dangerous diseases like avian flu H5N1, dengue fever, hand-foot-mouth were controlled and eliminated last year. More than 90 per cent of children under one and 80 per cent of pregnant women were vaccinated under the National Expanded Immunisation Programme. The HIV/AIDS transmission rate in the community was reduced to under 0.3 per cent of population. More than 80 per cent of commune medical clinics met national medical standards regulated by the Ministry of Health. Doctors worked in 72 per cent of communes and more than 95 per cent of communes have a midwife or physician. Last year, the health examination and treatment systems received more than 28.3 million patient visits, including over 17.7 million inpatients nation-wide. State President Truong Tan Sang awarded the title of People's Physicians to 72 outstanding professors and doctors on this day. VNS

VTV to broadcast sign language education

HA NOI The hearing impaired, aged seven and above, can start learning sign language on VTV2 from March, Pham Viet Tien, head of Viet Nam Television's (VTV) Science and Education Department announced this morning. The programme, to be broadcast every Thursday night over two years, will be co-produced by VTV, the Viet Nam Institute of Education Science (VNIES) and the Ha Noi Association of Disabled People (HADP). Among 1 million hearing-impaired people in the country, 400,000 are of learning-age. Each year about 20,000 deaf children turn school age, said Dr Le Van Tac, director of VNIES's Centre for Special Education Studies. "However there are only 70 schools providing primary education to the deaf in big cities. That's why expanding sign language teaching is crucial," he said. The curriculum designed by VNIES will embrace more than 1000 signs collected from deaf communities across the country. Tailored into 100 lessons, the teaching programme will cover common definitions including nature, people, families, school and yourself. There will be a voice over to facilitate ordinary learners. "We hope the hearing-impaired and their families can learn the language easily," said Duong Thi Van, HADP' deputy head. "The programme is part of our efforts to realise the International Convention on Disabled Rights and the Law on the Disabled," she said. Sign-language illustrators have already accompanied news programmes on VTV2. VNS

March is best time to discover joys of Nam Du Archipelago

by Thanh Nga

The common local saying "on the waves of March, old women go out to sea", means the sea is often calm in March, making it perfect to venture out to fish, or simply for pleasure. Now, as March swiftly approaches, the waters of the Nam Du Archipelago, 52 nautical miles off the coast of Rach Gia, the capital of the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang, you'll find the natural surrounds very inviting. The archipelago's 21 islands, which can be reached only by boat, take up a total area of only, have white sandy beaches, smooth waves, and clear blue water. According to 34-year-old backpacker Nguyen Hai Son, Lon Island, the largest island of the archipelago, will be the first stop when you arrive.

Boating bliss: Nam Du Archipelago's 21 islands, which can be reached only by boat, take up, have white sandy beaches, smooth waves, and clear With the even asphalted road, you can travel by motorbike taxi to the blue water.

lighthouse to see the entire cluster of islands that make Nam Du stretched out like an artistic masterpiece and at night, the lighthouse illuminates the surrounding sea.

You can rent rooms on the island for an overnight stay, but there are no real hotels on the islands, just a few local homes residents opened up as guest houses, with rooms costing about VND50,000 (US$2.5) per night. "People here can also act as guides for you and you can experience the life of local fishermen by jumping aboard one of their vessels or houses, which don't have refrigerators, bathrooms or other modern conveniences found in most houses," said Son. You can also hire a boat to go around the Nam Du islands, for about VND50,000. Nom Ngoai, Nom Giua and Nom Trong islands are in the south of the archipelago, while Dam, Hang, Moc, Tre and Nhan are in the north, and be sure to see some of the beautiful waterfalls on Nam Du's islands. According to the Viet Nam Institute of Geology and Minerals Research, landscapes of pure nature. File Photos the Nam Du Archipelago was created by two volcanic formations and at some of the islands' peaks, it's easy to image lava erupting, forming these islands. The local rocks are rough, similar to the texture of the flowing lava which created them and each rock bears its own distinct features and shapes.
Sea change: Mau Island is blessed with beautiful

After exploring the small islands, you should then move on to Ngang Island. There are two boat trips each day to Ngang, one at 7am and one at 3pm, to ferry tourists and locals alike. Ngang Island is at the centre of Nam Du Commune and its wharf is full of vessels and fishing nets. Nearby, there is a range of stilt houses built of bamboo and concrete, which stretch 2km down the shore. From Ngang, you can stop at Mau Island, a 20-minute boat ride away. The 200-ha island has a fishing village with 100 households, two sandy beaches and three beaches with a pebbled shoreline.

Residents on this small island will instantly know you're here when you arrive, and they're friendly and hospitable. Mau is blessed with beautiful landscapes of pure nature and the two white sand beaches, Chuong and Nam, are possibly the best in the archipelago, while their rocky counterparts Bac, Den and Trang, are also stunning. Nam Beach is very clean and has calm seas all the year round, and a steady stream of boats come to do business here and the residents often crowd around them. The cool waters of Chuong Beach is another highlight. The beach is surrounded by coconut trees and sand banks with transparent turquoise water. It is close to two rocky beaches, one filled with shiny black pebbles, named simply Den (Black) Beach. The rocks are a diverse range of shapes and shades and when the sun shines on them, rocks under the sea sparkle like diamonds. Some rocks have strange patterns and inspecting the distinct and unique array of these natural forms can swallow an entire afternoon. From Den Beach, you can reach Trang (White) Beach after a 15-minute walk. The entire beach is filled only with white rocks, ranging in size from those as small as fingers to some as big as hands. This beach has almost no sand and tourists coming to these rocky beaches often take home with them rocks to remember their journey. Spending a night in Mau, you can really taste the sea air, and after 11pm, the power generator stops working and life on the island fades into the stillness of night. You also have the chance to sit with islanders and drink tea or rice wine, and enjoy fresh fish and snails caught from the sea, while listening to stories of life from the Nam Du Archipelago. According to Huynh Van Loi, chairman of Nam Du Commune's People's Committee, only 12 out the 21 islands of Nam Du are inhabited, and were settled around 30-40 years ago. "You will be moved to tears when you hear about their experience of harsh storms and raging waves, their feelings when relatives suddenly fell ill or simply the harsh realities of living away from their native lands," said Son. If you have time, you can also discover the rest of the archipelago's islands. In particular, spending time visiting Dau Island, which is larger than other islands, is a good way to experience the archipelago. The island is home to a primeval forest, which spreads across 95 per cent of the island, with Bai Nha fishing village occupying the rest. This is the most peaceful fishing village in the archipelago, with 20 households living amongst the picturesque coconut trees. At present, there are not many visitors coming to Nam Du, quite possibly because travelling here is still quite difficult. "At the end of last year, Nam Du attracted hundreds of tourists and we hope with projects to help develop tourism in the area, especially in Mau Island, more and more visitors will come to the archipelago," said Loi. VNS

Historians condemn Hue bridge renewal

HUE A recent plan to enlarge two ancient bridges in Hue to ease traffic congestion has been met with opposition from local experts who believe the solution could destroy the heritage. Under the plan, the 200-year-old Vinh Loi and Kho bridges crossing the Ngu Ha River in the Hue Citadel will be expanded to more than 10 meters wide, said Nguyen Dang Truong, deputy director of the Thua Thien Hue province's Traffic Investment and Construction board. "The current stone bridge banister will be destroyed and more beton and brick will be added to expand the bridges," he adds. The project has been submitted to 12 experts and researchers in Hue for approval. "The best solution is to expand two sides of the old bridges while preserving their architecture to the best of our ability. If we built new bridges, there would be too many bridges crossing the Ngu Ha River. The panorama of the citadel would be destroyed," says Truong. However, the plan doesn't please restoration experts.

A bridge too far: The Kho Bridge which crosses the Ngu Ha River might be expanded to ease the traffic jams in Hue City. File Photo

According to researcher Mai Khac Ung, former manager of the research department of the Hue Relics Conservation Centre, expanding the bridges will ruin the whole relic because this expansion will lead to the reconstruction of the citadel's road as well as its entrance gates, as all architecture in the citadel is united. "Why do we have to destroy the relic to ease traffic congestion? We should lower population density in the citadel or limit the number of vehicles travelling in the city," he added.

According to some local inhabitants, traffic jams in Hue are not too pressing an issue for the city to destroy its heritage. There are five bridges crossing the Ngu Ha River. Traffic jams have never occurred at three of those five bridges, even in rush hour. At the Vinh Loi and Kho bridges, traffic jams only occur occasionally and each time last "Preserving means keeping intact. Enlarging the old bridge is not preserving it. about 20 to 30 minutes. For some local When the shape of the bridge disappears, it means that the vestige is destroyed", inhabitants, the best way to ease traffic Ung adds. in the area would be separating the traffic flows, since the congestion is usually caused by large vehicles getting Professor Hoang Dao Kinh also expressed his opposition to the plan. stuck and unable to find their way out. In fact, when the jam occurs, vehicles "The bridges are rare and are among the most precious heritage of Hue. If the will move to the other three bridges on situation is not urgent, we shouldn't renovate the bridges because we risk losing the river. the heritage. If it's important to ease traffic, the best solution should be building new bridges," he said. For his part, Phan Van Tuan, deputy director of the Hue Relics Conservation Centre, bridge expansion is the lowest priority. He proposed three other solutions that he finds better: decrease the population density in the citadel area, ease traffic on roads and entrances at the location, build a new bridge and separate traffic flow. VNS

PM Dung greets Lao counterpart

BINH DINH Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung received his Lao counterpart Thongsing Thammavong in the central province of Binh Dinh on Saturday. The Lao Prime Minister is paying a four-day visit to Kon Tum, Gia Lai and Binh Dinh provinces, starting on Wednesday. "The visit is of great importance and would contribute to boosting Vietnamese-Lao co-operation in all fields, especially in economy, trade and investment, in the context of the Viet Nam-Laos Friendship Year 2012," said PM Dung. He congratulated Laos for its achievements in socio-economic development and external affairs, which helped enhance the country's position in the regional and international arenas.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung greets Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong in Ha Noi. VNA/VNS Photo Duc Tam

Lao PM Thongsing Thammavong said that Laos had learned valuable lessons from Viet Nam in the field of socio-economic development, such as the mobilisation of resources through the political system and the reduction of poverty in society. He expressed his wish that Viet Nam would continue to share its experiences in socio-economic development with Laos and to help Laos train human resources to meet demands. The two PMs said the quick expansion of trade and investment co-operation has served as a firm foundation for the two countries to boost their ties in other fields in future. They affirmed that the two governments would effectively implement high-level agreements, creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese enterprises investing in Laos and rapidly increasing two-way trade. They also agreed to accelerate the exchange of diplomatic delegations at all levels and to remove any arising obstacles to bilateral co-operation. At the working sessions with leaders of the provinces of Kon Tum, Gia Lai and Binh Dinh, Lao PM Thongsing Thammavong expressed his appreciation for the co-operation of these three provinces with Laos and stressed that the localities of Laos and Viet Nam should continue communication on crucial issues, including hunger eradication and infrastructure development. He also suggested that the localities of the two countries should tighten their co-operation in the fields of industry, agriculture, forestry, aqua-culture and staff training. The leaders of the provinces reported to the Laos PM on their local achievements and experiences with social-economic development. They also put forward some specific suggestions that could contribute to improving the relations between the two countries. During his trip to these provinces, the Lao PM visited Gia Lai Province's Ho Chi Minh Museum and war martyr memorial; a successful countryside project in Kon Tum Province's Ha Mon Commune; and Binh Dinh Province's Qui Nhon University, Qui Nhon Port and Pharmacy and Health Equipment Company. On this occasion, the Lao PM also witnessed signing ceremonies between the two countries' agencies and enterprises. VNS

Vietnam misses chance to play at Asian futsal champs

The Vietnamese futsal was narrowly defeated 3-4 by Australia in the Asian Futsal qualifiers for the Southeast Asian region on February 26. Australia had a very good start scoring four goals in 35 minutes. Vietnam then counter-attacked and got three goals, with one penalty by Trong Thien and a double by Trong Toan. The team had been full of hope for a third-position ticket after taking the lead in group B with a 4-0 win against Malaysia, 7-1 win against Cambodia and a 2-2 draw with Australia to avoid Thailand, the strongest opponent and winner of group A. However, at the semi-final match it also lost 1-2 to Indonesia. In the final match Thailand thrashed Indonesia 5-2 to top the qualifier. The Vietnam team is scheduled to compete at the ASEAN Futsal Championship in Thailand from April 17-24.

Seafood test procedures need rethink

HA NOI Testing practices of seafood exporters should be modified to meet standards and to improve the quality of products, said Viet Nam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP). The association proposed to socialise testing activities in order to satisfy increasing demand and to maintain food safety, by moving the testing phase forward from the exported consignments to the raw material. This step was necessary because existing food safety policies on seafood exports have resulted in a loss of time and money for exporters, said VASEP deputy general secretary Nguyen Hoai Nam. Testing fees for finished-seafood products before export have almost doubled. Exporters must spend seven to 10 days procuring the samples for testing and implementing administrative procedures to control food safety.

Employees at Quang Ninh Seafood Import-Export Joint Stock Company process cuttlelfish. Seafood exporters are urged to improve their testing practices to ensure product quality. VNA/VNS Photo Quang Quyet

Nam said the testing fee is on average between VND5 million (US$238) and VND15 million ($714) for each container of the product. Seafood exporters must pay VND1-4 billion ($47,600-190,400) each year for one testing company's services, even if they run the tests themselves. Each year, the fisheries sector exports 1.2 million tonnes of seafood products. If 20 per cent of that export volume is tested, the sector must spend a huge sum of money on testing activities, Nam said. VASEP general secretary Truong Dinh Hoe said the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department (Nafiqad) should study the food safety controls for seafood products used by the EU and the US. Not only do they represent key export markets for Vietnamese seafood products, but they also have strict policies that govern the choice of raw material, processing and export procedures and packaging standards, Hoe said. Ensuring food safety from the early stages would be more efficient than tests on export consignments, which can only screen for certain strains of bacteria, he added. VNS

Giggs: Result epitomises spirit

Ryan Giggs admits the fans and Sir Alex must be frustrated with the overall performance at Norwich but the late matchwinner was obviously delighted to grab the three points in true United fashion. The Reds took an early lead through Paul Scholes but failed to build on the fine start and there was a sense of inevitability about Grant Holt's equaliser with only seven minutes left. Lesser teams would have crumbled but, as is the trademark of any of the manager's teams, a late rally put the home defence under sustained pressure for the first time in the game and, in Roy of the Rovers fashion, the man making his 900th appearance snatched the all-important goal. The celebrations showed just what it meant to everybody connected with the club and Manchester City's lead at the Barclays Premier League summit is now cut back to two points. "I think it's team spirit," replied Giggs when asked by MUTV how United continually manage to conjure up late drama. "Knowing we are going to create chances late on. "Probably today was frustrating as we created more chances in the last eight minutes or so than we did in the whole game. That's probably frustrating for the fans and the manager but credit to the lads as well. We kept going when our heads could have quite easily gone down. Norwich put us under a lot of pressure but we kept going and got the goal. "It was a mixture of things really. Do Norwich stick or twist? Do they try and defend the draw or go for it? Obviously, we always go for the win and we've got players on the park who can score and create goals. Ashley [Young] came onto the pitch and put in some great crosses, obviously like the one for my goal, so we've got goals from all areas." Giggs feels it could be a key moment in the title race but admits it's too early to say ahead of a tough assignment at Tottenham next weekend as Spurs will be smarting after their derby-day hammering by Arsenal. "We'll know more at the end of the season," added the Welshman. "The pressure was on us today. Obviously, City played yesterday and won quite easily but Norwich is a tough place to come and we've managed to dig the result out. It's an important win for us." To see Giggs rejoicing in front of the away fans after capping a landmark appearance at the death was evidence, if any was needed, of how much pulling on the Red shirt still means to him. "You've seen that from the celebrations right in front of the fans," he recalled. "And late on. It doesn't get any better than that. It's a feeling that won't change whether you're 17 or 38 like I am now. "To play for such a great team, a great club and the team I've supported and grown up with, it's obviously special to play 900 games. I'll keep going and hopefully there's more goals to come."
The only surprise about Ryan Giggs being named PFA Player's Player of the Year in April 2009 was that it had taken so long for him to win the prestigious award.


After all, he'd previously received countless other individual gongs - including the PFA Young Player award twice in his early career - not to mention more team honours than any other United player in the club's illustrious history. Ryan is United's record appearance-maker; he surpassed Sir Bobby Charlton's 758 on the night he helped the Reds secure a third European Cup triumph - his second - in Moscow on 21 May 2008. He's also the only player to have scored in every Premier League season; he

maintained that remarkable record with a volley in United's opening-day win over Newcastle in August 2010. United's most decorated player might never have graced Old Trafford, however, had it not been for Sir Alex Fergusons intervention. Cardiff-born Giggs was attending Manchester City's School of Excellence in his early teens, but Sir Alex made a personal visit to his house on his 14th birthday and Ryan jumped at the chance to sign for his boyhood favourites. Ryan turned professional at United in November 1990 and made his league debut in the old Division One against Everton at Old Trafford on 2 March 1991 as a substitute for Denis Irwin. His first league start in 1991/92 also proved a memorable occasion, as he also scored his first ever United goal that day (albeit via a huge deflection off Colin Hendry) in a 1-0 win over Manchester City. Giggs' first senior trophy arrived in November 1991 as United beat Red Star Belgrade in the European Super Cup final - Ryan came on for Lee Martin. He picked up his second winners' medal five months later as the Reds beat Nottingham Forest in the League Cup final. The following season, 1992/93, saw Giggs and United win the inaugural Premier League title. Ryan was an integral part of two Double-winning sides, in 1993/94 and 1995/96, before going one better in 1998/99 by adding the European Cup to the FA Cup and Premier League trophy. His contributions to the Treblewinning campaign included a superb solo goal to win the FA Cup semi-final replay against Arsenal at Villa Park, commonly regarded as one of United's greatest ever goals. Ryan celebrated 10 years at Old Trafford with a testimonial match against Celtic in 2001/02. A year later he bagged his 100th career goal in the 2-2 draw with Chelsea at Stamford Bridge and became only the second-ever player to play 700 games for United when he helped the Reds to a dramatic 1-0 win over Liverpool at Anfield in March 2007. Two months later, he became a league title winner for the ninth time, beating the record of eight championship medals held by Liverpool legends Phil Neal and Alan Hansen. In the interests of prolonging his club career at the highest level, Ryan retired from international football with Wales in June 2007 after 64 games and 12 goals. In October 2007, he extended his United contract to June 2009. December 2007 brought two landmark feats - Ryan was awarded the OBE (Order of the British Empire) for his services to football and he scored his 100th league career goal in the 4-0 home win over Derby County. Ryan crowned the epic 2007/08 season, his 18th in United's first team, by scoring the Reds' second goal in the last-day league win at Wigan and slotting home what proved to be the decisive penalty in the Champions League final shoot-out. Giggs' career continued with a flourish during 2008/09, when he adopted a more central position in midfield or just off the main striker as the Reds retained the title. Used primarily in his old wing position during 2009/10, Ryan was one of the Reds' most consistent performers until February when, in a challenge with Aston Villa's Steve Sidwell, he fractured his right arm and missed five weeks of football. The injury forced Giggs out of key European ties, as well as the Carling Cup final but he returned in late March to drive United's

relentless (yet ultimately unsuccessful) bid for a fourth consecutive title. Despite not adding to his medals tally, there was still much to celebrate personally in 2009/10. He was named BBC Sports Personality of the Year - on 30 November, the day after his 36th birthday - and a few weeks later he extended his Reds contract by one year. Giggs' most recent season brought another landmark, as he surpassed Charlton's United league appearances record by playing his 607th game against Liverpool in March 2011. He'd already penned another one-year deal and this was no sentimental gesture by Sir Alex: his elder statesman continued to produce some instrumental performances both in the middle and out wide. The 2010/11 title triumph was Giggs' 12th in total: it's a record that almost defies belief.

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