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Did you know that

...people from Halifax, are called Haligonians.

Halifax coffee supplier Kent Kaffe is opening a new coffee-laboratory in Nrre Farigmagsgade. Just around the corner from Frede, a new laboratory is opening up in the middle of February. The laboratory is Kents most recent project; he has bought approximately 200 square meters, and are rebuilding the location into a specially designed coffee house. The laboratory will focus on brewing black coffee and as a special feature Kent is going to install a 3 kilos coffee-roaster which he will use for special roasting of smaller portions of coffee beans for both sale and brewing. Furthermore the coffee house is aiming to create a room where exclusivity, intimacy, presence and expert knowledge meet in one.

#3 Januar 2011


...the city Halifax counts the most pubs per citizen :) ...most of those killed in Titanic were buried in Halifax. ...Halifax is known for its large natural harbour the second largest in the world (only Sydneys is larger)!

News from Kent Kaffe

Ordinarily Kent has his own roastery in the countryside in Fyn, wherefrom he produces 100% organic fair-trade coffee.
Coffe-tip of the month
When making an americano it is a good idea to pour the boiling water into one of the steamer-cans (that you usually use for steaming the milk) first. This way, the water will cool off a little bit, before it is poured into the espresso. Optimum the water should have a temperature between 92-96 degrees, when poured into the espresso. And if being completly true to the art of coffee, the surface of the espresso has to be skimmed for crema. This gives the coffee a much more round flavor. The surface is skimmed by taking a spoon and carefully removing the foam from the espresso.

Bookkeeper and handyman wanted!

This month we have sought after two new employees for two different part-time jobs in Halifax. The first employee we are looking for is a bookkeeper, who is going to work one or two days a week at the office. The second one we are looking for is an educated craftsman/woman, who is going to fix and handle all of the practical challenges that arise on the restaurants from time to time. He/she will become Halifax janitor so to speak :) Troels and Ulle are going to complete a lot of jobinterviews at the office in February, where we hope to find our two new colleagues!

All the Halifax waiters have voted for their representative in the AMO (the work environment organization). And its been a close run between the two candidates Sarah and Kristian. The winner of the ballot is Sarah, who has now joined the AMO and will be enrolled in a work environment education within the next three month.

From cock to cock

It is a good idea to fill up the small Take-Away dip-cups with different types of dip before the busy evening hours begin. This way you become able to get the TakeAway-orders done much faster.

This month we say goodbye to both Rebecca and Anders. Luckily both will return in the summer;) Rebecca is going to Melbourne, Australia for half a year to study. Anders is heading towards France also for one semester of studying. ENJOY and good luck to both of you!

Hip hip hurrah...

Happy birthday in January Jannis, Maja, Mark, Ulrich, Mlanie & Sara

If you have any input for next months newsletter, please let me know.

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