Aeromagnetic Data Interpretation To

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World Applied Sciences Journal 6 (10): 1429-1432, 2009 ISSN 1818-4952 IDOSI Publications, 2009

Aeromagnetic Data Interpretation to Locate Buried Faults in Yazd Province - Iran

Mohammad Aryamanesh Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Yazd University, Pajouhesh St., Yazd, Iran
Abstract: The aeromagnetic data is used in the reduction to poll, first order derivation in vertical direction to elucidate the subsurface structures and to locate buried faults of Yazd Province, Iran. Two interpreted magnetic basement structural (IMBS) maps were constructed along the two computed interfaces to show the structural setting of the study area. This includes the display of the uplifted and subsided blocks in the area. Filtering combined with analytical high ward continuation on the two assigned interfaces was then conducted. The structural elements affecting the basement complex at the two assigned interfaces were delineated and the fault system was statistically analyzed to determine the main structural trends affecting the study area. The interpretation of this survey has been successful at mapping several sets of basement faults. The data reveal a suite of northwesterly-trending curving and branching faults that surround a relatively coherent block in the area. Key words: Aeromagnetic % Buried Faults % Structural Map % Yazd INTRODUCTION Aeromagnetic applications are well known in a wide variety of geological studies and they play an important role in tracing lithological contacts and to recognize the structures like faults, Lineaments, dykes and layered complexes. Aeromagnetic data can be used along with conventional geological maps for various earth resource evaluation applications [1]. The regional aeromagnetic study of anomaly map brings out the regional geological pattern and structural features and provides an exceptional background for interpretation for specific purposes [2]. In order to increase confidence in the locations of buried faults a high-resolution aeromagnetic survey was conducted over a 131575 km2 area in Yazd Province, Central Iran. The principal objectives are to demarcate the buried faults and to define the depths of magnetic sources and also to identify the important trends and structures in the magnetic anomaly field. The linear anomalies give an unparalleled view of concealed faults within the basin that has significant implications for future basin studies. These implications provide the impetus for understanding the aeromagnetic expression of faults in greater detail. MATERIALS AND METHODS Several interpretation methods were applied with the final goal of enhancing the signature of hidden faults. Differences in layer thickness, depth to the layer(s) and magnetic susceptibility govern the variability of the anomaly shape. Further investigations of these variables using simple models provide graphical, mathematical and conceptual guides for understanding the aeromagnetic expression of faults, including the criteria for aeromagnetic expression of faults, how to locate fault traces from aeromagnetic anomalies, the effect of fault dip and how to assess the role of topography. The reduction to poll, first order derivation in vertical direction to elucidate the subsurface structures and to locate buried faults of Yazd Province, Iran. Two interpreted magnetic basement structural (IMBS) maps were constructed along the two computed interfaces to show the structural setting of the study area. A reduction-to-pole (RTP) transformation is standard applied to aeromagnetic data to minimize polarity effects [3]. These effects are manifested as a shift of the main anomaly from the center of the magnetic source and are due to the vector nature of the measured magnetic field. The RTP transformation usually involves an assumption

Corresponding Author: Dr. Mohammad Aryamanesh, Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Yazd University, Pajouhesh St., Yazd, Iran


World Appl. Sci. J., 6 (10): 1429-1432, 2009

DISCUSSION The aeromagnetic data was provided by Geological Survey of Iran (GSI) and it is the only data base has fairly uniform and complete data coverage and can thus provide a coherent view in reconstructing the tectonic evolution of the region. Analysis of aeromagnetic data over this large region has not been attempted previously. In this study we demonstrate that quantitative analyses of magnetic data are used to delineate the geotectonic blocks of the region. The survey area was flown in blocks of constant barometric altitudes of 3500, 5500 and 6000 feet. The traverses were flown with headings of 180 degree and 360 degree for the 3500 foot and 5500 foot blocks and 90 degree and 270 degree for the 6000 foot block, with 7.5 km spacing. The tie lines were flown perpendicular to the traverse with a 40 km.The contour travel interval for the total magnetic intensity are in two gammas (fine line) and 10 gammas (course line). Several techniques have been developed for the analysis of aeromagnetic data, which are used in quantitative interpretation. In this research as the first step we applied the Oasis montaj software package to get the total field magnetic map (Fig. 2). Then the processed total-field magnetic flight line data were girded using a minimum curvature routine approximately one-fourth of the line spacing of the survey. The data are displayed as a color shaded-relief image (Fig. 3). As the main objective of the study is, to delineate buried faults, so we need to use special filters to get a clear view from the aeromagnetic condition of the area. For this purpose several interpretation methods are applied with the final goal of enhancing the signature of

Fig. 1:

Geographical Location of the study area- Yazd Province

that the total magnetizations of most rocks align parallel or anti-parallel to the Earth's main field. This assumption probably works well for the Tertiary units in the survey area, which are the focus of interpretation. With our new understanding of the aeromagnetic expression of faults, we updated interpretations of faults from the aeromagnetic data for the area. These interpretations, along with the guides, should provide direction and fuel for future work in a wide variety of multidisciplinary basin-related topics. Geology and Tectonic Setting of the Study Area: Yazd Province is located in central Iran (Fig. 1) and covered by good outcrops of Precambrian basement complex, igneous and metamorphic rocks, Cretaceous sandstones and Quaternary sediments [4]. The present study deals with the application and correlation between geology and aeromagnetometry to establish the structural setting of the area under investigation. The area is very important viewpoint of seismotectonical phenomena. The active faults of Bahabad, Dehshisr, Shotori, Kalmard, Cheshme Rostam, Anar and Nayband are seen cross the area, but our knowledge about the buried faults in the area is rudimentary because of the paucity of geologic data. Folds and faults are the most important structures in this area [5]. The recent deformations have acted brittle and with sudden movements have induced an incompatibility. All these evidences point to a complicated tectonic regime which is caused by the interaction of the regional stress field and the local stress field.

Fig. 2: Total - field magnetic map for the study area


World Appl. Sci. J., 6 (10): 1429-1432, 2009

Fig. 3: Shaded-relief map for the study area shallow faults and aeromagnetic lineaments. The methods included are reduction-to-pole, gradient window, anomaly separation and depth estimation using horizontal gradients. The interpretation was accomplished using reduction-to-pole in conjunction with the total magnetic intensity maps. Both the total-field and RTP magnetic data reveal subtle, northeast-trending linear anomalies superposed on the larger magnetic anomalies (Figs. 2 and 3). These anomalies correspond well to mapped faults that offset basin-fill sediments [6]. To enhance the signature of these faults, the gradient window method was applied [7], a modification of the horizontal-gradient method. The horizontal gradient method is based on a principle from gravity methods that steep gradients occur over nearvertical contacts between units with differing physical properties [8]. Generally, structural and tectonic processes may influence the magnetic response of geological units. For example fault zones or fractured zones show normally low intensity. It can be due to passing of water or some weathered minerals. The shape of these abnormalities is generally visible as linear structures. In contrast, some of these regions also may be placed under the influence of mineral formation processes by mineral solution and secondary magnetic minerals are formed. In this case, such structures show linear magnetic anomalies with high density. The enhancement provides more comprehensive view of fault patterns than any other method available. The derivation method was used for investigating magnetic field density changes (gradient) in various directions. Of course a digital filter namely first order

Fig. 4: Hidden faults map for the study area derivation was used in vertical direction to enhance surface abnormalities compared to deeper abnormalities. By applying this filter on reduction of pole map, surface abnormalities will be more outstanding, thereby the behavior of these magnetic masses in surface can be studied better [9]. One of the important applications of first order vertical derivation is finding magnetic lineaments and determining the border between lithological units more exactly. This map was used in final interpretation for determining these lineaments and hidden faults. Finally the map of hidden faults and structural zoning of the study area were carried out (Fig. 4). Four different structural domains were recognized within the survey area by differences in inferred fault patterns, such as general orientation and spacing these domains help focus discussion of the geologic interpretation in later sections. There is a tendency for all the faults, including the exposed range front fault to turn to a more westerly direction. The mapped range-front fault and several faults inferred from aeromagnetic anomalies in the northeastern part of the area turn quite abruptly westward, indicating a significant change in fault geometry at the northern end of the Province. The inferred presence of a buried synthetic rampart fault just outboard of the range-front fault is strengthened by the aeromagnetic anomalies present there. The recent deformations have acted brittle and with sudden movements have induced an incompatibility. All these evidences point to a complicated tectonic regime which is caused by the interaction of the regional stress field and the local stress field.


World Appl. Sci. J., 6 (10): 1429-1432, 2009

CONCLUSION The linear anomalies are akin to those demonstrated and similarly correspond well to geologically mapped faults. But in this study we found some new lineaments with an E-W trend which are not exposed in the geological map and on the surface. Thus, these anomalies can be used to extend faults beyond their mapped surface exposure or infer previously unknown faults where they are covered by thin surface deposits. Further it is interpreted that the gradients and anomaly separation, were required to separate them from the influence of the large amplitude anomalies. In particular, the gradient window method worked well to reveal a comprehensive pattern of faulting within the basin fill. Anomaly separation prior to depth estimation increased the resolution of determining the depth range of shallow sources where there was interference from deeper sources. All the methods together provided the patterns and general depth ranges of intrabasin faults within the geothermal field that will aid in the research on the relation of faults to the geothermal reservoir. Generally, according to existing magnetic information in the region which have been collected by relatively high flight altitude, lineament of deep and regional and big terrains were recognized. According to the arial geophysical data, hidden faults with northeast-southwest extension have most correspondence with recognized faults on earth surface. In recent study, faults with east-west trend have been recognized in which the geological reports havent been reported. However if we are careful, we will find shadows of linear eastwest structures of the region on earth surface. Tabas and Kharaniq faults are generally planar and haven't much depth and are often deep faults of Shotori and Kalmard faulting zone. It is concluded that the obtained lineaments have a good correspondence with the regional faults. If sufficient information about existing faults is not available in the region, it is advisable to use aeromagnetic data for seismic potential studies.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am thankful to all my colleagues in the department of aeromagnetic, geological survey of Iran for their cooperation for providing me aeromagnetic data. REFERENCES 1. Reeves, A., 1990. Olympic Dam Copper-UraniumGold-Silver Deposit; in Geol-Ogy of the Mineral Deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea, the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metal-Lurgy, Hughes, F.E., Editor, pp: 1009-1035. Sharma, K.K., 1998. Geological Evolution and Crustal Growth of the Bundelkh and Carton and Its Relict in the Surrounding Regions, North Indian Shield, the Indian Precambrian, Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India, pp: 33-43. Blakely, R.J., 1995. Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications: Cambridge University Press. Stocklin, J., 1968. Structural History and Tectonics of Iran; A Review Bull Am. Assoc Petrol. Geol., V. 52, pp: 1229-1258. Nowroozi, A., 1976. Seismotectonic Provinces of Iran, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 66:1249-1276. Blakely and R.W. Simpson, 1986. Locating Edges of Source Bodies from Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies: Geophysics, V., 51: 1494-1496 Grauch, V.J.S. and C.S. Johnston, 2002. Gradient Window Method: A Simple Way to Isolate Regional from Local Horizontal Gradients in Potential-Field Gridded Data, 72nd Annual Intl. Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, pp: 120-127 Reid, A.B., J.M. Allsop, H., 1990. Somerton, Magnetic Interpretation in three Dimensions Using Euler Deconvolution, Geophysics, V.55, pp: 80-91. Cordell, L. and V.J.S. Grauch, 1985. Mapping Basement Magnetization Zones from Aeromagnetic Data in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, in Hinze, William J. (Ed.), the Utility of Regional Gravity and Magnetic Anomaly Maps, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, pp: 181-197.


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