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GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY I. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 I can speak 2 Barbara cant play A piano B Polish C band C a meal

A the saxophone B languages B instrument B iron?

3 The guitar is my favourite A language 4 Can George speak 5 They can burn a 6 We can read 7 Can he 8 Can you send 9 I cant make 10 She can a horse. A music? A CD

C French

C Spanish?

B sing C music B piano B Italian? C instrument C meal? C a text message?

A German A swim?

A the Web? A cook A swim

B a kilometre?

B underwater B ride C run

C a sandwich 1*10=10 POINTS

II. Put the words in brackets in the correct order: 1. Our ( smoke, not ,teachers,do) school. 2.( not, Ali, does, go) school on Friday. 3. Where ( Helen, live, does).?

4. Pedro and Sarah ( not, do,eat).cauliflower. 5. I ( not, usually, do, have ) brunch on Wednesday. 5*2= 10 POINTS

III. Write instructions for the classroom. Use dont where necessary. 1 2 3 4 5 use / mobile phones listen / teacher do / homework write / desks eat / drink _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ 5*2= 10 POINTS

IV. Match the words in A with the words and phrases in B. A B 1 camera a) a picture 2 wait 3 take 4 speak 5 play 6 blonde 7 flat 8 a pair 9 go 10 No b) of trainers c) phone d) hair e) Polish f) for Santa

g) on foot h) battery i) j) problem! the saxophone 10*2=20 POINTS

V.Write a composition about your favourite day of the week. Timp de lucru: 2 ore Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. 40 POINTS



I. 1 B 6 A 2 A 7 A 3 B 8 C 4 C 9 C 5 A 10 B 10 POINTS II. 1.... teachers do not smoke.... 2. Ali does not go.... 3......does Helen live? not eat..... 5. not usually have... III. 1 Dont use mobile phones! 2 Listen to the teacher! 4 Dont write on desks! 5 Dont eat or drink ! 3 Do your homework ! 5*2=10 POINTS

5*2= 10 POINTS

IV. 1 c 6 d 2 f 7 h 3 a 8 b 4 e 9 g 5 j 10 i

10*2= 20 POINTS

V. COMPOSITION 1. Balanced structure, coherence and logical stream of ideas: 10 points 2. Correct use of structures, connectors and vocabulary: 10 points 3. Accurate spelling and punctuation: 10 points 4. Originality and interesting details : 10 points 40 POINTS Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. TOTAL 100 POINTS



I. Match the verbs in A with the words and phrases in B. A play work cook sail write fly drive help listen be B for the EU a plane emails to the radio the trumpet a car sure supper in a boat people

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

10*1=10 POINTS

II. Find the odd word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sunny cloudy cold season spring autumn dry winter serious windy friendly helpful magazine cap sweatshirt sunglasses hairdresser electrician weather nurse sun shy rain star interpreter police officer fire-fighter summer armpit, year, eyelashes, elbow popular bigger drier later interpreter shop assistant teacher ocean

10*1= 10 POINTS

III. Read the text and complete with the present simple or present continuous of these verbs. write do shout shine write have run get sit read Its eight oclock on Monday morning. The sun 1 _______________________ its a lovely day. Mark 2 _______________________ up. His mum and dad 3 _______________________ at the table in the kitchen. They always 4 _______________________ their breakfast at eight oclock and Marks dad always 5 _______________________ his favourite newspaper. Mark isnt eating hes got a pen and some paper. Why 6 ____________________ a letter now, Mark? asks his dad. I 7_______________________ a letter, says Mark. I 8 ______________________ my English homework. Marks mum always 9 _______________________ at him when hes late for school. Hurry up, she says. Its half past eight! Mark is going to school now. He 10 _______________________ because hes late ... but his homework is on the table in the kitchen! 10*2=20 POINTS

IV. Write sentences using comparative adjectives. 1 A computer / expensive / mobile phone 2 Anita / short / Sara 3 Russia / big / Britain 4 Japanese / difficult / German 5 English / easy / Chinese

5*2=10 POINTS

V.Write a short letter to a friend in another country. Say thank you for a birthday present and invite your friend to stay with you. Think about these questions: Whats the present like? What did you do for your birthday party? What food did you have at the party? 40 POINTS What other presents did you get? When can your friend stay with you? Timp de lucru: 2 ore. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. TOTAL 100 POINTS


2 a 7 f

3 h 8 j

4 i 9 d

5 c 10 g 10*1=10 POINTS

II. 1 season 6 shy 2 dry 7 summer 3 windy 8 year 4 magazine 5 weather 9 popular 10 ocean 10*1= 10 POINTS III. 1 is shining 4 have 7 m not writing 10 is running 2 is getting 5 reads 8 m doing 3 are sitting 6 are you writing 9 shouts 10*2=20 POINTS

IV. 1 A computer is more expensive than a mobile phone. 2 Anita is shorter than Sara. 3 Russia is bigger than Britain. 4 Japanese is more difficult than German. 5 English is easier than Chinese. 5*2=10 POINTS V. COMPOSITION

1. Balanced structure, coherence and logical stream of ideas: 10 points 2. Correct use of structures, connectors and vocabulary: 10 points 3. Accurate spelling and punctuation: 10 points 4. Originality and interesting details : 10 points 40 POINTS

Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.



GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY I. Read the text. Complete 110 with A, B or C. Ana, youre Polish, 1 ____ ? No, Im from Slovakia. Oh, right. But your parents are Polish, 2 ____ ? Did they move to Slovakia before you were born? Yes, 3 ____ , but they didnt like it there very much. They were living there for a long time, 4 ____ ? Twelve years? Fifteen years. But they always wanted to go back to Poland. Theyre back in Poland now, 5 ____ ? I think you told me about their new house. Its in Krakow, 6 ____ ? No, its in Gdansk. What about your dad? He wasnt working in England last year, 7 ____ ? No, 8 ____ . He had a job in Japan 9 ____ now hes in Russia. But hes going to come back to England soon. Thats nice, 10 ____ ? Yes, Im really looking forward to it. You can meet him when he gets home.

Ian Ana Ian

Ana Ian Ana Ian



Ana Ian

1 A arent you 2 A they are

B are you B are there

C will you C arent they

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A they did A they were A are they A isnt it A he wasnt A it isnt A and A wasnt she

B are they B there were B were they B it is B wasnt he B he wasnt B because B wasnt it

C didnt they C werent they C arent they C is there C was he C wasnt it C so C isnt it

1*10=10 POINTS

II. Read the text and complete with suitable WORD(S) or PHRASE(S).

Sandra is going to evening classes this year. She wants 1 ________________ Spanish but her school doesnt teach it. Shes interested in Spanish because she loves Spain and would like 2 ________________ a tour guide there when she leaves school. 3 ________________ you speak a language really well you can often find a good job with a travel company, and thats what she has 4 ________________ to do. She writes emails to a Spanish friend, and next holiday shes going to work in Spain 5 ___________ make her spoken language better. To 6 ________________ her to find a job shes going to take an exam in Spanish too. 7 ________________ you get good exam results, its easier to find a job. And when you 8 ________________ hard at something, you are usually successful, so Sandra should get the job that she wants. But her friends think shes crazy. When you study a lot, you cant often 9 ________________ your friends. But she doesnt care. In fact, she 10 ________________ them emails in Spanish!

10*2=20 POINTS

III. Complete with information about you. 1 I __________________________________ , so Im very lucky. 2 Sometimes I refuse __________________________________ . 3 I want to visit _________________ and _________________ if I go to London.

4 I get angry when __________________________________ . 5 I use a pen to __________________________________ . IV.Read the text and choose True or False. Hi Mike! Ive just had the most fantastic experience of my life. We went to Lapland! It was a school trip (one week instead of school) and it was fantastic. We went reindeer spotting with a Sami guide. He took us into the tundra where we walked for ages in the freezing cold, but suddenly, in the middle of all the empty snow, we saw a huge herd of reindeer. We visited a Sami camp too. We saw people making knives and leather clothes and houses all from reindeer. Their houses seemed really warm and comfortable. We also went on a sled ride with husky dogs with a driver. We went really fast and it was so exciting, and guess what we found Father Christmas. He was hiding behind a tree (only joking!). One afternoon we drove north and stayed there deep in the Arctic Circle. We didnt experience the midnight sun that only happens in summer but we saw the most amazing Northern Lights. They were fantastic, absolutely stunning. You see so many colours dancing around the sky. But I think the best thing was we stayed in an ICE hotel. Can you believe it a hotel made just of ice? You sleep on ice beds, you sit on ice chairs OK, with reindeer skins on top, and dont worry the hotels a nice, warm 5C! The hotels in a place called Jukkasjarvi. Its very small and quiet with just a museum and a restaurant. But the museums really interesting. It has an exhibition about the Sami way of life. This was absolutely the best trip Ive ever been on. Go there too you really must. Love Hannah 1 Hannah went to Lapland in the school holidays. True / False 2*5=10 POINTS

2 They didnt find the reindeer quickly. 3 Hannah liked the Sami houses. 4 Hannah drove a sled.

True / False True / False True / False

5 6 7 8 9 10

She saw Father Christmas. They visited the Arctic Circle in the summer. Hannah was frightened by the Northern Lights. Hannahs favourite thing was the ice hotel. The hotel wasnt really warm. Jukkasjarvi is an exhausting place.

True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False 10 P OINTS

SECTION II V. COMPOSITION Write a 250-word story which starts with the words: Tom crawled out of his warm bed and walked over to his bedroom window. It had been a very cold night and ... 40 POINTS Timp de lucru: 2 ore Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.



II. 1 to learn 6 help

2 to be 7 If

3 If 8 work

4 wanted 9 see

5 to 10 sends 10*2=20 POINTS

III. Students own answers IV. 1 true 6 false 2 true 7 false 3 true 8 true 4 false 9 false 5 true 10 false 10 POINTS V. COMPOSITION 1.Balanced structure, coherence and logical stream of ideas: 10 points 2. Correct use of structures, connectors and vocabulary: 10 points 3. Accurate spelling and punctuation: 10 points 4. Strong effect on the reader: 10 points: a very good title: 3 points a very good idea: 3,5 points a surprising ending: 3,5 points 40 POINTS Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. TOTAL 100 POINTS 5*2= 10 POINTS

CONCURS NATIONAL DE LIMBA ENGLEZA LA SCOALA CU CEAS 15 ianuarie 2011 GRADE 7 SECTION I GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY I. Add ONE word to complete each sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Please dont ___ a word to anyone. Fred is having second _____ about getting married. He is not sure if now is the ______ time to get married. He says hes ____ a lot of pressure from his girlfriend, Gina. She wants him to ____ up his mind one way or the other. Ginas applied ___ a new job in San Francisco. If she leaves him, it will ____ him a favour. They had a big ______ the other night. They _____ so much noise that someone called the police. Fred is going __ holiday on his own next week. Hes looking _____ to spending some time on his own. I dont know if Gina will be ______ for him when he gets back. 12 POINTS

II. Put each verb into the most appropriate form. The first time I (1)__________(speak) to my best friend Susan was the day I saw her waiting for a bus outside the university. As it (2)__________(rain), I offered her a lift. We (3)__________(be) good friends since then. We (4)__________(spend) a lot of time with each other and next month, we (5)__________(go) on holiday together. Im sure we (6)__________(have) a great time. We (7)__________(go) to travel around Europe and

visit some of my relatives. Susan (8)__________(never be) abroad before, but I told her not to worry. It will be fun. Just you wait and see, I said. 8 POINTS

III. In each of these sentences, two of the three expressions in italics are possible. Write the one which is INCORRECT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) I might / will / had to get married by the time Im 30. I wish I had known / know / knew what to say. You are believed / supposed / expected to be back here in an hour. There are very many / several / no things that I want to say to her. Hes got a little / little / few time left to finish his work. David said he saw / had seen / sees you recently. If I know / knew / had known the answer, I wouldnt be here now. Well go in my car unless / if / when Peter decides to come. She has a deal / number / lot of friends in the area. I dont know where all our / the / some money goes. 1*10=10 POINTS

IV. Add one word to each sentence. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) You should buy it. It really ____ you. Im feeling _____, so Im going to bed. Why dont you _____ up your mind? I dont want to ____ the cooking tonight. Lets go out. Todays Friday, so the day after tomorrow is _____ Whats the _____? You dont look well. Do you have any _____ what time it is? It will take her a long time to get ____ her bad news. Hang ____ a minute. Ill see if shes here. Ill be ready to leave in a minute. I just have to ____ my suitcase. 2*10= 20 POINTS


V.Write a 300-word story which ends with the words: The bells jingled and the golden sleigh sparkled in the darkness. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. Timp de lucru 2 ore. 40 POINTS 100 POINTS

BAREM GRADE 7 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY I. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) say thoughts right/best under make for do fight made on forward waiting 12 POINTS II. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

spoke was raining have been spend are going (to go) well have are going has never been 8 POINTS

III. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) had to know believed no few

(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

sees know when deal some


IV. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) suits tired make do Sunday matter idea over on pack/get/find 2*10=20 POINTS V. COMPOSITION 1.Balanced structure, coherence and logical stream of ideas: 10 points 2. Correct use of structures, connectors and vocabulary: 10 points 3. Accurate spelling and punctuation: 10 points 4. Strong effect on the reader: 10 points: a very good title: 3 points a very good idea: 3,5 points a surprising ending: 3,5 points 40 POINTS Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. TOTAL 100 POINTS


I. There are three underlined words or phrases, marked (A), (B) and (C).Write the letter A/ B /C corresponding to the word or phrase that is grammatically incorrect. (1) When I explained (A) what was happening (B) to him he seemed unhappy, and insisted (C) to phone his lawyer. (2) It (A) has been rumoured that the President (B) about to make a major announcement about the state of (C) the nation. (3) Mary had her fortune (A) been told last week and (B) ever since then she (C) has been really moody and depressed. (4) Hes (A) very perfect for you Jasmine; none of your other boyfriends (B) have been so level-headed, so caring, and (C) so utterly gorgeous! (5) She (A) must have been at home because there wasnt (B) any reply when I (C) knocked on the door. (6) Assuming that they (A) were to offer you the job, would you (B) willing to accept (C) under the terms and conditions that they advertised? (7) Ingrid had (A) been trying hard to learn Russian, but she (B) gave up when her Russian boyfriend (C) told he only wanted them to speak English together. (8) (A) It wasnt California (B) where we visited on holiday last year, (C) it was Texas. (9) It is highly (A) likely that after failing to (B) turn up for most of the classes, she (C) will pass the exam. (10) That painting (A) will be worth a fortune in (B) those years (C) to come. 1*10= 10 POINTS

II. Choose the correct word or phrase (a, b or c) to complete sentences below: (1) He _____________ stealing his coat. a) accused me to b) accused me of c) is me accusing (2) It took me some time, but I did ____________ find out who had been opening my mail. a) basically b) anyway c) eventually (3) Supposing that you _______ become a doctor, what do you think you would have done? a) hadnt b) werent c) didnt (4) She __________ in bed when I called. It was two in the afternoon! a) cant be b) couldnt have been c) couldnt be (5) I think John might ___________ problems at work lately. a) have been having b) have c) be having (6) Do you think that your money could _____________when you were on the bus? a) be stolen b) have stolen c) have been stolen (7) I live in Seattle, __________ is in Washington State. a) where b) which c) that (8) He offered me some whisky, ___________ was very strange because he knows I dont drink alcohol. a) that b) who c) which (9) What I dont understand ___________ they managed to get there before we did. a) is b) was if c) is how (10) I was ___________ uneasy before the concert started. a) absolute b) quite c) utter 1*10=10 POINTS

III. Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, or c) to complete sentences. (1) I would like to emphasise that this is not some ___________ idea that I dreamt up last night! I have been working on this plan for the last six months. a) half-baked b) half-cooked c) half-digested Bills a bit of an entrepreneur. He has his fingers in a lot of ___________. a) dishes b) puddings c) pies This is my third computer virus in ten days. Im totally __________ it! a) impatient of b) irritated at c) fed up with It just ____________ that its your first wedding anniversary next week, isnt it? a) hit me b) come over me c) slapped me They know the risks of swimming with sharks, ___________ they still insist on doing it. a) consequently b) yet c) also When you are a busy manager like me, its not a good idea to ______________ until tomorrow what you have time to do today. a) put off b) put up c) put on The water looks beautiful. Shall we go for a ____________ in the pool? a) nap b) slap c) dip That man over there has an incredibly _________ forehead, dont you think? a) turned-up b) high c) full Its completely ___________ whether he wants to take a holiday with us or not. a) through him b) out of him c) up to him _______________ by the time we get back, do you think? a) Will you have finished b) Will you be finishing c) Are you going to be finishing 10*2=20 POINTS










IV. (1) (2)

Underline the most appropriate word in italics in the sentences below. Van Gogh painted several auto-portraits / self-images / self-portraits. Patricks been confined / stuck / contracted to a wheelchair ever since the accident.

(3) (4)

Sue was heavily / largely / seriously injured in a car crash last week. No money has been spent on the house for years. Its very old and run-down / run away / sprawling.

(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Harry lives on the suburbs / outskirts / outside of the city. The hotel is surrounded / set / placed in a small forest near a beautiful lake. The film was extremely terrific / horrible / entertaining. The film was very disappointing. It was a huge letdown / garbage / disappointing. I couldnt care more / less / any about who wins the next election. Im really fussy of / with / about the brand of trainers I buy.

1*10 = 10 POINTS SECTION II V.COMPOSITION Write a 300-word story which begins with the words: Children came pouring out of the classrooms and stood with their mouths open, amazed at the sight. 40 POINTS

Timp de lucru: 2 ore Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. TOTAL 100 POINTS

BAREM GRADE 8 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY I. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) c b a a a b c b a b 10 POINTS II. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) b c a b a c b c c b


III. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) a c c a b a c b c a 20 POINTS IV. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) self-portraits confined seriously run-down outskirts set entertaining letdown less about 10 POINTS V. COMPOSITION 1. Balanced structure, coherence and logical stream of ideas: 10 points 2. Correct use of structures, connectors and vocabulary: 10 points 3. Accurate spelling and punctuation: 10 points 4. Strong effect on the reader: 10 points: a very good title: 3 points a very good idea: 3,5 points a surprising ending: 3,5 points

40 POINTS Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. TOTAL 100 POINTS

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