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Peace FM Membership Form

NOTES: Peace Full Media (PeaceFM) Is a local community radio station based in the Manchester area of Hulme/Moss-Side. We encourage and welcome people to become Members of the organisation. There is an expectation that anyone who has substantial involvement with PeaceFM consolidates their involvement and becomes a Member. There are a number of ways you can become involved with the organisation and these are as follows:Membership Forms This is a general membership form and apart from wanting to become a general member all other applications will need to have supplementary information submitted with this membership application form. PEACE FM reserves the right to refuse or revoke membership status. This is if it was deemed that the inclusion of any individual due to their views/ behaviour/attitude were considered to be detrimental to the ethos and underpinning values of the organisation. [See Article 3 of Articles of Association]. All information on individuals will be kept in accordance with the Peace Full Media Limited Confidentiality Policy. [See Article 5 of Articles of Association]. General Members The benefits of membership include having the right to vote at Annual General Meetings (provided your membership fee has been paid in full) and possible discounted access to promotions and events run by the radio station. All memberships will have to be renewed every 12 months. Member of the Board of Directors This group will consist of skilled, professional and or experienced people with a proven track record of what skills, knowledge and experience they can bring to Peace FM in order to grow the organisation. The primary role of this group is to ensure that the Board work effectively and achieve maximum potential for the benefit of Peace FM, its staff, volunteers and listeners. This group

Peace FM Membership Form

will meet a minimum of (6) times a year, and will provide direction and support to the Management Group.

Advisory/Listening Group The membership of this group is made up of people from the community who have the skills and expertise in order to maximise the potential of PeaceFM. The composition of the group will reflect the diverse community that the radio station serves. The primary role of this group will be to ensure that they provide support and direction to the Management group. Advisory/Listening group members will not be expected to attend Board meetings, however, may be invited by the Station Manager to attend other public meetings.

Operational Group This group will consist of people that are involved in and responsible for the everyday running of the radio station. The primary role of this group is to ensure that the radio station operates in accordance with the Key Commitments laid out in the Community Radio Licence and to be involved and responsible for the everyday running of the station. ALL COMPLETED APPLICATION FORMS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE PEACEFM OFFICES AT 1 Parsonage Street, Hulme, Manchester M15 5WD.

Peace FM Membership Form

If You Wish To Apply For Any Of The Other Positions Within PeaceFM Please Indicate Which Below and attach your CV/Further Details: BOARD OF DIRECTOR; Advisory/Listening Group; Operational Team Member

Membership Registration form PLEASE COMPLETE REGISTRATION FORM USING BLOCK CAPITALS Name:_______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:________________________ Gender: Male Age: ________

Female (circle as appropriate)

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Post Code: __________________ Contact telephone number: ___________________________ Email address: _____________________________________ I agree to pay the current membership fee of: 10.00 5.00 (concessions, unemployed, OAPs and students)

If you are under 18 years of age an adult must also sign this form Signed: ___________________ Co signed for under 18 years ________________________ Date:__________________________________ For Office Use only Membership ID Number ___________________ Membership Fee Paid _____________________ Renewal Date ___________________________
From time to time Peace FM will send you promotional information about Peace FM please tick the box if you do not wish to receive information. The information submitted on this form will be used for the purpose of Peace FM only and will not be shared with third parties.

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