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UNLV Radiography Program Assessment (JRCERT Program 0094) 2011/2012 UNLV Radiography Program Mission Statement: The Radiography

Program is dedicated to the education of students in preparation for entry level clinical practice. Program administration, faculty and staff provide didactic and clinical education opportunities, which adhere to recognized standards, to all established students. The program is committed to graduating students who are prepared to write appropriate certifying examinations and who are prepared to become practicing radiography professionals. Goal: Students will become clinically competent

1. Students will display radiographic positioning skills

Measurement Benchmark
Students will obtain a semester average of 10 points or higher on a sliding scale of up to 20 points. The scale can change based on the position given. Students will obtain a min. score of 90% on a 100% scale for comp positioning criteria in clinics Students will obtain a semester average of 10 points or higher on a 13 point maximum. Students will obtain a Yes for image critique in clinics

Practical grading sheet procedures portion

Time Frame
Multiple times throughout Fall and Spring semesters in RAD 371, 373

Responsible Party
Lab Instructor

22 1st years were evaluated in positioning labs and averaged 18.6 of possible 20 in practical exams in lab 46 students (both 1st and 2nd yr) were evaluated on comps in the clinical setting. 4 received a fail on the comp 22 1st years were evaluated in lab and averaged 11.6 of 13 for proper exposure factors

Continue to monitor and evaluate positioning lab skills

Clinical competency evaluation form. Positioning and Technical skills #1-7

Throughout the clinical semesters for each exam. RAD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

Continue to monitor

2. Students will demonstrate appropriate exposure factor selection

Practical grading sheet equipment knowledge portion Clinical competency evaluation form. Image critique #6

Multiple times throughout Fall and Spring semesters in RAD 371, 373 Throughout the clinical semesters for each exam. RAD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334

Lab Instructor

Continue to monitor

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

3. Students will practice proper radiation safety

Students will obtain a Yes for ALARA concepts in clinics

Clinical competency evaluation. Required items #7

Throughout the clinical semesters for each exam. RAD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

22 students averaged 6.287 of three radiation protection items observed during lab procedures 46 students (both 1st and 2nd yr) were evaluated during clinical. On three studies shielding was NOT done

Students will obtain a Yes for radiation safety principles on patients.

Clinical competency examination form. Required items #4, 6, 9, 10

Throughout the clinical semesters for each exam. RAD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

Revised competency evaluations were developed for Fall 2011. Data is currently being gathered Continue to monitor and stress radiation safety practices for all mock positioning items in labs and clinical Continue to monitor and stress radiation safety principles

4. Students will provide appropriate patient care

Students will obtain a combined average of 80% or higher on 2 written tests. Students will obtain an 80% or higher on each patient care skills practicals

Midterm and Final examinations

Each semester in RAD 117 Patient Care


Students will obtain 6 points or higher for patient care in labs on an 8 point maximum

Practical evaluation on CPR, Vital signs, Sterile and aseptic technique, venipuncture, patient transfer Practical grading sheet patient care portion

Each semester in RAD 117 Patient Care


126 of 130 total students averaged 80% or higher in RAD 117 Pt. Care class. (4 failures) 126 or 130 total students completed the Pt. Care practicals with a score of 80% or higher 22 1st yr students averaged 7.9 of 8 pts for pt. care during lab practicals

Continue to monitor

Continue to monitor

Multiple times throughout Fall and Spring semesters in RAD 371, 373

Lab Instructor

Continue to monitor

Goal: Student will develop acceptable critical thinking skills.

1. Students will recognize emergency patient conditions and initiate appropriate treatments

Students will obtain a Yes for patient care in emergency situations

Clinical competency evaluation form. Patient care #7

Time Frame
Throughout the clinical semesters for each exam. RAD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334

Responsible Party
Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

Students received yes on clinical comps regarding pt. emergency situations. Twice, a student was the first on scene and performed successful CPR on a pt. No isolation pt. violations were noted. 46 total students 22 students were monitored and averaged 8.78 of 9 on lab film critique and evaluation 46 students were monitored and clinical image critique scores showed 96% proper critiques

Continue to monitor

Students will obtain a Yes for patient care in isolation 2. Students will determine corrective measures that may be needed for suboptimal radiographs Students will obtain a semester average of 6 points or higher for film critique out of a 9 point maximum. Students will obtain a Yes for Image Critique

Clinical competency evaluation form. Patient care #2 Practical grading sheet. Film critique portion

Throughout the clinical semesters for each exam. RAD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 Multiple times throughout Fall and Spring semesters in RAD 371, 373 Throughout the clinical semesters for each exam. RAD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator Lab Instructor

Continue to monitor

Continue to monitor

Clinical competency evaluation form. Image critique #1-8

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

Continue to monitor

Goal: Students will develop acceptable communication skills

1. Students will communicate effectively with patients

Students will obtain a Yes in communicating with patients

Clinical competency evaluation form. Patient care aspect #1, 3, 4, & 8.

Time Frame
Throughout the clinical semesters for each exam. RAD 330, 331, 332, 333, 334

Responsible Party
Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

46 students were evaluated in the clinical setting and proper communication was demonstrated 92% of the time 46 students were evaluated and averaged a score of 3.8 of 5 on the PGA

Continue to monitor

Students will obtain a semester average of 3 or higher on a 5 point scale in communication

Professional Growth Assessment #10

Midterm and Final of each semester

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

Continue to monitor

2. Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills

Students will obtain a 75% or higher on a research paper

RAD 474 research paper assignment

Spring semester


One of 24 students scored below 75% on the research paper

Continue to monitor

Goal: Students will demonstrate professionalism

1. Students will demonstrate a professional appearance

Students will obtain a semester average of 3 points or higher on appearance on a 5 point maximum scale. Students will obtain a semester average of 3 points or higher on demeanor on a 5 point maximum scale. Students will obtain a semester average of 3 points or higher on attendance and dependability on a 5 point maximum scale.

Professional Growth Assessment #2

Time Frame
Midterm and Final of each semester

Responsible Party
Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

46 students averaged 4.2 or 5 on the PGA in clinical

Continue to monitor

2. Students will demonstrate a professional demeanor

Professional Growth Assessment #1

Midterm and Final of each semester

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

46 students averaged 4.3 of 5 on PGA evaluations

Continue to monitor

3. Students will demonstrate a professional work ethic through attendance and dependability

Professional Growth Assessment #4 & 9

Midterm and Final of each semester

Site clinical instructor and UNLV clinical coordinator

46 students averaged 3.3 of 5 on PGA #4 & 9

Continue to monitor

Program effectiveness

1. Graduating students will pass the ARRT registry

Obtain a score of passing on the 1st attempt in the ARRT Board at least 80% of 1st time test examinees within 6 mos. of graduating

ARRT Annual Report

Time Frame
Annually (fall each year)

Responsible Party
Program Director

UNLV RAD Grads scored passing registry scores for 82% of the class. 4 fails of 22 attempts (two were from yr. 2006 class). 8th yr where one or more scored the highest in the US

Continue to monitor

2. Graduate students are satisfied with the UNLV RAD Program

Min. of 80% of graduate surveys returned will score a 7 or higher. On a 1-10 satisfaction scale. From actual date of beginning required RAD coursework, students will ALL required RAD and Core curriculum coursework From date of graduation, a 5 year average minimum of 80% of those seeking employment will be employed in imaging Min. of 80% of employers will report a 7 or higher that graduates are overall clinically competent. On a 1-10 satisfaction scale

Annual graduate survey

Annually (fall each year)

Program Director

3. Students will complete the Program within 4 total years from acceptance.

Annual evaluation of student progress

Annually (fall of each year)

Program Director

4. Of graduate students seeking employment, students will be employed with in six months of graduation 5. Employers are satisfied with the UNLV Radiography program.

Graduate survey

Six months after graduation

Program Director/Faculty

100% of students desiring to complete the program since this policy was implemented have completed the program within 4 yrs. 20/22 had gained employment within 6 months of completing the program (90%)

Continue to monitor

Continue to monitor

Employer survey

Annually (Fall semester)

Employers from affiliates

92% reported overall satisfaction with the 10 pt scale 8.2

Continue to monitor

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