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Sophie 6th hour To begin, we see many changes in Tom.

Tom goes on so many adventures that no other kid would go on that change him eventually. Tom only thinks about himself in the start, but his many adventures change him. Throughout the novel, Tom goes from selfish to selfless. I saw these changes in Tom throughout the book, when Tom comes back from Jacksons Island, he wants someone to feel glad to see Huck too, then Tom takes the blame for Becky ripping Mr. Dobbins book, next he helps Muff Potter not be proven guilty. First of all, let me tell you how Tom changed first. When Tom, Huck, and Joe come back from Jacksons Island, they go to their own funeral. As soon as they are noticed, everyone loves on them and gives them kisses except for Huck. Tom felt bad for Huck because he was not being loved on too. To prove my point Tom said, Aunt Polly, it aint fair. Somebodys got to be glad to see Huck. (Twain, page 131) Tom was very nice to Huck and did not want Huck to feel left out; as if he had not changed, Tom would not have cared. Secondly, this is how Tom changed second. When Becky accidentally ripped Mr. Dobbins book, Tom saw what she had done. When Mr. Dobbins sees that, his book has been ripped he gets very suspicious. He starts going around the room and asking everyone if they have ripped his book. To prove that Tom took the blame for Becky, when Mr. Dobbins asked Becky if she tore the book Tom says, I done it! (Twain, page 150) Tom took the blame for Becky, if he did not care about her, she would have gotten badly hurt. Lastly, this is how Tom changed next. Huck and Tom have experienced the graveyard killing, so they know that Muff Potter is innocent. During Muff Potters trial, the judge calls Tom up to the front of the room. The judge asks Tom where he was the night of the incident, and Tom tells the whole story. To show this happened Tom said, and as the doctor fetched the board around and Muff Potter fell, Injun Joe jumped with the knife and (Twain, page 171) This shows that Tom did not care about putting himself in danger of Injun Joe, but only wanted what was right. Therefore, I have now proven to you that Tom did do all these good and nice things to change. Tom did change from selfish to selfless. He acted nicer to others at the end of the book and he is now considerate. I believed Tom to be a naughty, and not caring about others boy until the end of the book where he turns into a nice and caring boy. Tom did change in many ways throughout this wonderful novel.

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