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Dreadful Days

Lesson Objective
The students will learn about the major events that occur during the Tribulation and the power and deceptiveness of the enemy, Satan. Matthew 24:21 How is the Tribulation described? Imagine looking at a bright red apple. It looks delicious, and you cant wait to sink your teeth into it and enjoy its juicy goodness. But when you pick it up and bite into it, you quickly realize its rotten all the way through. You thought it was going to be delicious, but it turned out to be mealy, brown, and sickening. Many things in this world are not how they appear. In the Tribulation, the Antichrist will seem to bring of long-awaited peace to the world. He will sign a treaty with the nation Israel to guarantee its safety. People will believe the Antichrist is the answer to their prayers. But then he will break the treaty, demand worship, and start to control everything. Just as you found out the apple that looked perfect was rotten, the events of the Tribulation are going to show that the Antichrist is not what he appeared to be. Tribulation: A time of affliction and distress, especially the seven-year period of Gods judgment of the earth before the second coming of Christ.

1. 2. 3. 4. Two chairs for the Readers Theater. Copies of the script of the Readers Theater. Pick a person to portray Ben at least two weeks before the lesson. A PowerPoint presentation for this module is available for purchase on the Word of Life Online Store.

General Lesson Format

Discussion Teachers Note: Ask the students the following questions about time travel. Move quickly through the questions without waiting for a lot of comments. The purpose is to get them thinking about it. Time Travel! What do you think about time travel? Is time travel possible? Will time travel ever be possible? Page 50 in the Student Lifelines Module 3 Peace on Earth Page 105

If you could travel in time, where would you like to go? To the past? To the future? Where? Lecture For many years, fiction authors have written about time travel. Some went to the past like Hank in Mark Twains A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court. Others went to the future, like the Traveler in H. G. Wells The Time Machine. The Back to the Future movies looked at time travel too. The possibility of time travel is fascinating. In our study of Future Events, wouldnt it be great if we could travel in time to experience the future firsthand? Normally the answer would be yes, but not if we have to experience the events of the Tribulation! Last week we looked at people of the Tribulation; this week we are going to look at some of the events that will happen. We definitely dont want to experience this, so, to help us learn about the future, were going to interview Ben, a man who has traveled back in time to us from the last day of the Tribulation.

Readers Theater Teachers Note: Teach this lesson in the Readers Theater format as an interview between the teacher and Ben. In a Readers Theater, it is not necessary to memorize the text, but you want them to be familiar with the dialogue and to get into the character. The Scene for the Readers Theater An interview between the teacher and Ben, a person who has lived through almost all of the Tribulation. The Cast for the Readers Theater Ben One of your leaders (or another adult) dressed like a fugitive on the run during the Tribulation. Teacher The teacher of the class, who interviews Ben. The Script for the Readers Theater Teacher: We are waiting for the arrival ofhere he comes now. Ben, welcome to our meeting. Ben enters as the teacher speaks. Ben: Thank you. It is an honor to be here. But I cant stay long. Teacher: Ben, have a seat, and lets start off with you telling us a little bit about yourself. The teacher and Ben each sit down in chairs.

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Ben: I am Jewish, 29 years old, lived in Jerusalem for most of my life, and I was married to a great wife. Teacher: Was marriedwhat happened to your wife? Ben: She was killed in the Tribulation. Teacher: I am so sorry. I cant imagine what you are going through. Ben: Its been really hard the last three years without her, but were going to be together soon in the Millennium. Teacher: Well, tell us about some of the things youve seen or experienced during the Tribulation. Ben: To begin with, millions of people disappeared. I learned later that those people were Christians. They went into the air and met Christ in what is called the Rapture. After that, there wasnt any believers left on earth. Then a guy came into power. He has a lot of names for himself, but I call him what the Bible doesthe Antichrist. Revelation 13 calls him the first beast, which I think is a perfect name for him: beast. At first, we all thought he was awesome. He seemed to be fixing everything, and it was so nice to have someone in charge after all those people disappeared and everything was blowing up and being destroyed. He was bringing everyone together, and we were all getting alongI mean, the Antichrist even signed a peace treaty defending Israel! No ones ever done that before! But of course, now I know the Tribulation began with the signing of that treaty, like Daniel 9:27 says. Teacher: How do you know about Daniel 9:27 and all those other things from the Bible? Ben: After I trusted the Messiah as my Savior, I spent a lot of time reading and studying Gods Word, both the Old and New Testaments, for these last six years. In 2 Timothy 2:15, we are instructed to study Gods Word so we can understand what God is doing and know Him better. Even as a Jew living in Jerusalem, I had never opened a Bible, but now Im seeing how it all fits together. Teacher: If you never read the Bible, how did you come to trust Jesus Christ as your Savior? Ben: As I said, I lived in Jerusalem. About the same time the Antichrist signed the treaty with Israel, two men who claimed to be from God began to preach. The Module 3 Peace on Earth Page 107

Bible calls these men the two witnesses (Revelation 11:3). After several months of hearing their message, my wife and I realized that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. We knew that no one can get to God the Father unless they go through Jesus, like John 14:6 says, and we trusted Him as our Savior. Teacher: Are those guys still preaching? Ben: They preached for 3 years. Then everything went out of control at the 3-year markright in the middle of the Tribulation. The Antichrist started breaking his promises. He went back on the treaty that he signed with Israel like Daniel 9:27 also says.. Then he put an image in our temple, defiling our holy place and telling us to worship it. Anyone, particularly the Israelites, who didnt worship the Antichrist and his image were hunted down and killed. Teacher: That sounds horrible. What were you feeling at that time? Did you think God abandoned you? Ben: For a while it seemed like that way. Remember the two witnesses I told you about? The Antichrist killed those guys. We were really upset, mourning their death, but most people were celebrating. They even let the witnesses bodies laying on the street to rot. Then the most amazing thing happened. After 3 days, the two witnesses came back to life. They were alive again and were taken up to Heaven (Revelation 11:9-12). After people saw these two dead men get up and go to Heaven, they were terrified. We, on the other hand, were happy when we saw God working, but we were also scared, because we knew from our reading of the Bible that the Antichrist was going to be worse than ever. Teacher: Whys that? Ben: Revelation 12:7-9 says there was a war in Heaven, and Satan lost his access to God. You know how Satan went and confronted God when he wanted to hurt Job? Well, Satan and God finally had it outhad a big warand Satan was thrown out of heaven along with his angels, the demons. Satan then took complete control of the Antichrist. Teacher: So Satan is controlling the Antichrist? The Antichrist is the guy we have to watch out for? Ben: Yes, but hes not the only one doing stuff. Revelation 13 says theres a second beast, or a false prophet. This guy can do miracles and call down fire from the sky. Hes the one who ordered that the image be made. Hes the one whos having people killedeven right now, where Ive come fromif people dont worship the image of the Antichrist (Revelation 13:14-15) Teacher: So, hes like the Antichrists sidekick. Module 3 Peace on Earth Page 108

Ben: Yeah, and he has tons of power. Hes the one whos controlling the world economy. He makes everyone have a mark on either their hand or forehead to show they are a follower of the Antichrist. If anyone doesnt have this mark, they cant buy or sell anything (Revelation 13:16-17). It is impossible to function in society without this mark. Teacher: If you dont have the mark, how are you surviving? Ben: When the Antichrist broke the treaty, he came against everyone in Israel and tried to kill us. Tons of us ran to the wilderness areas far away from Jerusalem. Unfortunately my wife didnt get away. Our Messiah, Jesus Christ, predicted our need to flee in Matthew 24:16-20. Weve been hiding for almost 3 years. Ben stands and heads for the door. Teacher: Do you have to go? Ben: Yes, I must. Many armies are gathering in Israel, and the second coming of Jesus Christ could happen any second now. Ben turns to the students. You dont want to experience the Tribulation, guys. Its a horrible, horrible time. Remember what the Bible saysJesus Christ is the only way out! Ben exits. Teacher: (yells after Ben) Ben, thank you for coming! Lecture Have you ever been lied to by someone you trust? How did you feel? Thats what is going to happen in the Tribulation. Many people will follow the Antichrist, believing he is the answer to their prayers. But then hell turn on them and force them to do things his way or die. The only way to escape the horror of the Tribulation is to trust Christ as your Savior. As we heard from our friend Ben, Satan is the power behind the Antichrist. But he isnt waiting for the Tribulation to cause problemsthe Bible says Satan wants to devour Christians today (1 Peter 5:8). Satan will make sin look better than it is. He never tells the whole truth. He tempts people to cheat, thinking that it will be okay just that one time. But James 4:7 says that we have power to resist sin and can say no to Satan if we know Christ.

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All the things that Ben told us about are real, and they will happen in the Tribulation. They will happen to those who rejected Christ when they had the chance to accept Him. If you have never accepted Christ as your Savior, you can settle that today; tomorrow may be too late. Do you have friends who are unsaved? You have a responsibility to let others know about what Christ has done for them. Make certain they understand the consequences if they refuse to accept Him.

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In 2 Timothy 2:15, we are instructed to study Gods Word so we can understand what God is doing and know Him better. No one can get to God the Father unless they go through Jesus (John 14:6). The Bible says Satan wants to devour Christians today (1 Peter 5:8). James 4:7 says that we have power to resist sin and can say no to Satan if we know Christ.

Satan wants to trick people into believing lies. One of his lies is that sin is better than pleasing God. Many people in the Tribulation will believe this lie and deny God. What Satan doesnt tell you is that the pleasures of sin only last for a short time; then destruction and heartache come. Are there times when you think sin is better than pleasing God? Choose one area of your life God wants you to change and ask for help.

Reference Materials
Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology (Chicago: Moody Press, 1999), 540-542, 547-550. Charles C. Ryrie, The Tribulation in The Countdown to Armageddon, Charles Ryrie, consulting editor; Joe Jordan and Tom Davis, general editors (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1999), 178.

Discipleship Groups
Discussion Starters
1. What part of the Tribulation scares you the most, and why? 2. What do you think it is going to be like living in that time? 3. What area of your life do you struggle with the most in being deceived by Satan?

Try This Week

Personal Testimony: Share your testimony with one person this week.

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