Best Practices in Byod: Blackberry Enterprise Service 10

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Control devices running on iOS, Android and BlackBerry operating systems, across your organization, exactly the way you want to. And all from a single, centralized and unified management console.

Effective Enterprise Mobility Management

The key trend affecting enterprise mobility today can be summarized in four letters: BYOD Bring Your Own Device. As the number of end-users bringing devices into your organization grows, so does the need for an effective Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution. BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 is a powerful EMM solution for all of the devices in your enterprise. Whether theyre personally owned or corporate-deployed, BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 will support iOS and Android devices, BlackBerry 10 smartphones, BlackBerry 7 OS smartphones, as well as BlackBerry PlayBook tablets. All from a single, centralized management console and supported by BlackBerry Technical Support Services, with the ability to route traffic across the BlackBerry network.

Managing BlackBerry Devices

BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 provides the ability to manage BlackBerry devices end-to-end from provisioning and activation through to deploying business applications. BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 also empowers the enterprise and end users with BlackBerry Balance technology. BlackBerry Balance offers the most elegant way to satisfy both employee and corporate needs without compromising on either. With BlackBerry Balance, personal apps and information are kept separate from work data, and the user can switch from their personal to work profile with a simple gesture. The work profile is fully encrypted and secure, enabling organizations to protect their content and applications, while at the same time letting employees get the most out of their smartphone for their personal use. BlackBerry Balance is integrated into the BlackBerry 10 operating system, so the setup is seamless for the user and for IT. Its enabled when you activate a device with BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10, after which all corporate data is segregated within the encrypted workspace. 2 pg Best Practices in BYOD: BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 includes an enterprise application catalog thats another perfect example of IT control and user empowerment. The catalog uses the same familiar user interface as the BlackBerry World (in fact, its called BlackBerry World for Work) and allows you to push mandatory business apps to BlackBerry 10 devices. IT controls the updating and delivering of these applications and can also include optional applications that your end users may find beneficial.

Managing iOS and Android Devices

BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 will provide management capabilities across iOS and Android devices that start with the basic Mobile Device Management (MDM) capabilities exposed by those platforms natively items like password enforcement, remote locking and wiping. There are also configuration services for Wi-Fi and VPN, ActiveSync on iOS devices, and Touchdown on Android devices for email access. You can manage security by building the appropriate policy set, as well as looking for jailbreak or rooting attempts. BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 also helps enterprises move into Mobile Application Management (MAM) for iOS and Android. You can create an enterprise application catalog, white-list specific applications, and manage the applications that are signed by the enterprise. As BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 moves forward, youll continue to see new functionality added to support Android and iOS devices.

Mobile Application Management

To deploy those applications, its crucial to have a Mobile Application Management (MAM) framework in place. This framework exists across the BlackBerry Enterprise Server product family for existing BlackBerry devices and BlackBerry PlayBook tablets. It also exists today as part of our Universal Device Service and will grow as a component of BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 for iOS and Android devices. On iOS and Android, BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 will provide you with the ability to provision and manage those work applications. Many of these will be core apps email, PIM, the browser, and attachment viewing however, theres also a wealth of apps that an enterprise may opt to deploy so that users can access additional data, backend systems, or other workflow processes. These applications can be deployed through BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10. Its as simple as assigning an application to an individual or to a group of users, and indicating whether that application is going to be added to their secure work space.

iOS and Android Management Roadmap

As we extend our current offering to meet the needs of our enterprise customer base, were going to provide secure work applications for iOS and Android devices. The implementation will be similar to BlackBerry Balance; however, because we dont have full end-toend control over these devices, applications will sit on top of the OS, instead of all the way down at its root. BlackBerry 10 will provide the ability to deploy a secure application onto the device (into a secure work space, where that app is only able to exchange data with other secure apps in that work space). The data associated with those applications will be encrypted, and as a part of the solution, well separate email, PIM, attachment viewing, and browser applications in the secure work space so that you can work seamlessly across those applications. The benefit to an end-user is that their personal applications and data are not affected by any organizational policy.

Secure Connectivity: BlackBerry Infrastructure

One of the key requirements for enterprises when it comes to EMM is the ability to make behind-the-firewall data accessible to mobile users without exposing it. For BlackBerry smartphones and tablets today without the need for a VPN solution we have a FIPS-validated solution for accessing that information. Using AES encryption, traffic is routed from a device connected to a Wi-Fi network, through the BlackBerry Infrastructure, behind your firewall, to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. From there, the traffic continues to either the email, application or collaboration servers. Also without the need for VPN, BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 will provide the immediate capability for your BlackBerry smartphone or BlackBerry PlayBook tablet to get behind the firewall. This capability will be extended to support iOS and Android devices as well: enterprises will be able to take the same behindthe-firewall connectivity solution and extend it to applications on those devices that are part of the secure workspace.

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Best Practices in BYOD: BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10

EMM Segment
Open laissezfaire policy

Level of Enterprise Mobility Management Policy

Managed devices for some end-users and laissez-faire for others

Regular mobile policy for everyone

Segmented mobile policy

Mix of lockdown and managed devices

100% lockdown

Advanced Enterprise Mobility Management Lg & med enterprise security sensitive Lg enterprise with multiple different levels of device management & security

Enterprise Mobility Management Basic Mobility Management Soho, sm-med business with no company policy

Sm & med size business media & other non-security sensitive industries

Legal & professional services, oil & gas, financial services large enterprise high security

Government, central agencies, regulated industries

The diagram above illustrates the spectrum of potential security needs, from basic mobility management (where end-users often manage the devices themselves) to the upper end, where 100% lockdown is required (e.g. government or military operations). The great value of BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 is that it meets the needs of the entire spectrum. Whats more, BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 gives you the ability to segment and group your users, so you can set up the correct policies based on their risk profile.

The Leader in Enterprise Mobile Computing

As the leader in enterprise mobile computing, BlackBerry is committed to our enterprise customers, regardless of the device, ownership model, business applications or operating environments. BlackBerry services are designed to keep your business moving, and were here to support you as you take on the challenge of BYOD in your organization.

BlackBerry Technical Support

BlackBerry Technical Support Services provides global support for all the mobile devices in your organization BlackBerry smartphones and tablets, iOS devices, and Android devices across all platforms, for both personal and corporate devices. With different levels to choose from, you can access support thats tailored specifically to the needs of your business, and have a single number to call for help with any of the devices managed by BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10.

To learn more about BlackBerry 10 and BYOD:  Visit


our full, on-demand BlackBerry 10 for BYOD webcast and be sure to catch the rest of our BlackBerry 10 webcast series

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