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dated material~~deliver by September 10

September 2012


Twenty-Five Years
as Deacon Celebrated

r Deacon Leonard Kordonowy recently marked his Silver Anniversary in

service to the Church as deacon. It was in mid-July, 1987, in his two home
parishes of St Demetrius in Fairfield and St John the Baptist in Belfield,
North Dakota, where Bishop INNoCeNt (Lotocky oSBM) ordained him as the first
deacon for St Nicholas eparchywest of the Mississippi River.
Minor orders were conferred in St John the Baptist Church in Belfield July 18 of
that year. the next day he was ordained to the diaconate, at St Demetrius.
on Sunday July 15, 2012, his dedication to the
Church was acknowledged. the Divine Liturgy
was celebrated at St Demetrius Church, Fairfield.
For the occasion, His Grace, Bishop RICHARD
(Seminack) journeyed to the Great Plains. Along
with current administrator of the two parishes, Fr
taras Miles, were Abbot Brian Wangler, oSB of
Assumption Abbey in Richardton, North Dakota,
and other priests from the abbey and the Diocese
of Bismarck. there were many deacons and their
wives from the Bismarck Diocese, and Fr theodore and Barbara Wroblicky travelled from Sacramento, California, for the event.
About two hundred people were presentincluding Fr Deacon Leonard's wife of fifty-six
years, LaVerne. they have five children, fifteen
grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Also
present were parishioners and friends.
The three-fold nature of the
Bishop Richard mentioned in his homily the
Mystery of Holy Orders is evi- role of deacon as it appears in Holy Scripture and
dent in this picture of bishop,
commended Deacon Leonard for his quarter-cenBishop Richard; priest, Fr
tury of dedication, not only in his own parishes,
Taras [at right]; and Deacon
but when called upon to help, in cross-state Ss
Peter and Paul in Wilton, calling him an asset for
during the Great Entrance
the general community.
of the Divine Liturgy.
Dinner followed at St Bernards Parish Center,
catered by St Johns parishioner Stephanie Klym
of Country Classics Catering; musical entertainment
was by tre Corde Piano trio of Dickinson, North
During the presentations following the meal, Bishop
Richard gave an award to Deacon Leonard on behalf of
the eparchy. Fr Deacon also read letters of congratulations from Bishop MICHAeL (Wiwchar CSsR) and Bishop John Kinney of the Diocese of St Cloud, Minnesota.
Fr Leonard also has served with Fr George Pruys, Fr
Bohdan Nalysnyk, Fr James Scharinger, Fr Yaroslav
Dobush as well as Fr taras.
In an interview with Matthew Kurtz of Dakota Catholic Action, the newspaper of the Diocese of Bismarck,
Fr Deacon Leonard described himself as a retired farmer, rancher and carpetlayer energized by the commuAfter the Liturgy, Fr
nitys gratitude throughout the years. to the same
Deacon Leonard and
LaVerne Kordonowy gath- reporter, LaVerne noted: We do morning and evening
prayer together crediting that time for strengthening
ered outside the church.
their marriage.
Photos and quotes courtesy of Matthew Kurtz, Dakota Catholic Action, used with permission.

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nEw STAr 11

September, 2012

New Star Staffer Speaks to College Classes

alcolm X College, on Chicago's Near West Side, involves students in a community development group established in 1988, to aid young people
develop a better understanding of their
surrounding community. It helps in
areas of job preparation, life skills
training, maintaining and developing
the community and guides students to
realize solutions necessary to improve
quality of life.
Photo: Kweli Kwaza
one of the challenges was to enrich
[L-R] Desmond Boyd, Darian Brown, Markeith Wherry,
their knowledge of the community by
Steven Wherry, Phyllis Zaparaniuk at Malcolm X College.
taking part in a scavenger hunt.
they were put into teams and sent into various parts who was one of four students sent to ukrainian Village
of many ethnic communities. they were armed with a along with her advisor, Kweli Kwaza, wasted no time
notebook of questions such as, how to say hello in in coming to St. Nicholas Cathedral office to find
ukrainian, or Chinese or German in other neighbor- answers.
one of their requests was to be able to see the interior
hoods; what streets border the community; how the
area was established; or what holds the community of the Cathedral. upon opening the doors, they stood in
together. they had to approach people on the streets of awe of its magnificence..
New Star contributor, Phyllis Muryn Zapraniuk, who
the various areas to get their answers. Darian Brown

is also on the office staff of the cathedral, answered

their many questions. then, Darian asked if a presentation could be made at the school to the other students
and to explain how the ukrainian community had been
founded on faith and pride in the heritage and how the
church continues to be the central part of the community and draws even the newer immigrants
the students were amazed to find out that ukrainian
Village is the only ethnic community in Chicago named
by passage of an ordinance through City Council during the term of Mayor Jane Byrne. Some of the students knew about the Byzantine Catholic Church and
others heard the term for the first time. Many were
curious about our traditions and wanted to know if
they, as Catholics, could attend a Divine Liturgy in our
church. When explaining the traditions, the iconography and some of the whys of what we do, they were
fascinated and eager to learn more.
In all, over 100 students and staff at Malcolm X
College attended her presentationbroken into three
groups. When the sessions ended, students and advisers
continued to ask questions and wanted to come to visit
the St Nicholas Community.

Catechetical Sunday Aims at new Evangelization

very year as schools resume sessions, our

Church responds with what has come to be
known as Catechetical Sunday. Encouraged
by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB), a theme is provided and the attention of the
faithful is directed toward implementing its goals.
As in the past several years, ECED, which is the publishing arm of ECA (The Eastern Catholic Associates)the Eastern Bishops of USCCB, has produced a
poster, prayers and informative material for this event.
Directors of Religious Education of each of the eighteen eparchies or archeparchies have recently received a
CD with downloadable documents to enable them to
supply the parishes and schools with what is needed for
the local observance of Catechetical Sunday.
The very special presence of so many expressions of
Catholic Traditions cannot easily be depicted or addressed in a material way. Yet the call for each to
become aware of and a participant in new evangelization cannot be overlooked.
For a poster, ECED has chosen to show the global
impact of the Churches of the Church using an icon of
the ever-abiding presence of Christ as the clear object
of our prayer life.

Clearly stated, too, is rationale for our own baptismreflected in the Gospel message Go, make disciples of all nations (MT 28-19). That is emphasized
by realizing that as an Eastern Christian, I am to... do
just that.
Helping us to be ambassadors of the Heavenly
Kingdom, the structured classroom activities are geared
to make us aware of what it is our Faith entails. As an
adjunct tool, there has been developed an interactive
activity for each studenttracing the steps personally
taken to put this commission into practice. A generic
lesson plan suggests how at every grade level, ageappropriate activities can be integrated into the curriculum, not just for knowledge of the faith, but for some
practical application. Additional versions of the poster
are provided as a way of tracking the progress made in
the student's real life attempt to show the Gospel to others by their words and actions outside the classroom.
The new evangelization is not a task that requires
external missionary activity, but an exercise in everyday Christian living. The end product is caught up in
rethinking a familiar axiom: Keep the Faith. By
being faithful to the calling as a Christian, our motto
can be: Dont keep the Faithspread it!

Mother of Two Priests at Rest in the Lord

wanna Chirovsky was born to Osyp and Ewhenia

Smishkewych, September 22, 1925 in the village of
Kolbayevychi between Lviv and Sambir, Ukraine.
The Smishkewych roots go back to Chernihiv in Northeastern Ukraine, where they owned flourmills.
Iwanna graduated from the Second State Gymnazia
(High School) in Lviv during the Nazi occupation of
World War II. She began university studies in
medicine, but fled with her parents before the
approaching Red Army, since the family stood
a chance of being executed or persecuted, as
Iwannas mother was from a priestly family
(Iwannas grandfather had served as cantor at
St. Georges Ukrainian Catholic Church in
New York City before World War I), Her father
had a law degreeconsidered a dangerous man
by the Bolshevik regime
Upon arriving in Germany, Iwanna endured hard labor
in the Valkyrie ceramics factory in Bayreuth, and after
the war lived in a displaced persons camp in Munich
with her parents. There she enrolled in the Ukrainische
Ekonomische Hochschule, a university created by
Ukrainian refugees, where she met her future husband,
Dr. Mykola (Nicholas) L. Freishyn-Chirovsky, (also

from a long line of priests) a young instructor. They were

married in Kaufbeuren, Bavaria, September 21, 1947. In
Munich on July 21, 1948, Iwanna bore their first son,
named Lev (Leo) in honor of her beloved city of Lviv.
They immigrated to the United States, arriving in Boston
February 22, 1949, and settled in Easton, Pennsylvania,
where their sponsors had a farm.
In Easton, Nicholas got his first job in
America as a janitor at Lafayette College, however, he was called to a teaching position in Economics at Seton Hall University in South
Orange, New Jersey, where he founded the
MBA program, and taught for 35 years. The
family joined St. John the Baptist Ukrainian
Catholic Parish in Newark.
Three more sons: Yuriy/George (1952),
Andriy (1956) and Ivan (1963) were born.
Yuriy became a medical doctor and surgeon. Andriy was
ordained to the priesthood and completed a doctorate in
theology, and serves St Michael Church, Tucson, a parish
of St Nicholas Eparchy. Ivan is also a Ukrainian Catholic
priest, with an M.A. in Eastern Christian Theology, and
serves in the Eparchy of St Josaphat at St John the Baptist
Parish in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The ECED Catechertical Sunday poster uses the logo of

ENCOUNTER 2012 to show our connectedness to one another
through Jesus Christ, Head of the Church.
The smaller copies are part of an on-going interactive
progress report for each student/learner.

Iwanna did not work outside the home until her boys
were grown, even though that meant that the family was
never very well-off in material terms. She dedicated herself to her children completely.
Iwanna was an avid embroiderer, leaving a legacy of
dozens of amazing Ukrainian embroideries. She was an
excellent cook, renowned for her recipes and tortes. Her
home was always like a little museum of Ukrainian culture, and an unabashedly Christian environment, with
crosses and icons in every room.
She lived on her own until the very end, not wishing to
be a burden to her children, giving herself over to Gods
will on a daily basis. Iwanna was incredibly adaptable,
moving with her husband first to Miami Beach, then
Toronto, and finally Arizona, where her husband died in
Tempe, November 4, 2004. Iwanna eventually moved to
Tucson, where her pastor was her son, Mitered Protopresbyter Andriy.
She reposed in the Lord, May 23, 2012. The parastas
was served at St. Michaels in Tucson, and the funeral
was celebrated at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic
Parish in Newark, New Jersey. She was buried next to
her husband, Nicholas, at Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetery in Hanover, New Jersey.
May her memory be eternal!
Athanasius Holub

12 nEw STAr

September, 2012
Divine Liturgy at the Church of St. Nicholas of the
Holy Protection Convent in Kyiv. During the service,
the synod of bishops ordained Archimandrite ePHRAIM
(Yarink) as Bishop of Berdyansk.

AMEriCAn FunD To rESTorE MoSAiCS oF ToP 7 MoST viSgolDEn DoME CAThEDrAl oF ST. MiChAEl: iTED ChurChES
on August 8, a meeting between
oF lviv nAMED:
the leadership of the National Reserve Sophia of Kyiv and representatives of the American
Ambassadors Fund for Cultural
Preservation was held regarding
the use of a grant allocated to the
ukrainian side to implement a
project of preservation of a collection of authentic mosaics of
the 12th century of the Golden
Dome Cathedral of St. Michael
kept in the stocks of St Sophia of
According to the Ministry of Culture of ukraine, the
amount of the grant allocated by the American Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation to implement the
project totals $45,850 (uS). the grant expires on June
30, 2013.

PATriArCh Kirill--rEConCiliATion bETwEEn

ruSSiA AnD PolAnD iS iMPoSSiblE wiThouT
PArTiCiPATion oF ChurChES: According to
uNIAN, the leader of
the Russian orthodox
Church, Patriarch Kirill
stated at the meeting
with the presidium of
the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Warsaw
that reconciliation between Russia and Poland is not possible without the participation of the
It is impossible to achieve full peace between the
Russian and Polish nations without an active participation in the dialogue between the two Churches For
many reasons, the role of the religious factor in the
relations between our nations is a matter of principle
and importance, said the patriarch. According to him,
the fact that the address is being signed at the time
which is of symbolical importance for the RussianPolish relations is symbolic.
the patriarch explained that this year, Russia celebrates the 400th anniversary of the liberation of
Moscow from the Polish troops and the 200th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army over Napoleon.
According to him, the complicated and controversial
relations between the two countries associated with
these dates were conditioned by the loss of Christian
unity prior to the political struggle. In his turn, the
Head of the Polish Conference of Bishops, Josef
Michalik said that the cooperation between the two
Churches in Poland should not be limited to the signing
of the address.
our creative, practical and probably especially
important task here should be the question of continuation of our first joint address to the believers of our
Churches, to all the people of good will. Can we see a
possibility of continuation of the contacts, interaction
and in what scope? the answer to that question
requires preparation and thorough study, said Josef
the Polish Bishops Conference is the central government body of the Catholic Church in Poland.

METroPoliTAn voloDYMYr orDAinS Two

biShoPS: Metropolitan Volodymyr, the Primate of the
ukrainian orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate
(uoC-MP), celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the
Cathedral of St. Panteleimons Convent in theophany
on August 4, informs the official site of the uoC-MP.
During the service, the synod of bishops ordained
ARCADIus (taranov) as Bishop of ovidiopol.
on August 5, Metropolitan Volodymyr celebrated the

the most visited

churches of Lviv
are located in the
centerthe Armenian Cathedral of
the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin
Mary, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary (Latin Cathedral), the Church of the Holy
eucharist (Dominican Cathedral), Church of the
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Assumption
or Voloska Church), St. George Archcathedral (St.
Georges Cathedral), Church of St. Andrew, Church of
the Apostles Peter and Paul (Jesuit Church).
As the Department of tourism of the Lviv City
Council informed the Youth Christian website
DyvenSvit, these churches are included in the tours of
the city. tour agencies of Lviv say that seniors and
ukrainians from abroad, as well as school children and
students, are most interested in the history of churches
and holy places.
In total there are over 100 churches and Christian
shrines in Lviv.

PATriArCh SviAToSlAv CAllS grEEK CATholiCS To CoMPlY wiTh CATEChiSM: Please

note that from today, the texts of daily prayers and catechisms truths in all our prayer books and catechetical
textbooks and, primarily, in the catechetical training
and prayer practice should comply with the wording of
the catechism of uGCC Christ is Our Pascha of 2012
(Addendum 1).
this step will be an expression of unity, reads the
letter of the Primate of the ukrainian Greek Catholic
Church, Patriarch SVIAtoSLAV (Shevchuk) to bishops,
clergymen, catechites, directors of publishing houses
and laymen on August 14, 2012.
the Primate, in particular, instructed Persons who
prepare for the print and publish prayerbooks and catechetical textbooks to comply with the established
wording of daily prayers and catechism truths contained in the Catechism of uGCC Christ is Our
Pascha (edition of 2012); all the Church committees,
monasteries, parishes using the texts of daily prayers
and catechism truths to comply with the approved
wording of the texts; the clergy to use this text in all
prayers; catechites and educators to teach the truths of
the Faith and prayers according to the approved text of
daily prayers and catechism truths; all the faithful of
the Church to know the approved texts of prayers,
truths of the Holy Faith and Social guide of the belivers.


wiTh rEligiouS liTErATurE: the ecclesiastical
court of the Simferopol and Crimean eparchy of the
ukrainian orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate
(uoC-MP) considered the matter of ecclesiastical
offenses envisaged by Rule 77 of the Council of
Carthage, as well as the clergys misconduct, decided
to deprive the parish priest of the church in the village
olryne Volodoymr Lomakin the right to wear the pectoral cross, and hierarch Joan Luchyn the right to wear
a kamilavka. the court ordered these priests to apologize to the other party of the incident that occurred on
June 24, 2012, in orlyne.
on June 24 orthodox inhabitants of the village
orlyne led by the priest Volodymyr Lomakin (uoCMP) made a procession, during which they went to a
Protestants' propaganda tent located nearby. then the
priest began to sprinkle holy water on the books, and
the people themselves. then he threw the books to the
ground, and young people who participated in the procession dismantled the tent.
A video of the event, which spread on the Internet,
caused a flurry of criticism toward the orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow. In response, villagers wrote
Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow asking him to protect them
from unjust attacks.
this story is also interesting because neither journalists nor interested persons can find the injured
Protestants. the prosecution and police of Sebastopol
told RISu correspondent oleh Savchenko that they did
not receive statements from them.
Appeals to defend the priest from unjust accusations have appeared on some sites, whose authors
position themselves as defenders of the Russian orthodox Church.

25 ThouSAnD PEoPlE ATTEnD ConSECrATion

oF MAin ugCC CAThEDrAl in KoloMYiA: on
August 19, 2012, in the town of Kolomyia of IvanoFrankivsk oblast, the main shrine of the KolomyiaChernivtsi eparchy of ukrainian Greek Catholic
Church (uGCC), the Cathedral of transfiguration of
Christ was consecrated.
the consecration and liturgy were celebrated by
Patriarch SVIAtoSLAV (Shevchuk) in concelebration
with bishops of the uGCC.
the celebratory events were attended by Apostolic
Nuncio in ukraine, Archbishop edward thomas
Gullickson, bishops of the Roman Catholic Church in
ukraine, a large number of clergymen of the Kolomyia
and Chernivtsi eparchy and priests from other
eparchies and Bishop IVAN (Boichuk) of Kolomyia and
Kosiv of the ukrainian orthodox Church-Kyivan
the liturgy began with the Rite of Consecration of
the church and altar where the relics of the holy great
martyr Nicholas Charnetskyi, who was born in the
eparchy, were embedded.
continued, page 17

Krekhiv Basilian Monastery of St. Nicholas took place on the 28th of July 2012. Approximately 25 participants
made the pilgrimage; they were joined by and received assistance from women of the parish community MyrrhBearing Women. This was reported by Mykhailo Biletskyi.
The pilgrims departed from Yaniv cemetery, in Lviv, in the direction of Briukhovychi; having passed through
Birky, they reached the pilgrimage place in Krekhiv, where, after a short rest, they visited the healing spring and
the cave monastery. Afterwards, the pilgrims prayed together in a wooden church of the Protection, located on
the territory of the house of prayer. Following the divine service, the novice-brother Taras Kushpit conducted a
guided tour for the participants of the bicycle pilgrimage.
The pilgrimage stay in the Krekhiv Monastery finished with a delicious dinner, shared pictures, as well as, with
gratitude to the Basilian Fathers and Brothers

nEw STAr 13

September, 2012

My spouse and i have a friendly wager
on the timing of the question of the
terms ukrainian Catholic greek
Catholic or ukrainian greek Catholic. one of us thinks it was a plant
to draw attention to other articles in the
same paper. (They dealt with racism,
xenophobia, concern over tolerance of
reconciliation between Poles and
ukrainians, and even the presence of
foreigners at the Euro games). The
other does not feel this way. who is
one of you will be disappointed. the
question was submitted weeks before the
articles on racism, xenophobia and euro
game pep talks appeared in the news
sources used in assembling that particular
edition of the New Star.
It seemed appropriate to ease the tension expressed in that letter using historic
references. It was mere coincidence the
question/answer shared pages in the newspaper with the topics you cited, which hint
at those fears. until you pointed out the
possibility of a planned campaign, the
thought that of a connection never arose.
use of terminology should not obstruct
the work of the Church. emphasis on
politically-inspired details are not condusive to understanding Christs statement
My Kingdom is not of this world. Nor
are we to forget St Pauls insistance that
there is neither Jew or Greek, slave or
freeman. and by this be motivated to
seek first the Kingdom of God.
Hopefully your friendly wager was
set up in such a way that it was a win/win
situation for the two of you.
Your why?/why: in the July, 2012 New
Star did nothing to clearly explain what
our Eastern rite religion is and what it

By Fr Denny Molitvy

should be called and why. in fact the

wordiness only muddied the waters
even more. The roman Catholics don't
seem to have that problem, no matter
what their nationality is. i suspect that
this on-going confusion may also be
contributing to our shrinking ranks as
well. Can you recommend any source
or books that could clarify what our
Eastern rite really is and should be
known as? Are we Eastern? byzantine?
A rite of the roman Catholic Church?
the answer to which you refer was not
meant to confuse anyone. It was to convey
a historical context to justify use of the
term Greek Catholic for the questioner.
As can be verified in civil and ecclesiastic
documents for almost 300 years, it is not a
new invention or haphazard attempt to
cloud the issue. In defending the use of the
name by this paper, (and our patriarch),
background was provided. there is no plot
to destroy ukrainian Catholicism as the
reader surmised; neither from other governments or Church hierarchy as implied.
to address your comment, we might discover yet other names applied to us over
the eons. Since most people think in categories that identify characteristics of any
object of study, it might help to see what is
common to various groups or sub-groups
in order to accurately apply a name.
our present situation finds us as one of
the Catholic Churches of their own right.
We are practitioners of the ritual used in
the tradition from Byzantium (with its
Greek background) but translated to a tradition with roots in Kyvian Rusof
which ukraine is a successor.
We can legitimately be called Catholic.
or, identified as Byzantine. We can be
Greek Catholiceven ukrainian Catho-

now what?

he fever has passed the olympic fever, at

least. things across the channel had been heating up for months: London itself was spiffed up,
athletic sites were readied, riot police prepared themselves for any eventuality, and hawkers rubbed their
hands in eager anticipation of souvenir-seekers who
would pay top dollarer, pound sterlingfor tasteless
trinkets. Meanwhile, Londoners who could no longer
keep a stiff upper lip feverishly prepared a hasty exit
in anticipation of the foreign hordes which would soon
bring chaos into their civilized lives. Next came the
adrenaline-fueled two-week-long maelstrom where
pomp and circumstance vied for attention with what
Jim McKay used to call the thrill of victory and the
agony of defeat. then it was all over, and reality settled back in with a thud! (How do you say crise conomique in the Queens english?)
Here in France, a different but analogous situation
has reigned. You see, the French all take a one-month
vacation each summer, and they all leave town, invading somebody elses turf in the process. But where do
they go? Ah, this gives them the opportunity to renew
the yearly debate between the beach bathers and the
mountaineers as to whose vacation spot is the best. At
any rate, the fun-seekershaving exhausted themselves and everyone elsehave returned home, just
like the Londoners.
In either case, it all boils down to entertainment
what the French might refer to as le divertissement, or
even la distraction. A distraction indeed it is, for it
allows themand us, for entertainment has become a
large part of all of our livesto take our minds off

lic. Dont even think uniate.

We are in communion with (not subordinate to) other Catholic Churches worldwidenot only Rome. We are not Roman
Catholics of the Byzantine Rite any more
than Romans are Byzantine Catholics of
the Latin Rite. this outdated idea is incorrectand specifically rejected by the Second Vatican Councilas noted in the Decree on the Catholic Eastern Churches.
Maybe we should then consider identifying ourselves with the most inclusive
nameCatholic. If each Church of the
Church is equal in fullness and dignity as
the others, it should be acknowledged in
reality, not only in theory or in documents.
It might be beneficial to drop sub-headings of rite or ethnicity which become
exclusive, even divisive, and may explain
why Roman Catholics, as you say, dont
... have that problem. they think they are
the Catholic Church. So are we Catholic.
We have every right to use the name
we accept the ecumenical Councils that
gave us the Creed: the orthodox doctrines
on the divinity and humanity of Christ;
Mary, Virgin and Mother of God; the relation of the three Persons of the one God.
So what if our calendar or ritual is not the
same as the Armenians, Copts, Chaldeans,
Maronite or any others (even the Latins)!?
We are ignored or seen as somewhat
less-than-Catholic when it appears that
we are different [from Romans]. So what?
our experience comes from the east!
Most of what we regularly do is different in the eyes of our Western neighbors:
how we bless ourselves; what we believe
about the Sacraments; how we fast, pray
and think; Lenten use of the word Alleluia! causes us to be viewed with suspicion
by them. And babies receiving communion? Standing during the words of consecration! our Western friends have, for the
most part, taken few steps to discover the
real catholicity of Catholicism as if latin-

things, even to get away and to forget everything.

How miserable our lives must be if we cant wait to
leave them behind!
Problem: Helen Reddy sings us a reminder that, as
with any addiction, theres got to be a morning after
, and what a hangover comes with it! I am reminded of a song by Jean Ferrat: les touristes partis, le
village, petit petit, retrouve face lui meme sa vrit,
ses problmesbasically, once the tourists have left,
the village gradually settles back in to face its same old
problems. Isnt that the case of the tourists as well?
once the buzz wears off and reality sets ini.e., they
are confronted not only with the same grumpy people
they had been so happy to leave behind, but also with
the work which accumulated while they were gone
yesterdays vacationers cant wait to start planning next
years getaway. Arent they like Chicago Cubs fans:
constantly disappointed with what the current scorecard shows, saying wait til next year in the hope that
something better may come? Now is unsatisfactory,
so they end up wishing their life away. oK, we all do
it; that doesnt make it healthy or helpful.
taking this worldview to its ultimate logical conclusion, we are confronted with the pie-in-the-sky-whenyou-die school of theology: this world is but a vale of
tears to be endured as long as God chooses to keep us
here, doubtless in an attempt to scare us into heaven.
My question: what about the words of Jesus, Who tells
us the Kingdom of God is in your midstin other
words, right where we are here and now? Gulp! then
theres our venerable tradition which has the priest,
while he is anointing us at the conclusion of the
Liturgy, say Christ is in our midst, to which we
respond He is and always will be. Note: we do not

ism is the norm. It is not catholic.

Now, to your question about how to find
out who we are, what we are to do. understand that it is not by reading a few books
or articles (even in New Star) from time-totime to really get to know the many details.
Books abound about eastern Catholics.
A good source is produced by the eastern Catholic bishops in the united States:
the God With us series of books, pamphlets, videos (disc or tape), posters and
activity kits. their catalog can be found at there are
grade-level texts (preK-8) and materials
for high school and adult study in dozens
of books on liturgy, spiriuality, theology,
for discussion groups or indiviual study.
Paulist Press has a good introduction to
all eastern Churches (over 20 of them).
Published about five years ago, it is American Eastern Catholics, by Fred J Saato.
You may find quite informative a Canadian broadcast of several episodes of
Catholic Focus. DVDs of their visit to
several parishes and the Metropolitan
Andriy Sheptitsky Institute, may be ordered at You
may get more information on their website:
It may take a little work on your part
but worthwhileeven if you must join or
form a study group. our faith is not just a
casual thing, for an hour on Sunday, but a
commitment for eternity.
It also helps in this life, too.
Send your questions
Fr Denny Molitvy
2245 W Rice St
Chicago, IL 60622,
Give your name, parish and city
(which will not be published)
for verification, if necessary.

only say that He always will be with us in some indeterminate future; rather, we are forced to admit that He
is always present to us, even in the current mess of our
lives. Wishing our lives away denies the truth which
the Church has us proclaim with our own lips; this is
not a good thing, is it? Gulp again!
So Christ brings the glory of God to every moment
of our lives, even those moments which seem decidedly unglorious. opening His arms as long ago on the
Cross, He constantly invites those besought by the
agony of defeat and so many other afflictions to the
vision of the Kingdom once shared with and promised
to the Good thief crucified with Him.
I recently heard a Protestant deal with the question,
Why dont you show the Crucified Christ, but instead
only the empty Cross? His answer: the cross stands
empty waiting for you! Applying this to the present
context, my decidedly un-Protestant ears interpret this
to mean that the Cross has a way of stripping away all
our distractions, reducing our life to the essential
now, which is the only time and place where we
time-bound creatures can encounter the saving God.
Beneath all the noise and trouble of our daily now,
God is always there, waiting to surprise us with a foretaste of His
glory, inviting us to experience the
salvation of the eternal now
which He opens to us. If we do not
recognize His glory and power
here and nowthat is, in the crosses of daily lifewill heavenly
harps prove a distraction as well?
Fr Jim Karepin, OP

14 nEw STAr

Henri Nouwens
Profound Teachings

enri Nouwen, a Dutch-born Catholic priest and

brilliant author on spirituality and faith requires no introduction. He is regarded as one
of the finest Christian writers of the 20th century. He
taught at Harward, Yale, Notre Dame, plus devoted
himself to a life-long ministry of serving the poor,
needy, and physically challenged.
the most current book about him, Henri Nouwen and
Spiritual Polarities: A Life of Tensions, was written by
Wil Hermandez who devoted a significant amount of
time and study to Nouwens previous books. the simple, straight-forward style, and deep spirituality in
Nouwens previous books are also richly illuminated in
this current book. Deeply profound principles are made
simple enough to be enacted by any true Christian in
their daily life seeking peace, happiness, and a greater
love for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nouwens current book describes people as having

one Mind

o be a disciple of Christ requires that we be

of one mind with Him and actively do good
for love of others.
How do we arrive at thinking like Jesus? In
todays culture we are bombarded with information
that clutters our minds with useless thoughts. Ads
tells us that the good life is what we eat and drink;
the pills that alleviate pain; the technology that
saves time for recreation; and the insurance that
promises freedom from worry. unless such thoughts
are countered with faith-filled ideas, our thinking
might be kept in a state of paralysis.
Christ gives sight to the blind. to cure our blindness we must see that heaven is not created here on
earth with perfect greens on golf courses, with poli-

Life as PtSD

y father served in the uS Army in Italy during WWII. In retrospect all these years later
and with the enhanced hindsight of modern
scientific and medical advances, it is blatantly obvious
that many of his problems and faults and unfortunate
habits and behaviors were caused by the horrors of
hand-to-hand combat warfare. Im afraid that the vast
majority of veterans who experienced the vicissitudes
of war suffer, often with silence and with profound
feelings of personal guilt, from their memories and
moral conflicts, and that their entire lives are affected,
and not for the better.
As a life-ling pacifist (I was a registered recognized
conscientious objector in the early Vietnam war era).
this fact alone is a powerful argument against war.
Why risk the emotional and mental health of the youth
of our nation; tomorrows leaders, fathers and mothers
transformed into profoundly disturbed persons?
Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain translated an earlier Western european treatise on Spiritual Warfare.
there is another famous orthodox text written, as I
recall, by a nun/abbess, called The Arena. And of
course there is the (Latin-influenced) Imitation of
Christ by St thomas Kempis. these books point out
that we are all challenged to be warriors, battling the
forces of the evil one to subvert our lives, and pollute
our souls. Did you ever wonder why the great archangels
are always depicted in armor and bearing arms? Why we

September, 2012
two selves: the true self and the fake self. In the true his death. He believed that the power of love transcendself he portrayed that part of an individual that is ed all things, even the power of death itself. In one of
defined by God, namely humans as beloved daughters his books, Befriending Death, he believed it was possiand sons of a merciful and loving Creator. By fake ble for human beings to befriend their death. As chilself he referred to qualities that had a temporal origin dren of a loving God, he saw humankind in possession
and were frequently dark in nature. He was guided by of a freedom and power over death that comes only
St. Pauls writings which state that a true self seeks a from Jesus Christ.
Nouwen knew that he would remain Gods beloved
life according to the Spirit while a false self seeks a
son throughout all eternity. His belief
life according to the flesh.
in the life and death of Jesus was conNouwen maintains that such polarities exist within all humans and he
firmed by his reading of St. Paul,
Death, where is your victory? Death,
engaged himself in an ongoing effort
where is your sting? (Cor. 15:55).
to accentuate the true self. He did
this by acknowledging his weaknessHenri Nouwen and Spiritual Poes and faults but not discarding them.
larities: A Life in Tension, is the last
He integrated his whole self of polarin a trilogy of books Wil Hernandez
wrote on Henri Nouwen. the first
ities into deep prayer, solitude, and
service to humankind as a means to
two are: Henri Nouwen: A Spirituality
eliminate any resulting tensions by
of Imperfection (2006) and Henri
loving self. this enabled his true self
Nouwen and Soul Care: A Ministry of
to flourish into an intimate and strong
Integration (2008).
relationship with God.
Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)
Nouwen not only contemplated his
Sister Jonathan Wachko, OSBM
earthly life, but sought to understand

cies that promise support in all

instances, with purchases of whatever we desire at 0% APR and no payments for 2 years.
the question might be asked,
What have you made of your life?
A person chosen at random might
respond, I have a wife and two
adult children, a house in the suburbs, a job with an investment company, and my wife and I take yearly
vacations. We go to church on Sundays.
the question needs to be answered more in depth.
My kids live on their own. they have a good life.
our three grandchildren have good grades and are
busy in sports programs.
How do you relate to those in your family, at work
and at church? At work Im said to be authoritarian

venerate St Demetrius the Great

Martyr and the two theodores:
Stralites and the Recruit? Duh.
We are all soldiers in this battle,
often drafted against our better
judgment. Wouldnt you rather
just go through life rich and
famous, being interviewed by
Robin Leach while sipping
champagne at some palace in
tuscany, regaling us with the
latest exploits of your Nobel
Prize-winning children?
Well, sorry, we dont have a
vote. We are each in the army for
the duration: i.e., our lifetimes
on this beautiful planet.
Fortunately we have Christs
assurance that My yoke is easy
and My burden light (Mt:
11:30). But it remains a noticeable burden, carrying a confining yoke. So, as a result of the
spiritual combat we endure, many of us to some degree
suffer from PtSD. Some more than others.
obviously, this is not some cop out, a formula for
admitting defeat, for deciding that we are too sinful and
too damaged to survive the conflict that used to be
called Jansenism, an obvious heresy. If that were true
Id be burning in hell for all eternity, based especially
on my earlier life in the sex, drugs and rock n roll fast
lane, to say nothing of my continuing, less flamboyant

The Challenges of
Office of Faith Formation
and my wife says Im domineering and stubborn
when it comes to complex issues. I have a drink and
watch tV to unwind after work.
But what are you involved with in doing something for your neighbor? Im really too busy keeping up with things around home and at the office. I
dont have time to get involved with extra things.

but nonetheless serious

continuing sinfulness.
None of us is perfect, but
we must still dedicate ourselves and our energies
toward the goal of theosis/
deification, as totally unattainable as it may seem
through our own efforts.
Although we are born
immersed in imperfection,
and may suffer greatly from
the natural consequences of
our many lost battles, we
have a friend at the right
hand of the Father and
innumerable advocates and
mentors in the Heavenly
Powers and the Communion of Saints. We can
do it, if we work at it.
Jimmy Cliff sang (in the
reggae flick the Harder
they Come):
You can get it if you really want
But you must try
try and try
try and try
Its why we are here.
Good luck. Keep up the good work.

nEw STAr 15

September, 2012

Child Protection: 10 Years of the Charter, and Annual Audits

he Charter for the Protection of Children and

Young People is a comprehensive set of procedures established by the uSCCB in June 2002
for addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by
Catholic clergy. the Charter includes guidelines for
reconciliation, healing, accountability, and prevention
of future acts of abuse.
the Charter directs action in all the following matters:
- Creating a safe environment for children and
young people;
- Healing and reconciliation of victims and survivors;
- Making prompt and effective response to allegations;
- Cooperating with civil authorities;
- Disciplining offenders;
- Providing for means of accountability for the
future to ensure the problem continues to be effectively dealt with through a national Secretariat of
Child and Youth Protection and a National Review
Faced with the crisis of child sexual abuse by clerics
that dramatically came to light in 2002, the Catholic

Church in the united

States set up an aggressive safe environment program that is
the envy of other organizations that work
with children. From
the annual audits, we
find the Catholic Church in the united States:
- trained more than
2.1 million clergy,
employees, and volunteers in parishes
in how to create
safe environments
and prevent child sexual abuse.
- Prepared more than 5.2 million children to recognize abuse and protect themselves.
- Ran background checks on more the 1,887,000
volunteers and employees, 166,000 educators,
52,000 clerics and 6,000 candidates for ordination.
St. Nicholas ukrainian Catholic eparchy, as a mem-

A Step Forward Towards

Reconciliation Between Catholics
and Orthodox Churches
Joint Declaration Signed During Russian
Patriarchs Historic Visit To Poland
CZeStoCHoWA, ( the
President of the Polish episcopal Conference, Archbishop Jozef Michalik and
Kirill I, Patriarch of Moscow and All
Russia signed a joint declaration to both
Polish and Russian people August 17,
during the first visit in Polands history of
a head of the Russian orthodox Church.
"It is an unprecedented event," stressed
the representatives of the Catholic
Church in Poland and of the Russian orthodox Church. "the purpose of this
document is to resolve painful pages of
Polish and Russian history," added
Father Jozef Kloch, spokesman of the
Polish episcopal Conference, "the
important question is to begin a dialogue
that is born on the basis of the very
Gospel of Christ."
It is an important step that "in this
phase we cannot but take," said Archbishop Michalik to Polands Catholic
Information Agency (KAI). "this event
must not be treated in political terms but
as an indication of a path, a symbol and
a sign of obedience to the will of Christ,
an important step on the path of forgiveness," said the president of the Polish
episcopal Conference.
the message itself to the people of
Russia and Poland and the exchange of
letters between the Polish and German
bishops in 1965, almost 50 years before
this initiative, stem "from the Gospel,"
the Polish prelate said.
the first important step towards
Russo-Polish reconciliation was the visit

U.S. Bishops Cite Terrible

Human Costs of Broken
Annual Labor Day Statement Focuses on
Unemployed and Exploited Workers

of a group of monks from a Russian

monastery near ostashkov to Jasna Gora,
the shrine of the Black Madonna of
Czestochowa in September 2009. the
delegation of the Russian orthodox
Church was led by Arkadij Gubanow,
Prior of the orthodox Monastery of Saint
Nil at Stolobienskoje, region of twer.
Archbishop Stanislaw Nowak of
Czestochowa and Father Izydor Matuszewski, Prior General of Pauline
Fathers and Custodian of the Shrine, also
gave a copy of the Icon of the Black
Madonna of Czestochowa to the delegation of the Russian orthodox Church.
"this Holy Icon of the Black Madonna
is a sign of our spiritual closeness, and
also a symbol of europes two lungs,
eastern and Western, as the Servant of
God John Paul II taught," said Archbishop Nowak at the consigning of the icon.
the orthodox monks kept the copy of the
image of the Madonna in the Monastery
of Saint Nil at Stolobienskoje. During
World War II, it was destined to a Soviet
lager where more than 6,000 Polish soldiers were killed.
"In this place, in our monastery, we
must pray together, Russians and Poles,
before the Holy Icon of the Madonna of
Czestochowa, to ask for peace and to
pray for all those who were killed," exhorted Arkadij Gubanow, prior of the
orthodox Monastery of Saint Nil.
the signing of the declaration is seen
as another step towards reconciliation
between the Churches of the east.


ber of uSCCB and the eastern Catholic Churches, participated in the Audits, and has been found in compliance with the Charter during the last years on-site
Audit. this year, the Audit will be take place during the
first two weeks of September.
If you have any questions regarding Child Protection, please contact Serge Michaluk, eparchial
Coordinator, at 773-276-9500 or sergemichaluk@


People of faith stand with people
who've been left behind and should
seek economic renewal that makes
workers and their families a central
concern, according to the annual Labor
Day Statement from the Committee on
Domestic Justice and Human Development of the u.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (uSCCB).
"Millions of Americans suffer from
unemployment, underemployment or
are living in poverty as their basic
needs too often go unmet. this represents a serious economic and moral
failure for our nation," wrote the committee's chairman, Bishop Stephen e.
Blaire of Stockton, California, in the
statement, Placing Work and Workers
at the Center of economic Life.
Bishop Blaire cited the 12 million
Americans officially unemployed, the
millions more who are underemployed
or who have given up looking for
work, 10 million "working poor" families, and 46 million people, including
16 million children, living in poverty
as a sign of a broken economy. He
cited the words of Pope Benedict XVI,
who said poverty often "results from a
violation of the dignity of human
work," either because of a lack of job
opportunities or because, in the words
of Pope John Paul II, "low value is put
on work and the rights that flow from


According to Bishop Blaire, the "terrible human costs" of a broken economy include workers being exploited or
mistreated, stagnant or falling wages,
and stress on families. As a result,
"many employees struggle for just
wages, a safe workplace, and a voice in
the economy, but they cannot purchase
the goods they make, stay in the hotels
they clean, or eat the food they harvest,
prepare, or serve."
"An economy that allows this
exploitation and abuse demands our
attention and action," wrote Bishop
Blaire. He noted that the bishops work
to provide hope and help to exploited
workers through programs such as the
uSCCB Migration and Refugee
Services and the Catholic Campaign
for Human Development, but said that
"everyone and every institution" in
societybusinesses, government, unions and private institutionsshould
collaborate to support workers and create an economy "that serves the person
rather than the other way around."
"this Labor Day, millions of working people and their families have
urgent and compelling needs," Bishop
Blaire concluded. "I ask you to join me
in a special prayer for them and all
workers, especially those without a job
struggling to live in dignity. May God
guide our nation in creating a more just
economy that truly honors the dignity
of work and the rights of workers."

Y E A R !

16 nEw STAr

September, 2012

vatican Program of Year of Faith

includes Events of All-ukrainian
Pilgrimage to rome

he updated calendar of events dedicated to the

Year of the Faith beginning from october 11,
2012, published by the Pontifical Council for
Promoting the New evangelization includes some
events to be held as part of the All-ukrainian
Pilgrimage to Rome organized by the ukrainian
Greek Catholic Church (uGCC) on the 120th
anniversary of the of Blessed Patriarch JoSePH (Slipyj) and consecration of the renovated cathedral of
St Sophia in Rome.
At the website, in the section
dealing with the chronology of the events planned,
one can read about a celebratory Vespers and consecration of the restored church to be held on october
13, 2012, as well as a liturgy in the Cathedral of St
Sophia to be celebrated on the next morning and a
concert of ukrainian sacral music in honor of Pope
Benedict XVI and the fathers of the Synod on the
New evangelization.
the Apostolic Visitator for ukrainian Greek

Catholics in Italy and Spain, Bishop DIoNISII

(Lyakhovych), addressed the hierarchy, clergy,
monastics and laity of the uGCC with an invitation
to come to Rome to represent the Church, pray
together with the Father of uGCC, Patriarch
Sviatoslav, greet the universal Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI and support in prayer ukrainian migrant
workers in Italy.
the address includes information that a special
website,, was developed for the
organization of the pilgrimage containing detailed
information about it and a registration form. After
making a nominal payment, each registered participant will receive a pilgrim bag containing a prayer
book, a handkerchief with the pilgrimage logo, a program and ticket to a concert of the leading ukrainian
choirs to be held in the Hall of Pope Paul VI in the
Vatican as well as a coupon entitling the holder to a
ration of food for lunch on october 14, Radio Vatican reported.

Pope returns to ukraine

here is great significance in reminds all of usthose who are

the event taking place in this inheritors of Kyivan Christianity,
small church. this is the independent of confessional adherreturn home of Pope Clement to the ence, that St. Volodymyr blessed
Crimean soil, where he sacrificed Rus' at a time when the Church was
his life for preaching Christs still undivided. And to this unity, to
Gospel. We have awaited him for so which he once invited the Corinthlongand finally he has returned. ians, he today also beckons the
these were the words with which ukrainians. Similarly, as there is
His Beatitude Sviatoslav said to all one God in three Persons, so also
gathered in the Church of the Holy there exists one, holy, catholic,
trinity in Yalta. this church was apostolic Church, which fulfills the
constructed a year ago thanks to its sermon of Christs Gospel among
benefactors, the family of oksana different peoples amid various culand Petro tokach. A Divine Liturgy tures.
His Beatitude also drew a symmarked the exposition for public
veneration of the relics of St. bolic parallel between St. Clements
Clement, brought to this church by mission and that of uGCC. the
ukrainian Greek Catholic Church,
His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
the Liturgy was concelebrated said he, has a mission, which we
by Bishop IHoR (Vozniak), Archbishop and Metropolitan of Lviv;
Bishop VoLoDYMYR (Viytyshyn),
Archbishop and Metropolitan of
Ivano-Frankivsk; Bishop MYKoLA
(Simkaylo), Kolomyia-Chernivtsi
eparch; Bishop VASYL (Ivasiuk), exarch of odesaCrimea; numerous clergy,
monastics, faithful from
Sevastopol, evpatoria, Alushta, Simferopol and Kerch
who gathered on this day in
In his homily, his Beatitude Sviatoslav emphasized
the unique role which St.
His Beatitude brought the relics of
Clement played in the histoPope St Clement in
ry of the establishment and
procession to the church.
development of the Kyivan
Church. For us, the inheritors of recognize in the figure of St.
Kyivan Christianity, the figure of Clement. Above all, we should
St. Clement is especially significant jointly bear witness to that Christibecause he was a witness of anity which was accepted by our
Christs single, indivisible Church forefathers in the Dnipro waters.
of the first millennium: a Church, that Kyivan Church, about which
whose symbol became the succes- we hear and speak of so often, was
sor of Apostle Peter in Rome. He the daughter of undivided Christi-

anity and it is due to this that to this

day the Church so strongly venerates Pope Clement of Rome. In the
same way in which he pronounced
the truth about one God in three
Persons, this same mission is now
taken on by our Church.
the uGCC Primate expressed
the hope that this small church and
the relics of St. Pope Clement will
be a call for unity to all Christians,
independent of confessional affiliation, because his cult is particularly
treasured in ukraine by both the
orthodox as well as us, the
Greek Catholics. May he be
today that 'Fortress of Peter'
upon which we shall continue
to build the unity of Christs
Church in ukraine, he emphasized.
the Divine Liturgy ended with a
God grant many years invocation during which His Beatitude
Sviatoslav expressed special gratitude to Bishop VASYL (Ivasiuk)
and the clergy for working under
difficult conditions facing uGCC
pastors in the odesa-Crimea
After the Liturgy, attendees had
the opportunity to listen to a lecture
on St. Clement delivered by Hieromonk Justin Boyko, a Studite, as
well as to touch the relics of the
saint and to pray for his intercession.

One can only have hope for

tomorrow if one
believes in God,
his beatitude Sviatoslav

ealth does not come from the material

world but only from a spiritual life and a
union of a person with God. therefore a
person who does not believe will always ache and suffer because in that persons soul there is no Holy Spirit
rather some other spirit has taken hold of ones
soul, stated His Beatitude SVIAtoSLAV (Shevchuk)
during the Divine Liturgy on August 12, 2012 at the
Patriarchal Cathedral of Christs Resurrection in Kyiv.
According to His Beatitude Sviatoslav, if a person is
not a temple of the Holy Spirit, as taught by the
Apostle Peter, then ones spiritual vacuum will be
filled by some evil. the Primate believes that a person,
who does not believe in God, cannot achieve stability
in life. to hope in tomorrow, one can only if one
believes in God. Because stability is only guaranteed
by the faith which unites us with the Creator, emphasized His Beatitude. thus, in early Christian symbolism, it was the anchor which was the symbol of hope
since it does not permit the stormy waves of the
ocean to destroy the ship.
If we look today at ukrainian society and even beyond the landscape of ukrainian life, then we see that
in todays secularized world a person lives as if God
did not exist, continued the Primate. Step by step
young people lose hope and are afraid of tomorrow.
He described an incident which he witnessed in Rome.
He said that this year there was a march by young people demonstrating against the current economic crisis.
these young males and females considered themselves the wasted generation. In ukrainian society,
especially during the pre-election campaigns, we
notice how often we are bounced around from one
extreme to another. todayfor usmore than ever, it
is important to find the path to the one who can truly
give us hope, to rediscover the faith of our fathers, to
live in it and to share it with our neighbors, urged his
Beatitude Sviatoslav. Finally, he added, faith shows its
power when we acknowledge our weaknesses to God.
Let us bring to God all our weaknesses, hardships
and let us open to Him all the corners and twists of our
lives, and we can be certain that Gods Power will prevail. Let the Lord make us feel that He is our hope for
tomorrow, concluded uGCC leader.
UGCC Department of Information

His Beatitude Sviatoslav:

When The Church Intrudes
into Politics, It Loses
No priest has the right to glorify anyone, except God.
UGCC Primate His Beatitude SVIATOSLAV (Shevchuk),
made this statement in view of the coming elections
while visiting Kolomyia on August 19th.
According to His Beatitude Sviatoslav, when the
Church intrudes into politics, it always looses Never
does any political party, which attempts to endow the
Church, leave it free, underlined the UGCC Primate.
Simultaneously, His Beatitude noted that significant
events in society are addressed by the Church in specific epistles to all people of good will. The Church
definitely urges all to vote in the elections since it is a
very important instance, when it is necessary to
express ones own responsibility as a citizen.

nEw STAr 17

September, 2012

Archbishop Lubomyr Comments on Move to Kyiv

rchbishop LuBoMYR (Husar) of the

ukrainian Greek
Catholic Church stated in
an interview to the publication Spirituality that our
return to Kyiv was not a
I would like to note that
I did not transfer anything
but restored what was there
200 years ago. You know,
the orthodox took a stance
to consider the moving of
the seat as an intervention
by our Church in eastern
ukraine, saying that the
faithful in the west of
ukraine are not enough for
us. In reality, we have
returned after 200 years of

absence. In the end of the

19th century, the Church
was in Kyiv, then, we were
driven away and we have
returned, said the [retired]
spiritual leader of the
Greek Catholics.
According to the archbishop, it is an act of aggression for those who
view this phenomenon
through the church-political prism.
But the orthodox who
think objectively know the
history and therefore view
these events as normal. In
addition, we always explain and stress that we
have come to Kyiv and
eastern ukrainian regions

not as invaders but to help

and support our faithful
who live there for various
reasons. Also, our return
underscored the fact that
one thousand years ago,
there was one undivided
Church in Kyiv with one
unfortunately, this Church is now
divided into four branches,
three orthodox, and one
Catholic. therefore, today,
we must take steps to
restore the original unity,
otherwise, we will lose our
identity, concluded the
archbishop, the Information Department of the
uGCC reported.

Ordination of Bishop BORYS

(Gudziak) Held in Lviv

he Episcopal ordination of
UCUs Rector Father Borys Gudziak was held on August 26 in St.
Georges Cathedral in Lviv. The Hierarchical Liturgy was celebrated by Patri-

arch SVIATOSLAV (Shevchuk).

The co-consecrators of the newlyappointed Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in France, Switzerland,
Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg
were Archbishop of
Lviv IHOR (Vozniak)
and Apostolic Exarch
for Ukrainian Catholics in Great Britain,
Bishop HLIB (Lonchyna).
Later the same day,
the dedication of a new
student college of the
Ukrainian Catholic University was conducted
by His Beatitude, with
Bishop Borys.

Bishop Borys at blessing with holy water

continued from page 12
In his sermon on the occasion of the consecration,
Patriarch Sviatoslav spoke about the profound meaning of the event of transfiguration of Christ. At the end
of the liturgy, the Apostolic Nuncio read a greeting
address from Pope Benedict XVI to the faithful of the
eparchy on the occasion of the consecration of the
main shrine.
Bishop MYKoLA (Simkailo), eparch of Kolomyia
and Chernivtsi, thanked all the people of good will
who have donated and prayed for the development of
the cathedral complex.

Part of the crowd present for dedication of cathedral


then thanked all
those present and
those who contributed to the formation of his vocation: noting it is
important to remember that the
Lord gives us one
Fr Borys goes ahead of the
exampleto come
co-consecrating hierarchs into the cathedral.
down. God who
His Beatitude, Sviatoslav ordained Fr created the cosmos, comes closer to all of
Borys Gudziak, titular bishop of Carcabia, us, is nearby, is part of our life, our death,
to be the Apostolic Eparch in France, Be- and loves each of us.
nelux and Switzerland, and observed:
Besides the co-consecrating hierarchs,
The ordination is happening at an inter- participation in the consecration and solesting timewhen we celebrate the 20th emn liturgy included the Papal Nuncio in
anniversary of the return to St. Georges Ukraine, Thomas Edward Gullickson;
Cathedral the mortal remains of the ser- bishops of the UGCC from Ukraine and
vant of God Patriarch JOSEPH (Slipyj) abroad, bishops of the Roman Catholic
for us today an example of a real bishop, Church; diplomats and ambassadors; repthe one among his people of God who resentatives of donors and UCU foundareveals to us the one good Teacher.
tions; lecturers and students, and represenPatriarch Sviatoslav thanked Bishop tatives of different Christian denominaBorys for his tireless, troublesome work in tions.
website of UCU

On Anniversary of Independence:
Build Ukrainian World
--Patriarch Sviatoslav
In his address on the 21st anniversary of the independence of Ukraine, Patriach Sviatoslav calls on the faithful
to assume responsibility for the gift of independence of
the Ukrainian nation, to work diligently and pray zealously for Ukraine.
We must now adopt the high ideals of state-creation
which drove the heroes of the struggle for state independence and freedom of the church and people. As we
celebrate the day, let us feel that the Lord, our Creator
and Liberator, is with us, reads the address published
by the Information Department of the UGCC.
The Primate stressed that the church always was with
its people: She was its mother and teacher, adviser and
protector. Often, only the voice of her hierarchs, Metropolitan Andrey, Patriarch Joseph was raised to defend
hundreds of thousands of people who were killed,
deported, imprisoned and tortured.
The church taught to love Ukraine truly in the vortex of hatred and to avoid any evil. The church remains
with its people today, noted the patriarch.
He called on all the faithful of the church and all people of good will to love their Motherland and develop
the Ukrainian world both in their own state and outside

New Exhibit at
Kyiv in Miniature Park:
The Patriarchal Center of UGCC
On the 18th of August, His Beatitude Sviatoslav
gave his blessing to a new exhibit of the Kyiv in
Miniature Park, a thumbnail image of the Patriarchal
Center of the UGCC, which includes the Patriarchal
Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ and the administrative building. The process of sanctification
was attended by Bishop BOHDAN (Dziurakh), General
Secretary of the UGCC Synod of Bishops, clergy,
donors, as well as representatives of the administration of the park.
"This is a symbolic event. Today we gave our
blessing to the maquette; however, we hope that in a
year we will sanctify our Patriarchal Cathedral. Next
year we will celebrate the 1025th Anniversary of the
Baptism of Rus-Ukraine. The meeting of our Synod
will take place in Kiev. We want to live to see the
day, when with the help of God and with the support
of our donors in 2013, we will sanctify our Cathedral.
So, let this blessing be a harbinger of a great sanctification, said the UGCC Primate in his address.
Patriarch Sviatoslav expressed his gratitude to the
Tokach family, on whose initiative and at whose excontinued on page 19

18 nEw STAr

September, 2012

iraqi Christians Eager for Papal visit to lebanon

Chaldean Bishop Speaks on Importance of Benedict's Trip to the Middle East
RoMe, ( In just over a month, Benedict
XVI will embark on his apostolic visit to Lebanon,
scheduled for September 14-16. the primary purpose
of the visit is the signing of the postsynodal apostolic
exhortation, fruit of the 2010 synod on the Middle
the papal visit has been greatly anticipated not only
in Lebanon but in the whole Christian community of
the region. In an interview with Vatican Radios
Alessandro Gisotti, Chaldean Bishop SHLeMoN
(Warduni) of Baghdad spoke on how the Church in
Iraq views this trip.
Despite difficulties and troublesome circumstances
in the Middle east, Bishop Warduni said that the
Church in Iraq is awaiting the papal visit to Lebanon
with great hope."
It is the visit of a father who loves his children,
who feel his concern for them, wherever and whatever

the circumstance," he said. "We in Iraq also await this

apostolic exhortation with love and great hope. there
are still so many difficulties, especially in regard to
security. We hope that this visit will bring much consolation, much courage and much support."
the Iraqi prelate said that a fundamental aspect of
the Holy Father's visit is the importance of dialogue
between Christians and Muslims in the region.
Benedict XVI is expected to meet not only Christians,
but with members of the Muslim community. As witnesses of the Gospel, Bishop Warduni said, Christians
must always seek to be close to our brothers, seeking
to have it understood that religion should bring souls
closer, to make it understood that Gods Spirit is present everywhere.
If we dont respect one another, if we dont try to
help one another, being reconciled all together, it will
be very difficult to go forward in these circumstances

with the warbecause the love of God and love of

brothers is not understood, he reflected.
When asked if the
Iraqi Christian community felt a closeness to the Pope,
amidst the difficulties
that have forced many
to flee, the auxiliary
bishop of Iraq reiterated the Holy Fathers
message of loving
their land and attaching themselves to the faith.
this is the hour of hope, great and strong," Bishop
Warduni said, "so that all will return to their homes:
there they will really find their happiness. We hope
that all will be able to live in peace and security!

We are pained by the division of the one Kyivan Church,

born through Volodymyrs Baptism, stated Patriarch
Sviatoslav in the Italian publication Il Regno

am open to dialogueeven more, I believe that

there should be a process of reconciliation with the
Russian orthodox Church (RoC). We bear historical wounds which can be healed only through a process
in which all church institutions
will participate. I wanted to initiate this process and I hope that
from the side of RoC there will
also be such openness, said His
Beatitude SVIAtoSLAV (Shevchuk), of the ukrainian Greek
Catholic Church in an interview
with the Italian publication Il
In answer to a journalists question, as to whether there are certain preconditions to a dialogue
with RoC representatives following the letter written to uGCC
Head by Metropolitan HILARIoN
(Alfeev), Director of RoC office
of Public Relations, proposing
closer collaboration, His Beatitude Sviatoslav replied that so far
there were letters but no meetings.
We have not yet started a serious
dialogue about the existing prob-

lems, clarified the uGCC Primate.

During the last twenty years the same thesis has been
repeated over and over: we are perceived as an impediment to a meeting between the Moscow Patriarch and
the Roman Pope. However, until now, we have
never succeeded in talking
directly with RoC to seriously discuss the question
of historical truth and the
conditions of pastoral care.
there is so much more to
do! said His Beatitude
He believes that this dialogue should take place
mainly in ukraine. It is
natural that my dialogue
partner should be His Beatitude VoLoDYMYR (Sabodan), Metropolitan of
the ukrainian orthodox
Church in union with the
(uoC-MP), noted the
uGCC leader. He explained that it is with this

uS State Department releases

Annual report on religious Freedom
Secretary of State Clinton Expresses
Concern Over Deteriorating of Rights
WASHINGtoN, D.C., ( the
uS State Department released its annual
International Religious Freedom Report
for 2011 on tuesday, stating that religious freedom in the world is becoming
seriously hampered.
In a speech at the Carnegie endowment for International Peace in Washington, uS Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton expressed concern over pressure
laid on faith communities. "Members of
faith communities that have long been
under pressure report that pressure is rising," she said.

"So when it comes to this human right,

this key feature of stable, secure, peaceful societies, the world is sliding backwards."
China was among the countries the
annual report noted where a deterioration of religious freedom occurred. the
report noted increased repression of
tibetan Buddhists and any religious
group not affiliated with the five statesanctioned patriotic religious associations (taoist, Buddhist, Muslim, Protestant and Roman Catholic). Protestant
groups unaffiliated with the patriotic

Church, that uGCC shares pastoral, social and ecumenical common interests. therefore, believes His Beatitude
Sviatoslav, if uoC-MP carries on a dialogue directly
with uGCCwithout outside interferencethen this
dialogue could be both positive and constructive
We are pained by the division of the one Kyivan
Church, born through Volodymyrs Baptism, not only
between Catholics and orthodox, but also among the
orthodox themselvescontinues the uGCC Primate.
there cannot be a step forward towards unity if it is not
nurtured by all those who are the inheritors of
Volodymyrs Baptism and the one Kyivan Church.
In his comments, he also mentioned that when His
Beatitude Lubomyr announced the return of the uGCC
Seat to Kyiv from Lviv, his pastoral letter on that occasion to uGCC faithful, united Gods People in the
Country on the Kyiv Hills, voiced his vision of the
establishment of one churchmoving from confessional exclusivity towards confessional collaboration.
I admit that I share His Beatitudes vision of the
unity of the Kyivan Church. therefore I attempt to treat
the accumulated wounds and to build one cathedral for
a peoplejust as it was in the beginning, when in 988
there was one Kyivan Churchthe daughter of the
union of the Constantinople Church with Rome, stated the uGCC leader in his interview for the Italian
publication Il Regno.

religious association and Catholics that

are loyal to the Vatican are not permitted
to apply as legal entities.
"Its particularly urgent that we highlight religious freedom, because when
we consider the global picture and ask
whether religious freedom is expanding
or shrinking, the answer is sobering.
More than a billion people live under
governments that systematically suppress religious freedom," Clinton said.
"New technologies have given repressive governments additional tools for
cracking down on religious expression.
Members of faith communities that have
long been under pressure report that the
pressure is rising. even some countries
that are making progress on expanding
political freedom are frozen in place
when it comes to religious freedom."
other countries causing concern were
eritrea, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan.

the report also noted a global rise in

anti-Semitism, as well as the increased
use of anti-blasphemy laws to restrict the
rights of religious minorities.
Clinton also highlighted that while
some countries are transitioning to
democracy, there still exists a struggle
with religious freedom. the Secretary of
State spoke of a recent trip to egypt,
where local Christians are concerned for
their future. "I had a very emotional,
very personal conversation with Christians who are deeply anxious about what
the future holds for them and their country. What egypt and other countries
decide will have a major impact on the
lives of their people and will go a long
way toward determining whether these
countries are able to achieve true democracy."
Junno Arocho

nEw STAr 19

September, 2012

ENCOUNTER 2012 update:

As this month unfolds, scores of eastern Catholics are expected to
converge upon Independence, a Cleveland suburb. the name of this North east ohio
city is certainly not indicative of the purpose of or expectation for the gathering that
will bring together people seeking togetherness in Christ through togetherness in
purpose by joining in prayer and common sharing of the dependence upon the unity of
the triune God as a model for human activity.
this first of three nation-wide sessions of eNCouNteR 2012 will be followed by a
similar program in Hillsborough, New Jerseyoctober 11-14, and el
Segundo, CaliforniaNovember 1-4.
While the time to pre-register for the Mid West program has
passed, there is still time for those planning to attend either of
the other two events sponsored by the eastern Catholic Bishops
who form Region XV of the uSCCB.
Full information and necessary forms, fee schedules and
details about lodging can be found at:
Special thursday/Friday sessions are available for clergy who wish to attend, but have
parochial obligations on the weekends.
eNCouNteR 2012 is a practical application of cooperating with the commission
given to each Christian at baptism: show Christ to the worldAKA evangelization.

US Catholics Back
Bishops' Stance on
Religious Liberty
Poll Shows Sharp Increase in Approval
of Church Leadership
WASHINGtoN, D.C., ( A poll conducted
by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion and
Public Life showed that Catholics who are aware of
the u.S. bishops concern on religious liberty agree
with them.
the poll also showed that protests organized against
the legislation have not drawn more interest among
Catholics than the general public.
they study showed that almost two-thirds, or 64%,
of Catholics have heard little of the bishops' concerns
regarding government policies, including the obama
administrations mandate that requires employers to
provide coverage for contraception, abortifacient and
sterilization services. the poll did show that roughly
22% of Catholics have heard a lot about the bishops'
protests over the policy and only a third of Catholic
churchgoers have said that their parish priest has spoken on the issue at Mass
"By a 56% to 36% margin, Catholics who are aware
of the bishops protests about what they believe are
infringements of religious liberty say they agree with
the bishops concerns. Among all Americans who are
aware of the protests, there is less support for the bishops position: 41% agree with the bishops concerns,
while 47% disagree," the poll stated.
the study was conducted among 2,973 adults, 619
of whom were Catholics, from June 28-July 9. the
Pew Research Center also reported that most
Catholics, roughly 70%, expressed satisfaction with
the u.S. bishops' leadership in general.
the percentage numbers show a sharp increase
compared to the last study in 2002, during the height
of the child abuse scandal. A large majority are satisfied with the leadership of their local bishop, priests
and nuns. the study showed that 74% of those polled
showed satisfaction with the leadership of Pope
Benedict XVI.

eporters and sports commentators

are accustomed to the unexpected
event happenningoften while
they are live, broadcasting for the whole
world to hear. there have been segments of
shows devoted to mishaps, blunders and
embarrassing utterances.
this year's olympic Games in London
proved to be no exception to the process of
humbling even some of the best announcers
and media-savvy athletes.
Just a few examples of last month's longto-be-remembered slip ups:
q Paul Hamm, Gymnast: "I owe a lot to
my parents, especially my mother and
q Boxing analyst: "Sure there have been
injuries, and even some deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious."
q Softball announcer: "If history repeats
itself, I should think we can expect the
same thing again.
q Basketball analyst: "He dribbles a lot
and the opposition doesn't like it. In fact
you can see it all over their faces."

Summer Events of the Nuns of St. Basil the Great

ummer ordinarily provides many enriching spiritual events for the small Ukrainian Catholic contemplative community of the Nuns of St. Basil
the Great, who spend their days in prayerful silence,
solitude and seclusion within their Monastery of the
Sacred Heart in Middletown, New York. Summer,
2012, has been no exception.
In July, Bishop PAUL (Chomnycky, OSBM,) Eparch
of Stamford, visited the Nuns to celebrate with them his
patronal feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. His Grace served
the Divine Liturgy in the Monastery
Chapel. During his homily in which he
spoke of the similarities and differences
of St. Peter and St. Paul, Bishop Paul
highlighted how both were touched by
the hand of God, gave up their former
strongly-held opinions and boldly proclaimed the kingdom of God.
He encouraged the Nuns to imitate
the two saints both in openness to
Gods transforming grace, and in boldness to proclaim the kingdom of God at this time when
the message so needs to be heard. After the Divine
Liturgy, Bishop Paul enjoyed a relaxing brunch with

the Sisters in the peaceful solitude of their Monastery.

Mid-August brought the Nuns to the annual Dormition Pilgrimage in Sloatsburg, New York. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, Healing Service, outdoor
Stations of the Cross and Moleben to the Mother of
God, provided much spiritual nourishment and renewal
for the Nuns and all present. The beautiful grounds and
enjoyable weather provided additional opportunities to
praise and glorify God for the gift of His Most Holy
Mother, the beauty of His creation and all His graces
and blessings.
The Nuns of St. Basil are the
contemplative branch of the
Sisters of the Order of St. Basil
the Great. In their Eastern monastic life of prayer and sacrifice, they celebrate all Hours of
the Divine Praises daily.
Through this communal divine
worship, as well as through
daily Eucharist, personal prayer, solitude, silence and consecrated service, they seek
to dwell continuously in the presence of God and so
call down blessings upon the people of God.

Nuns of St. Basil the Great; Monastery of the Sacred Heart; 209 Keasel Road; Middletown, NY 10940;
Telephone and fax (845) 343-1308;
continued from page 17
pense this thumbnail image was created and established.
Thanks to you, our residents and visitors to the capital,
who will stroll around this miniature Kyiv, will have
the presence of the UGCC, as an integral part of the
architecture of the city, its history as well as modern
days, in their minds, said the Patriarch Sviatoslav to the
On this occasion, the leader of the UGCC called all the
faithful people as well as people of good will, to help
with their gifts to complete the construction of the Patriarchal Center.
Park "Kyiv in Miniature" opened its doors to visitors
on June 23, 2006. The area of the miniature city equals
1.8 hectares, the diverse collection of buildings in 1:33
scale. The park recreates modern Kyiv with its most famous architectural landmarks.
Production of all the maquettes took almost four years.


New Star

September, 2012


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(773) 276-5080
fax: (773) 276-6799

Bishops Chancery

Monday-Friday; 9:00 am--4:00 pm
Central Time Zone

marriedin church
or in the Church?

hen you hear that a family

member or friend is getting
married, most respond how
wonderful! and wonder where the wedding will be held. often the newlyengaged couple begins their search for
the right venue or church. they want a
magnificent back drop for their wedding
pictures, totally oblivious to how the ceremony prepares them for their journey in
life as husband and wife.
It sometimes happens that couples
soon discover that there are certain preliminary steps to
take to assure they
will get a good
foundation and
spiritual guidance
before any of their
concerns are adPlacing the rings,
dressed. that is
the priest prays:
why our Church
The servant of God
[N] is betrothed to prescribes a sixthe handmaid of month preparation
period prior to the
God [N]... The
handmaid of God is wedding date.
Meetings with
betrothed to the
priest, and perservant of God [N]
other married
in the name of the
Father and of the couples throughSon and of the Holy out this time are
ways for them to
Spirit. Amen
learn how the
Mystery of Crowning (as a wedding is
properly called) gives a man and a
woman the grace to become one in spirit
and flesh in a way no human love alone
can accomplish; a love that is unique,
unending, indestructible and, when wellrooted in Christ, divine.
Although the marriage ceremony was
not invented or instituted by Christ himself, He did however, give specific meaning to it. He taught that the uniqueness of
a man and a woman joined in marriage is the most perfect natural
expression of Gods love for them
and the Church.
When the marriage ritual was
developed by the Church, it was

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major Church Holy Days
and National Civic Holidays







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developed as two rituals consisting of

three parts, betrothal, the common cup
and crowning. each part has its own
focus, each builds upon the other, each
fulfills a spiritual function.
the ritual of betrothal is patterned after
the Initiation Mystery: Baptism, Chrismation and eucharist. It is meant be a
pledge of eternal love, trust, and fidelity
between a man and womanand the
Church. this engagement ceremony
takes place in the vestibule of the church.
It dramatizes the free-will decision made
by the couple. the couple, (man standing
at the womans right) are met in the
vestibule by the priest, and are addressed
much as catechumens at baptism. Here a
candle is given to the couple. they confess their faith and love of God. the
priest asks them if they have come of
their own free will and if they have not
promised themselves to someone else.
He blesses rings, a symbol of Gods
never-ending, everlasting commitment to
us and places the mans ring on the
womans handand hers on hisfourth
finger of their right hands. the Bible
refers to the right hand in reference to
Gods own by which He armed Moses
in the Red Sea... so too will Your mighty
Word and Your uplifted arm bless the
right hands of Your servants. they then
exchange the rings between themselves
symbolizing that each one will constantly
be complimenting and enriching the
other by this union. then the priest signs
them with his hand cross three times and
asks God to take these two separate people and make them into one and that the
bond of love between them be unbreakable.
In earlier days this ritual took place
when a couple decided they wanted to
marry. Mostly, nowadays, it takes place
on the day of the crowning. Next month
we will look at more of the details of this
Mystery of Crowning.

Published monthly with the permission and authority of His Grace, Bishop RICHARD (Seminack), by St
Nicholas Publications, official publisher of the:
St Nicholas
ukrainian Catholic eparchy
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EDiToriAl boArD AnD ConTribuTorS:

Fr John Lucas, Managing Editor
Petro Rudka, ukrainian editor
Fr James Karepin, oP
Fr Leonard Korchinski
Fr Denny Molitvy
Fr Deacon Michael Cook
Just Another Monk of the eastern Church
George Matwyshyn
Serge Michaluk
olenka Pryma
Nazar Sloboda
Pani Barbara Wroblicky
Phyllis Muryn Zaparaniuk

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