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Chasing a White Feather

Grju Daria, clasa a X-a E, prof. coord. Mle Carmen, Colegiul Naional Elena Cuza That day was yet another utterly boring school day, or so I thought it would be. The suns rays crept in between the dark, yet puffy clouds which foretold that years first snow. I shoved my heavy bag on my back and hurried down the flats staircase late as always. I sprinted hastily towards my school hoping Id arrive in time for the first class, History, my least favorite subject. In my hurry I bumped into somebody and I quickly apologized looking up to him. He was taller than me and had a robust, yet delicate body. His honey-blond hair covered his forehead, a few golden locks falling on his ebony eyes which were now analyzing me from head to toe. It felt as if I could get lost in his deep gaze which had now fallen on my schools emblem sewed on the uniform I was wearing. Sorry, but are you by any chance a student from Kirin Art School?, his soft voice broke the awkward silence. I couldnt say a word as I was taken aback by his voice which was pure music to my ears. Only when he waved a hand before my face and flashed a flawless smile did I wake up from the spell he had unconsciously cast on me. Oh, yes, I study there. Sorry, I must be a bit dizzy from the collision, but dont worry about me! Great! Then, could you be so kind to show me around the school, at least just for the first days until I adjust to the new environment? I have just transferred from a school from Canada and I feel kind of lost., he said cutely scratching the back of his head. Um, sure!, I agreed taking a look at my wristwatch. Oh no, were really late! Looks like we have to run!, I said panicked. The boy gently grabbed my hand causing me to feel shivers on my back and motioned me to lead the way. We ran together, avoiding the busy people that were walking on the street. It almost felt like flying with him beside me. No sooner had we arrived in front of my classroom than the bell rang. Wait, are you in the same class as me?, I asked secretly crossing my fingers and hoping it would be so. Let me take a look on the papers the school gave me Is this room 5A? I had to bite my lower lip in order to contain my happiness. We were indeed in the same grade! We entered the class and curious eyes quickly turned to the stranger. I led him to the desk where I usually sat alone and took a seat next to him ignoring the obviously envious girls that were staring at us. So, whats your name, mysterious boy? I asked playfully taking out my books from the bag at the same time. Im Gabriel Smith. Whats yours, clumsy girl? he said raising an eyebrow which almost made me drop the whole bag to the ground. Its Alice Alice Wright. And usually Im not that clumsy, you know! Its just that, I started, but I stopped before saying something I would have regretted later like You have this strange effect on me, you make my heart flutter by simply looking at me or other foolish things. Well? Its just that what? he asked curiously, an angelic smile covering his perfect face. It must be the weather influencing me! I blurted taking out a pen out of my pencil case and started doodling on a blank page. Fortunately, the History teacher soon entered the class and began his usual speech on the topic of the lesson. And weeks passed by just like that. Gabriel and I became best friends as we basically couldnt go anywhere without the other. Whenever we had to go home and take separate ways, it always felt like a piece of my soul was being taken away from me, only to regain it when we met again. One day, however, our relationship changed.

It happened on the day when huge glittery snowflakes started falling in a dazzling dance on the cold naked ground. So heavily did it snow that day that the schools had to be closed, including ours. However, we found out the news too late, as Gabriel and I took our walk to the school like we did every day. Upon discovering the news, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful winter landscape and go for a walk in the park. The trees were covered in a twinkling coat of snow and on the nearby frozen lake a couple was ice skating offering a spectacular show to the passers-by. As we were walking, my body started shivering uncontrollably. Hey, are you feeling well? You seem to be cold., he said stopping me and pulling me close to his face. My cheeks instantly turned red and I could feel them burning with shyness. I-Im f-fine., I tried saying but my teeth were chattering preventing me from talking normally. He then pulled me in a hug. I was used to hugging him, but this time it felt different. I could hear his nervous heartbeat while also feeling his warm lips pressed on my forehead. When I slowly raised my head our eyes met and his dark eyes gazed into mine before closing the gap between our lips. The moment our lips locked I felt like I was in heaven. I could feel the sweet scent of his skin and the warm tips of his fingers on my cheeks. When he ended the kiss he exhaled loudly and then he enlarged his eyes as if he had just done something dreadfully wrong. He shook his head in denial and looked around with a panicked figure. I just stood there and watched him confused as I couldnt utter a single word. Come fast! he then broke the silence grabbing my arm and rushing me behind a tree. I hope nobody saw it., he confessed still scouting the surroundings. I felt hurt. He didnt want anybody to see us together. Did that mean that I wasnt good enough for him? Was I too ugly? I bit my lower lip in frustration and decided to leave brokenheartedly. Where are you going?, he asked pulling me back firmly by my hand. Its ok, I understand. You dont want people to know. Its because Im hideous, right? I knew it. I blurted trying to free from his grasp. What?! When did I say that?, Gabriel pulled me back this time closer to him, holding my shoulders with both his hands. You misunderstood, Alice. Ill explain it all to you soon. For now, just know that you are not ugly, on the contrary, you are gorgeous. I love you and I always will, ok? Remember that., he confessed playing with a strand of my long coal-black hair. O-ok. Explain what to me, though?, I asked still amazed by the sudden confession. Its hard to explain in words, so Ill show you. Come!, he said pulling me after him into a hidden snowy meadow. He started taking off his coat and I watched him unsure as he took off his shirt as well. Gabriel smiled, then turned around and opened his arms to the sky. Suddenly, a pair of large milk-white wings grew on his back. My mouth opened wide in shock while he fluttered the wings making them glimmer like a million diamonds in the faded sunlight. I approached him fascinated and touched the wings with caution they felt so soft, yet the feathers were different from those of a bird. Do you understand now? Its forbidden for us to be together: a human and an angel. Thats why I didnt want anybody to see us like that., he said as I looked down in sadness. He grabbed my hand and caressed my rosy left cheek. Would you like to fly, my lady?, he asked playfully motioning me to wrap my arms around his neck. He also wrapped his arms around my waist and started fluttering his marvelous wings. We glided high above the now white city, between puffy clouds and dancing snowflakes. Soon we landed near my house in a concealed area. Gabriel released me from his embrace and planted a sweet kiss on my forehead. Go home now. You have to get some rest after everything that has happened today., he said with a wide, but somewhat sad grin. I woke up the next day still feeling as if everything was just a dream. I stretched my arms and noticed that there was something next to me on the bed. Through the blurry morning vision I could make out that it was a letter and a white rose. I opened it nervously and read it with a block in

my throat. No sooner had I finished reading the last words than big salty tears started crawling out of my eyes, running down my burning cheeks. He wrote that he had to leave, because some malicious creatures called the dark angels had tracked him down. Gabriel begged me to swear to him that I wouldnt go looking for him for if I did so, my life would be in danger. Day by day I cried myself to sleep with only one thought: Im going to find you Gabriel, no matter what. There was a huge piece of my soul missing ever since he had left and I was going to regain it, even if it meant my death. Years passed quickly as I trained to become a photographer since it was the only way to travel to many countries in order to find the man who had changed my life completely. So great were my talent and passion that after graduating from university I was quickly hired as a photographer for National Geographic. This gave me the opportunity to visit the countries in which I suspected my angel was hiding. Alice, are you free tonight?, a familiar voice broke the silence of the van which my team used for transporting us from a place to another. The voice belonged to a man of my age. He had sooty black hair styled upswept. His eyes were also jet black and had a wild, yet attractive look. This man, Damien, reminded me a lot of Gabriel. I think so, yes. I answered nervously unsure of his intentions. Would you like to go on a date with me? he asked shyly. I didnt want to cheat on Gabriel, but at the same time I felt like I couldnt refuse Damien either, so I accepted. As Damien and I walked on the streets of Rome, the city we had been sent to, he kept trying getting closer to me. It felt as if he had cast a spell on me, a spell I couldnt break free from. However, something which woke me up from Damiens mesmerizing words caught my eye: a feather dancing in the air. It was no ordinary feather as I could recognize its unique pattern and texture it could only be Gabriels. I ran over to pick up the feather, leaving Damien behind. So Gabriel, we meet again! I heard Damiens husky voice and I immediately turned around only to see the man I loved so much in his angel form facing the man I trusted so much the past days with black wings attached to his back. Chaos then broke. The two angels fought as I couldnt move a single inch from the place I had picked up the feather. I could only watch and hope Gabriel would come out victorious. However, at one point Damien threw Gabriel on the cold pavement. This somehow made my legs move as I put myself between the two warriors, taking the final blow which was destined for Gabriel. The moment the blow hit me, my body went numb I couldnt feel anything even though I was certain that my body was more or less, dripping with ruby blood. I fell to the ground and I immediately felt Gabriels presence next to me. I could see his lips moving and his face frowning with both anger and pain, but I couldnt hear a thing. Suddenly, I felt so tired and I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I wasnt in my body anymore as I could see the whole scene from high above in the sky: Gabriel desperately shaking my inert body, Damien staring at us with a confused figure. How do you feel, Alice? I heard a female voice behind me and I turned to meet her. I couldnt see her face since she shone so brightly that I could barely make out the shape of her body. I didnt answer, but she asked me again, something else this time. Ive been watching you all this time and I also saw the sacrifice you made in order to save Gabriel. This has never happened before, so I am unsure what to do with your soul. she said seeming to ponder her decision. I-I want to go back, I want to be with Gabriel. I cant live without him. I said almost whispering with a trembling voice. You do? Ah, then this eases my decision. You shall become an angel too, then. On one condition, though: you have to become the guardian angel of someone and protect him or her until death, the shining woman said approaching me. I closed my eyes to protect them from the bright light, but when I opened them again I saw Gabriel close to my face. I inhaled loudly and batted my eyelashes in disbelief: I was alive. Gabriel was in shock. He seemed to realize that it meant I had become an angel and helped me get up. In the mean time, Damien had fled, leaving only the two of us in the abandoned street.

I thought I had lost you. Dont ever do that to me again, ok?, he said pulling me into a tight hug. I thought I had lost you, too. But I guess love always wins, right?, I asked with a wide grin on my now flawless angelic face. He chuckled and pulled me closer to him, locking our lips for the first time since my eternal life began.

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