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omas OF



loan Esq.


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Aaa$* Deputy and Secy.

Bttr Dear Sir?* I vish to get a ruling from the Department on the following points and I should have a guida /HI Jla abaolutely naoesaary that thoso ques t ions fjn c*

with the work appertaining to my djutios. There are half-breeds on nearly every r*serv*_in-J5. C . who are married to Indian women of the bands and who are

occupying and cultivating land on-the reserves* In many instances. JAo white father, either dlad or- abandbnad his Indian woman and the-half-breed children were brought up by their indi^an-mathers on the reserves..Many of those j^if^b^^ pn ifaa- r e a s w a s from five *o^faj^y_-

yeara. I know the wording of the Indian Act in relation to thenn * u t tha Department may have broader rulings. Shonld-those half-breeds he allowed to vote on a n y question affeating the bands Or^ejerveflon^ whtoh^May_JLitfi ft'""^h'Y-"^ thelr bhtliyan by thatr Indian wife bo per oaplta grant whlon ayfOlaa

allowed It afcare In any band

among whom thoy live?"

r have the points made elear for my guidance. I have the honor to b e , ao^iVta^.lndatan..agfl3tfL3La

I n d i a n A f f a i r s . . (KG 10, Volume 3867, F i l e


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