Project Summary Introduction

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Chapter 1 Project Summary Introduction

Computer shop business is one of the most in demand businesses here in Al Khobar. Nowadays, internet cafes are really in demand because of the fast changing technology that the people embraced just like here in KSA. Some have their own laptops and bring it to coffee shops so that they could relax and at the same time prepare their assignments and paper works. The people today are very busy and would want to do their jobs in a beautiful and innovative environment that could satisfy their needs and lessen their stress due to busy schedule. Name of the Firm The proposed name of the firm is YAZEED COMPUTER SHOP.. The firm will be registered as single proprietorship. The business is about computer shop. Location The business will be renting a space along Hi-way near to Government Office, and schools. The target consumers are students, teachers, office workers, and nearby neighborhood especially those people whose relatives or loved ones are abroad .The two hundred (200) meter radius requirements as provided in the existing zoning code and other applicable rules and regulations wherein computer shops and other similar establishments and places of amusements should be put up or constructed at least two hundred (200) meters away from the schools, hospitals and other government offices shall be strictly complied with. Long Range Objectives of the Project The AC Computer Shop looks forward to be the most competitive shop in Al Khobar. The proponent dreams of making profit and staying long in the business .For operating and establishing YAZEED COMPUTER SHOP, I am having some objectives. 1.To earn profit at less investments. 2.To satisfy our customers providing best quality service at effective price. 3.Providing the service at low cost by providing the best quality at affordable price. 4.To know a fair return on the capital invested by the owner.

Feasibility Criteria The following are the most important criteria by which almost every subject is being measured: 1.Raising funds or Capital this is the number one need of a b u s i n e s s m a n i n putting up a business. Whether he will produce the money by his own pocket or he will have a business loan in a bank. 2.Recognize profit from the business the main reason of a p e r s o n f o r g o i n g i n t o business is profit. People tend to enter into this kind of business because of their expectation to earn money or have an income. 3.It helps the economic growth of the area this c o m p a n y w i l l g i v e a j o b opportunity to the resident of Al Khobar. 4.Enhance the availability of the company the company w i l l b e c o m e s t a b l e i f i t has the ability to compete to his competitor and ability to continue operations yet there is expected risks in a business.

Market Strategies To penetrate the target market, different marketing strategies and promotions will be considered. Leaflets will be distributed and handed out to various business establishments, offices, schools, bus and friends, and relatives. Games and services offered will be displayed on the store window. I will offer promos to attract the consumer like cheaper rate for computer rental, and membership card. I will put a tarpaulin on the place itself where my shop is standing, promoting the opening of my computer shop also one month before the opening. To let the people know that there will be a new Computer Shop on the vicinity. Lastly, I will keep developing my skills by attending seminars to improve my knowledge and to be updated in this business.

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