VP Baker

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Instructions: Read Before Opening (Opening Letter) 3

A Blurb about the Manufacturer (Personal Info) 4

Lay-Away (Budget) 4

Strategies for completing the Puzzle (Strengths) 5

What about the missing pieces or those that just don’t fit right? (Challenges) 5

Manufacturer’s Warranty (Ways to Overcome Challenges) 5

Puzzle Concentration (Commitments to Next Year) 6

Making Sure Each Piece has its Place (Leadership Experiences) 6

Previously Completed Puzzles (Conference Experiences) 6

Who wants to do a puzzle anyways? (Reasons for Interest) 7

Bringing my Pieces to the Table (Personal Positional Goals) 7

The Finished Product (WURHA Goals) 7

Witnesses of Puzzle Expertise (Letters of Recommendation) 8-14

“We are one big family of people, trying to make our way through the unfolding puzzle of life.” 2
.-Sarah Paddison
(Opening Letter)

March 8, 2009

Esteemed WCC’s, NRHH-CC’s, and WURHA Directorship,

Words cannot express the tremendous amount of energy and excitement that I feel for even
bidding for the WURHA 2009-2010 Directorship. From my first WURHA conference experience this past
year, I have had this incurable “WURHA-spirit” fever that seems to have been contagious throughout
not only my delegation, but also my school. I have found in myself, a developing spirit of leadership and
school pride that WURHA seemed only to feed. From my first steps inside of UW-Platteville, I knew that
this weekend was going to be beyond anything in which I could have expected and incomparable to any
conference I had attended in the past. It is with great honor and pride that I extend my bid for the Vice
President position for WURHA 2009-2010.

Ever since high school, I have always stepped out to face any difficult task head-on and take the
leadership role to ensure that ideals and goals came into fruition. At first, it was overwhelming and I
had absolutely no idea how to handle all this newly acquired stress! It took time, but my years in high
school allowed me to learn the art of time management. In my life, I have overcome the toughest odds
and have always seen myself as a winner regardless of any outcome, since I know I always try my
hardest. I live my life with no regrets and I achieve my goals or leave all my pieces on the table. I take
pride in the fact that I am always willing to extend my hand and help out in any cause I feel is worth
fighting for. I tend to get over passionate and have a burning desire to do whatever I can to help make
WURHA the best possible experience for newcomers and veterans alike.

It is very apparent that the people from this past WURHA were anything but ordinary and had
the most creative, purposeful ideas to keep this spirit alive. I know that I would fit right in and that my
ideas would only add to the productivity and excitement created by this inevitable atmosphere. I have
had the experience of hosting and organizing conferences in the past as the President of Student
Government my junior and senior years in high school. My executive board and I were in charge of
making a successful, interactive convention that would enhance the leadership skills of those attending.
It would be a great pleasure to offer these insights to help WURHA also.

I would love the opportunity to work with the other privileged Directorship members to help
make this upcoming WURHA the best yet. I look forward to meeting and getting to know all of you and
have nothing but enthusiasm for future events. Thank you again for the chance to even participate in
the bidding process and I am exuberant on the opportunity to become Vice President for such an
esteemed organization.

With much WURHA love,

Joshua Baker
WURHA Vice President Candidate

“The World is like a giant puzle, where WURHA and I fit perfectly together.” 3
-Josh Baker
A Blurb About the
(Personal Information)

Name: Joshua Baker School Address: 2001 Alford Park Drive

E-mail: jbaker4@carthage.edu Mailbox #56
AIM: Thenamesbaker27 Kenosha, WI 53140
Cell Phone: (815) 685-4972 Home Address: 807 Elrose Ct.
Crest Hill, IL 60403

Majors: Political Science, History, Education

Minor: Spanish
Academic Ranking: Sophomore
Year in School: Freshman
Career Goal: Congressman, Senator
Favorite Type of Puzzle: The wicked-cool 3D ones


Expenses Funding Provided By

Travel Carthage College Housing and Residence Life
Phone (Conference) Calls Carthage College Housing and Residence Life
Office Material Carthage College Housing and Residence Life
Printing/Copying Carthage College Housing and Residence Life
Mailing Carthage College Housing and Residence Life
Apparel Personal Account
Other miscellaneous items Carthage College Housing and Residence Life

"A good puzzle, it's a fair thing. Nobody is lying. It's very clear, and the problem depends just on you." 4
- Erno Rubik (Hungarian, Architect and creator of Rubik's Cube)
Strength Benefit to WURHA (especially the VP position)
Leadership Strong attitude and sense of direction to provide
clear, productive instruction
Outgoing Makes meetings a lot more fun and easier if the
people are friendly; Makes recruiting non-member
schools and informing them easier when someone
is not shy
Confident High self-esteem and confidence steers meetings
in a positive direction and allows conversation and
ideas to flow freely
Creative/Fun Engages not only non-member schools, but
member schools to become more involved
Work well with others Makes informing member schools of all business
meetings very accessible and can be done easily
Good judge of character This would help with awarding the AAFW
Likeability/Personable Presiding over meetings in which President cannot
make would have a similar atmosphere and would
just make meeting environment more
Open-minded Creates comfortable atmosphere for discussion
and ideas to flow
Organization Keeping records and everything in order
Minute taking experience Keeping minutes and attendance and distributing
Time management Key in running a successful WURHA

Challenges Plans for Improvement

Hard time saying no to people Prioritizing and being able to delegate when I take
on too much, keeping my time management skills
on point to ensure everything fits together.
Perfectionist, a little obsessive in regards to Keeping realistic goals and making sure I am never
organizing rushing myself by doing things in a timely manner.
Keep all of my material for all my commitments in
folders/binders to ensure nothing gets mixed up
and is easily accessible
Tend to stay up late trying to perfect projects Dedicate 8 hours/night to sleep to ensure I have
energy. This would also allow me a fresh new look
each morning on the project and I would not
overanalyze anything.

“The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity.” –Doug Horton
(Commitments to Next Year)

• Resident Assistant

• Residence Life Council and In-hall (Approximately 8 hours

per month)

• Torchie (Mascot) (Contingent on game schedules)

• Student Government (6 hours per month)

• College Republicans (1 hour per month)

(Leadership Experiences)

• Freshman Senator, Student Government

• Student Organization Committee Chair, Student Government

• Secretary, Johnson Hall Residence Life Council

• Team Leader, John McCain Presidential Campaign 2008

• Fundraising and Debate Chair, Carthage College Republicans

• President, Student Government (Junior and Senior year)

• Treasurer, Student Government (Sophomore year)

• Captain, Volleyball Team (Freshman and senior year)

(Conference Experiences)

GLACURH 2008 (Display and Spirit Committees)

WURHA 2009 (Roll Call and Spirit Committees)

SWSC Leadership Conferences (Monthly conferences held for Student Government Presidents)

“Everytime you get up and get back in the race, one more small piece of you starts
to fall into place.” –Rascal Flatts
(Reasons for Interest)

• Deep passion about WURHA

o (Strong belief in the mission to educate and make better student leaders
on campus through interactions with other schools)

• Love meeting new people and making connections to better campus life
• Helping others and sharing ideas are kind of my things
o (Believe this is essential in bringing diversity to a campus)

• Awesome opportunity to bring all our pieces together and make the perfect puzzle
• I really want to help make a difference and know that I helped WURHA be the best it could

(Personal Positional Goals)

• Take the most accurate minutes and send them out immediately afterwards so no one is
out of the loop
• Maintaining constant communication between all member schools regarding all
meetings and issues
• Inform ALL of the eligible non-member schools about the opportunity WURHA presents
• Recruit a decent amount of schools to come to WURHA
• Send out birthday cards to WCC’s, NRHH-CC’s, and Directorship members just to show a
token of appreciation and support throughout the year
• Organize/make a binder that would help the incoming Vice-President transition for the
next year
• Communicate constantly with WCC’s and Directorship


(WURHA Goals)

•Complete all tasks and business management tasks to ensure WURHA is the most awesome
experience yet
• Bringing new, creative ideas to keep WURHA uplifting, fun and motivating
• Always remaining on schedule and never waiting until the last minute to complete tasks
• Keeping in constant communication among all participants and schools to ensure clarity with
dates, times, and guidelines

“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill,
and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.” -Deepak Chopra
(Letters of Recommendation)

Amanda Binger, Director of Residence Life and Residence Life Council Advisor 9

Louise Paskey, Dean of Students 10

Jason Ramirez, Associate Dean of Students 11

Kyla Hylinski, President, Residence Life Council 12

Sara Strabel, WCC-Carthage Chapter 13

Daniel Monfre, Resident Assistant 14


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