ExcelDna Reference

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ExcelDna Reference ================== RuntimeVersion ============== Add RuntimeVersion="v4.0" to the DnaLibrary tag.

Shadow Copy Files ================= Add ShadowCopyFiles="true" to the DnaLibrary tag to enable shadow copying for th e add-in's AppDomain. Ribbon ====== To support the Excel 2007 / 2010 Ribbon interface, the addin (in a .dna file or ExternalLibrary) must contain at least one public class that is a direct subclass of ExcelDna.Integration.CustomUI.ExcelRib bon. This class can also implement ExcelDna.Integration.IExcelAddIn, but need not. For each such class, ExcelDna will dynamically register and load a COM add-in in the AutoOpen call (after calling all the IExcelAddin.AutoOpen methods). This will trigger the loading of the Ribbon ui, and Excel calls the ExcelRibbon. GetCustomUI method. This is a virtual method, with a default implementation that retrieves the ribbo n xml from the .dna file. An add-in can override the default GetCustomUI method to explicitly return an xm l appropriate string. All callback methods that the Ribbon calls must be implemented as public methods in the class derived from ExcelRibbon. TODO: (Maybe? - allow callbacks to any public static method, like VBA implementa tion allows. This would require ExcelDna to explicitly implement IDispatch, a nd can be compatibly added as a feature later.) My goal for the multi-version customUI support is to allow you to create a singl e add-in that contains UI customization for each version. The idea is not to make a unified customization layer - the add-in could contain different code for different versions. Custom Task Panes ================= Support under ExcelDna.Integration.CustomUI. The CustomTaskPane class defines the interfaces related to CTP's. A CTP must contain a UserControl (derived from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl) . Create a new CustomTaskPane containing an instance of MyUserControl by calling: CustomTaskPane myCTP = CustomTaskPaneFactory.CreateCustomTaskPane(typeof(MyUserC ontrol), myTitle); COM server support ================== COM visible classes in ExternalLibrary tags marked ComServer='true', and COM vis ible classes that implement IRtdServer can be activated through the .xll directl y. Even if the add-in is not loaded in Excel, such objects can be created in VBA . These classes are (persistently) registered by calling "Regsvr32 <MyAddin>.xll" or by ComServer.DllRegisterServer(), and unregistered by "Regsvr32 /u <MyAddin>.xll or by ComServer.DllUnregisterServer()

. Such classes can be accessed directly as RTD servers or from VBA using CreateObj ect("MyServer.ItsProgId"), and will be loaded in the add-in's AppDomain. (The add-in need not be loaded for registered classes to be accessed through COM .) A type library (.tlb) can be created for the assembly using tlbexp.exe, and will be registered if available. If the assembly is packed in the .xll, the type lib rary will be packed too. Packing ======= ExcelDnaPack can pack the .dna files and dependent assemblies into a single .xll file. The Samples\Packing directory has a number of samples of how to use the packing feature. To run the samples, run PackAll.bat - the packed libraries are placed into the o ut directory. Data type marshaling ==================== The allowed function parameter and return types are: Double String DateTime -- returns a double to Excel (maybe string is better to return?) Double[] -- if only one column is passed in, takes that column, else first ro w is taken Double[,] Object Object[] -- if only one column is passed in, takes that column, else first ro w is taken Object[,] Boolean (bool) -- returns an Excel bool (maybe string is better to return to Exc el?) Int32 (int) Int16 (short) UInt16 (ushort) Decimal Int64 (long) incoming function parameters of type Object will only arrive as one of the follo wing: Double String Boolean ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelError ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelMissing ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelEmpty Object[,] containing an array with a mixture of the above types ExcelReference -- (Only if AllowReference=true in ExcelArgumentAttribute causing R type instead of P) function parameters of type Object[] or Object[,] will receive an array containi ng a mixture of the above types (excluding Object[,]) return values of type Object are allowed to be: Double

String DateTime Boolean Double[] Double[,] Object[] Object[,] ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelError ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelMissing.Value // Converted by Excel to be 0.0 ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelEmpty.Value // Converted by Excel to be 0.0 Int32 (int) Int16 (short) UInt16 (ushort) Decimal Int64 (long) otherwise return #VALUE! error return values of type Object[] and Object[,] are processed as arrays of the type Object, containing a mixture of the above, excluding the array types. Public types in ExcelDna library ================================ Intended for use within user code (all in the namepace ExcelDna.Integration) are the following: Attributes ---------ExcelFunctionAttribute - for user-defined functions Name Description Category (by default the name of the add-in) HelpTopic IsVolatile (! suffix) IsMacroType (# suffix) IsThreadSafe (??? suffix) IsClusterSafe (& suffix) ExcelArgumentAttribute - for the arguments of user-defined functions Name Description AllowReference (R type) - Arguments of type object may receive ExcelRefe rence. ExcelCommandAttribute - for macro commands Name Description HelpTopic ShortCut (does not seem to work ?) MenuName (default is library name) MenuText IsHidden ExcelComClassAttribute Helper classes -------------ExcelReference - contains a sheet reference. Get/SetValue to read/write to the c ells. ExcelError - an enum listing the different Excel errors ExcelDnaUtil - contains Application property (for COM access), WindowHandle and IsInFunctionWizard, ExcelVersion, ExcelLimits. ExcelCommandBarUtil - has LoadCommandBars method to laod command bar xml from a

string. CustomTaskPaneFactory - creates CustomTaskPanes. Wrapper for the Excel 97 / Excel 2007 SDK API --------------------------------------------XlCall class XlCall.Excel wraps Excel4/Excel12 (but easy to call), also constants for all the API functions and commands. XlCallException - is thrown when the call to Excel fails. XlCall.TryExcel - does not throw exception on fail, but returns an XlCallReturn enum value. ExcelDna.Integration.Integration contains the static method 'RegisterMethods' wh ich allow dynamic registration of methods. Excel COM interface access ========================== ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelDnaUtils.Application returns the Excel Application COM object. From VB this can be used late-bound quite easily. From C# 4 late-binding through the dynamic 'type' is recommended. Default references and imports ============================== A reference to the ExcelDna.Integration assembly in the .xll file that is loading a .dna file is always added when the .dna file is compiled. In addition, the following references are added to each project, unless a Defaul tReferences="false" attribute is set on the <Project>: System.dll System.Data.dll System.Xml.dll For RuntimeVersion="v4.0" the following are added too: System.Core.dll System.Data.DataExtensions.dll System.Xml.Linq.dll Microsoft.CSharp.dll (C# projects only) For VB projects, the following imports are added, unless a DefaultImports="false " attribute is set on the <Project>: Microsoft.VisualBasic System System.Collections System.Collections.Generic System.Data System.Diagnostics ExcelDna.Integration For RuntimeVersion="v4.0" the following are added too: System.Linq System.Xml.Linq ?? Microsoft.Office.Core (for Ribbon)?? Image Resolution ================ Image is only used if the Path is supplied. Image Name must match (case sensitive) the image tag in the Ribbon markup. 1. If the Path starts with "packed:" the image is retrieved from resources.

2. If the Path contains ..... Reference Resolution ==================== The <Reference> element has Path (AssemblyPath is deprecated) and Name attribute s. When compiling at runtime, the references are resolved as follows: 1. If Path starts with "packed:" the assembly is retrieved from resources, writt en to a temp file, and the temp file is added to the compiler's references list. 2. Else If Path is not null and not empty, the assembly is search relative to th e .dna file and the xll directory, and in the framework directory. If found, Pat h is added to the compiler's references list. 3. Else the Name is passed to LoadWithPartialName for resolution. 4. Otherwise the reference is ignored. When packing (Reference elements with the Pack="true" attribute), the reference is resolved as follows: 1. If Path starts with "packed:" the reference is ignored. 2. If Path is not null and not empty, the assemlby is looked for according to th e Path Resolution rules. 3. If no file is found, Assembly.Load is attempted with the Path. If the load su cceeeds, the assembly location is used to locate and pack the assembly. 4. Otherwise, Assembly.LoadWithPartialName with Name is tried. If the load succe eeds, the assembly location is used to locate and pack the assembly. 5. If the assembly is still not located, the reference is ignored for packing. Path Resolution =============== For assemblies and .dna files, the following path resolution is done. Given a path containing a file name, maybe rooted, maybe with some or no directo ry info, we attempt to find the file as follows: 1. If the file is found at the path, we are done. 2. Check the path - if it is rooted replace directory with .dna file's directory . 3. If the path is not rooted, try the whole path relative to the .dna file locat ion (prepend the .dna file's directory). 4. Else try 2 or 3 using current AppDomain's BaseDirectory. ExplicitExports =============== If the ExplicitExports attribute is set to "true" on a Project or ExternalLibrar y node, only functions and methods explicitly marked by an ExcelFunction or ExcelCommand attribute are exported. Otherwise, all public stat ic methods with compatible signatures are exported. .dna file schema ================ DnaLibrary Name Description Language RuntimeVersion CompilerVersion .... Project* SourceItem* Image* CustomUI*

[Attributes set on the DnaLibrary apply to the implicit project and are not inhe rited by any <Project> sections.] AutoOpen/AutoClose ================== Cleanup is only done when the add-in is removed from the add-in manager. When File->Open is used to reopen the .xll, it is closed and opened, causing the .dna file to be re-read.

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