Hyperion Planning and Budgeting User Manual V 1 1

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0 Document Control
0.1 Change Record
Date Nov 26, 2011 Jan 26, 2012 Author Swaminathan S Prajakta Patil Version 1.0 1.1 Change Reference Initial document Updating the details

0.2 Reviewers
Name Anand Harith Luke Ouko Dipen Shah

0.3 Distribution
Copy No. 1. 2. 3. Name Ministry of Finance Location Nairobi, Kenya

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1 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0 Document Control...........................................................................................................2
0.1 Change Record......................................................................................................................................2 0.2 Reviewers..............................................................................................................................................2 0.3 Distribution...........................................................................................................................................2

1 Table of Contents............................................................................................................3 2 Introduction.....................................................................................................................6

2.1 Purpose..................................................................................................................................................6 2.2 Intended Audience................................................................................................................................6 2.3 Abbreviations........................................................................................................................................6

3 Overview..........................................................................................................................7
3.1 Birds eye view of the MOF_PLAN Application:................................................................................8

4 Getting Started..............................................................................................................10 5 Forms.............................................................................................................................13

5.1 Form Layout View Pane...................................................................................................................14

6 Hyperion Planning Functionality................................................................................16

6.1 Color codes.........................................................................................................................................16 6.2 Toolbar Commands.............................................................................................................................16

7 Working with forms in Hyperion Planning................................................................22

7.1 Entering Data within Form.................................................................................................................22 7.2 Saving Data and Running the Business Rule......................................................................................23 7.3 Special Notes on Saving Data.............................................................................................................25 7.4 To view a different Version or Location.............................................................................................26 7.5 Adding Supporting Details.................................................................................................................26 7.6 Best Practices......................................................................................................................................31

8 Working with forms in Hyperion Smart view............................................................33

8.1 Smart View and MS Office Suite.......................................................................................................33 8.2 Establishing a Connection...................................................................................................................34 8.3 Viewing a Different Dimensions........................................................................................................41 8.4 Entering Data and Navigating within Smart View Forms..................................................................42 8.5 Saving Data and Running Business Rules..........................................................................................42 8.6 Adding Cell Text.................................................................................................................................43 8.7 Adding Supporting Details ................................................................................................................44 8.8 Option Settings...................................................................................................................................45 8.9 Delegating Responsibility to Others...................................................................................................46 8.10 Exporting data from Excel to HPB using Smart View:..................................................................47

9 Ad-hoc Analysis.............................................................................................................48
9.1 Ad-hoc Analysis using Planning Application................................................................................48 9.2 Ad hoc Analysis using Hyperion Smart view.............................................................................52

10 Planning Process Management..................................................................................58

10.1 Process Management Overview........................................................................................................58 10.2 Planning Units..................................................................................................................................58

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10.3 Planning Units and Process States...................................................................................................59 10.4 Reviewer Actions.............................................................................................................................59 10.5 Impact of Entity Hierarchy on the Review Process.........................................................................60 10.6 Managing the Review Cycle for Planning Units.............................................................................60 10.7 Copying Data between Versions......................................................................................................61 10.8 Clearing Cell Details.........................................................................................................................61 10.9 Copying Data...................................................................................................................................62

11 Workflow.....................................................................................................................63
11.1 Notes on Workflow..........................................................................................................................63 11.1.1 Hierarchy 1................................................................................................................................64 11.1.2 Hierarchy 2.................................................................................................................................65 11.2 Workflow Process Diagrammatically...............................................................................................66 11.3 Workflow Process Practically......................................................................................................70 11.3.1 Promotional Path:.......................................................................................................................70 11.3.2 Before the Initiation of Workflow:.............................................................................................71 11.3.3 Workflow started:.......................................................................................................................71 11.4 Workflow From managers point of view...................................................................................73

12 Web forms Screen shots..........................................................................................74

12.1 Recurrent Expenditure Forms:.........................................................................................................75 12.1.1 Balance Recurrent Form:............................................................................................................75 12.1.2 Recurrent Form:.........................................................................................................................76 12.1.3 Recurrent Form Expanded Version:........................................................................................76 12.1.4 Selection List of the Recurrent Form:.......................................................................................77 12.1.5 Recurrent Ceilings Form:..........................................................................................................77 12.1.6 Recurrent Ceilings Form Choose From the List:....................................................................78 12.1.7 Recurrent Composite Form:......................................................................................................79 12.1.8 Personal Emoluments Form:......................................................................................................81 12.1.9 Consolidated Fund Services External Debt Redemption........................................................81 12.1.10 Consolidated Fund Services Interest on External Debt:.......................................................82 12.1.11 Consolidated Fund Services Interest on Internal Debt:.........................................................82 12.1.12 Consolidated Funds Services Pensions:.................................................................................83 12.1.13 Consolidated Fund Services: Salaries, Allowances & Miscellaneous:....................................84 12.1.14 Consolidated Fund Services International Subscriptions:.....................................................84 12.2 Development Forms:........................................................................................................................85 12.2.1 Balance Development Form:.....................................................................................................85 12.2.2 Development Ceilings Form:.....................................................................................................85 12.2.3 Composite Development Form:.................................................................................................86 12.2.4 Development Expenditure Form:..............................................................................................86 12.3 Revenue Estimates Forms:...............................................................................................................87 12.3.1 Macroeconomic Indicators across Geography:..........................................................................87 12.3.2 Revenue Estimates:....................................................................................................................87 12.4 12.3 (S) Recurrent Expenditure Forms: ...................................................................................................................................................................88 12.4.1 12.3.1(S) Recurrent - Balance Check Form:..............................................................................88 12.4.2 12.3.2 (S) Recurrent Expenditure Form:....................................................................................88 12.4.3 (S) Recurrent Expenditure Form Expanded Version:.............................................................89 12.4.4 Selection List of the (S) Recurrent Expenditure Form:.............................................................89 12.4.5 (S) Recurrent - Ceilings Form:..................................................................................................90 12.4.6 (S) Recurrent - Ceilings Form To Choose from fhe List:.......................................................90 12.4.7 (S) Recurrent Expenditure Form:...............................................................................................91 12.4.8 (S) Personal Emoluments Data Entry:.......................................................................................92

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12.4.9 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) External Debt Redemption:..........................................92 12.4.10 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) Interest On External Debt:...........................................93 12.4.11 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) Interest On Internal Debt:..........................................94 12.4.12 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) Pensions:.....................................................................94 12.4.13 (S) Consolidated Fund Services : (S) Salaries, Allowances & Miscellaneous:........................95 12.4.14 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) International Subscriptions:........................................95 12.5 Development Forms.........................................................................................................................96 12.5.1 (S) Development Balance Check Form:..................................................................................96 12.5.2 (S) Development - Ceilings Form:.............................................................................................96 12.5.3 (S) Development Expenditure Form:..........................................................................................97 12.5.4 (S) Development Expenditure Form:..........................................................................................97

13 Hyperion Financial Reporting...................................................................................98

13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Reports Preview HTML and PDF...............................................................................................102 Preferences for the report viewing.............................................................................................104 Definition of Reports, Snapshots, Books, Snapshot books...........................................................106 Viewing Reports, Books, Snapshots and Batches.........................................................................107 Exporting Reports.........................................................................................................................110

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2 Introduction
2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive view of the functionality of the Hyperion Planning application, its usage, the credentials and its workflow, data entry which enables the users (power, super and normal) to be able to understand the process and hence implement the new budgeting system.

2.2 Intended Audience

This document is meant to be used by the user group that is part of the project in context with the newly developed budgeting system.

2.3 Abbreviations
Abbreviation HPB POV Description Hyperion Planning and Budgeting Point of View

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3 Overview
Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition is a centralized, web based planning, budgeting and forecasting solution that drives collaborative, integrated, event based planning process throughout the enterprise. In order to work on your budget forms for the coming fiscal year, one needs to become familiar with the application and the ways you can use it. The first few sections of the manual describe how to access the application, how the data is structured within forms, what functions are available and how to work with forms in the Planning application. The Budgeting process in this application includes budgeting for the Current Year (OctDec) with actual data (Jan-Sep) and budgeting for the Forecast year (Jan-Dec). It is also possible to work with budget data in Excel using Smart View, an add-on program that allows you to connect to the data source and open forms online. Instructions on how to set up Smart View, use data forms within Excel, and save data to the Planning server are described in the later sections of the manual. Working in HPB assumes you are familiar with the structure of the chart of accounts and where the segment values you budget on.

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3.1 Birds eye view of the MOF_PLAN Application:





















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4 Getting Started
You work with Planning in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, Fusion Edition environment. You can access EPM Workspace on Production Environment through the below mentioned URL: http://hypapp.treasury.go.ke:19000/workspace

Use employee ID and password.

Use the Navigate Button to access Hyperion Planning Navigate Applications Planning MOF_PLAN This opens the workspace as shown below. The left side of the screen is the view pane and the right side is the content area.

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You can execute the Navigate Applications Planning MOF_PLAN command multiple times to open multiple tabs so that you can work on different web forms within the same Workspace session. NOTE: Do not open multiple Hyperion Workspace sessions in separate browser windows. Instead, use separate tabs in the same Hyperion Workspace session to access multiple Planning web forms.

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5 Forms
In each model, the View Pane contains a folder with the forms for your budget work. The forms are available either on the web or through Smart View in Excel. The forms provide different ways to view and enter budget information for chosen dimensions (Head/Entity) combinations. Only those dimensions (Head/Entity) combinations that you have access to are visible on your forms. When you select the forms folder, a list of the forms within that folder appears in both the Content area and in the lower half of the View pane, as shown below.

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5.1 Form Layout View Pane

Select the form from either location. It opens in the Content area. NOTE: Not every form necessarily contains data. If the message There are no valid rows of data for this data form appears at the top of the content area, there is no data in that form. Make sure the dimensions are set properly. If the wrong Entity is set for a Head youll see this message.

For example, in Balance Recurrent Form, the page is set according to the ministry required (and Go button is launched) to get the desired values that are populated in the form. The layout of the form is as below

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Using the same form, but choosing a corresponding dimensions (Version/Location) combination in the Page pull-down menus results in a different set of data. (Note: You must click the Go button after changing one of the choices in the pull-down menus in order to see the new form.) Note: In any form if the desired results are not shown click the the page. button to refresh

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6 Hyperion Planning Functionality

6.1 Color codes
Data entry available Data entry prohibited Data has been changed but not yet saved (dirty cells) Supporting detail attached Cell is locked

6.2 Toolbar Commands

This command saves all the changes made to the web form and stores them on the server. [Same as File Save] Your remaining totals will not automatically update when you save. In order to see how the changes you make affect your totals, you must run the business rule for the current organization (which runs the calculations on the data). See Saving Data and Running Business Rules in the next section for further details.

This command will inform about any unsaved data back to the values stored since the last save took place. It will NOT save changes and provides a warning to that effect.

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NOTE: There is no Undo command. Save regularly and use Refresh to Undo to the last save. [Same as View Refresh]

This command initiates the printing process of the current document on screen. [Same as File Print]

A given cell value can be decreased or increased by either a value or a percentage (choose from a drop-down menu). Fill out the pop-up window as desired and click Adjust Data. [Same as Edit Adjust] You can also do this directly in a cell, see Entering Data Within Forms.

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Grid Spread
You can specify an amount or percentage by which Planning increases or decreases values across multiple dimensions on the data form, based on the existing values in the target cells. You immediately see the result in the data form and can save the new data or discard it. When calculating the spread data, Planning ignores read-only and locked cells and cells having supporting detail. Data integrity is ensured by spreading values only to cells to which you have access. [Same as Edit Grid Spread]

This command allows you to add notes to a given cell. [Same as Edit Comment]

A blue triangle appears marking a cell with text attached. To see comment, highlight the marked cell and re-click View comment. [Same as Edit Comment] We can add comments to more than one cell at once.

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A blue triangle appears marking a cell with text attached. To see comment, highlight the marked cell and re-click View comment. [Same as Edit Comment]

Lock/Unlock Cells:

This command will lock and unlock a given cell,

with locked cells showing as brown. To unlock, position the cursor back on the brown cell and click the command again. Use Shift-click to select multiple cells to lock or unlock. [Same as Edit Lock/Unlock Cells]

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Supporting Detail:

Supporting detail serves as a built-in calculator for

developing data that is not in the member outline. It also provides a way to better understand the basis of the data. This provides a way for you to drill down into data and to understand the basis of that data. Supporting detail can include text, values, and operators that define how data aggregates. [Same as Edit Supporting Detail]

Add/Edit Document: From data form cells, you can add, replace, and
view EPM Workspace documents. These documents can be a Web site or any file type (for example, an .XLS or .PDF file). [Same as Edit Add/Edit Document]

Open Document: This function enables you to open the added documents
to data from cells. [Same as Edit Open Document]

Cut: Cut cell contents. Shift - Click to select multiple cells to cut.


This command makes a copy of cell contents. Shift - Click to select

multiple cells to copy. [Same as Edit Copy]


Paste previously cut or copied data. Multiple cells will be pasted in

the same order as they were cut or copied. [Same as Edit Paste]

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Instructions : The administrator can include instructions to guide you in

preparing budget data. If instructions are available, a View link displays in the data form's Instructions column.

Open in Smart View:

This exports a minimally-formatted spreadsheet

version of the web form. Values are exported, with no formulas. This allows you to take advantage of Excel capabilities when entering data and calculations into existing forms. [Same as File Open in Smart View]

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7 Working with forms in Hyperion Planning

This section describes some of the operations you can perform when working with forms in Hyperion Planning. It also includes some general guidelines of the best practices to follow. When initially accessing a web form in MOF_PLAN, refresh the display before you enter data. Refresh (which can be run by clicking the Refresh button or choosing Refresh from the View menu) updates your view. Changes made in a web form on one tab may affect the data in another and refreshing before beginning work will update the view. In MOF_PLAN, you may also want to run the business rule which updates page totals using the latest saved data. Until calculations are run, the total figures you see on the forms may not reflect the true totals. Running the rule ensures that the latest saved changes are applied to the totals on the forms.

7.1 Entering Data within Form

Data entry forms are used to manually input data. Calculated and consolidated data do not accept data entry because the values they contain come from other sources or by running the calculation scripts. In MOF_PLAN, forms will be pre-defined views fixed rows and columns with a point of view that is partially open for a user to change. You can change an existing value in a form using one of the following operators: + to add, +- to subtract, * to multiply, / to divide, and % to change by a percentage. For example, if the value in a cell is 500, selecting that cell, typing %80 and pressing Enter, changes the value to 400. You can navigate within the forms using the following keys (which all work in the same way they do in Excel):

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Account values in Rows can be searched using the Search feature of Internet Explorer also. This would be useful when the Account Numbers are not easily remembered.

Key Enter Tab Shift + Tab Esc f ghi

Enters the value you typed and moves the cursor to the cell below. Enters the value you typed and moves the cursor to the next cell in the row. Enters the value you typed and moves the cursor to the previous cell in the row. Cancels the value you typed and restores the previous value. Moves the cursor to the adjacent cell in the direction of the arrow.

7.2 Saving Data and Running the Business Rule

When you save the changes you make on a web form, they are stored on the server. If you make a mistake as you are working, you can click Refresh to display the form again with the last saved values from the server. When you are done working on a form, make

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sure you save the form before moving to another form or another dimensions (Head/Entity). You might be required to launch specific Business Rule in the calculation script to invoke the calculation for specific form. To run the Business Rule:

The screen above shows the business rules that are pertaining to the recurrent form. If we click on the rule, the below screen appears (to show the business rule is in progress)

Once the business rule is run successfully, the screen as shown below will appear.

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7.3 Special Notes on Saving Data

If you try to select another form or a different dimension (Head/Entity) without saving all the data you entered, a warning message appears. Read it carefully. The messages for those two cases are similar but they have very different consequences. This message appears if you select a different dimension (Head/Entity) without saving all your data. Clicking OK saves your data and displays the new dimension (Head/Entity) data. Clicking changes and displays the new dimension (Head/Entity) data. Cancel discards your

This message appears if you select a different form without saving all your data.

Clicking OK discards your changes and displays the new form.

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Click Cancel leaves you on the same form.

7.4 To view a different Version or Location

1. In the Page area (at the top of the Content pane), if the version displayed is not the version in which the location exists, click on the first pull-down menu and select the correct version. 2. Click on the second pull-down menu, scroll up or down the location list, and select the location for which you want to see the data.

3. Click the Go button.

NOTE: You must click the Go button to see the data that corresponds to the new values you have entered. The data does not refresh automatically after you select the items from the pull-down menus.

7.5 Adding Supporting Details

You add supporting detail to a cell when you want to provide explanatory calculations of how you determined an aggregated line value. This provides a way for people to drill down into data and to understand the basis of that data. Right click on the cell in which the Supporting detail has to be added.

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The window above shows the option in which one can enter the supporting detail after choosing a selection from that list.

Once Supporting Detail is clicked from the list, the window as shown above will appear on the screen.

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This message will pop up when one is trying to refresh the supporting detail document.

The window below shows the options by which the supporting details can be attached to the cell.

One can edit the supporting details page to insert the supporting details for the particular cell. For example, in the case of imports, one can express Total with respect to the multiplication of Units and Growth rate. So the expression is Total = Growth rate * Units which is calculated using the operators prescribed.

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After the entry of the details, click on Save to save the details and the form will be modified as shown below. It is very well noted that the cell in which the supporting detail was attached has turned Blue. The other point to be noted in case of user entry corresponding to the cell is, whenever a cell is attached with the supporting details and the color of it is blue, the user is not allowed to enter any value in that cell, in the sense the cell with supporting detail is virtually locked for data entry. The message is also clear that, the rule has run successfully. The cell for which the supporting detail entry is made has changed its color to BLUE

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If one wants to delete the entry made as supporting detail, keep the cursor on the part to be deleted and select delete. After deleting save the window again. On clicking save it will prompt for leaving the values as is or replace it with #missing, if the user leaves the value as is, the following window will appear. It can be noted that, the color of the cell has been changed to white which enables the data entry.

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7.6 Best Practices

This section describes a number of best practices to follow in order to work most efficiently. These include suggestions on how to end your session, keeping your browser cache free, and viewing data forms.

When exiting Hyperion Workspace, choose File Log Off or click the Log Off button on the toolbar rather than simply closing the browser window.

If you do not save or refresh data within two hours of logging in, your connection will time out. Entering data in a form does not count against this time limit unless you save it.

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Each time you open up a view of budget data, the page is cached in memory. As you open a number of different views over time, your browsers cache may fill up. Therefore, it is advisable to clear your web cache on a regular basis so it does not adversely impact your performance. In Internet Explorer, from the Tools menu select Internet Options and on the General tab click Delete Files to clear your cache.

Because of the constraint on screen space, it is recommended that you increase monitor resolution to as high as comfortable. To do this, on the desktop click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Display. Click the Settings tab and drag the Screen Resolution slider to the right. Click OK.

You can also expand your view of individual forms by hiding the View pane (the one on the left side of the screen). To toggle your view between hiding and displaying the View Pane, from the Hyperion Planning menu choose View View Pane.

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8 Working with forms in Hyperion Smart view

Hyperion Smart View is an application that allows you to open planning forms in Excel. This allows you to take advantage of Excel capabilities when entering data and calculations into existing forms. In this case you need to create and maintain a live connection to the Planning server through Excel.

8.1 Smart View and MS Office Suite

When you open Excel, a Hyperion Smart View for Office toolbar and a Hyperion menu appear, as shown here:

When you open Excel 2007, Hyperion Smart View for Office and Add-ins ribbons appear, as shown here:

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The commands used in the instructions in this manual are available in Excel 2007 either directly on the Hyperion ribbon or from the Hyperion menu on the Add-Ins ribbon. Installing Smart View will affect the functionality of Excel, Word and PowerPoint, since it is installed as an available add-in application throughout Microsoft Office Suite. A Hyperion menu will be available in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. If you are using Outlook and Word is set as your e-mail editor, the Hyperion menu will appear there too. For example, in Word and PowerPoint, reporting or presentation images can be imported from Hyperion.

8.2 Establishing a Connection

In order to access the Smart View forms, you must first establish a connection to the Planning server.

1. To establish a connection to the Hyperion Planning data, select Options from the
tool bar.

2. In the Options window, select Advance and enter the following URL in the
Shared Connections URL and click OK. http://<Server Name>:19000/workspace/SmartViewProviders http://hypapp.treasury.go.ke:19000/workspace/SmartViewProviders

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3. From the tool bar click Open and select Smart View Panel and a panel will
appear on the right side of the window. Logging into Smart view using the MS Excel. Before logging on, the user has to make sure that the smart view is installed in his machine.

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Click on Open the Smart view for Office, Fusion Edition

The screen shows the way in which the entry is made with the smart view. The forms are displayed in the Recently Used space.

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Click on Private connections and select the URL that depicts the Hyperion Planning.

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After the selection of the URL, the connection is shown as hypapp.treasury.go.ke from which the concerned application is selected for the data to be pulled into Excel.

Select the form in which the data is to be pulled.

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If one needs to select the Revenue Estimates form then that particular form is clicked and the data is directly fed to the excel sheet as depicted in the form. The ease of using the smart view is to depict the form in Excel so that the modifications, the calculations and other accessories can be made fruitfully faster in excel.

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8.3 Viewing a Different Dimensions

To view different dimensions in your current form, choose them from the pull-down lists above the data entry sheet.

You must click the right arrow next to the lists in order to view that data, just as you had to click the Go button when using the online forms. In Excel 2007, the dimension lists appear like this:

You must click the Refresh button after you select a different dimension in order to view the appropriate form. In the Hyperion workspace, you could open multiple tabs to view different forms within a session. In Smart View, to view other forms within a session you must first open a blank worksheet. From that worksheet, establish a live connection and then select another form to open. If you select a new form when viewing one that is already open, the new form will open in place of the current worksheet.

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8.4 Entering Data and Navigating within Smart View Forms

Some formulas are built into the Smart View forms, e.g., quarterly and annual totals. Others can be added using Excel functionality. These formulas are only retained when you work on the form. That is, the values calculated from the formulas are sent to the server, but the formulas are not. NOTE: Do not add or delete rows or columns in the Smart View forms as this corrupts their structure and formulas. If you need to add a row to budget against a chart string not on the form, you must add the row from the Hyperion Workspace. Once it is established there, it will then appear in the corresponding Smart View form.

8.5 Saving Data and Running Business Rules

When you want to save your data while working in Smart View, click the Submit Data button (or choose Hyperion Submit Data). This saves the data on the server. If you make a mistake as you are working you can click Refresh to display the form again with the last saved values from the Server. Saving data does not automatically perform calculations and update the remaining totals on your forms. To run Business Rules:

1. With cursor over the fields on the left side of the form, right-click and choose
Hyperion Planning Run business rule for this Org. The Business Rules window appears with the current member values filled in.

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2. Click Launch.
The business rules take a few moments to run. A progress window appears until the process is complete.

3. Click OK.

4. Choose Hyperion Refresh or Hyperion Refresh All to update your view of

the form(s) and see the updated remaining totals. Unless you refresh the form, you will not see the updated totals.

8.6 Adding Cell Text

When you click the Cell Text icon or choose Hyperion Cell Text, the Cell Text window appears. NOTE: You may need to resize this window to see the text field. Unlike in the web forms, your data is not automatically saved to the server when entered here. Only when you choose Submit Data will the data be saved. A cell with text attached is highlighted as shown here (a blue triangle does not appear in the cell as it does in Hyperion Planning):

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8.7 Adding Supporting Details

When you add supporting detail using Smart View, a different sequence of screens appears from when you work in the Hyperion Workspace.

1. Select a cell (or a range of monthly cells in a row if working online) and select
Supporting Details as shown below to open the Supporting Detail window.

2. Click Add Sibling in order to add another supporting component & follow the
previous step. 3. Double-click on the math operator to change it to one that reflects how the factors are related. In this example, + is chosen.

4. Click Submit when you done entering the desired components.

The totals from the Supporting Detail will appear on the selected cell. Note: The process of including the Supporting detail to the cell is well explained in the previous section. It is the same way one has to include using the Smart view.

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8.8 Option Settings

By default, fields which are missing values are displayed with #Missing in the field. You can change that so other characters, such as ---, are displayed there instead.

1. Choose Options from there go to Data Options as shown below.

2. In Replacement #No Data/Missing Labels, choose the characters you want

to display from the drop down menu. For example, we choose - .

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3. Click OK. 4. Click Refresh to see how the fields without data now appear.

8.9 Delegating Responsibility to Others

You may decide that you want to delegate the completion of a budget to someone who does not have access to Hyperion Planning. To do that, you can export the form from Smart View, send it to the person who will complete the budget and then copy that data back into Smart View to submit. The following procedure steps you through the process. 1. In Smart View, connect to the appropriate datacube, open the form you want to pass along, and save the form as an XLS file. The values that appear at the top of the form are not saved in an XLS file you send to someone without the Smart View add-in. Name the file so it is clear to which Entity the form corresponds. 2. Send the file to the person you want to complete it. The form is read-only (except for the current year budget column) and cannot be re-ordered or re-arranged. You can add formulae to the form (to help the person working on it) if you enter them outside the read-only area. 3. When the completed file is returned to you, first open the original form in Smart View.

4. Once the form is open, then open the completed file youve received. Important:
Do not work on the completed file while connected (i.e., make changes to the data in the file or double-click on a cell) or all the data will be refreshed and disappear. 5. Copy and paste the data from the completed file into the Smart View form. 6. Submit the data and run the business rule.

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8.10 Exporting data from Excel to HPB using Smart View:

The excel sheet displayed is the replica of the revenue estimates form that is being used in the planning application. One can see that, the display in the form and the excel sheet are one and the same. So if the user wants to edit the data in the excel, he can perform it as a simple excel operation and then click on Submit Data (as marked) so that he can see the same reflecting in the form in the planning application as well

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9 Ad-hoc Analysis
Ad-hoc analysis an analysis performed to get a comprehensive view of the web form in the manner in which it can be perceived from the user.

9.1 Ad-hoc Analysis using Planning Application

To perform the ad hoc analysis go to Tools Adhoc Analyze.

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After clicking the analyze option, the user can view the separate tab named MOF_PLAN Adhoc form name which opens out as shown below.

The web form above shows the Ad Hoc Recurrent form. It has a save option to be saved separately in the form of a grid.

There are various options that are attached with the Ad Hoc analysis wherein the user can right click on the dimension and select whether if that can be pivoted to a row or column for easy walkthrough of the application.

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Once the page option from the Pivot is chosen, the user can view the Analytical dimension in the Row / Column as shown below.

When we click on the Save option, the user is prompted to save in the format which is best suited for them.

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After clicking on the save (choosing the required destination), the ad hoc report gets saved. Here the form is saved in the Revenue Estimates Forms folder.

Now, the ad hoc 1MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS form is saved in the application.

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9.2 Ad hoc Analysis using Hyperion Smart view

The ad hoc analysis feature of Smart view (Excel Add In) can be used to create reports and analyze data from cube. After connecting to a report cube one need to specify the data to view. This approach provides flexibility, allowing the user to design exactly the type of report one wants, save it and simply refresh whenever there is a need for latest data. Launch the smart view as shown. Click on the OPEX data base connection. The list below shows the Ad hoc analysis (as marked)

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Click on the Ad hoc analysis and the screen is displayed as below.

The markers above show the POV and the display of the dimensions as per the form. One can see the Account dimension in the row whereas the Year and Period are in the column. The user can modify the dimension in the way he desires (much similar to the arrangement of the dimensions using the POV while designing the web form). The user can select the members from the dimensions as shown below. It is the same way of accessing the web form. The user can select a particular match as he desires and shall view the values accordingly. The user can change the dimension in the POV and populate the values accordingly.

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The user can choose the member in the scenario by clicking on the scenario dimension. Likewise he can select the preview of each of the dimension that needs to be added up to the view and get the values populated.

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As an example, the member Consolidated Fund from Source of Funding dimension is chosen and shown as below.

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After selecting the Source of Funding member as desired, click on OK. This displays a change in the POV as shown below

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In the similar manner, the dimensions can be changed to set the members as required and the values can be populated in the table. The other operations can be performed in the same manner as with respect to the Smart view as described in Chapter 8.

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10 Planning Process Management

10.1 Process Management Overview
Use Process Management to promote, review, sign off, reject, and approve planning units.


Planning Units

A planning unit helps the users to approve a planning unit from any process state, track the approval path independently, add annotations and comments at each pass through the review process, Identify accountability through ownership, Audit information through annotations and process status. The Planning unit for MOF basically runs on the following: Scenario = Budget, Version = Ministerial, Entity = Administrative

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Planning Units and Process States

Each planning unit completes this process:


Reviewer Actions

Start Status Not Started First Pass Under Review Under Review Under Review Under Review

Reviewer Action Start Promote Promote Sign Off Reject Approve

End Status First Pass Under Review Under Review Signed Off Not Signed Off Approved

Current Owner Everyone rights First owner New owner Same owner New owner Administrator with

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10.5 Impact of Entity Hierarchy on the Review Process


Managing the Review Cycle for Planning Units

File Workflow Manage Process Start or exclude planning units Change or view the status of planning units Identify the ownership of or assign new ownership for planning units Add and view any annotations associated with planning units View the history of planning units

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Copying Data between Versions

File Workflow Copy Version

10.8 Clearing Cell Details

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Copying Data

Administration > Copy Data

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11 Workflow
In bottom-up budgeting, data is input at the leaf member level (for example, children of Budget Group) and consolidated by rolling data up the organizational hierarchy. When the budget is started, the data is populated for each scenario and for each user independently. Users can view or edit data based on security defined for the planning unit. Users can define what-if scenarios, depending on their needs. Using process management, planning units get reviewed and approved. The administrator (the topmost Budget Group owner) consolidates the individually-approved budgets into a final consolidated budget. For a Bottom-up as opposed to a Distributed planning Unit the process initially starts at level 0. Note: If the planning unit hierarchy uses the Bottom Up template, selecting Start starts the planning unit, and also runs the Originate action. These actions set the user defined as the planning unit owner in the planning unit hierarchy as the current owner, and the planning unit status changes to Under Review.


Notes on Workflow

In case of Bottom Up, only the owner can have write facility. For obvious reason, we cannot use free flow.

In BSD requirement they need update facility at one more level. Take ownership does not help in providing the solution. All it does it allows someone in hierarchy to jump the queue. Even if he has the write access, he can update.

Hence, for same planning unit, hierarchy may be split into two.

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Hierarchy 1
BSD officer / EWG members EWG Chair (Approver)

Vote (Finance / HR officers) (Owner)



Form Level Write for 3 officers (part of hierarchy) who enter data for Rec, Dev and PE Read for other officers or it can be by reports Scenario: Rec, Dev and PE budgets Version: Ministerial Version Form Level Read for all BSD members who review whether or not they are part of EW (may Annotate / Reject) Write for EWG Chair (Approve/Reject) After approval, EWG Chair to copy Ministerial Version to EWG version

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Hierarchy 2
BPG members BPG Chair (Approver)

EWG Chair (Owner)



Form Level Read for all BPG members who review whether or not they are part of BPG Write for BPG Chair After approval, BPG Chair to copy EWG Version to BPG version After Parliament approval, BPG Chair to copy version to Approved

Form Level Write for EWG Chair Scenario: Rec, Dev and PE budgets Version: EWG Version

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11.2 Workflow Process Diagrammatically

Line ministry user enters ministerial budget under the Original Submission. This is Promoted. Administrator will copy the Budget to Ministerial Version (

Administrator will first promote budget to EWG members and chairman, who may reject it so that ministry users can make further changes e.g. Charles MekalaFridahGunda Martin Wamwea

Ministerial version approved in Hyperion by EWG chairman (also physically signed off)

EWG chairman copies budget from ministerial version to EWG version ( EWG chairman promotes budget to BPG members and chairman, who may reject it so that the EWG chariman can make further changes e.g. Martin Wamwea Onderi Ngugi

EWG version approved in Hyperion by BPG chairman

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BPG chairman copies EWG version to BPG version ( One BPG member promotes budget to other BPG members and chairman, who may reject it so that the originator can make further changes e.g Onderi ->Ngugi

BPG version approved in hyperion by BPG chairman

BPG version printed and sent to Parliament BPG chairman copies BPG version to Approved version BPG member makes changes passed by Parliament ( in the Approved version BPG chairman approves final Approved version ( (

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Hyperion specific Versions: There will be multiple versions used to support the budgeting process: Version
OriginalSubmission Ministerial EstimateWorkingGroup

The First version submitted by the Ministry Users. This version will be first copied from the Original Submission and then subsequently modified based on Review Process This version will be first copied from the Ministerial Version and then subsequently modified based on Review Process between BSD and BPG This version will be first copied from the EWG Version and then subsequently modified based on Review Process of BPG Version to preserve approved figures for each budget year

BudgetProceduralGroup Approved

To start off the supplementary budget process, the values in the Approved version will be copied to the Supplementary version, and then the workflow will proceed in a similar fashion to the normal budget.

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Planning Units Planning Unit

Ministerial-Dev EWG-Dev

DevelopmentBudget DevelopmentBudget

Ministerial EWG

Sample promotional path

Eg : Charles Mekala Fridah GundaMartin Wamwea Eg : Martin WamweaOnderiNgugi




Eg : Onderi Ngugi




Eg : Onderi Ngugi

Ministerial-Rec EWG-Rec BPG-Rec Approved-Rec Ministerial-PE EWG-PE BPG-PE Approved-PE FY11-SuppApproved-Dev FY11-SuppApproved-Rec FY11-Supp-BPGDev

Recurrent-Budget Recurrent-Budget Recurrent-Budget Recurrent-Budget PE-Budget PE-Budget PE-Budget PE-Budget Supplementary DevelopmentBudget Supplementary Recurrent - Budget Supplementary Development-

Ministerial EWG BPG Approved Ministerial EWG BPG Approved Approved Eg : Onderi Ngugi

Approved BPG Eg : Onderi Ngugi

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FY11-Supp-BPGRec FY11-SuppEWG-Dev FY11-SuppEWG-Rec FY11-Supp-MinDev FY11-Supp-MinRec FY11-Supp-OSDev FY11-Supp-OSRec

Budget Supplementary Recurrent - Budget Supplementary DevelopmentBudget Supplementary Recurrent - Budget Supplementary DevelopmentBudget Supplementary Recurrent - Budget Supplementary DevelopmentBudget Supplementary Recurrent - Budget

BPG EWG Eg : Martin WamweaOnderiNgugi

EWG Ministerial Eg : Charles Mekala Fridah GundaMartin Wamwea Ministerial Original Submission Original Submission


Workflow Process Practically

Promotional Path:

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Before the Initiation of Workflow:


Workflow started:

To promote, user uses the Tools Manage Approvals from the menu

Select the scenario and version

Select the planning unit and click on Change Status

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Use Promote option and enter any comments

Current owner changes to the next person in the promotional path

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Workflow From managers point of view

The current location shows that mercy is having the ownership of accessing and editing the form. Once she does her editing, the form is promoted to the next level for review using Manage Approvals

Once the form is promoted, it goes to Mr. Reinhard for his approval. If he feels the data entry is incorrect then he can reject back the form to Mercy. If he is satisfied he can promote to the next level and goes on. The users and reviewers can share their comments in the Add annotation window and make the communication process easy.

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12 Web forms Screen shots

Sr.no. Form name 1 Purpose RECURRENT EXPENDITURE FORMS Recurrent Balance Check Form To verify if the ceilings have been accomplished and entered up to the limit agreed upon with respect to the 2 3 4
Recurrent Expenditure Form Recurrent Ceilings Form Personal Emoluments Ceiling Form

recurrent budget. It is an input form, which details on the recurrent budget. This form is utilized to input the ceiling limit sector and vote wise. This form captures the ceilings for salaries and other miscellaneous items related to it. This form captures the salaries and other miscellaneous items related to it. This form captures the headcounts and other miscellaneous items related to it. The forms related to CFS capture the Consolidated Fund Services Pensions, Salaries, Internal and

Personal Emolument Data Entery

Personal Emoluments Headcount


External debt. DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE FORMS Balance Development form To verify the ceilings have been accomplished and entered up to the limit agreed upon with respect to the development budget This form is utilized to input the ceiling limit sector and vote wise with respect to the development

Development Ceilings form

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Development Expenditure form

budget. It is an input form, which details on the development budget.

1 Estimates of Revenue This form captures the data related to the Revenue Budget and aims in creating an Estimate of Revenue 2 Summary Macroeconomic Indicators Across This form Geographies related to captures the the details


parameters which are utilized in web analysis to indicate the spread across geographies


Recurrent Expenditure Forms:


Balance Recurrent Form:

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Recurrent Form:


Recurrent Form Expanded Version:

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Selection List of the Recurrent Form:


Recurrent Ceilings Form:

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Recurrent Ceilings Form Choose From the List:

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Recurrent Composite Form:

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Personal Emoluments Form:

12.1.9 Consolidated Fund Services External Debt Redemption

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12.1.10 Debt:

Consolidated Fund Services Interest on External

12.1.11 Debt:

Consolidated Fund Services Interest on Internal

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Consolidated Funds Services Pensions:

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12.1.13 Consolidated Fund Services: Salaries, Allowances & Miscellaneous:

12.1.14 Consolidated Fund Services International Subscriptions:

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Development Forms:
Balance Development Form:


Development Ceilings Form:

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Composite Development Form:

The change in color is to show the negative value resulted to the ceiling limit.


Development Expenditure Form:

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Revenue Estimates Forms:

Macroeconomic Indicators across Geography:


Revenue Estimates:

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12.4 12.3 (S) Recurrent Expenditure Forms:


12.3.1(S) Recurrent - Balance Check Form:


12.3.2 (S) Recurrent Expenditure Form:

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12.4.3 Version:

(S) Recurrent Expenditure Form Expanded

12.4.4 Form:

Selection List of the (S) Recurrent Expenditure

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(S) Recurrent - Ceilings Form:

12.4.6 fhe List:

(S) Recurrent - Ceilings Form To Choose from

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(S) Recurrent Expenditure Form:

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(S) Personal Emoluments Data Entry:

12.4.9 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) External Debt Redemption:

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12.4.10 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) Interest On External Debt:

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12.4.11 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) Interest On Internal Debt:


(S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) Pensions:

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12.4.13 (S) Consolidated Fund Services : (S) Salaries, Allowances & Miscellaneous:

12.4.14 (S) Consolidated Fund Services (S) International Subscriptions:

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Development Forms
(S) Development Balance Check Form:


(S) Development - Ceilings Form:

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(S) Development Expenditure Form:


(S) Development Expenditure Form:

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13 Hyperion Financial Reporting

Hyperion Reports is a powerful tool for designing and presenting analytic data graphically. You can design traditional financial report formats such as cash management reports, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets. You can also design non-traditional formats for financial or analytic data that include text and graphics. Using Hyperion Reports, users can: 1 Customize certain elements of a report or book. For example, you can change the user point of view (POV), before or after running a report or book. 2 3 Export a report, snapshot report, book, or snapshot book as XML, PDF, HTML, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint. Print any report or book. For example, you can print reports or books from either HTML or PDF files. Hyperion Reports can be accessed through the Workspace. Log on to Workspace Click on Explore

Selecting the Explore tab will open up the repository containing the Reports storage area, and is organized by Report type and a folder structure, similar to Windows Explorer. Select the ALLREPORTS folder and drill down through the folder V1.0. This View can include reports, snapshots, books, batches and folders. Each item in the repository displays information about the report name, report type, author, date created, date modified, priority, exception, versions, and report description. You can also specify default preference settings in the Repository, for example you can preview reports, snapshots, books, or snapshot books as PDF or HTML.

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The screen below shows the view pane that the user will view after the click of the Explore

The content pane consists of the folders which in turn has the reports.

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The user can click on the folder required and can view the reports in HTML preview or PDF preview as shown below.

After selecting the option to view, the report is viewed as below

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Selecting the appropriate POV will fetch the data into the report.

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Reports Preview HTML and PDF

The reports can be previewed in HTML and PDF views. If the report is launched in the HTML preview there is an option to export it to Excel and print it. If the report is launched in the PDF preview then it gets easier to print it as a PDF. View Type

The PDF option will retain all report formatting and will print as displayed on the screen. When you view a report in PDF, the report is generated using the user POV and output in PDF. If the report has multiple page members, the report is generated for all of the page members. The report is displayed in Adobe Acrobat Reader in the Web browser.


The HTML option will allow the users to run reports that contain dynamic Reports functions, such as expansions. These reports contain expansions which allow the user to drill down on selected accounts by entity. Once the user has finished the drill down, the PDF button can be selected to convert the report into a printer-friendly format.

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The explanation is shown as below: HTML preview:

PDF Preview: After launching the report by the double click in the folder, click on the PDF icon (as marked below) to view the report in PDF format.

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The report is launched as below:


Preferences for the report viewing

The user, while launching the report can set the preferences as required enabling the print out of the report in a professional manner. The screen below shows the way in which the preferences can be set.

Click on the Preferences will show the screen as below:

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The user can set his preferences by choosing the corresponding option from the Preferences window. The format of how numbers are displayed in Hyperion Reports can be defined in user preferences. 1 2 3 A comma (,) to display a value (1,999) A period (.) to display a value (1.999) A period to display a decimal place (1,999.99)

The formatting to specify the commas and decimal values is shown as below: 1. General 2. Select a character from thousand separator Comma (,) Period (.) Select File Preferences Financial Reporting

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Underscore (_) Space ( ) Comma (,) Period (.) Underscore (_) Space ( )

Select a character for decimal point.

After selecting the required options click OK to have the effect in the report.

13.3 Definition of Reports, Snapshots, Books, Snapshot books

The type of books and reports available to users: Type

A report is populated with data from data source and can be customized if users are prompted to select members when the report is opened. A snapshot is a static report that contains data from a specific point in time. The data source is not used to populate the report with current data A book contains a set of dynamic reports and an optional table of contents. When a book is opened, all of the reports in the book are run for each combination of members that the designer specified for the book. A snapshot book contains a set of snapshot reports and an optional table of contents. These snapshots can be viewed for multiple POV.



Snapshot books

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13.4 Viewing Reports, Books, Snapshots and Batches

When you view a report or book, the data is automatically refreshed, reflecting any new data, new calculations, and new formatting since you previewed or printed. Snapshot reports and books contain data retrieved at the time the report is saved as a snapshot. The data in a snapshot report or book remains the same; any changes in the database connection since the snapshot was last saved are not reflected when it is viewed. In the repository reports, books, snapshots, batches, etc can be displayed together or filtered individually using the Display Item of Type option under the View menu option.

Viewing Reports:

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After a report has been selected to run, a point of view box will be displayed. Select the desired options and click OK to run the report. NB: Only the elements of the POV that are not hard-coded in the report are open for selection. To change an element of the point of view, click the Select button next to the dimension header and then choose the required member from the list or simply type in the label of the Member name required e.g. E110000000

Member Items:
You use the Member Selection menu to determine the dimensions required in your POV for the report or book. Click on the + signs to drill down the member structure, or use the search options available. The following table describes the methods you can use to find members.



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Return to Current User POV settings Find Text Box Enter the characters you wish to search for. It is possible to search by Name, Description, Generation, Level and Short Name. Click the Find Next button to highlight the next member that Use Wildcards matches the search criteria. Use the wildcard symbols (*' and '? ) in the Find text box to search for the specified member. The '?' represents a single character and the * represents multiple characters. Use Wildcards is enabled by default.

If a report has been set-up in order for more than one member of the same dimension to be displayed Prompts are requests for members in the report or book. You can select the members for the prompt in the Batch Editor where the following options are available. Report Layout: After the required members have been selected the report can be run. If the display option is PDF, the output will look as below: The menus at the top of the report show: Report location within the repository User POV click any element to change. Report will refresh with the new data. The usual Adobe options save, print, zoom etc. The body of the report is the PDF output a fixed, high quality format.

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Exporting Reports

You can export a grid of data in a report to Excel, Word or PowerPoint. When exporting to Excel, it is possible to export the data either fully formatted or as a query-ready grid. The report is displayed within the selected application when the export function has been used. A grid retains its data types (numeric, text, and decimals) when you export it. When you export a grid with expansions turned on, all expanded member values are exported as well; conversely, when you export a grid with expansions turned off, only the parents are exported.

Once the Export in Query Mode is clicked the following window pops up in order to Save/Open the Excel.

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Once the file is opened in Excel, the display is as below:

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Prerequisites for Viewing Reports or Books

To use Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) for viewing PDF reports on the Web browser, you must perform the following steps: Open Internet Explorer. Select Tools > Internet Options. In the Internet Options dialog box, select the General tab, then select the In the Settings dialog box, select the every visit to the page option button in the

Settings button in the Temporary Internet Files section. Check for newer versions of stored pages section. Search Names This feature allows you to filter the displayed list of files in a folder. Sort By You can sort the displayed list by, name, type, description and date modified. The following conditions apply when you print: 1 If an HTML report or book is printed with multiple page members, the report or book is printed for the specified page member only. The Web browsers print capabilities determine how the report or book is printed. 2 3 If a PDF report or snapshot is printed with multiple page members, the report is If a book or snapshot book is printed, only complete book can be printed in PDF. printed for all of the page members. Individual reports can be printed by clicking View Snapshot and then following the procedures for printing a snapshot.

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