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Arts & Entertainment REEL REVIEWS

Four Christmases waste of star power


The Holidays are upon us, and with them comes the carols, the presents, the decorations, and the insufferable holiday flicks that flood the theatres. Of course, there is the occasional holiday movie that warms our hearts and becomes an instant classic. I would love to tell you that Vince Vaughns latest Christmas romp can be counted among these films; but that would be a big fat lie. Santa doesnt like liars. Youd be surprised to hear that Four Christmases is made by the man who directed one of the biggest cult hits of recent years, Seth Gordon. His film The King of Kong, a sort-of-documentary about some nerds fighting for the top score in a famous old video game, was a huge hit. The fact that this film is his follow up almost makes

KATIE BRADFORD me want to lower its score even more. Its such a blatant, ridiculous, moneygrabbing cop-out when he could have made something comedically brilliant and original. Instead, we get a paintby-number Vince Vaughn romantic comedy with an unnecessarily convoluted plot and a slew of top notch actors spewing candy cane coated crap. Brad (Vaughn) and Kate (Reese Witherspoon) love Christmas, because it means they get to take a vacation. The only hitch is they always have to lie to avoid their wacky families.

Living happily in unmarried bliss, the couple plans are halted when fog yes fog grounds their plane in San Francisco. First problem: if youre going to make a cheesy holiday movie, at least go with the old blizzard standby. Its an oldie, but a goodie. So, when the local news anchor blows their cover, the couple is forced to visit their families. Theyre all apparently awful. And they all, despite being four separate households, live in the greater San Fran area. How stupidly convenient. Honestly, the film has several funny moments, due mostly to the comedic talent of Vince Vaughn. His rambling comedy style has become his signature, and although there are some moments when you want to stuff a Yule log down his throat, it does make for a funny movie. Witherspoon, however, is given nothing. With hardly any material, she simply floats along beside Vince, with the occasional witty comeback. This is perhaps the worst part about the

movie, because the Oscarwinner Witherspoon could easily be crowned the queen of the rom-com (hello, Legally Blonde? Sweet Home Alabama?) With the wasted talents of Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek, Jon Voight, Mary Steenburgen, to name a few, the film leaves you wanting more. Luckily, there are some hilarious scenes with Jon Favreau and Katy Mixon (his on screen wife) that stick out amongst the drivel. There is hope of a heartwarming ending, but then the film manages to contradict every positive family is important message it shoves down your throat in the last three minutes of the film. It left me feeling irritated, and not too Christmas-y. However, the Vaughn-Witherspoon star power has kept this film at the tops of the box office two weeks in a row. So if you want to know what all the fuss is about, check it out. It could be worse. It could be Eddie Murphy in a fat suit, baking a fruit cake. Think about it.

Glen Cairn's 'geographic heart' named after volunteer


The Glen Cairn Community Association (GCCA) would like to thank all the residents who expressed their support for our application to rename Pumphouse Park to the Clarence Maheral Park. We would also like to thank Councillor Feltmate, her colleagues and Mayor OBrien for voting to accept our application as well. Maheral is a most worthy recipient for his extraordinary leadership and service to our community. For over 35 years both as a resident and a business person in our community, Maheral has served his community in so many ways that have touched nearly every resident to some degree. Through his business of Abbottsford Moving & Storage, he has helped many local volunteer groups and organizations including the Glen Cairn Christmas Parade, Canada Day and the Kanata Food Cupboard to name just a few. We are very excited and thankful that finally the geographic heart of our community will now hold the name of a resident that exemplifies the heart and spirit of our residents. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The GCCA needs just a few more volunteers to help clear the ice and flood the rink at Dogbone Park. There is training for new volunteers on making an outdoor rink but we need to register you now. Visit for more on our activities or e-mail or call 613-867-3150.

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