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And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse
him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all fami-
lies of the earth be blessed (Genesis 12:3)

Hurricanes Floods Terrorism
The Stock Market Crash . . .
all linked together with our slipshod
treatment of Israel!

Dr. Mike Johnston
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
All Scripture quotations are taken from the King
James Version of the Holy Bible


Copyright 2009-2010 by Dr. Mike Johnston
All rights reserved.

Promise Publishing
POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177

Works for Hebrew and Greek Word Clarification:
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance by
James Strong, S.T.D., LL.D., 1890
(as found in e-Sword Version 7.8.5 2000-2007
Rick Meyers All Rights Reserved Worldwide)


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9 Signs of the End Times
Heaven: All Your Questions Answered
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Last Days False Prophets
The New Age Charismatic Seed of Corruption
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America
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Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
Pray something like this: Heavenly Father, I know Im a
sinner, unable to save myself. I believe Jesus Christ paid the
price of my sin. Please forgive me, and come into my heart
right now and save me. Thank You for doing it. Thank You for
saving me
at _______________________(time),
on ____________________(date).

I believe that I am now a child of God and have eternal life!
In Jesus precious Name. Amen!

If you prayed that prayer tell someone you know will be
happy for you. Like a pastor, chaplain or a fellow Christian.

Please write if we can help you.

Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
Whats Inside . . .
I IN NT TR RO OD DU UC CT TI IO ON N . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 6
I IS SR RA AE EL L A AN ND D T TH HE E B BL LE ES SS SI IN NG G O OF F G GO OD D . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .8 8
ISRAEL IS GODS COVENANT WIFE ..........................................................9
ABRAHAM IS GODS COVENANT SEED- 1920 BC ........................................9
T TH HE E B BL LO OO OD DY Y T TR RA AI IL L O OF F A AN NT TI I- -S SE EM MI IT TI IC C P PE ER RS SE EC CU UT TI IO ON N . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1 13 3
A AM ME ER RI IC CA A S S B BL LE ES SS SI IN NG G B BE EG GI IN NS S- - 1 14 49 92 2 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1 17 7
A BLESSED HISTORY OF JEWISH RELATIONS ............................................. 18
A AM ME ER RI IC CA A S S B BL LE ES SS SI IN NG G E EN ND DS S- - 1 19 99 91 1 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2 24 4
ANTI-SEMITICISM IN AMERICA ............................................................. 24
GODS JUDGMENTS ARE BIBLICAL ......................................................... 26
2 WORLD TRADE CENTER WARNINGS .................................................... 27
JUDGMENT THROUGH NATURAL DISASTERS ............................................ 30

He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he
commanded to a thousand generations. Which covenant he
made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; And confirmed
the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting
covenant: Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the
lot of your inheritance (Psalms 105:8-11).
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177

For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent
me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you
toucheth the apple of his eye. For, behold, I will shake mine
hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants:
and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me
(Zechariah 2:8-9).

In the fall of 2008 I watched a soul stirring series on Prophe-
cy in the News where retired federal agent John McTernan dis-
cussed his book As America Has Done to Israel.
In these two
half hour sessions he unveiled his acumen for research by con-
necting the dots between our current slipshod regard for Israel
and her Covenant Land to the worst catastrophes in American
history. After comparing their frequencyand he lists about 40
of themto their timingmany striking within 24 hourseven
the rankest skeptic is forced to admit there is more here than
some weird cosmic coincidence. It has to be the same retributive
hand of Almighty God that struck Americas Nazi capital in Long
Island, New York, early in the mid twentieth century.

A Am me er r| |c ca a s s A An nt t| |- -5 5e em m| |t t| |c c| |s sm m: : F Fa ac c| || || |t ta at t| |n ng g H H| |t t| |e er r
As Israel was poised to become a nation, a racist rogue
named Adolph Hitler surfaced from the Workers Party in Ger-
many to become the devils instrument to keep that from hap-
pening; and we almost let him get away with it.
Without question, his meteoric rise to power and subsequent
consolidation of Germanic people was causing a great concern
around the world. In 1938 Hitler moved to annex the three mil-
lion Germans of Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. When the
Czechs requested help from the US to stave off the attack, Pres-
ident Roosevelt refused and deferred to the allies- England,
France, and Italy- to meet in Munich, Germany to determine his

There is a striking correlation between Gods judgments and three major
areas of national sin in America: our free unrestricted use of abortion, our ap-
proval of sodomy, and our anti-Semitic dealings. It is this latter scourge we will
concentrate on in this booklet.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
Here is what the Bible tells us we must do in order to receive
eternal life:

1. Admit you are a sinner, because we all have sinned:
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
(Rom 3:23).

2. Believe that Jesus Christ paid the complete redemptive price
for your sins and mine at Calvary, and that you cant get to Hea-
ven by being good:
Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with
corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain con-
versation received by tradition from your fathers; But with
the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish
and without spot (1 Pet 1:18-19).

3. Confess your sin to God and repent (turn to Him from it):
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise
perish (Luke 13:3).

4. Decide to receive Christ now by faith (trust Him, not your-
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him
from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man
believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confes-
sion is made unto salvation (Rom 10:9-10).

Please stop and let the Lord speak from His heart to yours. If
you are willing to turn to God from your current lifestyle regard-
less of what it is or has ever beenGod awaits your prayer of
faith right now.

Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
divide the land of Israel including Jerusalem . America s inter-
ference with Gods covenant land and the national promotion of
the homosexual agenda came to a head. The US met the biblical
requirements for judgment.
After almost exactly 21 years of Gods warning, the United
States refused to stop pressuring Israel to divide the land. Most
of the nations leading corporations are now fully engaged in
promoting homosexuality along with most of the Democratic
Party. Three entire state governments are completely given over
to the homosexual agenda including homosexual marriage.
Many other states along with most of the major cities are in the
process of adopting the homosexual agenda.
The vast majority of the church is silent or agrees with the
homosexual agenda. The convergence of the homosexual agenda
and violating Gods covenant with Israel , along with the dead
church, has brought divine judgment to America . The nation
has crossed over from Gods warnings to His wrath.

I In n L L| |g gh ht t o of f o ou ur r L Lo os ss se es s
To date the stock market has lost trillions in a 40% freefall,
while much of the banking and insurance industry has been re-
vealed as swilling in godless greed and political corruption. In-
surance companies are being devastated by financial losses in-
curred in freak and frequent storms with record breaking claims
that are increasingly more difficult for them to pay. Are all these
coincidences my friend? Interestingly, most people are so preoc-
cupied with their own problems they arent paying attention to
the underlying cause: that America has betrayed Israel by forc-
ing the giving away of covenant land. Scripture predicts this for
the last days. In light of all that is happening, pray for the peace
of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee (Psalms 122:6).

e ef fo or re e w we e g go o . . . . . .
Now I must ask, are you ready for Jesus? If He came for His
church tonight would you return to Heaven with Him? Not
sure? The Bible promises that you can know RIGHT NOW. But
it will require that you trust Him and not yourself.

Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
fate. When Chamberlain arrived, he made appeals that Hitler
briskly rejected. For the sake of peace-
it was later decided that
instead of forcing Hitler to respect the boundaries previously set
by the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the allies- with US approval-
would put their signatures to the Munich Agreement on Sep-
tember 30, 1938, giving title deed to his demands.
In so doing,
they were also signing the death certificates of over 30 million
souls, including 6 million Jews. And God was not pleased, as we
soon discovered.
For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he
sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that tou-
cheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. For, behold, I will shake
mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their ser-
vants: and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me
(Zechariah 2:8-9).
Sixty miles east of New York City in Yaphank on Long Island
a 45 acre compound called Camp Siegfried acquired the egre-
gious distinction as the headquarters for American Nazism. The
camp was so heavily engaged that in time zoning permits were
issued to construct a little village inside Siegfried with streets
named after Nazi dignitaries, including Hitler. Tens of thou-
sands of Americans regularly attended the rallies which on occa-
sion, ended by marching outside and attacking Jews. As the
movement grew, attendance accelerated. On August 14, 1938 the
New York Times reported 40,000
supporters attended a rally
at Siegfried, marking it as the largest Nazi gathering in the world
outside of Germany.

O Oo od d s s J Ju ud dg gm me en nt t: : T Th he e L Lo on ng g I Is s| |a an nd d E Ex xp pr re es ss s H Hu ur rr r| |c ca an ne e
Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even
a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of
the wicked. The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he
have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his

This is the same liberal poppycock we hear regarding Al Qaeda terrorists to-
It was actually dated Sept. 29, 1938
Crowds leading to this record had been were huge, ranging from 5,000 to
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly (Jeremiah
During the exact time the allies were discussing how best to
appease the Jew hating Hitler, a cyclone the Weather Service no
longer considered a threat, suddenly strengthened off Americas
southeastern coast line and rapidly accelerated northward to
Long Island where it passed directly over- Camp Siegfried.
When it touched down inside, it raced straight up Hitler Street
at 150 miles per hour virtually destroying everything in its way.
In the end, Long Island, New York and much of the New Eng-
land seaboard were devastated by this storm nicknamed The
Long Island Express, costing $30 billion in todays dollars and
considered to be the Katrina of 1938.
Was this a mere coincidence? Gods Word says otherwise:
That they may know that this is thy hand; that thou, LORD,
hast done it (Psalms 109:27).
Stay with me and see what you think.


I will bless them that bless thee (Gen. 12:3).
When the 12 tribes of Israel
walked out of Egypt they were
leaving behind 400 years of history and a strange measure of
security. Suddenly the future of three million people depended
on their willingness to follow an 80 year old retired shepherd
from Midian who had proven many times over that he spoke for
God. And while Canaan was the intended destination, instead of
a straight shot into the land of milk and honey, a crisis of dis-
obedience cost them a 40 year trek to the Promised Land they
could have entered in 11 days.
Just before they divided up the land, Moses gathered them
together where he gave them a choice I believe all people and
nations including America, have been given today: Behold, I set
before you this day a blessing and a curse; A blessing, if ye
obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I com-

Also known as the sons of Jacob
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
taling of a billion dollars. Dolly became the 3
most powerful
hurricane in US history.

Largest California Earthquake in 14 years: Thou shalt be visited
of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake , and
great noise (Isaiah 29:6). July 29, 2008 Secretary Rice met
with Palestinians and Israelis for additional peace plans requir-
ing more giveaways. That very day, Southern California expe-
rienced the largest earthquake in 14 years. It registered 5.4 and
could be felt all the way from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.

Hurricane Faye: In the third week of August 2008, on the very
day Secretary Rice began yet another mission of Jewish betrayal,
Hurricane Fay hit Florida. It was a very strange storm and zig-
zagged from water to land becoming the first storm in history to
make landfall 7 times in Florida. Interestingly, this was Dr.
Rices 7
Covenant Land pilfering trip to the Middle East.

McTernan Update:
During the Annapolis conference, the
economy was continuing to collapse and the stock market was
falling. On November 27, (were backtracking to 2007) the head-
lines of the New York Times reported, Stocks Now in a Correc-
tion, Down 10% From Recent High. All the economic news was
negative as oil continued to claim. On November 27, the USA
Today reported, t Foreclosures to have profound impact report
McTernan continues: The crash that shook America on
Rosh Hashanah turned into a world collapse on Yom Kippur. On
Yom Kippur, the leaders of the West called for international ac-
tion to stop the crash as markets and banks were collapsing
worldwide. To stop the collapse, various countries nationalized
their banks in an attempt to halt a complete economic melt-
down. This meltdown changed the face of world economics al-
most overnight.

September-October 2008 was the turning point in United
States history. The diplomatic position of the government is to

You can read John McTernan at
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
were evacuated from 346,000 homes making it the largest evac-
uation in the regions history. In the end, 800 square miles were
charred leaving behind billions in damages to several counties
that were declared disaster areas. It was so devastating that one
firefighter claimed it looked like a nuclear Armageddon. God
warns: And that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and
salt, and burning, that it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any
grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom, and
Gomorrah . . . which the LORD overthrew in his anger, and
in his wrath: Even all nations shall say, Wherefore hath the
LORD done thus unto this land? what meaneth the heat of
this great anger? Then men shall say, Because they have
forsaken the covenant of the LORD God of their fathers,
which he made with them when he brought them forth out of
the land of Egypt (Deuteronomy 29:23-25).

Largest flood in Washingtons History: And, behold, I, even I, do
bring a flood of waters upon the earth (Genesis 6:17).
vember 26, 2007 President Bush hosted 49 nations including
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and PA head Mahmoud Ab-
bas to the White House for the Annapolis Peace Conference,
with Covenant Land giveaways in view. Following the confe-
rence, 2 major disturbances were reported, one in the Pacific
NE, the other in the Pacific NW. They pounded the US for 10
days with force winds up to 127 mph, closing some major roads
for as long as 5 days. A massive ice storm hit the Heartland
causing chaos, travel gridlock and over a million homes and
businesses lost power for several days. President Bush declared
4 states FEMA disaster areas.

Hurricane Dolly: For they have sown the wind, and they shall
reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7). On July 23, 2008, soon to be
President Barak Obama visited Jerusalem to re-affirm the Pales-
tinian State with Abbas and Olmert. That day, Hurricane Dolly
smashed Texas at South Padre Island with winds of 100 mph.
Fifteen counties were declared disaster zones with damages to-

Although God promised not to destroy earth by flood again, the end times
are like Noahs days where flood served as judgment (Matt. 24:37).
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
mand you this day: And a curse, if ye will not obey the com-
mandments of the LORD your God (Deuteronomy 11:26-28).

Blessing versus cursing is a choice found throughout the Bi-
ble. One thing Im convinced of; the former is far more desirable
than the latter. Thats why Ive spent the past 33 years of my life
learning the difference and teaching others what Ive discovered.
Let me boil this down into a statement I think is both winsome
and workable: our blessing from God is in direct proportion to
our obedience to the Word of God (Josh. 1:8; Psalms 1:1-3; 119;
James 1:22-25). There are no shortcuts and we cant be
blessed in any other manner because, like it or not, God wont
bless sin.

Israel is Gods Covenant Wife
He hath remembered His covenant forever (Psalm 105:8).

God is a covenant God, and marriage is a covenant. Lest we for-
get, Israel is the wife of Jehovah (Jer. 3:1-14; Hosea) and as such
she is in covenant relationship with Him: He loves her with an
everlasting love (Jer. 31:3) and His Word tells us she is very
special to Him (Ex. 19:5); an obvious motivation for all He has
done for her in the past 100 generations of her existence (Deute-
ronomy 7:6-8; Isa. 54:5-8; Jer. 3:14, 20). Do you know any lov-
ing husband that would sit idly by and allow his wife to be slan-
dered, beaten, ravaged, and ripped apart? Is not Gods divine
devotion immeasurably deeper and infinitely stronger than
mere human feelings? Of course it is; both Scripture and history
bears record of this, even when Israel played the harlot (Num.
25:1-8; Jer. 3:9-25; Hosea) and even when the world doesnt like
her or wont agree. The Lord warns: O Zion
. . . he that toucheth
you toucheth the apple of his eye (Zechariah 2:7-8).

Abraham is Gods Covenant Seed- 1920 BC
The Abrahamic Covenant (Gen. 12:1-4; 13:14-17; 15:1-7); 17:1-
is one of eight covenants indentified and discussed in the

Read Lev. 26 and Deut. 28
The Bible teaches us one of Gods sustaining attributes is His immutability:
He wont ever change (Mal. 3:16; James 1:17). When He makes a promise, He
wont ever break it, which includes His covenant with Israel His wife.
A beautiful name for Jerusalem, Gods holy city.
For more information, you may request: The Eight Covenants from PMI.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
notes of my Scofield Bible.
It is an irreversible, irrevocable,
and immutable contract which forever gives title deed to the
land of Israel to the Jewish nation.
While serious students of Scripture may understand the
permanent nature of an irrevocable covenant, I assure you Ab-
ram, a childless Babylonian pagan did not.
And yet, 4000
years ago when God chose to establish His unbreakable contract
with him, this ex-idol worshiper was suddenly chartering new
territory as the father of the faith (Rom. 4:11, 16). How? Because
he believed in the LORD (Genesis 15:6).
This covenant was intended to be everlasting (Gen. 17:8);
that is, it would be ongoing throughout the life of Abrahams
seed which has never ceased to exist. God has been faithful: He
hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he
commanded to a thousand generations. Which covenant he
made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; And confirmed
the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting
covenant: Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the
lot of your inheritance (Psalms 105:8-11).
The fact that God decreed Jewish possession of Israel is well es-
tablished throughout the Bible in at least 700 verses. Few other
doctrines claim that much support.

J Je ew ws s: : T Th he e P Pe eo op p| |e e o of f t th he e C Co ov ve en na an nt t
This agreement was specifically for Abraham and his seed
forever and ever. Abraham: And I will establish my covenant
between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their genera-
tions for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to
thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed
after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of
Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God
(Genesis 17:7-8).
Isaac: Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will
bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these
countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Ab-

We can buy and send one to you for a gift to PMI of just $30 to help pay for
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He was later named Abraham which means father of many nations (Gen.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
their own way, and be filled with their own devices (Proverbs
October 2005 resulting from US pressure for ninety percent
withdrawal from Israels West Bank. Wilma, which began as a
tropical impression became a category 5 hurricane that enraged
Florida as the Atlantic Basins most intense hurricane in history.
The Presidents brother Jeb was forced to evacuate the Florida
Keys. Deaths: 35. Cost: $20.6 Billion (One of the costliest).

Virginia Tech Shootings: The earth also was corrupt before
God, and the earth was filled with violence . . . Therefore pride
compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a
garment (Gen. 6:11; Psalms 73:6). April 16, 2007, the US
pledged full support and $59 million in aid to Abbas of the anti-
Israeli Palestinian Authority they would use for additional wea-
pons, ammo, equipment, training, and funding to fight Israel,
and to secure the Gaza Strip. The next day a 23 year old Virginia
Tech student killed 32 people in the worst mass murder in US

Collapse of the West Bank Bridge: And there shall be . . . earth-
quakes, in divers places (Matthew 24:7). Democrat Keith Elli-
son, the lone Muslim congressman announced he was going to
Israel to work on another pro-Arab land giveaway for peace in-
itiative. That day the main spans of the bridge in his own con-
gressional district collapsed during rush hour traffic killing 13
and injuring 100 more. Two things of interest: First, the district
where this happened is known as the West Bank and consists
predominantly of Muslim residents. Second, the bridge was
completed in 1967, the same year Israel had recaptured the West
Bank and Jerusalem.

California Wild Fires: But I will punish you according to the
fruit of your doings, saith the LORD: and I will kindle a fire in
the forest thereof, and it shall devour all things round about it
(Jeremiah 21:14). October 14-18, 2007 Secretary Rice was in the
Middle East on another forbidden land giveaway mission. The
day after she left, the Santa Ana winds stirred, ultimately reach-
ing upwards of 108 miles per hour causing wild fires across
Southern California. Within two days, one-half million people
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
Sharons decision to pull out of Gaza a courageous decision and
an historic day for peace.
On that same day, Katrina slowly appeared in the Atlantic be-
low the Bahamas. Meteorologists at first said it was a minor
storm and the US had nothing to fear. Suddenly, defying all
computer models, Katrina turned southeast where it scraped the
southern tip of Florida then raced with vengeance like a runa-
way fright train and turned unexpectedly into the warm Gulf
Coast where it slammed the coastwhich included New Or-
leansleaving once beautiful homes like piles of rubbish. Katri-
na ultimately covered an area as large as the United Kingdom,
displaced 1 million people across the USA, left 3 million without
electricity, killed 1836 people (with 705 still missing), and has
cost to date over $105 billion.
The second connection with this judgment is that it occurred
on the eve of the filthiest gathering of perversion in America
known as Southern Decadence when over 100,000 sodomites
were in the city committing vile public sex acts. Three years lat-
er, Hurricane Gustav hit Louisiana with the same precise timing
of Southern Decadence and once again the sodomites had to
evacuate the city. The Church failed to make the connection and
My friend hear me please. Do we think America is immune to
judgment for our endorsement of perversion? We are not. Never
has an empire survived after getting to this place. Never.
We will not either. We must repent- now!

5 5u um mm ma ar ry y o of f M Mo or re e D De ev va as st ta at t| |o on n ( (M M| |s sc c) )
The following are brief overviews of other storms and trage-
dies resulting from our mistreatment of Covenant Land in

Hurricane Wilma: When your fear cometh as desolation, and
your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and
anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I
will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not
find me: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the
fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they des-
pised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
raham thy father; And I will make thy seed to multiply as the
stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries;
and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed (Ge-
nesis 26:3-4).
Jacob (Israel): And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac,
to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the
land (Genesis 35:12).
But why Israel? Good question. Let me ask you this: Why did
Jesus die for you and me? Love! God revealed something very
special about Jewish people to Moses: For thou art an holy
people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen
thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that
are upon the face of the earth. The LORD did not set his love
upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number
than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But be-
cause the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath
which he had sworn unto your fathers . . . Know therefore that
the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth
covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his
commandments to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:6-

T Th he e P Pr ro om m| |s se es s o of f t th he e C Co ov ve en na an nt t
Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy
country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house,
unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a
great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great;
and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless
thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all fami-
lies of the earth be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3).
The covenant includes several promises:
Giving him (Abraham and his seed) a land which was
known as Canaan the glory of all lands (Ezek 20:15) that would
one day be known worldwide as Israel (Gen. 12:5-7; 15:18).
Bringing forth a nation from him: When God told him his
descendents would be as plentiful as the stars of the sky, it was
to him and his wife alone. Today the Jews number in the mil-
lions and can be found around the world.
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PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
Blessing him: Jews have been the most highly persecuted
people in the world and yet more blessed than any other nation.
Today they have achieved an unprecedented status in interna-
tional banking and finance, medicine, media, the corporate
world, even in Christianity.
Making him famous: Jews are known around the world to-
day: Moses, the Lord Jesus, the Apostle Paul, Leonardo DaVinci,
Bob Dylan, Zola Levitt, Christopher Columbus, Sigmund Freud,
Joel Rosenberg, Steven Spielberg, Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk,
Alan Greenspan, Wynona Ryder, Al Jolson, Paul Newman, Ri-
chard Dreyfus, Jerry Lewis, Levi Strauss, Benny Goodman, Irv-
ing Berlin and so many more.

Making him a blessing to the world: While the ultimate
blessing to the world is the Lord Jesus Christ, Jews have given
us many other wonderful, and indispensible things, such as the
Scriptures, salvation and many innovations such as calculus,
computer languages, the record player, the printing press, the
telephone microphone, vaccines, jeans, lipstick, the ballpoint
pen, the atomic bomb, instant photography, holography, LP
records, TV remote control, defibrillator, and cardiac pacemak-
er, video tape, lasers, genetic engineering, computer virtual real-
ity, and hundreds more.

I Is sr ra ae e| |: : T Th he e L La an nd d o of f t th he e C Co ov ve en na an nt t
But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills
and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven: A land
which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy
God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even
unto the end of the year (Deuteronomy 11:11-12).
The land of Canaan is referred to as an inheritance almost 60
times in the Bible, directly linking it to her covenant relationship
with Himself. Although it was originally the temporary resi-
dence of pagans, they held no title deed to the 300,000 square
miles God framed within the borders of the Red Sea to the Med
Sea and from the desert to the Euphrates (Ex. 23:31) including
Jerusalem (Zion- 2 Sam. 5:7).
They were illegal squatters who

I dont necessarily endorse everyone on this list, but included them due to
their instant name recognition.
Jerusalem is mentioned 814 times; Zion 153 times.
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ca. Seventy-two people died, and 9000 were injured from this
$20 billion dollar disaster; one of the top disasters in US histo-
ry. Was this a mere coincidence?

H Hu ur rr r| |c ca an ne e O Oe eo or rg ge e- - 1 19 99 98 8
September 28, 1998 Secretary of State Albright finished de-
tails of the final agreement requiring Israel to surrender 13% of
Judea and Samaria. During this time, Clinton had been broker-
ing a deal between Netanyahu and Arafat also requiring land for
That day Hurricane George blasted the Gulf Coast with 110
mph winds and 175 mpg gusts. Interestingly, the storm stalled
long enough for the agreement to be finalized and Arafat to ad-
dress the UN in New York City, then hit hard causing approx-
imately $8 billion in damages. When Arafat departed the US,
George began to dissipate. Was this a mere coincidence?

H Hu ur rr r| |c ca an ne e K Ka at tr r| |n na a- - 2 20 00 05 5
The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters:
but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and
shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the
wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind. And be-
hold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is
not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of
them that rob us (Isaiah 17:13-14).
Two heinous sins are connected to this monumental judg-
ment. First was our encroachment upon Covenant Land. August
15, 2005, 15,000 thousands of Israeli Defense Force soldiers be-
gan delivering eviction notices to Jews who lived in the land of
Gaza and Northern Samaria. They were told they had just 48
hours to get out of their homes. Virtually not a single Jewish res-
ident of Gaza left voluntarily. Many had to be carried out broken
hearted, by soldiers and police. In some cases water cannons
and batons were used to drive young and old from their land.
After the residents had gone, all the settlements were destroyed
leaving only the synagogues, which Jews hoped the Palestinians
would respect. They didnt; they burned them to the ground in-
stead. On August 23, 2005 while in Idaho, President Bush called
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
tury. It battered the eastern US for 4 days, affected 26 states,
covering as much as 1/3 of America with 120 mph winds, drop-
ping 56 of snow. All east coast airports were closed for the first
time in history. It cost some $6 billion dollars and 318 lives. Was
this a mere coincidence?

T Th he e O Or re ea at t U U5 5A A F F| |o oo od d- - 1 19 99 93 3
And it shall rise up wholly like a flood . . . he that calleth for
the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the
earth: The LORD is his name (Amos 9:5-6).
After intense negotiating from April 27 to September 13, 1993,
another land giveaway agreement was signed in front of the
White House between Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat,
Clinton, Bush, Sr. and Carter present. The picture made head-
lines everywhere.
In direct response to that (May through September of 1993),
mass floods deluged Americas heartland. The Great Flood of
1993 was unusual in many respects. It was extremely long in du-
ration lasting at some locations for nearly 200 days covering
nine states (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas,
Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Illinois) with a land
mass of 400,000 square miles. Over 1,000 levees were topped
or failed, fifty flood deaths occurred, and damages approached
$15 billion. Was this a mere coincidence?

T Th he e N No or rt th hr r| |d dg ge e E Ea ar rt th hq qu ua ak ke e- - 1 19 99 94 4
Arab terrorist Hafez el Assad and Bill Clinton met in Geneva,
Switzerland to discuss peace with Israel which would include
their receiving more forbidden Jewish territory: the Golan
The next day the powerful Northridge Earthquake centered
25 miles north of LA, and registered a 6.9 on the Richter scale,
the highest ever instrumentally recorded in urban North Ameri-

An interesting note. Every single time. Arafat was in the US for peace talks,
havoc rocked America; weather, and the stock market mainly. When the Le-
winsky scandal broke, Arafat was waiting outside the Oval Office to meet with
Clinton. Later, when Clinton was impeached by the House, he was in the Mid-
dle East coddling Arafat.
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PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
merely kept it from being overrun with wild beasts (Deut. 7:22),
and God wanted them exterminated (Num. 33:52-56).
Please listen to Gods Spirit my friend. There is no higher au-
thority in the universe than Almighty God, Creator of Heaven
and earth. The land of Israel rightfully belongs to the Jews as
much as Heaven belongs to a Christian; both are the undeserved
benefits of grace by faith in the Word of God sealing the deal. If
the land of Israel is not the rightful possession of the Jews, nei-
ther is Heaven the rightful possession of believers in Christ be-
cause both are based upon the same immutable Word made to
each of us in a Covenant ratified by the Living God.
Those of us who believe the Bible is the Word of God, have no
problem with Jewish ownership of Israel since God confirmed
this hundreds of times. However, since not everyone on earth is
willing to submit to the authority of God and His Word, disobe-
dience to Him has turned into an intense hatred for His people
that we will now briefly trace over the past 2000 years.


And the LORD thy God will put all these curses upon thine
enemies, and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee
(Deuteronomy 30:7).

God loves the Jewish people and as Christians we need to as
well. However, I am deeply troubled studying their history and
finding them to be the most detested, and disparaged people
who have ever existed.
Following the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities,
returned to Israel to restore the temple (Ezra- 536 BC) rebuild
the walls, and re-establish civil and religious authority (Nehe-
miah- approx. 446-444 BC) in anticipation of the coming of the
Messiah. However, in the spirit of slumber (Rom. 11:8), blind-
ness (John 12:40; Rom. 11:25), and unbelief (Rom. 11:30-32),
they rejected the King
and His kingdom in 33 AD., and since

Finalized in 722 BC and 586 BC respectively
This was all part of Redemptions Plan (Rev. 13:8).
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then have been virtual exiles shuffling from one hostile place to

1 1. .1 1 M M| || || || |o on n J Je ew ws s 5 5| |a au ug gh ht te er re ed d b by y R Ro om me e- - 7 70 0 A AD D
In the years preceding the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD,
the savage armies of Roman general Titus butchered over one
million Jews and enslaved 97 thousand more. The siege ended
with demolishing the temple, setting fire to the city, and chasing
the survivors to remote locations outside the Promised Land
where laws were soon passed against them. The city of Zion, Je-
rusalem, Im sad to say, fell into foul hands and became a pagan
city in 135 AD. This exile from the homeland began an era of the
most intense persecution in the history of mankind culminating
20 centuries later with the mass extermination of 6 million Jews
by madman Adolph Hitler.

M Mo ou un nt t| |n ng g P Pe er rs se ec cu ut t| |o on n f fr ro om m t th he e 3 3
r rd d
- - 1 11 1t th h C Ce en nt tu ur ry y A AD D
Replacement Theology (from the Synagogue of Satan- Rev.
2:9; 3:9)
owes its unscriptural existence to the anti-Semitic
spewing of early church writers like allegorist heretic Origen
Cyprian, Augustine, Jerome, Chrysostom and others who exco-
riated the Jews as enemies of the church and murderers of the
Lord. As the church spread, so did these vicious lies about the
Jewish people.
When Christianity became officially recognized by Rome ear-
ly in the 4
century, the seeds of racial bigotry sown across Eu-
rope quickly flourished in Jewish blood. As name calling turned
to violence, Judaism was openly attacked and synagogues were
ordered destroyed by Catholic bishops like Innocentius of Der-
tona in Northern Italy. In time laws became brazenly more re-
strictive and anti-Jewish even forbidding Jewish conversions to

All this pictures the coming Antichrist who will become the worlds foremost
Jew-hater in history.
The anti-Semitic teaching that the church is now Israel. Paul destroyed this
(Rom. 9-11), the Lord Jesus condemned it (Rev. 2:9; 3:9), and we should do
Many of his teachings were overtly heretical including the deity, trinity, pre-
existence and multi-stage incarnation of the soul, and the eventual reuniting of
demons with God.
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What they didnt know was that at the exact time Mr. Bush
was dividing the Jews covenant home in Israel (Joel 3:2), a one
billion dollar perfect storm mysteriously changed its natural
traveling 1000 miles in the wrong direction eventually
turning inland from the North Atlantic to Kennebunkport,
Maine where it pummeled Mr. Bushs home, tit for tat.
this a mere coincidence?

H Hu ur rr r| |c ca an ne e A An nd dr re ew w- - 1 19 99 92 2
But I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations
whom they knew not. Thus the land was desolate after them,
that no man passed through nor returned: for they laid the
pleasant land desolate (Zechariah 7:14).
Hurricane Andrew is on record as one of the worst natural
disasters in US history. It occurred at the exact time the Madrid
Peace Conferences had moved to Washington, DC where Presi-
dent Bush was again giving away Israels Covenant Land. Begin-
ning as a modest tropical storm in Africa, it eventually blasted
through Florida costing $30 billion in damages and 23 lives,
while leaving 180,000 others homeless. The unmistakable hand
of God can be seen in the details here my friend. As stated, up to
this time, President Bush had soared to an unheard of 90% pop-
ularity. However, God had enough of Mr. Bush playing fast and
loose with Covenant Land, and initiated His judgment; Bush
lost the election to a man many now see as Gods curse on Amer-
ica, Bill Clinton. Was this a mere coincidence?

T Th he e 5 5t to or rm m o of f t th he e C Ce en nt tu ur ry y- - 1 19 99 93 3
Following additional historic concessions of land from Israel,
on March 10, 1993, Secretary Christopher made a glib an-
nouncement in a Washington, DC press conference that the op-
portunity finally existed to promote peace.
The next day very unusual weather patterns emerged in the
Gulf of Mexico which later was termed the storm of the cen-

Meteorologists called it the perfect storm because it operated completely
against mother nature by moving in an unheard of east to west pattern. It
was in fact so unusual, it later became the subject of a book and a movie.
30 waves blasted his home virtually dividing and destroying it.
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PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177

Judgment through Natural Disasters
The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at
all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind
and in the storm (Nahum 1:3).

T Th he e M Ma ad dr r| |d d P Pe ea ac ce e P Pr ro oc ce es ss s a an nd d t th he e P Pe er rf fe ec ct t 5 5t to or rm m- -1 19 99 91 1
Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth with fury, a
continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of
the wicked. The fierce anger of the LORD shall not return, until
he have done it, and until he have performed the intents of his
heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it (Jeremiah 30:23-

The Balfour Declaration
set in motion the reestablishment
of the Jewish nation we see today. While its terms were agreed
upon by the British Cabinet on October 31, 1917, 74 years later
the Madrid Peace Process rendered them ineffective. And God
was not pleased. John McTernan cites 1991 as the paradigm
shift of Americas blessing. This is how it played out.
The Persian Gulf War was well underway, and President
George Herbert Walker Bush was riding a wave of almost un-
precedented 90% approval. By October 31, 1991 plans were set
for a Middle East Peace conference in Spain. President Bush,
and Secretary of State James Baker (neither of which are famous
for their pro-Israeli policies) traveled to Madrid to meet with
Soviets and Muslims where Covenant Land was the carrot for
peace. While prophecy students held their breath, Mr. Bush and
his cohorts ignored all warnings attached to Gods covenant with
Israel by drafting a contract forcing the Jews to divide Covenant
Land (Joel 3:2) with enemies who to this day want to destroy

Also read Isa. 40:24; 41:15-16; Jer. 23:19; 25:31-33; Nahum 1:3.
Wikipedia says: The declaration was made in a letter from Foreign Secretary
Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Roth-
schild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zion-
ist Federation, a private Zionist organization. The letter reflected the position
of the British Cabinet, as agreed upon in a meeting on October 31, 1917. It fur-
ther stated that the declaration is a sign of "sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspi-
They refer to Israel as the little Satan and the US and the big Satan.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
Christianity. This was later retracted forcing Jews to convert to
Catholicism and have their children baptized or face loss of
property and threat of death. Although these were godless Cath-
olic decrees, who would have known this was only a dress re-
hearsal for future horrors in the following years at the hands of
godless popes whose power expanded exponentially.

T Te en ns s o of f T Th ho ou us sa an nd ds s M Mu ur rd de er re ed d | |n n t th he e C Ca at th ho o| || |c c C Cr ru us sa ad de es s f fr ro om m t th he e
1 10 09 96 6 A AD D - - 1 14 45 56 6 A AD D
As the Holy Roman Empire consolidated under evil popes
who had declared themselves vicars of Christ, the Catholic Cru-
sades commenced as military campaigns organized ostensibly to
recapture Jerusalem and wage war against the opponents of the
Mother Church. While that may appear holy on the surface
theyre real activities are not at all what Roman Catholic apolo-
gists would like us to believe.
In his telling book Jerusalem Countdown, John Hagee
writes: The Roman Catholic Church, which was supposed to
carry the light of the gospel, plunged the world into the Dark
Ages. The Crusaders are often presented as holy men on the
road from Europe to Jerusalem and back pursuing a righteous
cause with the blessing of the pope. Nothing could be further
from the truth. The Crusaders were a motley mob of thieves,
rapists, robbers, and murderers whose sins had been forgiven by
the pope in advance of the Crusade.

The Crusaders
didnt begin spilling Jewish blood across
Europe until 1096 AD. However, by 1095 on through 1098, at
least forty cities were floating in it; all sanctioned by greedy god-
less Roman popes who sent them forth in blessing with their
sins forgiven where they were free to torture, maim, and execute

"Popes maimed & were maimed, killed & were killed... Without question,
these pontiffs constitute the most despicable body of leaders, clerical or lay, in
history. They were, frankly, barbarians. Ancient Rome had nothing to rival
them in rottenness." + Peter de Rosa (Vicars of Christ)
John Hagee, Jerusalem Countdown, Lake Mary, FL: Strang Publications,
The Crusades were religious wars waged against all who were deemed unho-
ly yet were occupying holy territory. There were 9 official campaigns, begin-
ning in 1096 and ending in 1272 AD.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
Jews under their nefarious auspices;
and it was nauseating. In
the name of Christianity, these Knights of the Cross (so called)
slashed open stomachs looking for swallowed gold coins or je-
wels, sliced off heads, and according to French chronicler Albert
Aquensis, engaged in barbarous acts including cannibalism.
Within the first six months historians claim you could smell the
stench of rotting body parts strewn across European cities
where Jews had been needlessly butchered on behalf of Romes
pernicious popes and their disgusting and deceptive Roman
Church. No wonder Jews seldom convert to Catholicism.

In 1215 Pope Innocent III assembled one thousand top
church leaders to The Fourth Lateran Council, which by some
accounts was the most important meeting of the Middle Ages.
Their first edict was the endorsement of all previous savagery
toward Jews with the full expectation and support for their con-
tinuance. Notwithstanding, while Pope Innocent, strangely fell
dead seven months following his infamous Lateran activities, his
godless anti-Semiticism continued to live throughout Europe for
centuries to come, much of it as we noted was still in force when
Hitler came into power in the 1920s.

T Te en ns s o of f T Th ho ou us sa an nd ds s M Mo or re e M Mu ur rd de er re ed d | |n n t th he e 5 5p pa an n| |s sh h I In nq qu u| |s s| |t t| |o on n- -
1 14 47 78 8- -1 18 83 34 4
While the Crusades may have officially ended, the persecu-
tion of Jews did not. Those living in Europe were under constant
pressure to convert to the Roman Church in lieu of being tor-
tured, murdered, and looted. As you can imagine, many profes-
sions were made in sheer desperation.
In 1478 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella petitioned Pope
Sixtus IV to cleanse the Roman church of all heretics; Jews be-
ing the target. Like the Crusades before them, this became
another religious travesty filling Europe with Jewish blood well

Read Rev. 17-18.
Everyone should read Dave Hunts fascinating expose: A Woman Rides the
Beast which lays open Roman Catholicism for what it really is.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177

T Th he e T Tw w| |n n T To ow we er r D D| |s sa as st te er r- -5 5e ep pt te em mb be er r 1 11 1, , 2 20 00 01 1
Behold, therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee . . .
and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee, the
daughters of the Philistines, which are ashamed of thy lewd
way (Ezekiel 16:27).
About a week prior to 9/11, President Bush challenged Ara-
fat on CNN to pledge his full effort to stopping terrorism against
Israel. While many of us cheered his leadership initiative, his
comments were interpreted as a pro-Israeli threat by Saudi King
Abdullah who promptly promised to turn off our oil supply un-
less Bush recanted.
The President acquiesced and sent a two
page letter to the King promising to support self determination
of Arabs in Israel, a self-condemning move.
On September 6, 2001 a grateful Abdullah sent a heartfelt
thank you which confirmed their continued friendship in up-
coming negotiations. Bush then held a meeting with his top ad-
visers where he proposed a policy shift towards Palestine, which
would now include public support for a separate Palestinian
On September 10, 2001 Saudi Ambassador Bandar, Cheney,
and Secretary of State Colin Powell met to finalize plans to in-
sert a Palestinian nation within Covenant Land borders by
2005. Immediately after this meeting, Bandar called his office
asserting that their demands were secured for the land grab.
However, on the morning of September 11, 2001, within a few
hours of this meeting, the US was attacked by 4 hijacked jets. All
total, billions of dollars were lost and over 3000 precious lives
making this the worst single terrorist act in our history.
Was this a mere coincidence, or should we allow the facts to
dictate exactly what they appear to be? We touched the apple of
Gods eye (Zech. 2:7-8), and He, as promised, slammed His fist
down on the Big Apple.

Imagine. We taught these people how to drill, invested in their original
equipment, which they now use to blackmail us during Middle East talks.
I lament the innocent who died in this tragic incident. Words are inadequate
to express the sadness we all felt when the towers fell. However, Gods hand of
blessing had been removed quite obviously by our disgusting dealings with His
covenant people and their land.
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PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
have been the human motivation behind this unprecedented
attack, behind the curtain where most folks never look, America
was parting Israels Covenant Land while God shook His mighty
fist in anger: But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do
all these commandments; And if ye shall despise my statutes,
or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all
my commandments, but that ye break my covenant: I also will
do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consump-
tion, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and
cause sorrow of heart (Leviticus 26:14-16 emphasis added).

W Wa ar rn n| |n ng g 1 1: : T Th he e F F| |r rs st t T Tr ra ad de e C Ce en nt te er r C Ca ar r o om mb b| |n ng g- - F Fe eb br ru ua ar ry y 2 26 6, ,
1 19 99 93 3
The 9/11 disaster didnt appear in a vacuum. God gave us 2
major warnings over an 8 year period, but we didnt listen. The
first warning happened February 18-25, 1993 when Secretary of
State Warren Christopher met with 7 Arab nations and offered
them Covenant Land in exchange for peace. The next day (Feb.
26) Islamic terrorists exploded a 1500 pound car bomb in a
parking garage under the World Trade Center killing 6 people,
injuring 1000 more and costing 750 Million dollars. God was
trying to get our attention through these particular buildings but
we turned a deaf ear to Him.

W Wa ar rn n| |n ng g 2 2: : T Tr ro op p| |c ca a| | 5 5t to or rm m A A| || || |s so on n | |n n T Te ex xa as s
The second warning came on June 7, 2001, President George
W. Bush sent CIA director George Tenet to Jerusalem to pro-
mote the Roadmap to Peace initiative which demanded more
Covenant Land giveaways. The next day tropical storm Allison,
which lasted unusually long and went on to become the dead-
liest tropical storm in US history, pounded Texas, the home
state of President Bush, where it killed 41 people, and cost $7
billion dollars. Strangely, it lasted throughout the 5 days Direc-
tor Tenet was in Jerusalem then stopped the day he left. Howev-
er, the negotiations for land continued and God was not pleased.
Since no one connected the dots between Israel and Allison, the
crass giveaway of Covenant Land continued and so did Gods
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
into the twentieth century.
At the beginning, Europe was a
major power; by the conclusion, she was not.
There arent many differences between the Crusades and the
Inquisition; Romanism was behind them both. However, while
the former hired and trained mercenaries to inflict their torture,
the Inquisition utilized Catholic priests impartial historians tell
us achieved levels of sadism the Jews wouldnt experience again
until Hitler. In the name of the Church they were harnessed,
shackled and whipped, suffocated, tortured with needles,
burned, and beaten mercilessly by men who claimed a Christian
love for those they were butchering. By the late eighteenth cen-
tury over three-hundred thousand Jews had been subjected to
these madmen of the Mother Church.

As unbelievable as this is to imagine, I believe the Crusades
and the Inquisition actually became catalysts for the greatest
irony of all time. Just 14 years later, with the approval from the
Queen who instigated the Inquisition, God raised up a Jew who
used Jewish funds for a trip to the west where a nation would be
born that would preserve and protect His Heritage Israel on into
the 20
What a God we serve!


Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people
whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance (Psalms 33:12).
Im sure you know the story of the founding of America, but
perhaps not from this perspective. In 1492, an ardent sailor and
converted Jewish Christian
named Christopher Columbus

secured money from a Jewish financier named Louis Santanel,

The official Inquisition existed from 1478-1834, but Hitler resumed their
horrors in 1933.
Is it any wonder so few Jews ever become Catholics?
Robert Flood, America: God Shed His Grace On Thee, Chicago, IL: Moody
Press 1975, p.29
Christopher Columbus real name was Cristbal Coln a common name
among Jews.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
and Queen Isabella
and set sail west on a trip that he by his
own journal entries sensed was inspired from the start by the
hand of God.
In his Libro de las Profecias (Book of Prophe-
cies) Columbus wrote: Our Lord Jesus desired to perform a
very obvious miracle in the voyage to the Indies, to comfort me
and the whole people of God.
Truly, Columbus was Gods
man on a quest to help Gods people!

A Blessed History of Jewish Relations
No other nation in history has been as friendly to Israel as
America has and vice versa. It was, as we have just seen, Jewish
money that actually launched the exploration of America. But it
was also Jewish money that helped undergird our foundations.
In the 18
Century yet another Jewish financier named Haym
Solomon came to Americas rescue by keeping the Revolution
afloat at a time when we needed money and had no credit. While
his name doesnt appear anywhere in the founding documents,
he single handedly prevented George Washingtons army from
mass starvation at Valley Forge and personally loaned upwards
of $800,000 dollars of his own money to Madison, Monroe and
others who were in dire straights. Some have said that without
the help of Haym Solomon, this nation may well have collapsed
before it fully emerged.
In retrospect Gods plan was Masterful. He used Jews both to
find the land then fund its development so that in due course
America could one day become a temporary homeland for His
brutalized people no one else in the world wanted or cared

W We e o op pe en ne ed d o ou ur r a ar rm ms s t to o p pe er rs se ec cu ut te ed d J Je ew ws s- - 1 17 78 80 0s s- -1 18 89 97 7
When word reached America of the barbaric treatment of Eu-
ropean Jews, many of our citizens were moved to tears and in
heartfelt compassion reached out to them in the spirit of Chris-

Spains King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were of course instigators of the
Inquisition and had been confiscating Jewish funds while forcing them to con-
vert to Christianity.
Robert Flood, p.30
William Federer, Americas God and Country, Coppell, TX: Fame Publish-
ing, p.113
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6; Nahum 1:8.
Corrupt politics and legal sys-
tem: Job 9:24; Isa. 1:23; 3:12-13;
19:11-14; 32:1-7; 40:23; Jer. 38:6
Agricultural set backs and high
food prices: Lev. 36:20; Deut.
28:23, 38-40
Matt. 24:11, 24; Luke 6:26; 2 Pet.

Wild beasts: Lev. 26:22; Jer.
12:9; Rev. 6:8
And finally, terror(ism): Gen.
35:5; Lev. 26:16; Job 31:23; Prov.
3:25; Ezek. 16:27; 32:23, 32; Luke
21:26; 2 Tim. 3:1.

A A b br ro ok ke en n- -h he ea ar rt te ed d w wa at tc ch hm ma an n
As a Christian first, and an American second, my heart
breaks for what I am reporting here. However, it is a worthless
watchman who sees danger and covers his mouth (Ezek. 3:17-
19). Oh, how I wish the scenario were different. Sadly, it is what
it is.
What you are about to read comprises only a minute portion
of the judgments that could have been listed. Since brother
McTernans first book where he listed about 40 of them, he has
updated that list with dozens more. All in all, what is most com-
pelling in every one of them is the timing as it correlates with
our giving away Jewish Covenant Land. My prayer is that as you
read this section, you will sense the urgency of Americans to re-
pent of our horrid treatment of Israel while we still can.

2 World Trade Center Warnings
Two decades ago while American troops waged war in the
Persian Gulf, President George Herbert Walker Bush delivered
his famous New World Order speech to a joint session of con-
gress. The date was September 11, 1990. Eleven years later to the
day, Americas enemies showed their contempt for his proposal
by slamming two hijacked jets into the twin towers of New
Yorks World Trade Center. With the worst act of terrorism in
US history fresh on everyones mind, the former presidents son
gave us the following human explanation for the assault: Amer-
ica was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon
for freedom and opportunity in the world. While that may well

For further study, please order my booklet LAST DAYS False Prophets. A
gift of any amount would be appreciated if possible. Thank you.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177

Gods Judgments are Biblical
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the
whirlwind (Hosea 8:7). As disasters shake the foundations of
America, liberals and Bible deniers have been quick to accuse
Christians of being mean spirited for seeing them as the
judgment of God (Rom. 1:32). Notwithstanding, God is clear,
He will Himself curse those who disobey Him with a variety of
means and judgments He personally brings: Son of man, when
the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then
will I stretch out mine hand upon it . . . and will send famine
upon it
. . . Or if I bring a sword upon that land . . . so that I cut off man
and beast from it . . . Or if I send a pestilence into that land,
and pour out my fury upon it in blood (excerpted from Ezekiel
The fact remains: The LORD is known by the judgment
which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own
hands (Psalms 9:16). Here are a few of the ways Gods Word
tells us He has judged disobedient nations:

Famine: Jer. 24:10; 29:17;
Ezek. 5:17
Sickness and disease (physical
and mental): Lev. 26:26;
Deut. 28:21-22, 29
War: Lev. 26:25; Ezek 21:3-17
Illegal immigration: 2 Chron.
6:32; Ecc. 6:2; Isa. 1:7; Lam. 5:2;
Ezek. 30:12; Obad. 1:11
National disasters: Isa 5:30;
28:2; 29:6; Ezek. 32:7-8; Lk 21:25
Floods: Gen. 6:17; Psalm 29:10;
Jer. 42:7; Ezek. 26:19; Amos 9:5-
Gen. Gen. 19:24; Deut.
4:24; Psalm 106:17-18; Isa. 1:7;
Ezek. 20:45-48; 30:16; 2 Pet. 3:10
High unemployment: Isa.
19:15-16; Rev. 18:22
Death of children: Ex. 12:29-
30; 2 Sam. 12:15-23; Jer. 31:15-17

Apostasy: Matt. 24:42 Thess.
2:3-12; 1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-
14; 4:2-4
False prophets and preachers:
Jer. 14:14-16; 23:16-32; 27:9-11;

June 16, 2008, Sodomites in California could legally marry. From June
20-27, 1781 fires were started by lightening bolts (an act of God is it not?) re-
sulting in the loss of over 1 million acres.
I am not implying whenever a child dies a sin is being punished. We live in a
world where it rains on the just and the unjust alike.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
tian kindness. With eighteen centuries of intense hatred behind
them, it was understandably difficult for them to trust anyone
claiming membership in a Christian church. America wasnt like
that and newly elected president George Washington eased their
minds in a declaration in 1790 that proved to the Newport He-
brew Congregation American passion for religious liberty and
love for Jews was very real: "to bigotry no sanction, to persecu-
tion no assistance," and quoted from Malachi: And ye shall
tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles
of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of
hosts. Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I
commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes
and judgments (Malachi 4:3-4).
With this promise of acceptance Jews responded by assimi-
lating into business, education, politics and government at all
levels. And while it was obvious that America had indeed pro-
vided them a haven of hope, many of the 2 million who came
here between 1881 and 1914, began yearning to return Home.

W We e s so ow we ed d t th he e s sp p| |r r| |t tu ua a| | s se ee ed ds s o of f Z Z| |o on n| |s sm m- - 1 18 89 97 7- -1 19 94 48 8
Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! When
God bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall re-
joice, and Israel shall be glad (Psalms 53:6).
Sowing and reaping is a Biblical principle that affects indi-
viduals as well as nations (Gal. 6:7). The generous foundational
seeds sown by Haym Solomon were at long last returned a cen-
tury later when Christians were moved by Gods Holy Spirit to
help Jews return to Israel. Most Americans, which includes our
Jewish citizens and friends, dont have an inkling that the Zion-
ist movement has a solid Christian foundation.
In the late 1800s, with revival in full swing, Evangelist Wil-
liam E. Blackstone
who is heralded by many as the father of
the modern Zionist movement began preaching that Jews
needed the security of their own homeland. He set the wheels
turning with a letter to President Harrison requesting an inter-
national conference for the creation of the State of Israel which

Not to be confused with Sir William Blackstone the Jurist.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
took place November 24-25, 1890 in Chicago, Illinois.
A doc-
ument emerged and was signed by 413 of the most prominent
Americans at the time,
including mayors, governors, politi-
cians, the speaker of the house, the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court, future President McKinley, and Christian leaders and
supporters like DL Moody.
Needless to say, Gods hand was on Americas involvement
with Zionism, which was officially recognized in 1897. In the fol-
lowing year, 1898, Gods plan for us was evidenced again. Amer-
ica emerged victorious in the Spanish American War whereby
we achieved, for the first time, status as a world power with an
international presence and a voice defending Israel. History
bears witness how important this was for Jews, especially in fos-
tering British support for Zionism through the Balfour Declara-
tion of 1917, ultimately resulting in the repatriation of Jews into
their covenant homeland of Israel three decades later.

W We e s su up pp po or rt te ed d I Is sr ra ae e| | s s r r| |g gh ht t t to o e ex x| |s st t - - 1 19 94 48 8- -1 19 96 67 7
And the LORD gave unto Israel all the land which he sware
to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt
therein . . . I made you to go up out of Egypt, and have brought
you unto the land which I sware unto your fathers; and I said,
I will never break my covenant with you (Joshua 21:43; Judges
Sin always causes us to lose Gods best for us. From earliest
Biblical writings, the Jews disobedience has caused her to for-
feit her land. However, the Lord has never favored a permanent
banishment, and in time has always restored her to Himself and
her land: And yet for all that, when they be in the land of
their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor
them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my covenant
with them: for I am the LORD their God (Leviticus 26:44).

Tragically, Illinois has since turned their back on God and have now become
the most politically corrupt State in America.
Our international influence was also felt by Israel when we put a stop to the
godless satanic extermination by Hitler of a recorded 6 million Jews in the
Holocaust (there were actually millions more we dont hear about).
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
bric of our nation where it has been undermining our relation-
ship with Israel for decades. With the exception of Israels best
President, Ronald Reagan, every administration since Carter has
shared one dreadful commonality: their hard-line, finger-in-the-
eye dealings with Gods Covenant people. While her enemies
have been treated like fine royalty, Jews have been treated like
filthy rags.
What we see happening in the Middle East centers around
the forced division of the holy city, Jerusalem. I believe the
trembling there is a mere shadow of what lies just ahead at Ar-
mageddon. Joel warns: For, behold, in those days, and in that
time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and
Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them
down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with
them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom
they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land
(Joel 3:1-2).
The trend originated in 1979 with Jimmy Carter and the pro-
Palestinian Camp David Accords.
This has now tragically be-
come the roadmap for Middle East mediation since. Covenant
Land God said was never to be given away for any reason has
found its way to the land for peace auction where Presidents
and their Secretaries of State have used it like raw meat in a
lions den. God warns: Thou shalt make no covenant with them,
nor with their gods. They shall not dwell in thy land . . . This is
the land which ye shall divide by lot unto the tribes of Israel for
inheritance, and these are their portions, saith the Lord GOD
(excerpted from Exodus 23:32-33; Ezekiel 48:29).
Think about it. Israel is Gods wife and He trusted us to help
her and watch out for her. Instead, weve kowtowed to her ene-
mies by coercing her to sign treaties giving her less land, fewer
water supplies and other resources, limited oil reserves, and a
shrinking defense position necessary for safeguarding her exis-
tence. In light of this, I believe we have become Gods enemies,
opposing His Word, His people, and the sacred land that He
gave His wife by covenant 4000 years ago. Even the dimmest
bulb in the room can see where this is taking us.

This was the first time land for peace became the bargaining chip in Israe-
li-Arab negotiations. May God forgive us.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177

I will . . . curse him that curseth thee . . . as thou hast done (unto
Israel), it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon
thine own head (Genesis 12:3; Obadiah 1:15).

Watching weeks of disheartening economic reports should
force us to our knees and send us back to the prophets Isaiah,
Jeremiah, Ezekiel and John where we will find pictures of
America hidden in their predictions.
It is staggering.
In Revelation eighteen, Babylon, the economic capital of the
greedy and immoral of the world, collapses under the weight of
its own corruption while nations gasp in horror (Rev. 18:9-19.

As I read this again yesterday, the same thought returned Ive
had many times since 9/11: Could this be a secondary prophecy
of New York City? Some Bible scholars believe it is and regard
New York as the daughter of Babylon (Isa. 47).
Secular financial analysts scrambling for answers, however,
cant see the tie in, and dont care to have you make the click.
But in all honesty, something is happening that threatens to
wipe us out if we dont fix it. From an honest Biblical perspec-
tive, I believe it all comes down to this: weve been abusing
Gods Covenant Wife, and He has finally had enough. The bless-
ing is gone and unless we repent, the curse will get worse.

Anti-Semiticism in America
Set the trumpet to thy mouth. He shall come as an eagle

against the house of the LORD, because they have transgressed
my covenant, and trespassed against my law (Hosea 8:1).
The day the towers toppled, the liberal National Council of
Churches had scheduled a three-day conference to impose Re-
placement Theology
and reprimand Israel for not giving up
more land. This anti-Semitic attitude is now woven into the fa-

A few examples are waiting for you in the following chapters: Isa. 1; 3; 5; 18;
19; 47; 48; 59; Jer. 13; 19; 22; 23; 44; 49; 50; 51; Lam. 5; Ezek. 7; 8; 9; 16; 22;
33; Rev. 18.
Please read Isaiahs description in Isa. 13. Amazingly coincides with 9-11.
Could this be a veiled reference to the American Eagle? Interesting thought.
For more info, please send for our booklet on Replacement Theology.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
To understand the divine motivation for this, one only has to
read Gods promise given to His people at the time of the seven-
ty-year Babylonian captivity: Thus saith the LORD; If heaven
above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth
searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel
for all that they have done, saith the LORD (Jeremiah 31:37).
Following World War II, America rallied in support of a Jewish
state, and looked for ways to help settle large numbers of Jewish
refugees, displaced persons, and survivors of the Nazi holocaust.
On May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation once again in ful-
fillment of the prophetic Word,
and with the full backing of
the Zionist movement in the United States. For the third time,
she was restored to her Covenant Land given to her by Almighty
God: He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word
which he commanded to a thousand generations. Which cove-
nant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; And
confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an
everlasting covenant: Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of
Canaan, the lot of your inheritance (Psalms 105:8-11). Presi-
dent Harry Truman recognized Israel on May 15, 1948, just mi-
nutes after Israel declared her independence.

U UT T . . . . . . w we e h ha av ve en n t t s su up pp po or rt te ed d t th he e r re es st to or ra at t| |o on n o of f J Je er ru us sa a| |e em m- -1 19 96 67 7
We must understand that the city of Zion is a very important
city for Jews and Christians. Jerusalem belongs to Israel by in-
heritance from God (mentioned over 700 times in Scripture)
and is mentioned by the name Jerusalem 814 times in the Bible.
It is, however, never once spoken of in the Koran. One is left
feeling there is another motivation driving the Muslim desire to
possess it when they already have 22 other countries they could
peacefully co-habit.

There are too many references to list. Among them are: Israel became a na-
tion in one day- midnight May 14, 1948 (Isa. 66:7-8); final restoration to the
Davidic Kingdom under Christ (Jer. 23:3) where Jerusalem is yet to be the
religious center of the world (Zech. 8:22-23). According to the Scofield notes,
Ezekiel says it will happen as follows: (1) restoration to the land (36:1-15); (2)
restoration of the people (36:16-37:28); (3) judgment on Israels enemies
(38:1-39:24); and (4) that which concerns the worship of the Lord that He may
dwell among His people (40:1-47:12).
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
Zechariah warns us of a divided Jerusalem in the last days
(Zech. 14:2) which we saw from 1948 until the 6 day war of
The western half of Jerusalem was populated by Jews
and the east by Gentiles (Egypt, Jordan, and Syria); never Gods
intention. Jews living in the West Bank, home of East Jerusalem
and the Temple Mount (Judea and Samaria), are besmirched
today by the term occupied territory which has furthered anti-
Semitic epithets and fostered war and bloodshed due to the as-
sumption of Arab entitlement.
One consistent thorn in the eye of God is that US presidents
have never fully stood with Israel regaining control of Jerusalem
or the Embassy no doubt would have moved there from Tel
We came close in 1995 when both the Senate and House
passed a bill authorizing the move, but Clinton refused to sign

As you read these words, Jews have withdrawn as far as they
dare to. They now live in a land of shrinking borders, resources,
protection, and a growing uncertainty of where tomorrow might
lead them. And yet, it is the Jews that are plagued by the term
enemies of peace for wanting to defend against further intru-
sion of the land God promised them 4000 years ago.
I have often wondered why Arabs hate the Jews so vehement-
ly. Outspoken Christian Walid Shoebat (ex-Muslim PLO terror-
ist) explained it: Muslims claim Israel is God's punishment on
them for allowing bad government to rule the Islamic world.
That's why we see attempts to topple governments with majority
Muslim population. The Islamic world has its heart set on de-
stroying Israel. The best way to prove this is to quote the Syrian
president Hafez Asad There are still one hundred wars to come
with Israel. All we need to defeat Israel is One."

What Replacement Theologians, all anti-Semites, and liberals
cannot see and will not accept is how their insidious refusal to

Israel reclaimed her property consisting of the West Bank and East Jerusa-
lem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, and, until 1979, the Sinai Peninsu-
la. This also included the Temple Mount which is necessary for rebuilding the
During the 2008 elections, candidate John McCain said one of his first ac-
tions would be to move the Embassy to Jerusalem; Obama would not.
Dividing Israel and Gods Judgment on America

PMI Center for Biblical Studies POB 177 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177
recognize and fight real terrorism coincides perfectly with Bible
prophecy regarding the Beast and Antichrist (Daniel 7:6-8, 19-
25; 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 11:7; 12; 13:1-18; 14:9-11; etc).
awaiting the 12
Imam believe he will surface as a peace-making
world ruler in the midst of universal turmoil forcing submission
to Islamic rule (sounds like the Crusades and Inquisition doesnt
it). Thats why Irans maniacal madman Mahmoud Ahmadine-
jad is frantically hastening a holy jihad. Shoebat warns: "Iran

is now the new Nazi Germany of the world and is fomenting ha-
tred against Jews, Israel and the West. America needs to take
the lead and step up the ante. It is Iran who is the cause of the
majority of instability and terrorism in the world and it is an
even greater threat than Al Qaeda."
Make no mistake. Our refusal to defend the Jews Covenant
Land has brought us face to face with the judgment of God that I
promise you we will live to regret.

This is all leading to the worst seven year period in history (the tribulation-
Rev. 6-18). Gods wrath will be meted out against a godless world will one day
assemble at the valley of Armageddon (Rev. 16:12-21) in one final anti-Semitic
effort to finally destroy Israel, only to be destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ
(Rev. 19:11-19). You may want to read my booklet: 9 Signs of the End Times. A
gift of any amount would be appreciated.
Iranian Vice President Esfandyar Rahim Mashaei believes the destruction of
Israel should become an international goal and a global demand, the state-
owned IRNA reported December 9. The agency quoted Mashaei, who several
months ago called his country "a friend of Israel", as blaming the "Zionist re-
gime" for the world's ills.

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