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Prepared for
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Dr. Khair Jahan Sogra

Course Instructor

Training and Development (H610) Institute of Business Administration University of Dhaka

Prepared by Syed Saleh Ahmed Sobhan (125) Khondkar Nahin Ahmed (129) Shuvajit Mandal (135) Batch- MBA 46 D

mishu [Pick the date]

Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka May 05, 2013

1. What was the program and its major purpose? Answer: This is a training programme designed and delivered fully by in-house personnel to upskill technicians (craft workers) and enable them to perform a more extensive range of repairs on machines in the field. This training programme has been designed to enhance the performance of the technicians and increase the width of their job responsibility. Major purpose: There were two major purposes for conducting the training programme: Cost reduction and Improved operational efficiency.

2. Who were the key stakeholders, evaluators, and participants? Answer: Key Stakeholders:

Direct Stakeholders

Machine operator Foreman Fitter (mechanic) Electrician Instructors

Indirect Stakeholders

Maintenance manager Engineering/technical stuff Evaluator Control group

3. What levels did they evaluate? Answer: According to Kirkpatricks model they have evaluated the four levels of the training program. Level 1: Reactions Level 2: Learning Level 3: Behavior job Level 4: Results the business impact due to training Reactions of the trainees The Learning obtained by the participants Application of the skilled acquired during the training on the

4. What were the primary evaluation questions or objectives? Answer: 1. Does the operating time of machines leading to continuous flow of peat production improved? 2. Does the machine down time reduced? 3. Does the cost of technicians on machine repairs reduced and freeing them up for other duty? 4. Does the cost of engineering/technical stuff reduced and freeing them up for other duties? 5. Does the additional pay for cross-skilling agreement add some value? 5. What research design or designs did they use? Answer: They have been used pretest, posttest, and during the training test designs for the evaluation process. Pretest: the assessment of Call-out times, machine down time, and material and labor cost needed pre-training test. Post-test: all the previously mentioned assessment also required post-test either. Additionally the assessment of Krikpatrics level 3, which is behavior, needs the post test.

During the training test: Kirkpatricks level 2, which is Learning, needs the assessment of the participants during the training period.

6. What methods of data collection did they use? Answer: They used primary data source for the evaluation process. They used: Questionnaires Documentation of performance log Observation Performance test Interview

7. What were the major outcomes or results? Answer: a. The participants reactions towards the training program were very much positive. They have scored more than the targeted level. b. The learning achieved by the participants also satisfactory which we have seen from the trainee supervisors observation. c. Material and labor cost reduced due to reduced time for the number of times that the engineering stuffs are called and the reduced quantity of spare parts. d. The control group strategy shows the improvement of performance after participating in the training program. e. The ROI shows the positive impact due to training on the performance. f. Some intangible outcomes has also been pointed out. 8. Did the evaluator(s) make evaluative judgments and/or recommendations? Answer: The evaluator(s) did not make any judgmental decisions or recommendations for the training program. 9. What are the strengths and weakness of each of the evaluations?

Answer: Strengths: The participants reactions towards the training program were very much positive. They have scored more than the targeted level. The learning achieved by the participants also satisfactory which we have seen from the trainee supervisors observation. The measurement of the cost of material and labor has disclosed that the direct impact interview gives more realistic data. Effectiveness of the training program by using control group is a very efficient measurement. The effect of the impact interview of the in-house personnel helps to isolate the effect of the training Weakness: Reduced machine downtime cannot be measured as the operating log is inefficient. The measurement of call-out time is flawed due to unavailability of the previous data.

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