Eeet2375: Project Preparation, Planning and Problem Solving Final Proposal (60%)

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EEET2375: PROJECT PREPARATION, PLANNING AND PROBLEM SOLVING Final Proposal (60%) Due dates: 5 pm Wednesday of Week 12 (8th

May 2013)
Assignment Overview
This is an individual assessment. Your tasks is to submit a proposal on a topic that is new, research-orientated and contemporary (applicable to today's society) in the field of Electronics and Computers Engineering. The topic must be approved by your lecturer. Your proposal must address the following: to present a research and development problem definition and provide clear summary of the novelty, expected outcomes as well as performance criteria; to outline the results of the performed literature review and critical analysis on the topic of the project, while clearly specifying problems requiring resolution that will be addressed in the proposed project work; to describe the employed (or planned to be employed) R&D methodology or engineering practices and outline tasks to be performed along with a general timeline and resources required; to provide justification or evidences supporting expectation for a successful outcome of the proposed R&D project, e.g., preliminary investigation results, experimental findings, technical capabilities, success of earlier projects in the similar fields developed by you and your team, etc.; The proposal may contain the following major sections 1. Title 2. List of Figures 3. List of Tables 4. Introduction 5. Literature Review 6. System and Design specifications a. System specifications 7. Methodologies( Hardware and Software Implementation) 8. Deliverables and Test Plan 9. Project management: a. Budget plan b. Human resource c. Timeline (Schedule) d. Risk analysis 10. Conclusion 11. References 12. Appendices (if necessary)

A draft version of the proposal should be submitted by 29th April 2013 via email



Plagiarism & Writing Help

All used sources must be properly acknowledged with references and citations, if you did not create it. Quotations and paraphrasing are allowed but the sources must be acknowledged. Failure to do so is regarded as plagiarism and the minimum penalty for plagiarism is failure for the assignment. Writing help is provided by the Learning Skills Unit,, room 1.2.08. The act of given your assignment to another student is classified as a plagiarism offence.

Proposal Due Date & Submission

The proposal is due at 5pm Wednesday of Week 12 (8th May 2013) By the due date, you must submit: 1. Upload proposal to TurnItIn with a Statement of Authorship 2. Upload proposal to Blackboard with a Statement of Authorship 3. Submit a hardcopy of your report to the Engineering Dropbox in front of the Lab
Before submitting, carefully read the Assignment Submission Standards document posted on Blackboard.

Your filename should be labeled according to RMIT naming convention: studentNumber.docx studentNumber.pptx Late submission of assignments will be penalised as follows: For assignments 1 to 5 days late, a penalty of 10% (of total available marks) per day. For assignments more than 5 days late, a penalty of 100% will apply. Your submission must be compatible with the software in RMIT, Computer Laboratories/Classrooms.

RMIT International University Vietnam

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