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harnessed fo r all sorts of to design iron filters fo r wells in developing ort of countries, to prevent problems caused by iron-rich n him the idea water. There's been a great interest in using mal concrete groundwater to provide drinking water because it h bioconcrete is generally regarded as unpolluted and can be es, instead of safely consumed without the need for treatment . n as it is at But iron-bearing groundwaters are often ngs . present, before being used for buildi being mixed and allowed to harde might even be grown using microb to improve its performance. Suc that microbes could be added to nor biological concrete, which has give industrial uses. He sees rusticles as a s

noticeably orange in colour, causing discoloration of laundry, and have an unpleasant taste which is arn about the apparent when the water is-drunk or used fo r n rusticles and food preparation . 'If there's a lot of iron in the t what is water, people reject it,' Tyrrel says. He and his s must use a colleagues have found that under the right ild and sustain conditions, certain bacteria wil l take up the iron timately from the water and consume it , leaving it clear. nguage. 'If we The rusticles research should provide more clues , then we could about how to harness these bacteria fo r good . could learn how they communicate hopes to begin to understand this la their mutual community. Cullimore ul common language to successfully bu certain is that the various consorm how they interact wit h each other. Bu specific types of microbes present i Scientists still have much to le

say "Hey, you shouldn't be growing here, wouldn't you rather be growing over there?"'


TRUE/FA1SE/NOT GIVEN ? Module A page 9 ? ?

Underline key words in the statements.

Find matching information in the text.

Look for parallel expressions.

Questions 1-5

Do the following

statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?



if the statement agrees with the information if the statement contradicts the information if there is no information on this

Underwater photographs of the Titanic show that the wreck is covered in rusticles.

Rusticles were first discovered on the wreck of the Titanic.

Roy Cullimore investigated whether rusticles were involved in the sinking of the Titanic.

Rusticles are difficult to collect because they break easily.

The rusticle in Cullimore's office is the largest one in existence.

TABLE COMPLETION d ? Focus on IELTS page 75 ? Modules and D, pages 38 e of the table to and 52 (Listening)

Table completion is a common task in both the Reading an

Listening Modules. ? Read the headings at the top and on the left-hand sid

identify the type of information that is required.

TIP Note form is . ^ normally used in tables.

Use the exact words from the passage for your answer


--------------------------Page 65------



Questions 6-10 Complete the table below. Choose NO MORE r each answer. THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage fo

Structure of a rusticle





appear 6

outer surface of rusticle

consorms ? work together

mainly near water channels

water channels

throughout the rusticle

fungal growths 9

at junction of water channels and of rusticle



throughout the rusticle


Read the question.

(MULTIPLE ANSWERS) ? Module D page 51 ?

Find the correct section of the text. Check for parallel expressions in the options and text.

Questions 11-12 Choose TWO letters A-G.

The microbes found in rusticles

are unable to consume steel sections of boats.

may live for over 100 years."

could affect a range of underwater metal structures.

D . S

avoid structures made of wrought iron

are destroyed if the rusticle grows too big.

cause fractures and rips in steel plates .

G use iron from the ship as a source of food.

Questions 13-14 Choose TWO letters A-G.

Bacteria similar to those found in rusticles could

A make better concrete for use in building. remove harmful microbes from polluted water.

help locate sources of groundwater.

D remove iron from water used for drinking and washing.

E remove traces of iron from concrete.

convert harmful microbes to useful ones.

improve communication systems.

? Ideas fo r speaking and writing page 141


--------------------------Page 66------------------------------



Focus on writing

Describing diagrams showing natural processes

Task I Diagrams m that shows ? Focus on IEUS page 83

In the Writing Module, you may be asked to describe a diagra

a natural cycle or a natural process.


Read the instructions for the Writing task below a


What is 'El Nino'and what does it do?

What do the diagrams compare?


Look at the first diagram, which shows a cross section of the P

Ocean, and read the labels to help you understand the process ill ustrated.

Under normal conditions,

1 T I P The diagrams i n he sea? Writin g Task I d o no t require worl d knowledge. Any information yo u wil l need in you r descriptio n is given i n the tas k nces are

from which direction do the strong trade winds blow? 2 what do they do to the warm water at the surface of t

3 4 5

how does this affect the weather in Australia? what happens to the cool water below the surface? what are the two results of this in the Eastern Pacific?

Now look at the second diagram to identify what the differe

under El Nino conditions .


Normal Conditions

storm You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. st Pacific El Nino is the name of a warm ocean current Pacific West clouds Ea

that affects weather patterns on both sides Ocean.

of the Pacific

The diagrams compare

Australia normal conditions the Pacific with El Nifto conditions. in f

Write a report for university lecturer describing the information

El Nino Conditions shown. storm f . , clouds

Write at least 150 words. ast Pacific



poor nutrients


--------------------------Page 67------------------------------


UNKING IDEAS USING -ING PARTICIPLE CLAUSES estwards . This process ? Focus on /ELTS page 103 n to Australia .

a 1

Compar e these sentences . Strong trad e wind s blow warm surface water w

causes storm cloud s to form an d brings rai

2 d , causing storm

Th e trad e wind s blow warm surface water westwar

clouds to form an d bringing rain t o Australia .

The second sentenc e use s an -ing clause t o

present th e information

in a mor e economical way .

Now join these pair s of sentence s in th e sam e way .

1 lows cool water

Th e warm water build s u p in th e west . This process al

to rise to th e surface in th e east . 2 is process enables th e number s offish t o increase near Peru . 3 wards . This proces s bring s rain to Peru . 4 s process reduces rainfall in Australia . 5 Th e warm water form s a layer o n top of th e coo Storm cloud s ar e formed in th e eastern Pacific. Thi In El Nin o conditions , war m surface water flows east Th e cool water bring s rich nutrient s t o th e surface . Th

l water . This process prevents th e cool water from rising to th e surface .


Complet e mi s paragraph Paragraph 1: introduce inf

ormation DESCRIPTION plan for the writin g task. Paragraph 2: Describe


3: Describe



b m th e box .

Complet e th e sampl e answer below usin g logical link s fro

Use each wor d or phras e onc e only .

also e the first

the second


while at the same tim


in these conditions


SAMPLE ANSWER The diagrams illustrate how differences in the wind conditio ns over the Pacific Ocean cm affect the weather in Veru and Australia

1 ons the trade

digra m shows that in normal conditi

winds blowing from the east are stronger than the weak win ds from the west 2 r westwards, bringing rain to Australia, 3 ool water to rise from the deep ocean in the east. This water brings rich nutrie nts, enabling the allowing c , they blow the warm surface wate

numbers offish to increase in the waters off Peru. It 4 brings good weather to Veru and the east Pacific. 5 d (21) diagram indicates that when the win

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