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A Seminar Report On

Website for control

Submitted for Partial fulfillment of The Degree of

Bachelors of Computer Applications

Submitted To:

Submitted By:
ANU SHARMA(104292383972) JASPREET Singh (104292383975)

Department of Computer Applications



The only constant thing in the world is change. Man has always craved for knowledge from the time he has set foot on earth. This insatiable thirst has always guided him to for ways to facilitate the exchange of information culminating into the latest buzzword for today INTERNET. The internet, a network, provides a lot of services related to exchange of information like FTP, e-mail and World Wide Web. To publish information for global distribution, one needs a universally understood language, a kind of publishing mother tongue that all computers may potentially understand. The publishing language used by the World Wide Web is HTML. A standardized language of computer code imbedded in source documents behind all web documents, containing the textual contents, images, links to other documents and formatting instructions for display on the screen. It imbeds within it other programming languages and applications such as SGML, XML, Java script, CGI-Script and more.


The World Wide Web was "created" in 1990 by CERN engineer, Tim Berners-Lee. On 30 April 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone. Tim Berners-Lee published what is considered to be the first website in August 1990. Berners-Lee was the first to combine Internet communication (which had been carrying email and the Usenet for decades) with hypertext (which had also been around for decades, but limited to browsing information stored on a single computer, such as interactive CD-ROM design). Websites are written in a markup language called HTML, and early versions of HTML were very basic, only giving a website's basic structure (headings and paragraphs), and the ability to link using hypertext. This was new and different from existing forms of communication - users could easily navigate to other pages by following hyperlinks from page to page. As the Web and web design progressed, the markup language changed to become more complex and flexible, giving the ability to add objects like images and tables to a page. Features like tables, which were originally intended to be used to display tabular information, were soon subverted for use as invisible layout devices. With the advent of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), table-based layout is commonly regarded as outdated. Database integration technologies such as server-side scripting and design standards like W3C further changed and enhanced the way the Web is made. As times change, websites are changing the code on the inside and visual design on the outside with ever-evolving programs and utilities. With the progression of the Web, tens of thousands of web design companies have been established around the world to serve the growing demand for such work. As with much of the information technology industry, many web design companies have been established in technology parks in the developing world as well as many Western design companies

setting up offices in countries such as India, Romania, and Russia to take advantage of the relatively lower labor rates found in such countries. Before the introduction of HTML and HTTP other protocols such as file transfer protocol and the gopher protocol were used to retrieve individual files from a server. These protocols offer a simple directory structure which the user navigates and chooses files to download. Documents were most often presented as plain text files without formatting or were encoded in word processor formats. HTML has been developed with the vision that all manner of devices should be able to use information on the Web: PCs with graphics displays of varying resolution and color depths, cellular telephones, hand held devices for speech for output and input, computers with high and low band width so on.


1992 HTML is first defined 1993 HTML+(some physical layout, fill-out forms, tables) 1994 HTML 2.0, HTML 3.0 1995 Netscape-specific non-standard HTML appears 1996 Competing Netscape and Explorer versions of HTML HTML 3.2 1997 HTML 4.0 1999 HTML 4.01 2000 XHTML 1.0(XML version of HTML 4.01) 2001 XHTML 1.1 2002 XHTML 2.0

A Website is a collection of pages that is commonly known as web pages, that contains images, videos, text contents and many more, and this is accessible through the internet. Websites are useful and handy especially for those who have businesses and companies, because in having a website, your business or company will have an edge over your competitor. A web site is a collection of information about a particular topic or subject. Web site design is defined as the arrangement and creation of web pages that in turn make up a web site. A web page consists of information for which the website is designed and developed. WORLD WIDE WEB: WWW is a subnet of the Internet. It started as government research project at the CERN (European laboratory for Practicle Physics) laboratories in Switzerland and today provides information to user the world over. The www based on the mechanisms that are used to make resources available to user.

These are: 1. PROTOCOL: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used to access resources over the web. The protocol transfer data in the form of plain text, hypertext audio, and video and so on. However it is called the hypertext transfer protocol because its efficiency allows its use in a hypertext environment where there are jumps from one document to another. 2. ADDRESS: www follows a uniform naming scheme to access resources on the web- Uniform Resource Locater. URL is a standard for defining any kind of information on the internet. URL defines three things:

METHOD: The method is a protocol used to retrieve the document.

There are several different protocols that can retrieve a document. Gopher, FTP, HTTP, NEWS and TELNET are such protocol.

HOST: The host is the computer at which the information is available.

However the name of the computer can be alias. Web pages are usually stored in computers given alias names begin with WWW.


Path is the path name of the files where the information is located. Path can contain slashes that separate directories from subdirectories and files in the UNIX operating system.

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Hypertext markup language is used to create documents tha

Be accessed over the web. it includes tags links etc. it is static in nature. Is used to create web page.

Web Site Design

A web site is a collection of information about a particular topic or subject. Designing a web site is defined as the arrangement and creation of web pages that in turn make up a web site. A web page consists of information for which the web site is developed. A web site might be compared to a book, where each page of the book is a web page. There are many aspects (design concerns) in this process, and due to the rapid development of the Internet, new aspects may emerge. For noncommercial web sites, the goals may vary depending on the desired exposure and response. For typical commercial web sites, the basic aspects of design are: The content: The substance and information on the site should be relevant to the site and should target the area of the public that the website is concerned with. The usability: the site should be user-friendly, with the interface and navigation simple and reliable. The appearance: the graphics and text should include a single style that flows throughout, to show consistency. The style should be professional, appealing and relevant. The visibility: the site must also be easy to find via most, if not all, major search engines and advertisement media.

A web site typically consists of text and images. The first page of a web site is known as the Home page or Index. Some web sites use what is commonly called a Splash Page. Splash pages might include a welcome message, language or region selection, or disclaimer. Each web page within a web site is an HTML file which has its own URL. After each web page is created, they are typically linked together using a navigation menu composed of hyperlinks. Faster browsing speeds have led to shorter attention spans and more demanding online visitors and this has resulted in less use of Splash Pages, particularly where commercial web sites are concerned. Once a web site is completed, it must be published or uploaded in order to be viewable to the public over the internet. This may be done using an FTP client. Once published, the web master may use a variety of techniques to increase the traffic, or hits, that the web site receives. This may include submitting the web site to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo, exchanging links with other web sites, creating affiliations with similar web sites, etc. The first step towards web site designing is to decide the theme of the website and freeze on the structure of the website. A website typically consists of text and images. The first page of a website is known as the Home page or Index. Each web page within a website is an HTML file which has its own URL. After each web page is created, they are typically linked together using a navigation menu composed of hyper links. Once a website is completed, it must be published or uploaded in order to be viewable to the public over the internet. This is done using an FTP client. Once published, the webmaster may use a variety of techniques to increase the traffic, or hits, that the website receives. This may include submitting the website to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo, exchanging links with other websites, creating affiliations with similar websites, etc. While designing a website the guidelines laid down by search engines should be followed. This will help in faster indexing of the website in search engines. A company gets a website designed to reach out masses through search engines. While designing a web site, design aesthetics should be complemented with the guidelines laid down by the search engines. This will help you to have a website which is aesthetically appealing as well as search engine from a web.A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a beginning file called a home page. A

company or an individual tells you how to get to their Web site by giving you the address of their home page. From the home page, you can get to all the other pages on their site. For example, the Web site for IBM has the home page address of (The home page address actually includes a specific file name like index.html but, as in IBM's case, when a standard default name is set up, users don't have to enter the file name.) IBM's home page address leads to thousands of pages. (But a Web site can also be just a few pages.)

Since site implies a geographic place, a Web site can be confused with a Web server. A server is a computer that holds the files for one or more sites. A very large Web site may be spread over a number of servers in different geographic locations. IBM is a good example; its Web site consists of thousands of files spread out over many servers in world-wide locations. But a more typical example is probably the site you are looking at, We reside on a commercial space provider's server with a number of other sites that have nothing to do with Internet glossaries. A synonym and less frequently used term for Web site is "Web presence." That term seems to better express the idea that a site is not tied to specific geographic location, but is "somewhere in cyberspace." However, "Web site" seems to be used much more frequently.



STATIC WEBSITE: A static website is one that has web pages stored on the server in the same form as the user will view them. It is primarily coded in HTML (Hyper-text Markup Language). A static website is also called a classic website, a five-page website or a brochure website because it simply presents pre-defined information to the user. It may include information about a company and its products and services via text, photos, Flash animation, audio/video and interactive menus and navigation. This type of website usually displays the same information to all visitors, thus the information is static. Similar to handing out a printed brochure to customers or clients, a static website will generally provide consistent, standard information for an extended period of time. Although the website owner may make updates periodically, it is a manual process to edit the text, photos and other content and may require basic website design skills and software. DYNAMIC WEBSITE: A dynamic website is one that does not have web pages stored on the server in the same form as the user will view them. Instead, the web page content changes automatically and/or frequently based on certain criteria. It generally collates information on the hop each time a page is requested. A website can be dynamic in one of two ways. The first is that the web page code is constructed dynamically, piece by piece. The second is that the web page content displayed varies based on certain criteria. The criteria may be pre-defined rules or may be based on variable user input. The main purpose behind a dynamic website is that it is much simpler to maintain a few web pages plus a database than it is to build and update hundreds or thousands of individual web pages and links. In one way, a datadriven website is similar to a static site because the information that is

presented on the site is still limited to what the website owner has allowed to be stored in the database (data entered by the owner and/or input by users and approved by the owner). The advantage is that there is usually a lot more information stored in a database and made available to users. A dynamic website also describes its construction or how it is built, and more specifically refers to the code used to create a single web page. A dynamic web page is generated on the fly by piecing together certain blocks of code, procedures or routines. A dynamically-generated web page would call various bits of information from a database and put them together in a pre-defined format to present the reader with a coherent page. It interacts with users in a variety of ways including by reading cookies recognizing users' previous history, session variables, server side variables etc., or by using direct interaction (form elements, voiceovers, etc.). A site can display the current state of a dialogue between users, monitor a changing situation, or provide information in some way personalized to the requirements of the individual user. => We can develop a website that is perfect for your company's goals and budget. Jaggy offers a wide range of website products and options including starter websites, eCommerce, Content Management, and interactive data driven websites; Specialized site designs such as Real Estate, Non Profit, Campaign, and Club Sites. We offer many options that create interest, build trusting relationships and provide an effortless system of staying in touch with prospects and customers. Dynamic Websites Dynamic websites allow you to make your own changes to one or more sections of your website from an Internet connection on any computer worldwide. Through a password protected administrative area, you can easily add, edit or delete content, pictures and links. Dynamic websites communicate with a database that pulls content into the page when a link is clicked. This is the preferred application for ecommerce, membership sites, event calendars, mailing lists and sites where frequent changes are needed. Although it is more expensive initially, a dynamic website is more cost effective in the long term if you make frequent changes that would otherwise need to be made by a webmaster. Dynamic websites are uniquely capable of interacting with the visitor. Each dynamic

section requires sophisticated programming to provide a specific application. Costs are based on number and type of dynamic sections as well as static pages and custom design. ECommerce Websites eCommerce has exploded across the business world like few other technological developments in history. While a standard store front serves pass-by traffic and a certain geographic area, with overhead costs and staffing requirements, and only during business hours, an online store is open 24/7, for 365 days a year and a potential customer base of millions. Now, with a relatively small investment in time and money, any business owner can join the online business community with Jaggy ecommerce web site design and development. Real Estate Websites Selling a home is never easy, but selling one through a sub-standard quality website is darn near impossible. Whether you're selling one residential property or several commercial office blocks, the essential element is always the same presentation, presentation.



Explanation of websites
HOBBY WEBSITES: Building a hobby website is probably the easiest site to create since you are entirely your own person when it comes to the choice of information you choose to present, and how you choose to do so. A hobby website is generally a fun project based on a subject with which you are familiar. Popular subjects covered include Ancestry, Collecting, Gardening, Military Figures, Model Making, and Stained Glass Making, Metal Detecting and Arts & Crafts or any other hobby you can think of. INFORMATION WEBSITES: Building an Information website is much more involved than that of the hobby site and must be geared specifically towards the target audience. For example, a website aimed at absolute beginners to HTML must make certain that the information is presented in an easily understood, yet concise manner. It must also have a 'look and feel' appropriate to the topic. An information based website is different to a hobby site in that it usually covers much more ground and many more subjects than the more singularsubject hobby site. Depending on the site itself, it may carry advertising. Depending on the nature of the material, an information website may offer considerable scope for expansion, both of the material and information included, and the ability to generate revenues from suitable advertising. Planning beforehand is essential if the site is intended to generate any revenue.

The Sales Website: Selling on the internet is growing at a

massive rate as people become more familiar with the technologies involved and more comfortable with known internet brands such as Amazon, PayPal, Kelkoo, etc. If you have a particular product or products to sell, for example, hand-made shoes, a self-published book or you build model sports cars; then the internet literally opens up a worldwide marketplace.

With time, hard work and patience, it is possible to build a website which is open for business 24 hours a day and to then use the internet to sell your products.

Commercial Website: The purpose of this type of website is to sell products or services. Commercial websites are used for promoting a business or service and are among the most common type of website on the internet. The Internet address often ends with .com Personal Website: The purpose of this type of website is to provide information about an individual or group. This type of website is run by an individual or a small group (such as a family) that contains information or any content that the individual wishes to include. The Internet address has a variety of endings. Organizational Website: The purpose of this type of website is to advocate an individuals opinion or a groups point of view. A website where persons with similar interests communicate with each other, usually by chat or message boards. The Internet address often ends with .org. Educational website: The purpose of this type of website is to provide information about an educational establishment or to present information in an educational manner. The Internet address ends in .edu. Entertainment Website Design: The purpose of this type of website is to entertain and provide amusement. The Internet address often ends with .com. News website: The purpose of this type of website is to provide information about current events, dedicated to dispensing news and commentary. The Internet address often ends with .com. Blog Design: A website that is used to log online readings or to post online diaries; may include discussion forums or chat rooms. The Internet address has a variety of endings. Hybrid Website Design: Many websites are a mixture of types. For example, a business web site may promote the businesses products, but may also host informative documents, such as white papers or provide news for

it's visitors. Remember, information is the soul of the internet and if used wisely articles and informational pieces are a good hook to bring in visitors. On-line Brochure Websites : Most likely, the most popular type of web sites that companies invest in are On-Line Brochure Websites. The objective is to make your company and product-service information available on-line, save on print and postal costs, and decrease support inquiries. Content Management Websites: The objective of a Content Website is increase readership, level of interest, time spent on the site and of course maximize on-line advertising revenue. You would want to measure visit length, page views, and the number of subscribers. Example1 [] Lead-generation Websites: The objective of a Lead-Generation Website is increase lead generation. You would measure white paper downloads, time spent on the site, newsletter opt-ins, reject rates on contact pages, and leads-to-close ratio. E-commerce Websites: The objective of an e-commerce website is sales, or more specifically to increase sales and decrease marketing expenses. You would want to measure sales, sales per visitor, cost per visitor, and conversion rate. Self-service Websites: The objective of a Self-service website is increase customer satisfaction and decrease support inquiries. You would need to measure decreases in visit length, inbound call-center metrics, and customer satisfaction metrics.

Four parts to a website:

1. Domain registration: You need to register your domain name ( with a registrar. The price for this varies quite a bit. We include this as part of our web package and we will work with you to find an acceptable domain name that has not been reserved as well as taking care of the registration process. This will reserve for you. You can reserve it for ten years if you wish although yearly renewal is part of our low annual fee. 2. You need a website. That's what we do, as you know, from our website information. We design and build custom, completely personal websites meeting your criteria. We host and maintain all our websites at one low annual rate. 3. You need a place to host your website . This is space on a web server. All websites we design, maintain and host are on our server in a secure building in Texas. 99% uptime is guaranteed as well as the security of your information. All information is backed up daily to prepare for any emergency. We offer web design/hosting that we administer for you. This means that since our hosting programs include complete e-mail service, we would set up the email at the server side and maintain that function for you. Add, delete or change addresses as often as you need its all part of the package. We are also there to help setting up the email at your computer(s). It is very professional to have your email be: . 4. You will need an Internet Service Provider, (ISP). If you have internet access already this will do the trick. These are the companies like "EarthLink", "AOL" and a multitude of others with prices that range from $5.00 a month and up. You would need this to view your website and most importantly it is the gate to receive your ( Email. This is the only thing you will have to take care of on your own although we will make recommendations based on what is available in your area.

Advantages and using Website presentation

Disadvantages as mode

of of

The transmitting of information has made the same evolutionary leaps and bounds as humans have from hairy apes to walking man. From painting on cave walls like the aborigines did to the development of the first mass produced documents of the late middle ages. Today, technology has allowed the next leap from simple black and white overheads to interactive websites which incorporates colour, sound, movement and hyperlinks. So what is a website exactly? It is a tool to present text and images on a central site. This amazing vehicle possesses both advantages and disadvantages.

1. Gain a larger clientele base Everyday more people turn to the internet for their business solutions. Whether it is to research potential contractors, lawyers, or a new product, the internet introduces consumers to businesses they never would have heard of. Now people in Europe can learn about services a company in Seattle offers by the click of a mouse. Having a website introduces a business to new consumers and helps retain them as a client.

2. Educate consumers about your business Many consumers research services and products online before purchasing. By having a website, you can inform potential customers of your services or products and what separates your business from your competitors. A website will familiarize consumers with your business and make them feel comfortable doing business with you.

3. Increase customer confidence Customers can tell a lot about a company from the design of their website. An unorganized, unappealing website is a major turnoff to consumers. On the other hand, a professional looking website lets consumers know your business is serious and dedicated to their needs. 4. Cost effective promotion and marketing A website is a low cost, effective way to market your business. Television and magazine ads are great ways to publicize, but are often too expensive and do not always provide enough Information. A website does not have a page or time constraint, so there is no rush to get the required information across. Search engines allow businesses to target a marketing group more effectively than any other advertising strategy. Consumers that utilize search engines know what they are in need of and show a stronger desire in that product or service.Having high ranking search engine results, your business web traffic will dramatically increase and provide you with more customers than any other source of marketing. 5. 24 hour global presence Consumers need information 24 hours a day. The internet is always active, and consumers around the world can look up information and conduct business at their convenience. A website allows a business to always be there for their customers regardless of the time of day. 6. Keep your clients updated Consumers feel more comfortable doing business with companies of which they are familiar. It is important for a business to keep clients updated with their latest news, services and products. A website is the best way to inform clients of specials or sales that a business is offering. This will help increase a business revenue.

7. Improve communication with customers A website enhances communication between consumers and businesses. A lot of the time consumers are interested in something on a website, but feel awkward or are too lazy to call for more information. Websites that are equipped with email forms allows consumers to ask their question in a moments notice. That is just one feature websites utilize to make communication easy. Other features are message boards, blogs, contact information and other web forms.

8. Keep the edge on competitors The popularity of the internet and understanding of the value of a website increases everyday. Businesses that have a website are already at a huge advantage over their competitors. In addition to having a wider clientele base, their business looks more professional and established. That also goes for the design of the website. When a consumer visits a clean well structured website and an average website that offers the same services, it is a nobrainer which business they will choose.

9. Provide convenient support for your customers 24hour phone support is great, but many companies do not have the funding to provide such a service. A website is a way to help support a customers needs when phone support is unavailable. Many websites have a frequently asked questions page that answers many customer concerns. Businesses can also provide common lessons and tutorials on their website that will help customers accomplish their goals. If customers still have support issues, a website can allow them to submit their problem via web form which will allow a business to provide an appropriate solution in a timely manner.

10. Improve business to customer relationships Websites can improve businesstocustomer relationships in more ways than just via communication, support and uptodate general information. A website can also inform a user of their projects status, account information or balance. The convenience of a website helps increase productivity, performance and speed. Producing a reliable product or completing a particular service in less time than expected always makes a customer satisfied. It takes months to gain a good customer, but seconds to lose one, and it is hard to lose a satisfied customer. 11. Reach an Unlimited Market The internet presents the largest consumer market in the world. Use your web site as a catalog, information source, service provider, or a storefront. 12. Stay Close to Your Customers Be at the forefront of communication with your business as close as your customers' computer screens, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, anywhere in the world! With technologies like auto responder, list server and email alias integrated to your website, you can interact with your customers anywhere in the world, any time, even when you are not sitting at your computer! 13. Be Searchable The content of your website can be made fully searchable, both from the internet and from your own website. So your clients get exactly what they are looking for.

14. Save Money Rather than getting your own hardware and hiring your own programmers, you can save literally thousands of dollars using our virtual server technology. Also, save both space and money on your newspaper ads, as you can put all the details about your products, services, and specials in your own web site, and cite the web address in your newspaper ad! 15. Save Time Focus more on actual selling and less on answering common questions from your customers as they can find information about your products or services at their convenience from their home or office. 16. The information is available to be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime. 17. The information within a site can be quickly accessed. 18. There is no need to sift through several pages. 19. The site may provide links to other sites on the same topic 20. The site can be updated to always provide the latest information. 21. The site creator/author doesnt need to be present when someone is retrieving information. 22. The author can usually be contacted through an emailing address or a message board connected to the site. 23. There is no need to carry a hard copy of information with you. (No heavy book) 24. You can look at more than one page or source at the one time by having numerous windows.

25. Information is easy to gather and print selectively.

1. It may be difficult for researchers to locate, especially if there are many similar sites. 2. Because it is not published or authorized by a reputable source, the site may be disregarded as inaccurate. 3. The information on the site may not be reliable. 4. Information may be interpreted incorrectly or used inappropriately. 5. A connection to the web is needed to access the information, which will be impossible if a computer and connection is not available. 6. It may be difficult to reach your target audience. Because the author is not present when others are retrieving information there is no opportunity to ask questions or have things explained in greater detail etc. 7. The site may go down or the computer may crash. 8. Site may be difficult to use if experience with the internet is limited.

WEBSITE OF CIM:In gjimt website evefry thing is included. But there are some of the topics or issues which are not to be included in it. So here we are going to define all the aspects which are and which are not included in it.


In this website mostly all the things are to be included but when we go for comparison with other websites like LPU, PU, Amitty we see that there are some aspects which are not included. As we know that website for control is that in which we can do our whole work online.

1. No upload of attendance in routine 2. No information of students, current students. 3. No online admission forms for BCA and BBA 4. No online query system or feedback option 5. Placement cell is not defined properly 6. No online Registration 7. Cannot view online result of exams 8. No Sessional datesheet is available online 9. No online submission of assignments

1. No upload of attendance in routine: In this no upload of information is to be done on the website. Other colleges or universities

do this work but GJIMT can do this. Whole work is to be done in documented from. 2. No information of students and current students : In this no information of student is uploaded on the website. Who so ever be want information about any of the student he/she have to go college or teacher or related staff member for getting that information about students. 3. No online admission form for BCA and BBA: In this issue no online forms are available for BCA and BBA students. So it become problem for the students who live out of station. They have to come specially by covering long distance for taking up the admission in college. Forms are available only for MCA and MBA students. 4.No online query system: In this type of issue no online query is to be done. Means far distance students cannot make their queries online they have to call specially or have to come especially for their queries pr for taking up the information about college, faculty, course etc. 5.Placement cell is not defined properly: in this placement cell is not defined properly. Students were not able to know when the company is coming. What is their qualification etc. 6.No online registration: Online Registration Means Students Who want to get admission into College,can register his/her seat through the website of college .But in GJIMT website there is no Option for online registration. 7.Cannot view online result of exams: This is the main problem in GJIMT website because When final Result comes students have to go here and there to note their marks.But if they will have the facility in GJIMT website they will have no problem to get their marks.They will be able to view their marks any time. 8.No sessional datesheet is available online: Sessional date-sheet should be also be provided on GJIMT Website before 2 weeks from Exams so that Students can prepare the exams before,and give their best performance.

9. No online submission of assignments: Assignment means a set of work, tasks and/or numerical problems given to the student, based on topics recently covered in the class as homework, to be solved and submitted, within a week. Each assignment should require 4 6 hours work to be done by the student. The students are required to gather, assimilate, analyze the data for a given problem, and then write it up coherently.. The activity results in a written report. The organization and the quality of written report (language) are important parameters in evaluation. Term papers should be submitted on-line. This facility should also be added in GJIMT Website.Because When Students are given to submit the Printed Assignments then they can submit the softcopy of the assignments,because in case of Printed assignment they Make their assignments on PC so submission of softcopy is easier than hardcopy.And checking of softcopy is also easy for teachers. For this students will be provided their own E-mail-ID on the Website and they will submit assignment by log-in process to their own ID.

1. No upload of attendance in routine:
In CIM there is no upload of attendance in routine is to be done but when we go and check the website of LPU there is an upload of attendance in routine. So we should work on this kind of problem. We should include this kind of aspect or activity.

we can easly do this by creating a table on SQL and then do connectivity with VB6.0 after this we can create a link with website. As shown below:

Form created on VB:

Table created on SQL:

2. No information of students :
As already defined this problem above that there is no information of old students and current students is available online in GJIMT but in LPU this is available but only of current students so we add this one also with extra one like adding of information about both old and current students. In this we again create link between VB, SQL with the website.


3. No online admission form for BCA and BBA:

There is no online forms available for BBA and BCA students it is only available for MCA and MBA students. So we should work on it also. So that students who live so far can easily take admission on time from long distance they need not to come from their.





Please fill up the form in CAPITAL LETTERS. Tick Mark the relevant box, as applicable. PERSONAL PARTICULARS SURNAME Name (Mr. / Ms) FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Fathers Name Mothers Name Home Address

City Phone/s Mobile No. Email ID Date of Birth COD E


________________________________________________________ D D MM Y Y Gender: Ma le female


Indian Foreigner Others___

Category: General


ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Institute Degree Univ. / Boar d

Marks Obtained

%ag e


Main Subjects

10+2 Matric Any other . Kindly provide the following information about yourself: Computer Knowledge Work Experience Awards / Achievements Participations / Memberships Activities, you would like to participate during your stay in Institute:_______________________ Club, which you would like to join: 1. Scholastic Club 2. Cultural Club 3. Sports Club 4. Hospitality Club

Do you have any serious ailment? If yes, please specify__________________________ Note: Please attach the photo copies of i) Detailed Marks Sheets (Graduation, 10+2, Matric) ii) Character certificate from Head of the Institution last attended iii) Date of Birth Certificate iv) Four additional photographs v) Certificate of Reserved Category, if any

Declaration I do hereby declare that particulars given in this admission form are complete, correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. That I have carefully read and noted all information and instructions mentioned in the Institute Prospectus. I promise to abide by the rules and regulations of the Institute during my studentship and not to associate my self with any activity that goes against the discipline of the institute. That I am willing to deposit Rs.40,425/- on account of fee for Ist Semester (including Exam Fee) for admission to MBA course (Session 2009-11) & MCA course(Session 2009-12) . The amount would be adjusted towards the fee as prescribed by Punjab Technical University, if I am found eligible to take admission. I will not ask for refund of fees on any account /reason except refusal by Institute or University for any reason what so ever. I understand that the Institute takes every care for the well being of the student. However, in case of any accident or mishap, I will not hold the Institute or its authorities responsible in any manner. ___________________ ___________________________ Students Signature Parent/Guardian Fathers Name_______________________ Designation_________________________ Office Address_______________________ Signature of

_____________ __________

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Admission__________________ Receipt No._____________ Amount______________ Admission through i) MET Category_________ Course________________ ii) Management Quota Section____________ iii)

Roll No.____________

(Authorised Signatory)

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