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Proposal Title: Life Without Limits Producer: Gemma Whitehead Introduction A 50 second cinema advertisement for, The Royal

Navy. It will promote The Royal Navy, persuade and educate new recruits. Outline The production will feature many aspects of The Royal Navy from using their colour scheme, their logo, their uniforms etc. The content will include a story line where a young boy is playing his video games. It will show the contrast between what it is like to play a video game to an actual real life situation. It will include personal scenes through different angles and shots of the new recruits. The production will be shown in many locations from using a young boys bedroom, the beach, and a Navy ship. Style The intention is to create an advertisement for The Royal Navy to help persuade young recruits. It will educate them to see what life would be like without limits. There will be a contrast shown between two scenes, a young boy sitting in his bedroom playing his game to an action scene on a beach of the Royal Marines training. We will be using The Royal Navys signature for example; their colour blue, red and white, their logo, and their uniforms. It will show the contrast between two lives, from being an unemployed young teenager to saving peoples lives and fighting for justice.

Our music will be a steady and effective up-beat instrumental piece keeping the pace throughout. It will include sharp quick cuts to introduce fast action scenes. It will have stylised cuts for example; hidden cuts and pan cuts. There will be a voice over at the beginning to introduce the advert and at the end to finish the ad. Theyll be using persuasive language to encourage new recruits. There will also be an actor acting out a commander giving instructions. This will be shown on the beach and ship scenes. The game which the young teenager will be playing in the beginning scene we will be something which we create ourselves. Well do this through filming one of our sce nes and editing it in Adobe Photoshop to give the effect that it is a game. Well then edit it in Adobe Premier Pro using the picture in picture tool to give the illusion that it is being shown on the television screen. Target Audience It will be aimed at a niche audience from young males and females from the age of 16 to 24 year olds. It will be published on our clients website and social networks and also in the cinema. This is because the advert will be 50 seconds long due to cinema advertisements being longer than television adverts. Production The production will take place over a 10 day period on three different locations. The equipment we will be using are; HD cameras, tripods, lighting equipment; reflectors, shotgun microphone, and spider rig. We will be using a variety of software to achieve our outcome. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premier Pro, and Adobe Encore. Producer and Team Our producer Gemma Smith has a lot of experience within the media industry including; film, television and photography. She has managed many teams and overcome many roles within a department. The quality of our work is at a high standard with a professional manner of managing a team and a production. There will be three other people managing the team alongside our producer, Smith. Director; Dave Avery Sound Design / Sound Records; Zoe Murton Make up / Production Design ; Gemma Smith and Zoe Murton Lighting / Camera Assistant; Mark Rainsford Camera Operators; Dane Avery, Zoe Murton, Gemma Smith and Mark Rainsford

Editor; Dane Avery, Zoe Murton, Gemma Smith and Mark Rainsford.

Conclusion In conclusion I beileve an advertisement viedo for The Royal Navy would be a great beneift for them. The proposed advertisement video will highlight the key aspects within working alongside The Royal Navy encouraging new recruits and educating them.

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