Letter To Families 13.05.2013

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13th May 2013 Oak Street Kindergarten- Building Update Dear Families, I am very pleased to advise that we received

the Certificate of Occupancy from the Builders on Friday afternoon! We have now submitted all of the required paperwork to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) for our Service Approval and are awaiting their response. I can now advise that we will move to the 15 Hour program at Oak Street Kindergarten on Monday 3rd June 2013. Effective from that Monday session times will be as follows: Red Group - Tuesday 9-3, Wednesday 1-4, Friday 9-3 Blue Group Monday 8.30-2.30, Wednesday 8.30-11.30, Thursday 9-3 Green Group Tuesday & Thursday 8.30-4 Yellow Group (Pre-Kinder) - Monday 9.15-11.45 and Wednesday 9.15-11.15 As this is 7 weeks later than we originally expected we will refund fees as follows: Red/Blue & Green Groups will receive a refund of $50.80 Yellow Group will receive a refund of $59.29 Those families who have paid their fees in full will receive a refund and everyone else will have their fees adjusted accordingly. Those families with eligibility for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy will not receive a refund as they have not paid any fees. I am also advising you that we have a couple of Kindergarten Closure Days coming up. There will be no kindergarten sessions on the following days: Thursday 30th May Green Group 8.30-12.30 and Blue Group 1-4 will not operate on this day. Wednesday 5th June in the afternoon Red Group 1-4 will not operate on this day. Blue Group and Yellow Group will continue to operate in the morning as per the 15 hour timetable above. Staff will use Thursday 30th to ensure that everything is in order for the commencement of the new timetable and the afternoon of Wednesday 5 th June will be our Open Day for 2013. We are all very excited to be finally moving to our 15 hour program in our wonderful new facility. The completion of the building works is the result of a lot of hard work from all involved. I would like to thank the Baw Baw Shire, The Oak Street Kindergarten Parent Committee and our fantastic staff team Yfor all they have contributed to this project. I would Kindergarten Cluster Management
The YMCA of Ballarat 7 Lyons Street North PO Box 321 Ballarat Vic 3353 Phone: 5329 2800 Fax: 5331 8275

also like to take this opportunity to thank all our valued families for your patience and support during this extremely busy and frustrating time. I am sure though that it will all be worth it in the end!! Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss this or any other matter concerning Oak Street Kindergarten. Kind Regards

Julie Beatty Manager

Y Kindergarten Cluster Management The YMCA of Ballarat 7 Lyons Street North PO Box 321 Ballarat Vic 3353 Phone: 5329 2800 Fax: 5331 8275

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