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Hereward was born in the first half of the 11th century, and according to the tales, was the

son of the Earl of Mercia. We know from his turbulent youth that he was exiled by Edward the Confessor and fought as a mercenary in Flanders, keeping some wild company. He went back after the Norman Conquest, to discover that his family has been slain by the invaders, and his fathers estate confiscated. He rebelled against Englands new rulers, and established his rear-base in the great abbey of the Isle of Ely. Many Danes, some mercenaries and outlaws joined him in his rebellion. For years he was a pain in the Normans backside, and a legend for the Saxons. He died in an ambush, fighting the Normans with his sword, Brainbiter, covered with their blood.

Hereward the Wake

Hero of the Viking Age

Hereward the Wake

Hero of the Viking Age: Hereward is a Hero of the Viking Age and as such, it will cost you 1 point to include him in your Anglo-Danish warband. Unlike other Anglo-Dane Warlords, Hereward does not fight with a Dane-axe. Leaders of Many: Hereward generates two Saga Dice, plus one extra Saga Die for each Swords for Hire or Levy unit his warband includes (and still on the table when the Saga Dice to be rolled are determined). A warband led by Hereward may not include Huscarls. Flemish Exile: Any warband led by Hereward may include any number of units of Flemish Mercenaries, and not one as other warbands (note that although led by a Hero of the Viking Age, Flemish Mercenaries may join Herewards warband). Also, Flemish Mercenaries in Herewards warband are not subject to the Foreigners special rule and act as standard Warriors of the warband. Brainbiter: When fighting alone in a melee (i.e. without any other unit on his side) against an enemy with a higher Armour value than him, Hereward may re-roll once any Attack Dice which fails to hit.

Like Lindisfarne, abbeys and monasteries were easy preys for the Vikings during the Dark Ages. Isolated, poorly defended but offering many riches, they learnt to live with the frightening prospect of longships appearing, vomiting their crew of savage Norsemen. With their settlements burnt and pillaged, most monks would flee in the wilderness, seeking shelter in a lords estate or the security of a nearby fortified settlement. But some of them could not forgive, and would take arms and seek vengeance, which took the shape of a holy crusade against the Men of the North. Such bands of desperate monks could join a Warlords warband, as long as they felt his cause was just and inspire him to fight the enemies of God and wash his sins in their blood.

Angry Monks

Swords for Hire:

Angry Monks
Swords for Hire: The Avenging Monks may be included in any warband that does not use the Viking Dice (see Saga page 6). They cost one point, and may not be included in a warband that is led by a Hero of the Viking Age. Monks: This unit is made of 12 models, fighting on foot. They have exactly the same characteristics as Levies (and count as Levies of your warband), but do not have any ranged weapons nor any other equipment options. Each Monk is worth victory point (like Warriors). Gods Shepherds: As long as The Avenging Monks are within S of their warbands Warlord at the start of the turn they generate one SAGA Die. Martyrdom: Each time a Monk is killed or eliminated during an enemys turn, their controlling player may immediately take one unused Saga die, roll it and place it on his Battleboard.

Most Warlords want to leave a record of their passage in this world. What better than to have their feats and deeds told of for years at banquets and gatherings? Unfortunately, most of them are illiterate and have a short memory. In this case, the best way to ensure that your legend will outlive you is to hire an educated storyteller that will tell your tales, embellishing them if needed. They can be Celtic Bards, scribes or Norse Skalds. These singers and poets can be found in any culture, and are favorites followers of proud Warlords.

Wandering Bard

Swords for Hire:

Wandering Bard
Swords for Hire: The Wandering Bard may be included in any warband that is not led by a Hero of the Viking Age. He is free and forms a unit of his own. He counts as a Warrior, may not have any equipment option, except for a horse if the Warlord of his warband is also mounted. He is worth two victory points. If he is killed, your Warlord immediately takes one FATIGUE. Storyteller: With a storyteller on his side, we can expect that your Warlord will have to behave accordingly unless he wants his reputation to be tarnished. The following rules apply to your Warlord during the whole game (even if the Bard has been killed): - He may not Rest unless he has two or more FATIGUE markers. - He does not benefit from the Side-by-Side special rule (i.e. he may only engage the enemy on his own). Inspiration: As long as the Wandering Bard is within S of your Warlord, your Warlord gains the following benefits: - Any enemy model killed by your Warlord counts double when it comes to determining the victory points (set them aside to remind you that they are worth twice the normal number of VPs). - He may use his Determination and We Obey rules a second time every turn (the Bard must be within S of the Warlord when these rules are used for the second time).

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