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Guest lecturer: Mr. Abrams 5 March 2013

Chemical reac=ons
Chemical reac=ons transform one chemical into another chemical Involve breaking and forming chemical bonds >>Involves the use or release of energy Chemical reac=ons occur in living things all the =me

Why would one reac/on take longer than another reac/on?

Ac=va=on energy
A certain amount of energy is needed to begin a chemical reac=on (i.e. get the ball rolling) This energy is known as the ac/va/on energy Higher AE means slower reac=on

Reac=on Coordinate Diagrams

In order to stay alive, organisms need to carry out reac=ons Some reac=ons are too slow or have ac=va=on energies that are too high to make them prac=cal for living =ssue Solu=on: Catalyze reac=ons (enzymes)

Enzymes speed up chemical reac=ons that take place in cells Enzymes lower the ac/va/on energy of chemical reac=ons Provide favorable environment for reac=on to take place

Enzymes are a class of proteins Proteins have important 1 2 3 and 4 structures (as you already know) Important part of an enzyme: the ac/ve site Substrates t into the ac=ve site and react

The ac=ve site

The ac=ve site is highly specic. How? van der Waals (London dispersion) forces
>Explana=on? > Like Velcro Func=onal groups

What happens in ac=ve site

van der Waals
>Reduc=on of entropy (disorder) >>Reduc=on of disorder means increase in order ***Forma/on associated with small release of free energy that stabilizes the reac/on (major source of energy)

Enzyme func=onal groups Transient covalent bond

>Provides alterna=ve, lower energy reac=on pathway

No net changes in the concentra=ons of reactant and product Enzymes do NOT aect chemical equilibrium ***Enzymes do NOT aect chemical equilibrium Put another way, you dont produce more product with an enzyme, an enzyme just makes the reac=on happen faster and with less energy

Calcula=ng the rate First order reac=ons

V= k[S]

Where: V is velocity of the reac=on (rate) K is rst order rate constant with a unit of reciprocal =me (s1) >What does a rate constant of 0.03s1 mean?

Second order reac=ons

V=k[S1][S2] Here k is a second-order constant and with reciprocal units of M1s1 Why?

The Michaelis-Menten equa=on

V0=vmax[S]/km+[S] Where Vmax is the maximum velocity (rate) of reac=on [S] is the substrate concentra=on Km is of the maximum velocity
>Higher Km, lower anity for substrate (next slide)

Inhibitors of enzymes
Compe==ve inhibi=on Non-compe==ve inhibi=on pH induced inhibi=on

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