Votes and Proceedings House of Assembly, 15 May 2013

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_________________ FIFTH SESSION SEVENTH PARLIAMENT _________________ WEDNESDAY 15TH MAY 2013 _________________ Quarter past two oclock p.m The Speaker in the Chair PRAYERS Members Present

Baloyi A, Beremauro G, BhasikitiK, Buka F, Chambati Chamisa N Chanetsa P.T, Chibaya A. Chebundo B, Chikwinya S, Chimbetete W.M Chimhini D.A, Chininga E.T.C, Chinomona M.M Chinyadza W, Chiota P.C Chirongwe R, Chirume O Chitando J Chitima A, Chivamba K, Cross E.G Denga P Dokora L.D.K Dongo G.Z Dzingirai I Dzirutwe G Gabbuza J, G Garadhi S Goche N.T. Gonese I.T Goto R Gumbo J.M. Gwiyo Haritatos Hlongwane M C.C T.S Chuma

Hove S.R Huruba T Jembere E Jiri M Kachepa Kagurabadza M.T Kanzama F Kapesa R Karenyi Katsande A Kay J.I.H Khumalo M, Khumalo N.M, Khumalo S.S, Khumalo T Khupe T Kumalo M Mabhena G Machacha Madubeko Madzimure Madzore P Mafios I.D Mahlangu T Majome F.J Makamure Makone T.M Makuyana Mandebvu N.T Mangami D Mangoma E.S Mangwana M.P Maposhere Maramba P.H Maramwidze E H Mare M Marima E D M R C J W L N

Matibe T.P Matienga Matimba T Matinenga E.T Matshalaga O Mavima Mazikana Mbwembwe E Mhandu C Mhashu F.G Mhlanga A Mnangagwa E.D Mombeshora D.T Moyo E Moyo G Moyo R Mpukuta Muchauraya P Muchena O. N Muchinguri O.C. Z. Mudarikwa S Mudau M Mudavanhu E Mudiwa S Mudzuri E Mudzuri H Muguti C Mujuru J.T.R Mukanduri S.T Munengami Mungofa P.T Mushonga S.L Mushore L Musumbu E Musundire Musvaire W A.L F L L.D P.H M

Mutambara AG Mutasa D.N.E Mutinhiri A Mutomba W Mutsekwa G.T Muza I Mwonzora D.T Navaya E Ncube Ndambakuwa F Ndava R Ndebele G Ndhlovu A Nemadziva N Nezi W Ngwenya B Nkomo S.S Nyakudanga O S

Nyamudeza Nyamupinga B.B Nyanhongo M.H Nyaude B Nyoni S.G.G Parirenyatwa PasihomushaMatiza B.J Raradza E Rutsvara R Sai S Samkange N.T.C Sansole T.W Saruwaka T.J.L Shamu W.K Shirichena E Shoko H Shoko M

Sibanda D.S Sibanda F.M Sibanda P.N Sindi C Sithole A


Sululu A Tachiona Tazviona R Tshuma B Undenge Varandeni J Zhanda T.P Zhuwao P Zinyemba M Ziyambi Zwizwai M. W.Z S M

Printed by Order of the House Absent with leave Hon. Chidakwa, Hon. Dube P, Hon Matamisa, Hon Nhema, Hon. Nyanhongo, Hon. Mpariwa 1. The Speaker informed the House that he had received the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Bill H.B. 2B, 2013 as amended by the Senate in terms of paragraph 2 (3) of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution. The Speaker also informed the House that the Honourable Vice President J.T.R Mujuru, Chairperson of the National Taskforce on Food and Security had invited all members to the launch by his Excellency, the President, R.G. Mugabe, of the Food and Security Policy and Implementation Plan, tomorrow Thursday, 16th May 2013 at the Harare International Conference Centre (HICC) at 1400 hours. COMMITTEE: Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Bill (H.B. 2B, 2013) (House in Committee) On Clause 211, the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, moved:



On page 86 of the Bill, in subsection 5 line 17, to add after the word discipline the words, the promotion and demotion of officers and other ranks. Amendment put and agreed to. Clause 211, as amended, put and agreed to. On Clause 219, the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, moved: On page 89 of the Bill, in subsection 5 line 17, to add after the word discipline the words, the promotion and demotion of officers and other ranks. Clause 219, as amended, put and agreed to. On Clause 227, the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, moved: On page 90 of the Bill, in subsection 5 line 17, to add after the word discipline the words, the promotion and demotion of officers and other ranks. Amendment put and agreed to. On Clause 218, the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, moved: On page 88 of the Bill, in subsection 1 (a) line 7, to delete the word, appoint and substitute with the word, employ. Amendment put and agreed to. Clause 218, as amended, put and agreed to. On Clause 223, the Minister of Costitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, moved: On page 89 of the Bill, in subsection 1 (a) line 28, to delete the word, appoint and substitute with the word, employ. Amendment put and agreed to. On Clause 231, the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, moved: On page 91 of the Bill, subsection (1)(a) line 2, to delete the word, appoint and substitute with the word, employ. Amendment put and agreed to. On the Third Schedule, the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, moved:

On page 139 of the Bill, Oath or Affirmation of Member of Parliament, delete the words; This oath or affirmation is to be taken before the Chief Justice, or in his or her absence, judge of the Constitutional Court, and substitute with the following; This oath or affirmation is to be taken before the Clerk of Parliament. Amendment put and agreed to. Third Schedule, as amended, put and agreed to. Bill to be reported with amendments. (House resumed) Bill reported with amendments. Consideration, forthwith. 4. CONSIDERATION: Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No. 20 Bill(H.B. 2B, 2013) as amended Minister of Constitution and Parliamentary Affairs Amendments in clauses 211, 218, 219, 223, 227,231 and the Third Schedule put and agreed to, and Bill as amended, adopted. 5. THE. SPEAKER: Subsection (3) of section 52 of the Constitution provides that a Constitutional Bill shall not be deemed to have been duly passed by Parliament unless, at the final vote thereon in Parliament, it received the affirmative votes of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of Parliament. In order to comply with the provisions of section 52 it is necessary that the number of affirmative votes cast by members be recorded. I, therefore, direct that the bell be now rung after which the Votes of the honourable members will be counted

Baloyi A, Beremauro G, Bhasikiti K, Buka F, Chambati T.S Chamisa N Chanetsa P.T. Chebundo B Chibaya A Chikwinya S, Chimbetete W.M Chimhini D.A, Chininga E.T.C, Chinomona M.M Chinyadza W Chirume O Chitando J Chitima A, Chivamba K, Cross E.G Denga P Dokora L.D.K Dongo G.Z Dzingirai I Dzirutwe G Gabuza J.G Garadhi S Gonese I.T Goto R Gumbo J.M Gwiyo C.C Haritatos P Hlongwane M Hove S.R Huruba T Jembere E Jiri M Kachepa N Kagurabadza M.T Kanzama F Kapesa R Karenyi L S

Katsande A Kay J.I.H Khumalo M, Khumalo N.M, Khumalo S.S, Khumalo T Khupe T Kumalo M Mabhena G Machacha C Madubeko J Madzimure W Madzore P Mafios I.D Mahlangu T Makamure R Makone T.M Makuyana M Mandebvu N.T Mangami D Mangoma E.S Mangwana M.P Maposhere D Maramba P.H Maramwidze E H Mare M Marima E Matibe T.P Matienga M Matimba T Matinenga E.T Matshalaga O Mavima L.D Mazikana P.H Mbwembwe E Mhandu C Mhashu F.G Mhlanga A Mnangagwa E.D Mombeshora D.T Moyo G Moyo R Muchauraya P Muchena O. N

Muchinguri O.C.Z Mudarikwa S Mudau M Mudavanhu E Mudiwa S Mudzuri H Mujuru J.T.R Mukanduri S.T Munengami F Mungofa P.T Mupukuta L Mushonga S.L Mushore L Musumbu E Musundire A.L Musvaire W Mutambara A.G.O Mutasa D.N.E Mutomba W Mutsekwa G.T Muza I Mwonzora D.T Navaya E Ncube S Ndambakuwa F Ndava R Ndebele G Ndhlovu A Nemadziva N Nezi W Ngwenya B Nkomo S.S Nyakudanga O Nyamudeza S Nyamupinga B.B Nyanhongo M.H Nyaude B Nyoni S.G.G PasihomushaMatiza B.J Raradza E Sai S

Sansole T.W Saruwaka T.J.L Shamu W.K Shirichena E Shoko H Shoko M Sibanda D.S

Sibanda F.M Sibanda P.N Sindi C Sithole A Sululu A Tachiona M Tazviona R

Tshuma B Undenge S Varandeni J Zhanda T.P Zinyemba M Ziyambi W.Z Zwizwai M.


THE. SPEAKER: The results of the count is that 148 members have voted in favour of the Third Reading of the Bill. The number of affirmative votes recorded, is not less than the two thirds of the total membership of the House. I, therefore, declare the final vote in the House of Assembly on the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Bill [H.B. 2B, 2013] to have been in accordance with the provisions of Subsection (3) of Section 52 of the Constitution. Third reading- forthwith. Bill read a third time.


The Deputy Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs moved: THAT WHEREAS subsection (1) of section 111B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty or agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President, with one or more foreign states, governments or international organisations shall be subject to approval by Parliament; AND WHEREAS on the 5th of March 2013, Cabinet approved the accession to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks adopted in Madrid on June 27, 1989 as amended on October 3, 2006 and November 12, 2007; NOW THEREFORE, in terms of subsection (1) of section 111B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, this House resolves that the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks be and is hereby approved for accession. Motion put and agreed to.


The Minister of Energy and Power Development moved:

THAT WHEREAS, subsection (1) of section 111B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any Convention, Treaty or Agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President with one or more foreign states or governments or international organisations shall be subject to approval by Parliament; AND WHEREAS the statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency (Statute of IRENA) was signed in Bonn, World Conference Centre on 26 January, 2009; AND WHEREAS the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe is a signatory to the aforesaid Statute and desirous of becoming a party to the statute; AND WHEREAS Article XIX (C) of the statute of IRENA provides for the deposition of instruments of ratification or accession with the depository; NOW THEREFORE in terms of section 111B (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, this House resolves that the aforesaid Statute be and is hereby approved for ratification. Motion put and agreed to. 9. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 26th February The Minister of Public Works.) [Time elapsed: 2 hour 59 minutes] Question again proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:May it please you, your Excellency the President: We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament Hon. J.M. Gumbo On the motion of the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs : Debate adjourned until tomorrow. 10. Hon. Chikwinya, seconded by Hon. Chitando, moved: That this House

AWARE that the government has embarked on a mobile voter registration exercise which began on the 29th of April 2013 to 19th May 2013; CONCERNED that mobile registration exercise has not been adequately advertised and that not enough centres have been provided for; APPRECIATING that the registration exercise is of paramount importance in the preparation of a Voters Roll which is key as a determinant factor of a general election. FURTHER AWARE that the Principals to the Government of National Unity committed to establishing at least one centre per ward for a period not less than 30 days through the new constitution as provided for in the Sixth Schedule Part 3 Section 2. NOW THEREFORE calls upon; (i) The Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to restart the mobile voter registration exercise putting in place adequate advertising of the programme and at one centre per ward for a period not less than 30 days in the ward. (ii) Calls upon the Minister of Finance to provide for adequate funding of the programme. (iii) The Committee on Standing Rules and Orders to constitute a Committee of Parliament that will carry out investigations from all stakeholders and present a report to Parliament detailing findings on whether the current mobile voter registration exercise is being done in a manner adequate to prepare the nation for a general election. On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Publicity: Debate adjourned until tomorrow. 11. On the motion of the Deputy Minister for Media, Information and Publicity, the House adjourned at five oclock p.m until Tuesday, 21st May at a quarter past two oclock in the afternoon. L.N.M MOYO Speaker.



Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 15th May The Minister Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs.) [Time elapsed: 2 hour 59 minutes] Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:May it please you, your Excellency the President: We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament Hon. J.M. Gumbo


Adjourned debate on motion on mobile voter registration exercise (Adjourned 15th May The Minister Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs.) [Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That this House: AWARE that the government has embarked on a mobile voter registration exercise which began on the 29th of April 2013 to 19th May 2013; CONCERNED that mobile registration exercise has not been adequately advertised and that not enough centres have been provided for; APPRECIATING that the registration exercise is of paramount importance in the preparation of a Voters Roll which is key as a determinant factor of a general election. FURTHER AWARE that the Principals to the Government of National Unity committed to establishing at least one centre per ward for a period not less than 30 days through the new constitution as provided for in the Sixth Schedule Part 3 Section 2.

NOW THEREFORE calls upon; (i) The Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to restart the mobile voter registration exercise putting in place adequate advertising of the programme and at one centre per ward for a period not less than 30 days in the ward. (ii) Calls upon the Minister of Finance to provide for adequate funding of the programme. (iii) The Committee on Standing Rules and Orders to constitute a Committee of Parliament that will carry out investigations from all stakeholders and present a report to Parliament detailing findings on whether the current mobile voter registration exercise is being done in a manner adequate to prepare the nation for a general election Hon. Chikwinya 3. Adjourned debate on the condolence message for the late Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation, Hon. Seiso Moyo (Adjourned 26th February Hon. D. S. Sibanda). [Day elapsed: 1] That this House: SADDENED by the tragic and untimely death of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development and Member of Parliament for Nketa Constituency Honourable Seiso Moyo, who passed away on Thursday 20th December 2012. NOTING that the loss shocked the whole nation in general and his constituency in particular, a dedicated, humble and down to earth leader. NOW THEREFORE, this House conveys its profound condolences to his family, constituency, party and the Nation as well as to all dedicated democrats. EXPRESSES, its deep sorrow and sadness of the tragic unexpected loss of life. TAKES, this opportunity to celebrate the life of a man who rendered sterling human rights services to the nation Hon.Chebundo. 4. Adjourned debate on motion on First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport, Arts and Culture on the Administration of Soccer in Zimbabwe and issues surrounding the Asiagate Scandal (S.C. 1, 2013).(Adjourned 20th February Hon D. Sibanda). [Day elapsed: 1]

Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport, Arts and Culture on the Administration of Soccer in Zimbabwe and issues surrounding the Asiagate Scandal (S.C. 1, 2013) Hon Mangami 5. HON. CHINYADZA HON. NYAMUPINGA That this House takes note of the First Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Management of Dam Projects by the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (S.C. 1, 2013). 6. HON R. MOYO HON MHLANGA That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Small and Medium Enterprises Development on the Access to Financial Resources for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe. (S.C. 3, 2013) 7. Adjourned debate on the condolence message for the Honourable Vice President, J.L. Nkomo (Adjourned 19th February The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs). [Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That this House: SADDENED by the tragic and untimely death of the Honourable Vice President, John Landa Nkomo on the 17th of January 2013; NOTING that the loss was felt by the whole nation, which mourned a committed and dedicated luminary of our struggle for independence, democracy, freedom and justice; NOW THEREFORE, THIS HOUSE Conveys its profound condolences to the family of our departed leader;

EXPRESSES, its deep sorrow and sadness at the tragic and unexpected loss of life; TAKES this opportunity to celebrate the life of a man who rendered sterling services to the nation both before and after independence. - Hon Mavima. 8. HON.KARENYI HON. MUDAU That this House takes note of the Special Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government on Local Authorities (S.C.28, 2012). 9. HON. MUTOMBA HON. NYAUDE That the motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Industry and Commerce on the Agreement signed between the Government of Zimbabwe and Essar Africa Holding Limited regarding the New Zimbabwe Steel Limited . (S. C. 26, 2012) which was superseded by prorogation of the Fourth Session of the Seventh Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 43. 10. Adjourned debate on motion on remittance of revenue to Treasury generated by Government Ministries and Departments- (Adjourned 5th February The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs). [Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That this House; NOTING that not all revenue generated and collected by various government ministries, departments and agencies is remitted to Treasury. CONCERNED that the government has been unable to grant its workers meaningful salary increases and frozen the recruiting of staff and failure to carry out some of its regional and international financial obligations. NOW THEREFORE, calls upon all the Government ministries departments, parastatals and other related bodies to remit all revenue accrued directly and indirectly by them to the treasury. FURTHER CALLS upon Government through the Treasury to facilitate adequate or reasonable remuneration to its workers, to enable the Government to among others:

i) motivate its workers ii) retain its highly qualified personnel iii) maintain high professional standards iv)improve their efficiency v) become accountable and transparent vi) utilize each dollar for the good of nationhood (Zimbabwe) vii) prevent and control corrupt tendencies by whoever - Hon. F. M. Sibanda. 11. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport and Culture on the Challenges in the Education Sector in Zimbabwe (S.C.19, 2012). (Reinstated 5th February Hon. Karenyi). [Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That this House takes note of Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport and Culture on the Challenges in the Education Sector in Zimbabwe (S.C.19, 2012). Hon. Mangami. 12. Adjourned debate on motion that leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection 3. (Reinstated 5th February Hon. Gonese). [Days elapsed: 2] Question proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection 3 Hon. Gonese. 13. Adjourned debate on motion on the historical prominence of prisons. (Adjourned 12th February.- The Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development). [Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That this House: RECOGNIZING the historical prominence that prisons played during the struggle for our Independence as they accommodated the entire leadership and heroes and heroines of the struggle. COGNISANT that prisons such as Hwahwa, Sikhombela and Gonakudzingwa were the most notorious incarceration centres at the disposition of the cruel settler regime,

NOTING that other younger democracies has honoured prisons that housed their leaders during the times of tribulation as evidenced by Robben Island prison accommodated veterans of South African Liberation Struggle against apartheid such as Robert Sobukwe the former President Nelson Mandela to mention a few. NOW THEREFORE RESOLVES: That the following Prisons Hwahwa, Sikhombela and Gonakudzingwa be accorded the recognition of monumental status in honour of our leaders such as His Excellency the President R.G. Mugabe, Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo and many others who underwent imprisonment in these prisons.- Hon Kanzama. 14. Adjourned debate on motion on the poor performance of Zimbabwean Athletes in all Sporting Disciplines (Adjourned 5th February 2013- Hon. D. Sibanda). [Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That this House: CONCERNED by the poor performance of Zimbabwean athletes in all sporting disciplines at international fora; NOTING that the inadequate resources being channelled to the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture are inadequate for the development of sports thereby deprive our athletes national pride as well as a place among competing nations; AWARE that various reports have been submitted to the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture over the incompetence of our Sports governing bodies in particular the Sports and Recreation Commission and its affiliates like the Zimbabwe Football Association; NOW THEREFORE, This House calls upon the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to; (i) dissolve the Sports and Recreation Commission (ii) request the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to provide parliament with specific objectives and targets on how the nation will achieve success in all sporting disciplines; (iii) calls upon the Minister of Finance to allocate adequate resources in the National budget for sports development Hon. Chitando. 15. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service Labour and Social Welfare on the Status of Residential Care

Institutions in Zimbabwe (S.C 21,2012). (Adjourned 12th February- The Minister of Public Works). [Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service Labour and Social Welfare on the Status of Residential Care Institutions in Zimbabwe [S.C 21,2012].- Hon. Zinyemba 16. COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY. WEDNESDAY, 22ND MAY 2013

QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE * QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE *1. HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce to inform the House on the measures that have been put in place to protect the health of the public against product proliferation of bottled water in the country and to; a) Give a list of the certified / registered companies / brands to guard against uncertified suppliers. b) Justify the price of a litre of bottled water which costs the same as a litre of diesel. [Deferred 13th February, 2013] *2. HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce to inform the House on; a) The status of ZISCO and ZIMASCO in terms of shareholding; b) Why new Zimbabwe Steel is failing to take off inspite of the deal between government and Essar; and c) Measures in place to address the plight of workers at the two companies. [Deferred 13th February, 2013] *3. HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minster of Energy and Power Development to inform the House;

a) How much ZETDC is owed by the Executives in government and senior government officials in unpaid electricity bills. b) The measures in place to recover the money; and c) Why the Ministry is not switching off supplies to these individuals' properties. [Deferred 13th February, 2013] *4. HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Public Service to explain to the House: a) The measures in place to efficiently manage the War Victims Pensions Fund and; b) Whether those implicated by the Judicial Commission of inquiry to have exaggerated disabilities are not still drawing pension from the fund. [Transferred 20th February, 2013] HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Public Service to avail to the House the report of the Commission of Inquiry into the War Victims Compensation Fund. [Transferred 20th February, 2013] HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Local Government to explain to the House the current set up of ZUPCO which appears to be doing well as evidenced by the fleet on the roads and; a) Inform the House on the mechanisms in place to avoid recurrence of corrupt activities that had previously run down the company for example, the bribery tender case involving the then Chief Executive Officer, the Board Chairperson, and the Gift Investments Bus Supplier Company and b) State conclusions on the investigations if any. [Deferred 13th February, 2013] *7. HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain and justify why the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is integrating its General Hand employees as regular Police Officers, issuing them with Police ID Cards with different ranks and enlisting them on the Salaries Service Bureau as police Officers such as the cases of: a) Ellen Gosvore ID 58-200625Y18, born on 01/04/82 and employed as a general hand by Kwekwe Police on 16/10/06, and still performs General Hand duties, but now enlisted as an attested regular Police woman, EC number 5906324R. b) Muvengiwa Mpofu, ID 58-090380R26, born 02/10/64 and employed as General Hand on 01/09/88 at Kwekwe District Police H/Q, EC No. 157393T now Constable.



c) German Magadzire, ID 58-147025M83, born on 28/11/74 and employed as a Camp Bar-General Hand on 10/03/99 at Kwekwe Police Camp (Cactus), EC number 1092734 now a Constable d) Abina Mutare, ID 32-058695B32, born on 16/05/72 and employed as a General Hand at Kwe Kwe District Office on 16/10/06, EC 5906407G. e) One Makoni, a typist with the Redcliff Police station, enrolled as an Assistant Inspector. f) Four other general hands with Redcliff Police station: Palume; Nemangwe; Mauto and Kwenda enrolled as constables. g) The secretary for Kwekwe DISPOL, one Mangena now an Assistant Inspector, while one, Muzinda a Typist also with the Kwekwe District now a sergeant. h) Mrs. Murisa, Typist for Officer in Charge Kwekwe Central now a sergeant i) General Hands Kapfuwa Kwekwe Rural: Gono Kwekwe CID: Nophilo Sixolo and Mukondo Kwekwe Central all now constables and j) Ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to state the action taken against such activities, and give reasons why a commission of inquiry has not been set-up to investigate such activities. [Deferred 13th February, 2013] *8. HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to inform the House on the following: a) The results of the investigations if any, of the Honde Valley truck disaster that claimed 18 lives on 24th December 2012 near Makunike Business Centre. b) Whether 49 people were treated at Hauna Hospital, 19 people were transferred to Mutare General Hospital and 18 died, bringing the total to 86 people in one truck, if so, explain how this truck passed through all the road blocks from Mbare Msika, Harare to Honde Valley without being brought to book by the police and c) what practical measures the Ministry is putting in place to curb future disasters particularly during public holidays where bus operators hike fares resulting in the travelling public seeking transport from overloaded lorries. *9. HON MUSHONGA: To ask Co Ministers of Home Affairs;

a) What the Ministry's policy is regarding the remittance of traffic and other fines to the Consolidated Revenue Fund. b) To submit to the House audited accounts of the fines collected by the Zimbabwe Republic Police between January 2012 to January 2013, and; c) To state their (Co-Ministers) role in the appropriation of these fines. *10. HON VARANDENI: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to inform the House on the Ministry's Policy regarding the display of Zimbabwe Republic Police's force numbers on their uniforms. HON VARANDENI: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to inform the House the amount of revenue that has been generated from road blocks manned by the Z.R.P nationwide and state the custodians of the revenue and how the funds are managed. HON. HOVE: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to inform the House; a) Whether it is permissible for Zimbabwe Republic Police to confistcate personal radios and where they derive those powers b) clarify why the radios are considered a security threat. *13. HON. CHEBUNDO: To ask the Acting Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education to clarify the alleged corruption case involving the University of Zimbabwe and Hon Christopher Mushohwe who was reported to have been enrolled for a Masters Degree in Public Administration yet he did not possess the requisite / mandatory first degree and, a) allegations that Hon. Mushohwe failed one of his subjects twice with a 48% mark, but the University allegedly changed his mark to a 50% pass mark; b) whether Hon Mushohwe was finally awarded a Masters Degree in Public Administration for the interest of public transparency; c) measures, if any taken against University officials who facilitated Hon. Mushowe's admittance; and d) the impact of such scandals at the institution and the credibility of the country's education. [Deferred 20th February, 2013] *14. HON. MADUBEKO: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House on when the Ministry intends to carry out maintenance work on the Lower Gweru Crossroad road.




HON SANSOLE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House measure in place to ensure that W.K Mining Company resurfaces the Deka road in Hwange which has been extensively damaged by heavy vehicles which transport coal between the Mine and Hwange town. HON MADUBEKO: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and Management to explain how the Ministry intends to resuscitate the Shagari Dam so that irrigation in Lower Gweru is enhanced. HON MANGAMI: To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House;



a) The Ministry's plans to alleviate problems faced by physically challenged people in acquiring equipment such as wheel chairs, crutches, hearing aids and lotions for albinos, among others b) Whether duty is paid on such equipment and on special type of motor vehicles; and c) The requirements for acquiring such equipment duty free. *18. HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Finance to explain to the House; a) whether he is aware that Zimbabwe still has a Pensions Law that denies pensioners from accessing their full lump sum contributions refunds and only allows monthly payments for as little as $20.36 per month into a bank account which amount is usually wiped out through bank charges until the pensioner attains the age of 85. b) Why pensioners are denied the opportunity to withdraw their disbursements in a lump sum; and c) whether the Ministry is considering amendments to enable pensioners to receive their full lumpsum on attainment of the ages 60 or 65 considering that not many people live up to the age of 85 years. *19. a) HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to inform the House regarding; the availability of Anti Retro Viral Therapy Drugs for adults and pediatrics in the country specifying for how many days, weeks and months people on Anti Retro Viral Therapy can access the drugs.

b) the drug stock status for Stavudine and Tenofovir, giving stock levels in days weeks or months for each regimen, In view of the decision by the Ministry to transition from Stavudine to Tenofovir.

c) the distribution status of the above drugs by regimen, for adult and pediatric patients to Provinces, Districts and other Health facilities. d) what practical steps are being taken by government to ensure that no patients on Anti Retro Viral Therapy will fail to get the life saving drugs. *20. HON MUSHONGA: To ask Minister of Public Works

a) What the policy of the ministry is in hiring private contractors to do government projects. b) Who is financing the intelligence school being built along the Harare Mazowe Glendale Highway on the 10km peg. c) Who is undertaking the construction work at this school of intelligence and; d) How much the government is going to spend on this project. *21. HON. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Mines

a) In view of the government of Zimbabwe's ownership of fifty percent of all seven (7) diamond mines operating in Marange, what is the book value of government ownership in these diamond mines. b) What the gross diamond output from July 2012 to 21st January 2013 in all the seven diamond mines was c) What is the gross dividend the government of Zimbabwe received from its fifty percent ownership in these Marange Diamond fields. d) What did the government of Zimbabwe receive by the way of various Tax Revenues from diamond sales from Marange - Diamond fields. e) What the Ministry is doing to reduce diamond leakages from Marange Diamond Fields. *22. HON MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare

a) Weather it is the Ministry's policy to recruit nurses at Provincial Governors offices and District Administrators Offices as happened on Monday 18th February 2013 at Bindura's Governors Office. b) Whether it is the Ministry's policy to indulge in partisan political recruitment of new nurses as is being done in Mashonaland Central by the Provincial Governor.

c) Why the Ministry does not advertise nursing vacancies in the public press as opposed to using ZANU P.F.'s party structures as is being done in Mashonaland Central. *23. HON MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs;

a) What the recruitment policy of the Prison Service is in view of the current recruitment being done and was done on Monday 18th February 2013 at the Provincial Governor's Office in Bindura's Mashonaland Central Province which process was decentralized to District administrator's offices throughout Mashonaland Central Province. b) What is the current officer prisoner ratio. c) In view of the shortage of uniforms, resources and a none performing budget, where will government get funds to pay for the new recruits. *24. HON MUSHONGA: To ask the Minster of State in the President's Office,

a) What the Ministry's policy is with regards to state intelligence officers who are openly partisan and hold provincial and Central Committee positions in ZANU P.F. b) If State Security intelligence agencies are partisan and belong to political parties how will they protect members of government who do not belong to their preferred political parties who are in government? Does this not compromise their security, safety and privacy? c) What the recruitment policy for the National Intelligence body is. *25. HON GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to explain to the House the criteria used in the selection Basic Education Assistance Module beneficiaries. HON GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Defence to explain and justify why the the Zimbabwe National Army keeps on recruiting and training soldiers when the fiscus is under-performing. HON GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment to state to the House the criteria used to select beneficiaries of the Indigenisation programme and provide a list of all beneficiaries.



TUESDAY, 4TH JUNE 2013 ORDER OF THE DAY 1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Reading of the Income Tax Amendment Bill, (H.B. 5, 2012) (Adjourned 6th May - The Minister of Finance.) [Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That the Income Tax Amendment Bill, (H.B. 5, 2012) be now read the second time- The Minister of Finance.

MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES Monday 20th May 2013 At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.1 TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Hon. Chebundo (Chairperson) Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Dongo, Hon. Dzirutwe, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon Makuyana, Hon. Mhlanga, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Nyakudanga, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Rutsvara- Clerk Ms Macheza At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 2 DEFENCE AND HOME AFFAIRS Hon. Madzore (Chairperson) Hon. Chaderopa, Hon. Denga, Hon. Huruba, Hon. Mafios, Hon. Rtd. Brg. Mutinhiri, Hon. Ziteya, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Mhandu (Rtd) Major C, Hon. Moyo R, Hon. Mutseyami, Hon. Mwonzora, Hon. Sululu. - Clerk Mr Daniel

At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 4 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Hon Chinyadza (Chairperson) Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chinyadza, Hon. Hove, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Matiza, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Muguti, Hon. Musundire, Hon. Nyamupinga B, Hon. Sai, Hon. Sansole T, Hon. Sululu.- Clerk Mrs Nyawo At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.311

NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM Hon. M. Dube (Chaiperson) Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Karenyi, Hon. Machacha, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Matienga, Hon. Mazikana, Hon. Ndambakuwa, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon. Shoko M, Hon. Sibanda C.C, Hon. Sibanda P.N - Clerk Mr Mazani At 1000 hours in the Senate Chamber MINES AND ENERGY Hon. Chindori-Chininga (Chairperson) Hon. Chindori-Chininga, Hon. Chinomona, Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Kagurabadza, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Kay, Hon. Haritatos, Hon. Makamure, Hon. Maposhere, Hon. Mare, Hon. Marima, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon. Mudiwa, Hon. Mudzuri. E, Hon. Mungofa, Hon. Munjeyi, Hon Munengami, Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Muza, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nemadziva, Hon. Shoko H. - Clerk Mrs Mataruka At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.3 HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Hon. S.M. Ncube (Chairperson) Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Matamisa, Hon. S.M. Ncube, Hon. Ndhlovu A, Hon. Zhuwao, Hon Muchauraya- Clerk Ms Zenda At 1400 hours in Committee Room No.1 PUBLIC SERVICE, LABOUR AND SOCIAL WELFARE Hon. Zinyemba (Chairperson) Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chirongwe, Hon. Chivamba, Hon. Goto, Hon. Gwiyo, Hon. Khumalo T, Hon. Khumalo S.S, Hon. Mahlangu, Hon. Mudau, Hon. Sibanda F.M, Hon. Garadhi- Clerk Mrs Hazvina At 1400 hours in Committee Room No.4 BUDGET, FINANCE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION Hon. Zhanda (Chairperson) Hon. Beremauro, Hon. Chinyadza, Hon. Cross, Hon. M. Dube, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon Madzimure, Hon. Matshalaga, Hon Muchinguri, Hon. Muguti, Hon. Mukanduri, Hon. Ndava, Hon. Nyaude, Hon. Sibanda, Hon. Zhanda. - Clerk Mr Ratsakatika

At 1400 hours in Committee Room No.311 PUBLIC WORKS AND NATIONAL HOUSING Hon. Mupukuta (Chairperson) Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Chirume, Hon. Chimbetete, Hon. Jiri, Hon. Kachepa, Hon. Mabhena, Hon. Mudzuri H, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Ndambakuwa, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Shirichena, Hon. Sindi. - Clerk - Mr Mazani At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.413 JUSTICE, LEGAL AFFAIRS, CONSTITUTIONAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS Hon Mwonzora (Chairperson) Hon. Gonese, Hon. Kapesa, Hon. Mangami, Hon. Mangwana, Hon. Maramba, Hon. Matiza, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Mkandla T.Z, Hon. Muchauraya, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon. Mushonga S.L, Hon. Mwonzora, Hon Navaya, Hon. Parirenyatwa, Hon. Shoko M, Hon. Tshuma B. Hon Varandeni J. - Clerk Ms Zenda Tuesday 21st May 2013 At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 1 Health and Child Welfare Hon. Parirenyatwa (Chairperson) Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Chivamba, Hon. Masaiti, Hon. Dube M, Hon. Kachepa, Hon. Matamisa, Hon. Matshalaga, Hon. Mudavanhu, Hon. Munengami, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon. Nyamupinga, Hon. Parirenyatwa D, Hon. Shoko H, Hon. Ziyambi. - Clerk Mrs Khumalo At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 3 FOREIGN AFFAIRS, REGIONAL INTEGRATION AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE Hon. Mukanduri (Chairperson) Hon.Gumbo J.M, Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chirongwe, Hon. Gwiyo, Hon. Jembere, Hon. Maramwidze, Hon. Mukanduri, Hon. Mushonga, Hon. Muza, Hon. Ndlovu A, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Rutsvara, Hon. Sibanda D, Hon. Sindi. - Clerk Mr Chiremba At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 2 STATE ENTERPRISES AND PARASTATALS MANAGEMENT Hon. Mavima (Chairperson) Hon. Matibe, Hon. Mavima, Hon. Maramba, Hon. Mkhosi E, Hon. Ndava, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Sibanda P N, Hon. Ziyambi. - Clerk Mrs Mafuruse

At 1000 hours in the Caucus INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE Hon. Mutomba (Chairperson) Hon. Chihota, Hon. Hove, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Madzimure, Hon. Mharadza, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Nyaude, Hon Ncube S., Hon. Sithole. Clerk Miss Masara At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 4 Agriculture, Water, Lands and Resettlement Hon Jiri (Chairperson) Hon. Chinomona, Hon. Chimbetete, Hon Denga, Hon. Dube P, Hon. Mahoka, Hon Matonga, Hon. Makuyana, Hon. Mkhosi E, Hon. Mlambo, Hon. Mlilo, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Sai, Hon. Varandeni, Hon. Zhanda. - Clerk Mr S. Manhivi

Thursday 22nd May 2013 At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.413 MEDIA, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Hon. S. Chikwinya (Chairperson)Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chaderopa, Hon. Hlongwane, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon. Matonga, S, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon. Jembere, Hon. Muchauraya, Hon. Mudiwa, Hon. Mudzuri H. Hon. Musumbu, Hon. Sibanda C.C, Hon. Sululu, Hon. Varandeni, Hon. Ziyambi. - Clerk Mr Mutyambizi At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.3 SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT: Hon. Moyo (Chairperson) Hon. Gonese, Hon. Mabhena, Hon. Makuyana M, Hon. Maramwidze Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Matibe, Hon. Maposhere, Hon. Mare, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Mhlanga, Hon. Moyo R, Hon. Munjeyi, Hon. Munengami, Hon. Muza, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nemadziva, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Nyamudeza, Hon. Sai, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Sindi, Hon. Tazviona, Hon. Zhuwao, Hon. Zinyemba. - Clerk Mrs Hazvina At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.3 WOMEN AFFAIRS, YOUTH, GENDER AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Hon Matienga (Chairperson) Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Chirume, Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Goto, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Kagurabadza, Hon. Mafios, Hon Masaiti, Hon. Mahlangu, Hon. Makamure, Hon.

Mharadza, Hon. Mudavanhu, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Shirichena, Hon. Sithole A. Clerk Mr Kunzwa At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.4 EDUCATION, SPORTS AND CULTURE- Hon. Mangami (Chairperson) Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chihota, Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Haritatos, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Khumalo S.S, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Mangami, Hon. Muchunguri, Hon. Mhashu F.G, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Muza, Hon. S.M Ncube, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon. Sibanda F.M. - Clerk Mrs Mafuruse

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